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Today’s message is a Q&A discussion between Pastor John Miller and Joel Weldon. It’s so typical of human nature to have this mindset, “I don’t have to do it now…I’ll do it later.” But what if later is too late? In today’s Q&A discussion, Pastor John makes it clear that when it comes to choosing where you stand with Jesus, you don’t want to wait unt…
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Don’t you hate it when the default conclusion these days is for people to blame their faults or flaws on their childhood or their upbringing? Although these can sometimes be a factor in how a person develops or is shaped, ultimately, each person has a sin nature, and so you have to come to a place of owning up to that. Today, Pastor John will descr…
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Don’t you love that moment in a movie - where the adversary is overcome, and there’s that sense of relief because good has overcome evil? Today, Pastor John gives you a glimpse into what Scripture says about the millennium and Satan literally being chained and restrained for a thousand years. It’s one of those moments you almost gleefully await as …
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Today’s message is a Q&A discussion between Pastor John Miller and Joel Weldon. Head knowledge versus heart matters. It’s something you might be able to relate to when it comes to religion. Do you know all the “right answers,” and are dogmatic about it, or has what’s been shared resonated deeply in your soul, reverberating in your heart, and giving…
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Today’s message is a Q&A discussion between Pastor John Miller and Joel Weldon. The Jews were looking for someone to conquer Rome, to rescue them from their oppression under this insufferable empire. But what Pastor John’s getting at today is that Jesus would come again, to conquer all earthly empires. It didn’t play out the way they had hoped and …
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It’s like Jesus was undercover when He was here on earth. Here He was, God in the flesh, but He came across as a very humble, unassuming, simple man from lowly Nazareth. But when Jesus comes back again, His glory will be on full display. There will be no “incognito” mode. Today, Pastor John states that Jesus will shine in all His glory, evident for…
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In the sports realm, there’s always talk about the “GOAT” – greatest of all time. But in today’s message, you’re going to hear about the greatest event of all time – in the history of the world! Pastor John will share all about how Jesus will come back to earth again. He’ll explain what the purpose of this is, what God’s communicating about Himself…
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Today’s message is a Q&A discussion between Pastor John Miller and Joel Weldon. If you’re a follower of God, then Satan hates you, because of your allegiance to the One he hates. So then this enemy lures others into also hating God. This is where God’s judgment on an unbelieving world factors in. Why would God judge or pour out His wrath on those w…
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Today’s message is a Q&A discussion between Pastor John Miller and Joel Weldon. You often hear of the metamorphosis from a caterpillar to a butterfly. Something unsightly transforms into a beautiful creature. But what about the transformation that goes the other way? You have this beautiful bird that’s enticing and alluring. But when you look again…
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How unoriginal that the antichrist would essentially try to be a duplicate of the real Christ. This is just another way that Satan is cunning and evil but deceptively clever in his way of drawing a crowd. Today, Pastor John explores all the ways that the antichrist will believably rise to power, even to the point of demanding that people worship hi…
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Have you ever gone to one of those wax museums where the whole point is to impersonate famous people or to have a “replica” of that person? It might be close, but deep down, you know it’s a fake representation of the real, living, breathing person. Although Pastor John talks today about a living and breathing person who will walk this earth, he als…
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Today’s message is a Q&A discussion between Pastor John Miller and Joel Weldon. This is just one question you’ll hear in today’s edition, as Pastor John gives some answers related to the rapture. It makes you wonder how unbelieving parents might react if some of their children suddenly disappeared. The greater thing to focus on is God’s goodness an…
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Today’s message is a Q&A discussion between Pastor John Miller and Joel Weldon. He brings up a good point. Why would Jesus die and pay the judgment for your sin, only for you to endure more judgment and wrath from God at a later time? It’s illogical to think that Christians would be subjected to punishment during the tribulation. Today, Pastor John…
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It almost sounds like a spa day for someone you care about. They’re in a place where they’re comforted, less stressed, put at ease, in a way, because they’re being treated well. They’re cleansed or made clean, and that, in itself, brings some comfort, like starting new. And like most spa treatments, there’s a feeling of rejuvenation or newfound mot…
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It’s pretty interesting to think about how certain events are bookends to an era of time. The Olympics, for example, have an opening ceremony and a closing ceremony. Any compelling book or storyline starts with an introduction and ends with a conclusion. As you listen today, Pastor John will teach about an event called the rapture, which happens to…
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Today’s message is a Q&A discussion between Pastor John Miller and Joel Weldon. You might wonder about things you read in the Bible and are left questioning who and what it all means. It’s like trying to figure out a complex math problem that you just can’t quite figure out the correct answer. But God is giving you clues and signs in His Word to he…
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Today’s message is a Q&A discussion between Pastor John Miller and Joel Weldon. When you listen to teachings about the end times, you might wonder what the point is. Why does the earth have to go through such heartache, and why are there so many differing interpretations or opinions? Today, Pastor John lays out the purpose and fulfillment of the en…
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So much of what you believe translates to your perception of God and His faithfulness. Do you think God keeps His Word, or do you believe that He’s full of empty promises? Do you doubt that His goodness will become evident in your life, assuming that God’s somehow out to get you at every turn? Look to Scripture to find that God follows through with…
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If you’ve ever ventured into an old mine, you’re soon to realize that the further into the heart of the mine you get, the darker it becomes. As Pastor John begins this series today about the end times, he helps you understand some of the other viewpoints that are prevalent in the world today. He makes a solid point about the fact that the longer th…
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Like a city on a hill or a light on a stand, the Church is meant to be a light to the world. As Pastor John teaches in his message today, at some point, God will remove all the Christians from the Earth. Can you imagine that darkness? Can you imagine the people wandering in moral ambiguity? At first, imagining they’re free, only to find the reality…
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There are a lot of confusing things in the Bible and, therefore, a lot of differing opinions on what exactly is being communicated by the writers. The Rapture is among those topics widely and passionately debated. In today’s message, Pastor John shares with you what he believes the Bible teaches about the final days and the order of events. He caut…
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When it comes to The Church – meaning all God’s people – it’s easy to get confused and think that means just our local church. When we add in all the different denominations, The Church can get watered down to just mean “the building we go to on Sunday mornings.” In his message today, Pastor John reminds you that while you need to be a part of a re…
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The Bible says that Jesus loved the church as a man loves his wife and was willing to give His life up for us. How many of us love our spouses that much? To be willing to set aside ourselves, our own lives, for the benefit of the marriage? As Pastor John teaches in today’s message, you should have the same love for The Church as Jesus does. He also…
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It’s common to filter things through the lens of our upbringing. When we look at other cultures that do things differently, it’s with curiosity at best, but, if we’re honest, usually with some judgment. But when it comes to salvation, it’s important to realize that we’re all the same. As Pastor John tells you in today’s message, all have sinned and…
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It seems that every time that the Gospel is presented, there are always some “add-ons” attached to the message. Like they’ll preach that it’s only through faith in Jesus that we get salvation… BUT we must do this and not do that, and say this, but not these things - and the list goes on. It feels like they’re saying that once we’re saved, that’s gr…
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Let’s be honest: how many of us think that – if we’d been in the Garden – we’d never have eaten the forbidden fruit? Think of all that beauty! Not only could you pet lions and eat your fill of fresh organic produce for free – you got to walk with God Himself. Wow. Who would risk losing that? But Pastor John explains in today’s message that if you’d…
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One of the problems that people run into with the Theory of Evolution is that it’s impossible to get something out of nothing. No matter how people try to explain it or what path they take to get there, when we arrive at a “beginning,” the “something” – the building blocks for life, the planets, and so on – must come from nothing. As Pastor John ex…
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The topic of the Trinity can be confusing. Actually, let’s be honest – it is confusing. How can there be one God but three individual Gods at the same time? How can the Son and the Father be the same God, along with the Spirit? And how can we explain that to someone seeking to understand our faith? In today’s message, Pastor John goes into depth on…
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Can you imagine walking with Jesus for all three years of His ministry as a disciple? How amazing it would’ve been to hear His voice, feel His touch, and see His miracles! So, you can imagine their surprise when Jesus said, “It’s actually better for you that I leave.” How could that be? In today’s message, Pastor John explains to you that when Jesu…
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The Bible says that when we’re saved, we’re marked with a seal - to assure us of our salvation. That seal is the Holy Spirit. As Jesus promised, He sends the Holy Spirit to those who accept Him as Lord and Savior. As Pastor John explains to you in today’s message, the Holy Spirit fills you with the presence and power of God to help you follow Him. …
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The Bible says that Jesus was 100% God and He was 100% human. That doesn’t just seem impossible, that is impossible. But what’s impossible for God? It’s tempting to think that, because Jesus was God, how much did He really experience life as we do? How much was He really tempted in the desert? Pastor John tells you in today’s message that Jesus fel…
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When we think of Jesus’ birth – the real version – it’s honestly kind of difficult to think of Him as God. Born to a young husband and wife - in a food trough - in a stable, with some strangers poking their heads in, saying an angel told them to stop by. Is that how the Creator of the Universe chose to enter the world? As Pastor John tells you in t…
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When you think about Creation and how God simply spoke everything into existence, it’s humbling to think that He has you – specifically you – on His mind. You’re more important to Him than any aspect of His creation, and He always knows where you’re at: physically, emotionally, and spiritually. As Pastor John explains in today’s message, God is all…
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Who is God? At first, it seems like an easy answer. But who is God really? How can we know the God who created every star in every galaxy in the universe? How can we approach the God who did all those incredible miracles in Egypt, as He brought His people to freedom? In his message today, Pastor John tells you that not only can you know God, but He…
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There are hundreds and millions of books out there, all written by people. And now, we’re getting close to having some written by A.I., as well. Is the Bible just another book written by men? How can it still be relevant after so many years? In today’s message, Pastor John talks about the inspiration of the Bible. Yes, it was written by men, but th…
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When we think of the Bible, what comes to mind? For some, it’s something we’ve grown up with our whole lives. For others, it may be a new discovery. Regardless of the level of familiarity, we sometimes have some inaccurate, preconceived beliefs about what the Bible is and isn’t. For example, it isn’t just a rule book, but it is a love letter. It do…
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Is your life lacking joy? Consider your input. The news, social media, the break room at work- there's no shortage of negativity in our world. In today's message, Pastor John encourages you to open up the Word of God. The Lord has given you all you need to live a blessed, joyful life. He wrote the Bible so that you could know Him and have a relatio…
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Does your walk with the Lord feel stagnant? Have you been spending time in God's Word? Today, in his teaching, Pastor John warns that God has no shortcuts. Maybe you are feeling stuck on your faith journey. The Bible is indispensable to your spiritual health and growth. So, if you want to deepen your relationship with God, start by spending time re…
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Many pastors are avoiding the hard truths of the Bible in favor of happy, feel-good teachings. In today's message, Pastor John highlights the danger of not preaching the full Gospel. The Bible is the Word of God. God is the author. They are His words to you. Therefore, it is ALL important and should ALL be studied and followed. Don't settle for a h…
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Are you hungry for God's Word? Today, in his message, Pastor John encourages you to develop an appetite for reading the Bible. If you're a follower of Jesus, you should be eager to study and engage with the Word of God. Only in the Bible will you find truth and encouragement for every situation you face. It is God's Word to you; He is the author. I…
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The Bible is unlike any other book. As you'll hear in today's message from Pastor John, this is because it was divinely inspired by God. As you study God's Word, make sure that you take the time to pause, pray, and ask the Holy Spirit to illuminate the text that you are studying. You could study the Scriptures every day for the rest of your life an…
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Have you ever wondered how the apostles were able to remember and record what Jesus said and did in His time on earth? In today's teaching from Pastor John, you'll learn that it was the power of the Holy Spirit working through them that allowed them to write with complete accuracy. The Bible was divinely authored by God. That means you can trust th…
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Jesus IS coming back! What an incredible truth. In today's teaching, Pastor John discusses how all of Scripture points to Jesus and how Jesus affirmed the authority and accuracy of Scripture. Time and again, prophesies about Jesus have come to pass exactly as foretold in Scripture. Jesus' return is promised to us in God's Word, and you can trust th…
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There are many who know a lot about the Bible. Maybe that's you! Yet, as you'll hear in today's message from Pastor John, there's a difference between knowing the Bible and knowing Jesus. By all means, study Scripture and learn all that you can about it, but don't let that knowledge substitute a relationship with the Lord. The goal of the Bible is …
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Think of your favorite nature scene- maybe it's a sunset, a mountain range, or the beach. When you observe creation, you come to the conclusion that God is powerful and magnificent! But Pastor John teaches in today's message that that's not the full story. When you read the Bible, you learn that God also loves you and He cares about you! You learn …
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Have you ever wondered that same question-- 'Why won't God reveal Himself'? Today, in his teaching, Pastor John tackles this question. You'll learn that the truth is God HAS revealed Himself. He has revealed Himself through Jesus Christ, and in order for you to understand who Jesus is and what He has done, God has given you the Bible. The Bible is …
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The Bible says that perfect love casts out fear. So, if we can rest in God’s love for us, there’s no reason to be afraid of anything. Ever. Now, that’s a lot easier said than done. Anxiety and Worry are as sure companions as Death and Taxes. But we’re in good company with our struggle against fear. Many people in the Bible struggled with debilitati…
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