Semmi sem utalt arra 2018. augusztus 1-jén délelőtt tíz órakor, hogy túléljük a halálunkat. Azóta itt vagyunk. Minden csütörtökön. Közéleti vitaműsor a Magyar Hang szerkesztőségéből.
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Podcast Dawida i Radka. Subskrybuj!
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Grab a warm drink, get comfy, and join Austin, Danielle, and Danny under the kotatsu as they watch anime both old and new!
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A bimonthly podcast that covers the Kotlin programming language by JetBrains, as well as related technologies.
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The Bhakto Kotha podcast is a wonderful resource for those interested in spirituality, Hinduism, and Krishna Consciousness. Hosted by Deboprio Sarkar, this podcast delves into various aspects of Bhakti and Krishna Consciousness, offering insightful discussions, devotional songs, and interpretations of sacred texts. You can find episodes on topics such as: •Steps to Becoming a Spiritual Person •How to Feel Krishna’s Presence •Balancing Bhakti and Daily Life This podcast is about spirituality. ...
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Pro odemknutí bonusových dílů v plné délce můžeš dát odběr tady: Tohle je místo, kde se rozhovory mění v jízdu na horské dráze, na kterou nezapomeneš. Někdy nahoru, občas dolu, ale když to skončí, chceš znova. Žádná suchá témata ani nudné otázky – tady to teče jako dobře natočená limonáda. Každý díl je mix humoru, upřímnosti a hostů, co mají co říct.
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ما لا تقوله قنوات الكتب الأخرى Become a supporter of this podcast:
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South African Local Series of Kota Embassy Amapiano Mixes compiled/mixed/mastered/engineered by Kota Embassy.
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Kinesiology Cover art photo provided by Martin Brosy on Unsplash:
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Welcome to Happiness Squad. This is the podcast dedicated to helping you unlock your full potential by mastering the art and science of happiness. We bring on the best leading experts on the topic of human flourishing to help you unlock your true potential and live with more joy, health, love, and meaning in your life. Your host is Ashish Kothari, the Founder and CEO of Happiness Squad, a company focused on helping individuals and organizations make flourishing their competitive edge and ope ...
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Welkom bij mijn podcast, laat je inspireren.
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Join us as we dive into a bold and playful journey of language learning! In ”KOTA and CLAY の let’s make mistakes 間違えまくるポットキャスト,” we embrace the power of mistakes to improve our English and Japanese. Chatting freely in both languages, we mess up, laugh it off, and then call each other out to learn and grow. Tune in to our error-filled adventures and watch our language skills evolve along the way! 一緒に大胆で楽しい語学学習の旅に出ませんか?「KOTA and CLAY の let’s make mistakes 間違えまくるポットキャスト」では、間違いを恐れずに英語と日本語を上達させるた ...
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A community radio station started at Keystone Foundation in Kotagiri in Nilgiri district. Reaches more 1000 families around the Nilgiris.
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Kumpulan dari tulisan-tulisan yang audibel, dapat berupa apapun: perjalanan, impian, karir, relasi pribadi hingga sosial, dan hal-hal yang mungkin tidak mampu diceritakan sebatas satu halaman.
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Playing Koto
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Menggulirkan nampan pengetahuan.
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Jadikan pengalaman, tidak perlu diulang
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Bahasan Ringan Tentang Sepak Bola
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Tentang apa aja yang mau aku obrolin Cover art photo provided by Pedro Garcia on Unsplash:
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Kotaro Radio adalah wadah buat anak2 muda dalam bersuara dalam industri kreatif
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email: [email protected]
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Cerita tentang asa yang terkurung di dalam kotak dan mencari jalan untuk keluar. Bercerita yuk, instagram : @troublemanner | @sebuahkotakasa
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Kita terlalu sibuk untuk saling bicara, tapi setidaknya salah satu dari kita harus mulai mendengar.
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Platform by, mengulas perspektif, analisis, dan gagasan seputar isu perkotaan dan penataan ruang.
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Kotamarpaly Radio is an official podcast of ZPHS Kotamarpally to give online education to all students
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Semarang Kota soto
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Ngalor ngidul ngomongin yang nggak-nggak.
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Cuman sebuah Obrolan Mengkol dari seorang Penghisap Jempol dan yang pengen menghujat aku silahkan di @_adiardian
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Just like having an entertaining chat with your best friend over a morning cup of joe. :-)
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Live cast reading of the animated comedy show Inventing Kot.
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Workplace Learning, Skill Building, Leadership stories,
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Podcast by Kotatsu Podcast
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An Assamese podcast by Nitupan
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Dobrodošli na podcast Pure Life, kjer boste spoznavali skrivnosti lepega in uspešnega življenja.
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Kotona podcast avaa ikkunan äitiyslomalla ja hoitovapaalla tapahtuvaan elämään. Vaipanvaihdon, muuttuvan avioliiton sekä puoliksi juotujen kahvikuppien keskellä ystävykset Sara ja Iiris pohtivat, kuinka äideiksi kasvetaan.
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A Japanese Girl and a Canadian Boy discuss their lives living in Tokyo, and Japan. We also talk about everything from: Dating and Relationships, to Fashion, Food, Travel, learning Japanese, Entertainment, pop culture, and even Terrace House.
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פורמט חדש ברשת היסטוריה בו הכותרות הבוערות הופכות לפודקאסט קצר שנותן תוכן נוסף לחדשות
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Get to know more about INIFD Pune Kothrud - International Institute of Fashion Design and Interior Design now on the podcast.
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Nowe, świeże, wyperfumowane źródło Twojej wiedzy na temat świata. Bez napinki! Subskrybuj i bądź ze mną! :)
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Ngobrol asik bareng kalian.
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Kotaku's Lisa Marie Segarra, Ethan Gach, and Michael Fahey dive into gaming one very specific topic at a time.
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Dr. Brett Kotlus from NYC speaks with experts in the fields of cosmetic surgery, anti-aging, longevity, and health and we talk about the most important advice they have for looking younger and living healthier and longer.
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Podkast namenjen komentiranju in analiziranju aktualnih tem, ki so neposredno oz. posredno povezane s podravsko regijo.
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Podcast dari BNN Kota Samarinda, yang akan membahas tentang dunia narkoba dan anak muda.
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岡山県岡山市出身、在住のシンガーソングライター 「nakamotoMizuki(ナカモトミズキ)」による おしゃべりと音楽、時に生演奏も交えた番組です。 ・nakamotoMizuki(ナカモトミズキ) 岡山県岡山市在住のシンガーソングライター おかやま国際音楽祭エンターテイメントチャレンジ2014グランプリ受賞。 アコースティックギターでの弾き語りをメインに活動。 岡山、大阪、東京を中心にライブハウスやcafe、各種イベント等に 「ソロ」である利点を活かし、様々なシーンで活動する。 サポートメンバーと共にバンド、アコースティックユニット形態でのライブもこなす。 また、シンガー、アコースティックギタリストとしてライブやレコーディングに多数参加。 その歌唱力、演奏力は多数のアーティストからも厚い信頼を寄せている。 Official Home Page CD、Goodsの販売はこちら リクエスト、チケット予約等 [email protected]
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Kötöttfogás 336. – Imádjuk együtt Schmidt Máriát
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1:02:13Mi történt a Trump-Zelenszkij találkozón? – azóta is meghatározza a folyamatokat a különös eset, így műsorunkban is bőven esett szó róla. Ahogyan arról is – és ez még mindig kapcsolódik az előzőhöz –, hogy mi lesz a hajlandók koalíciójának sorsa? Maradva még a világban zajló eseményeknél: Mit keresünk/kerestünk Boszniában? Végül pedig: Mit is akar …
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KAC PODCAST #4: Kota & Clay – Kota's Song
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1:20:02After a quick recap of the last episode, Kota and Clay dig into one of Kota's own songs. Join us as we dive into the meaning behind the lyrics. Here's Kota's video of the song: Be sure to subscribe to his channel!) And here are all the lyrics with definitions: (good to follow along with) https://makotoplu…
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Watch complete Bhakti Song playlist Deboprio Sarkar and Bhakto Kotha other social media platform links 🔗 🎧 Listen On 🎧 ☑️ Bhakto Kotha on Instagram ☑️ Bhakto Kotha on Threads…
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Episode 95: Medium Pulp Anime
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1:31:36Our old friend Toh EnJoe has done it again. He made a show with some interesting ideas that got bogged down by BS pseudoscience and bad writing, but hey, at least Jet Jaguar, Godzilla, and Pero 2 are all here to give us something to enjoy. We're going to have to send this podcast back in time to prevent the Catastrophe of us watching it.Anime Discu…
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Watch complete Bhakti Song playlist Deboprio Sarkar and Bhakto Kotha other social media platform links 🔗 🎧 Listen On 🎧 ☑️ Bhakto Kotha on Instagram ☑️ Bhakto Kotha on Threads…
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Watch complete Bhakti Song playlist Deboprio Sarkar and Bhakto Kotha other social media platform links 🔗 🎧 Listen On 🎧 ☑️ Bhakto Kotha on Instagram ☑️ Bhakto Kotha on Threads…
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keep up with endless demands. Trying to "just get through the day" instead of truly thriving can impact you far beyond your personal well-being. It cascades down to your teams, organizations, and long-term success. So how do you shift from just surviving to actually thriving? That’s what we dive into in this episode of the Happiness Squad Podcast w…
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Kötöttfogás 335. – Orbán gyújtogat
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1:09:05Orbán Viktor évet értékelt. Harc, harc és harc. Elkezdődött az osztogatás. De hová tűnt Rogán Antal. Németország választott. Boszniában a TEK. Ezek voltak a február 27-i Kötöttfogás témái. Akik megvitatták őket: Csintalan Sándor, Dévényi István, Lakner Zoltán és Reichert János, a műsorvezető Pörzse Sándor volt. Jelentkezzen a március 16-i Kötöttfog…
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Watch complete Bhakti Song playlist Deboprio Sarkar and Bhakto Kotha other social media platform links 🔗 🎧 Listen On 🎧 ☑️ Bhakto Kotha on Instagram ☑️ Bhakto Kotha on Threads…
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Kötöttfogás 334. – Tovább a putyini úton
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1:01:51Orbán Viktor ismét harcot hirdetett – erről szólnak a hírek a Fidesz-KDNP frakcióülése óta, így műsorunkban is szerepelt a téma. Rettegjetek ügynökök! – újabb aspektus, újabb téma. Trump, Putyin, világbéke? – erről is elmondták véleményüket vendégeink a Kötöttfogás február 20-i adásában, ahogyan arról is, hogy új arcokat igazolt a Tisza. Akik pedig…
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Odcinek o JAJACH
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1:25:07Jakie są ulubione jaja redaktorów? Sprawdźmy!
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Episode Summary: In this episode, we dive deep into the power of rewiring our minds and relaunching our lives with transformational coaches Hillary DeCesare and Ashish Kothari. We explore how limiting beliefs hold us back, why traditional habits don’t always stick, and how the Belief Blaster tool can help you break free from subconscious patterns. …
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Most leaders think of creativity as something exclusive to artists, but it’s actually a skill leaders can learn to master. Just like art, leadership requires taking risks, challenging assumptions, and building what doesn’t exist yet. If you’re ready to stop playing it safe and start making a real impact, it’s time to unleash your creative edge. In …
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Pamiętaj, że nie jesteś sam/a ze swoimi problemami. Jeśli czujesz się przytłoczony/a, smutny/a lub zagubiony/a, porozmawiaj z kimś, kto chce i potrafi pomóc. Zadzwoń na telefon zaufania – bez oceniania, bez presji, z pełnym zrozumieniem. 116 123 - kryzysowy telefon zaufania dla dorosłych, dostępny cały tydzień od 14:00 do 22:00116 111 - telefon zau…
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Sebastian and Márton discuss building KMP libraries with Jay Shortway, the author of RevenueCat’s Kotlin Multiplatform SDK for in-app purchases. Resources: RevenueCat KMP SDK How we built the RevenueCat SDK for Kotlin Multiplatform Hybrid SDK Architecture at RevenueCat ttypic/swift-klib-plugin on GitHub RevenueCat/purchases-kmp on GitHub Consider m…
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1:28:38Wspominamy czasy przedszkolne, a potem na chwilę przenosimy się do szkoły, gdzie Dawid zmuszony jest musztrować swoją klasę.
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Episode 94: Shin Jet Jaguar
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1:43:58Hope you're read up on your Cryptochemistry and Algebraic Cosmology because we're covering the Toh EnJoe (he of the two worst Space Dandy episodes) written Godzilla S.P, a show with some cool kaiju and nonsense pseudo-science, but with way too many characters with little to do. None of that matters though because we're here for our boy Jet Jaguar. …
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Kötöttfogás 333. – Így láttuk Magyar Péter Partizán-interjúját
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1:06:42Magyar Péter a Partizánban. Budapesten járt az AfD társelnöke. A család az, ahol a gyerek van. Még hogy repülőrajt! Mindenki ügynök, vagy az lesz. Ezek voltak a február 13-i Kötöttfogás témái. Akik megvitatták őket: Csintalan Sándor, Lánczi Richárd, Reichert János és Tompos Ádám, a műsorvezető Dévényi István volt. ❗️2025-től a Magyar Hang Alapítván…
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The Self-Discovery Every Entrepreneur Must Do To Conquer Any Leadership Challenge with Alex Raymond
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1:00:44The world glorifies the grind of entrepreneurship, but nobody talks about the toll it takes on your well-being. Stress, self-doubt, and a constant need to prove yourself can leave even the most driven entrepreneurs feeling stuck. Without addressing the root cause, you risk burnout and a loss of purpose. Self-discovery is the game-changer most entre…
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Host: Martin Bernátek @bernyonthebikeDěkujeme za zhlédnutí a budeme se těšit příště 👍 Nezapomeň, že nás najdeš také ve všech dobrých podcastových aplikacích a na Spotify, kde nás můžeš podpořit zakoupením předplatného 🔥 👀 Sleduj nás všude, kde to žije:…
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We live in a world where success often leads to burnout, anxiety, and loneliness instead of fulfillment. Ashish Kothari, Founder and CEO of Happiness Squad, faced this firsthand, realizing that titles and achievements alone weren’t enough. His journey from relentless striving to meaningful happiness led him to uncover truths about well-being that m…
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Kötöttfogás 332. – Tudjuk, ki járatja le Orbán Viktort
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1:11:49Rákosdubaj: ki nyert? Itt a legújabb: hrivnyabaloldal. Gáza ára. Trump békéje egyre fájóbb. Ezek voltak a február 6-i Kötöttfogás témái. Akik megvitatták őket: Csintalan Sándor, Konok Péter, Reichert János és Szerető Szabolcs, a műsorvezető Dévényi István volt. ❗️2025-től a Magyar Hang Alapítvány is fogadhatja a támogatásukat. Ha Ön is úgy döntene,…
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