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1LIVE Intimbereich

Westdeutscher Rundfunk

In 1LIVE Intimbereich, euer Podcast über menschliche Beziehungen, trifft Catrin Altzschner besondere Menschen, um mit ihnen über intime Dinge zu sprechen. Kein Thema ist zu heikel, kein Gespräch zu peinlich, kein Fetisch zu außergewöhnlich – und keine Frage tabu.
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Ein Podcast zu intimen Themen über die zu wenig gesprochen wird. Der Begriff Intimsphäre bezieht sich auf die intimsten, innersten bzw. persönlichsten Gedanken und Gefühle. Ebendiese werden leider oft tabuisiert. Das will Eva ändern. Sie spricht bewusst über Tabuthemen wie psychische Gesundheit, den unerfüllten Kinderwunsch, Geld oder den Tod.
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Charting Toward Intimacy

Ellen Holloway

Looking for answers to the questions you don't want to Google? Not sure where to get help when your sexual life is on the rocks and everything the secular culture has to offer is only making things worse? Welcome to Charting Toward Intimacy where you learn to actually enjoy and desire good, holy sex with your spouse. Hosted by Ellen Holloway, Catholic Sex and Intimacy Coach.
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Intimacy 360

Ian West

Hey everyone, I’m Ian West, and welcome to Intimacy 360 PODCAST ! Join me on my Intimacy Podcast as I chat with amazing guests from TV, film, and theatre, exploring the many facets of intimacy. Plus, you’ll find vlogs, Q&A sessions, and so much more!
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InTime Podcast è un "ritorno", dopo un po' di anni, ma è anche un nuovo inizio. L'inizio di una nuova relazione "in voce" per raccontare quello come i social media, la comunicazione digitale stanno cambiando, mantenendo uno sguardo su innovazione e tecnologia. Tutti temi che tratto su InTime Blog, ma questa volta in voce.
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Divine Intimacy Radio

Divine Intimacy Radio is a haven of rest and wellspring of spiritual life for those seeking intimacy with God and the enlightened path of Catholic mystical and ascetical wisdom. Weekly we will explore topics like prayer, spiritual direction, meditation, contemplation, holiness, and much more.
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Deeper Intimacy

Amanda Biccum

Deeper Intimacy is a podcast designed to bring you insightful conversations around the topics of sex, intimacy, relationships and masculine/feminine polarity. The intention is to provide our listeners with insights, tips and tools that will enhance their relationships and expand their ablity to experience deeper intimacy in every aspect of their lives
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Intimate Knowledge


The Intimate Knowledge Podcast returns with Meghan King. She’s had her share of bad dates and even a couple bad marriages...but if at first you don't succeed...try try again! Each week, we're going to be talking sex, life and maybe even talking a little trash. If you want... You can live vicariously through Meghan… and all her ups and unfortunate downs. Join in... as we discover ALL the Intimate Knowledge... We'll figure it out together... So put the kids to bed... put your headphones in... ...
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The Human Intimacy Podcast


Intimacy is a fundamental human experience that goes far beyond romantic relationships. Join us as we dive into the deep and multifaceted layers of human connection, exploring everything from friendship and family bonds to self-love and vulnerability. Through thought-provoking conversations with experts, personal stories, and practical advice, we’ll uncover the secrets to nurturing meaningful relationships in a fast-paced digital world. From exploring trust and fostering emotional intimacy t ...
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Evolve Your Intimacy w/ Dr. Stephanie

Dr. Stephanie Sigler CST, LPC, PhD

Welcome to the "Evolve Your Intimacy Podcast," where your journey towards deeper connection and understanding in relationships begins. Hosted by Dr. Stephanie Sigler, a board-certified intimacy, relationship, and sex educator, this podcast provides expert guidance and counseling tailored to enhancing your intimate life. Dr. Stephanie operates a thriving private practice in Harker Heights, Texas, backed by a team of licensed counselors and professional educators dedicated to empowering single ...
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If you’ve ever wished for more tools, insights, and practical advice to improve your sex life and relationships, this is for you. As a Psychosexual and Relationship Therapist, I’m bringing the wisdom of my practice straight to your ears—bite-sized episodes packed with actionable tips. This podcast is designed to be your go-to for inspiration, reflection, and growth in your intimate life. It can’t replace therapy, but it’s a great place to start making changes today. Find out more about me an ...
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Welcome to "The Intimate Marriage Podcast," the podcast where we explore the secrets to cultivating passionate and intimate relationships. I'm your host, Dr. Alexandra Stockwell, aka "The Intimacy Doctor," an experienced intimacy coach and marriage expert. In every committed marriage, intimacy and connection are the foundation for a fulfilling relationship. Join me as we delve into how small shifts and being uncompromising in your daily interactions can lead to profound and nourishing physic ...
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'Intimate Minutes' explores Intimacy with God, and is here to encourage you to return to your First Love - over and over, and over again! You are created for an intimate, loving, relationship with God; You are actually hard-wired for Him, for His presence, for His love, and for His voice. God has much to share with you, and so many amazing ways He loves to do that. We are diving into the multifaceted ways that God speaks to, and partners with His children. Join us as we continue the explorat ...
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Intimszféra Podcast

Intimszféra Podcast

Cserháti-Herold Janka és Cserháti Zoltán (ld. még házas-páros beszélgetései olyan témákkal, mint szex, párkapcsolat, fogamzásgátlás, termékenységtudat, női-férfi szerepek.
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Ever wished you could have a heart-to-heart with your younger self? Join me, a 50-year-old with a lifetime of stories, wisdom, and a dash of wit, as I share hindsight and advice on love, relationships, children, friendships, and life in general. Straightforward and candid, this podcast is your go-to for all the lessons I wish I knew back then. Tune in for a journey of reflection and insight, designed to guide and entertain the younger version of you.
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An Intimate Conversation with Women of Color is a podcast for Women of Color who want more out of life. This show is for women who have had enough and want change, especially those who have been waiting to choose themselves and live boldly. In each episode, hear from women from different backgrounds, countries, and ages who have embarked on personal journeys, sharing their stories of empowerment, overcoming, and their path to living a dream lifestyle. Join Deneen L. Garrett, a Dream Lifestyl ...
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Intimate Details with Dr. Tiff

Dr. Tiffanie Davis Henry @DrTiffanieTV

A safe space for intimate conversations with some of the most dynamic and magnetic people you'll ever want to meet, Intimate Details with Dr. Tiff is like sitting down with your favorite bougie auntie, bestie, therapist. So grab yourself a drink and a nosh, pull up a chair and lean all the way in. We're going deep and it promises to be one helluva ride. Hosted by: Dr. Tiffanie Davis Henry Produced & Edited by: Rideia Wilson
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Intimacy Stories


Historias íntimas, reales y anónimas. Los episodios favoritos están marcados con un asterisco * Descubre nuestro universo en Instagram @bytheblackbean
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Marriage and Intimacy Tips for Christian Couples: Secrets of Happily Ever After

Monica Tanner - Marriage and Intimacy Coach for Christian Couples

Have you ever wondered what makes the difference between those couples who absolutely LOVE to be together and the ones who merely tolorate each other in their old age? I always want to run up to the cute old couples who still hold hands while walking down the street and ask them all their secrets to relationship success. This podcast gives me the opportunity to do just that! I'm Monica Tanner, wife to a super hunky man, mom to 4 kids, weekly podcaster and relationship and intimacy expert/ent ...
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Aliveness Intimacy Purpose

Anna @ Upgreatable

Welcome to Aliveness Intimacy Purpose Podcast, the show that is designed for everyone who is willing to reconnect with their truest authentic self, liberate the lover they were born to be, unlock their soul’s purpose, and step into their true power. All that while feeling fully alive! Join Anna @ Upgreatable and her guests, as they share powerful insights, cutting-edge teachings, and tools in the field of intimacy & relationships, developmental psychology, spirituality, the body’s innate int ...
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Join Champ Franklin, a renowned intimacy consultant, and Lauria, a distinguished psychologist and domestic violence expert, as they navigate the complex world of intimate relationships in ”Heart to Heart: Unveiling Intimacy.” Each episode delves deep into the emotional, psychological, and social facets of building and maintaining meaningful connections. Whether seeking healing, growth, or understanding, this podcast offers enlightening discussions, expert advice, and heartfelt stories that r ...
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Sobre Alianza Lima y lo que genera más allá del fútbol, siempre habrá algo para contar. Un día, hace muchos años, empecé a escribir cuentos donde las historias tienen a Alianza como vaso comunicante. Mientras llegue el momento de publicarlas las iré difundiendo aquí, continuando con la milenaria tradición oral, dando así un pequeño homenaje a lo que es Alianza Lima. Por eso, esas historias que escribí tienen su lugar aquí, en estos territorios azul y blanco, en estos territorios íntimos.
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Intimacy & Imitation

Marshall Jacklin

Intimacy & Imitation is a limited podcast series dedicated to uncovering our protective deceptions in the search for genuine connection. In each of the 6 episodes, a single feeling is examined, lifted in gentle hands, and observed from multiple angles. With a blend of poetry, music, and spatial sound design, host Marshall Jacklin invites you on a transformative journey from the art of letting go to the seriousness of joy. For the intended immersive experience, please use headphones.
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Beyond Broken Vows | Christian Marriage, Adultery, Pornography Addiction, Sexual Betrayal, Intimacy

Emily & Johnny Spigelmire | Christian Marriage Recovery Coaches

***Top 1.5% Global Podcast*** Dear Betrayed, Are you in shock? Confused, devastated, hurt, angry and feeling like you are not enough? Do you feel like it must be your fault, like you should have somehow seen the signs? Are you grieving the death of the marriage you thought you had? Dear Betrayer, Have you been believing the lie that if people knew what was really in your heart and mind, they would turn their back on you? Have you been convinced that your wife and family would leave you and y ...
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Intimacy After...

CM Queen Williams, M.D.

Welcome to ”Intimacy After...,” where every conversation sparks a connection, and every story is an invitation to a deeper understanding. 🌺✨ Hello, Sister-Friend! 🙌🏾 Isn’t life a wild ride? When the unexpected happens, it’s a blessing to have a tribe where you can just be you—surrounded by fabulous women from every vibrant corner of this world. As a seasoned Radiation Oncologist and a proud Veteran with over 20 years in the U.S. Army, I’m here to sprinkle a bit of Caribbean warmth and wisdom ...
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Intímne o rakovine

Liga proti rakovine a Ringier Slovakia Media s.r.o.

Vypočujte si rozhovory s odborníkmi a onkologickými pacientmi na témy, ktoré sú na Slovensku stále TABU: Ako prežíva pacient rakovinu psychicky? Rieši počas liečby aj tému sexuality? Aké sú možnosti pomoci zo sociálneho zabezpečenia? Akú rolu zastávajú pri diagnóze blízki? Dozviete sa aj omnoho viac... Kontakt na bezplatnú Onkoporadňu Ligy proti rakovine 0800 11 88 11,
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Más Íntimos

Ariana Macin

Multitematico, relajado, en pantuflas pero urgando seriamente lo Más Intimo de cada tema y provocando auto preguntas para caer en cuenta, que partiendo de miles de temas, siempre hay cosas que podemos mejorar de nosotros mismos. Cover art photo provided by Verne Ho on Unsplash:
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Lust auf einen O(h)rgasmus? Bei uns geht es um Liebe, Sex, Beziehung… Ihr wisst schon: Die geilen Dinge eben! Unsere Moderatoren Nadine und Ben sprechen über intime und tiefgründige Themen und nehmen Euch mit auf eine aufregende Reise in das Liebesleben! Jeden Freitag erwartet Euch eine neue Folge. Wenn Ihr keine davon verpassen wollt, abonniert diesen Kanal! Wir freuen uns auch von Euch zu lesen! Folgt und schreibt uns auf Instagram @eisde oder eine Mail an
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Intimate Covenant Podcast

Intimate Covenant -- Matt & Jenn Schmidt

Biblical Perspective for a Fuller Marriage and Extraordinary Sex! Most married couples want more for their marriage, especially when it comes to sex. Intimate Covenant offers biblical teaching and resources to help achieve oneness with your spouse, resulting in a fuller relationship and an extraordinary sex life. Warning: We cover necessary and important topics about the marriage relationship and sex. We use frank language without being crude or crass. Our approach is biblical and wholesome, ...
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Comédie romance "Les tribulations et réflexions d'un Parisien, quarantenaire, gay et célibataire (enfin qui galère)". Sébastien Savin est un auteur parisien en pleine crise de la quarantaine, dont les repères en général et les repères amoureux en particulier ont fortement été bousculés par cette époque sans dessus dessous: les années 20. Attention 2020! 45 ans ça commence à sentir le sapin je vous l'accorde mais pas à ce point. Une série audio feel good, des personnages attachants et trucule ...
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The Intimate Diaries

Manas Hospital

This podcast is brought to you by Manas Hospital. Through this podcast, we aim to educate people about the importance of sexual health in your intimate life. You will hear the best sexologist in Ludhiana speaking about the ignorance our intimate health gets due to societal and cultural pressures. He will also share the reasons to keep your sexual health active and the ways to do so. Tune in to this podcast to know more. Website :
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Sexpositive Freundinnen im Gespräch über Sinnlichkeit, Berufung und Intimität. Ihre Hingabe an die Kunst der Verführung und das umstrittene Feld der Sexarbeit, in dem sie ihre Sexualität hautnah erforschen, rührende Momente und bizarre Abenteuer erleben. Hier erhälst du Einblick in einen gesellschaftlich gleichzeitig mit Faszination belegten wie auch verdrängten Arbeitsbereich und sein Spezialwissen. Wenn du die Möglichkeit hättest, deine Fragen in diesem Podcast beatwortet zu bekommen, was ...
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Le journal intime de...

France Musique

Plongez dans la vie quotidienne de compositeurs, artistes lyriques et danseurs célèbres. Un podcast inédit pour toute la famille, écrit et produit par Marianne Vourch et incarné par des comédiens (Nicolas Vaude, Carole Bouquet...) Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir des milliers d'autres podcasts.
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show series
Send us a text This episode sheds light on the often challenging journey of forgiveness in relationships. Understanding how to forgive is crucial for moving forward after betrayal or hurt. • Exploring the emotional journey of betrayal in relationships • Importance of understanding personal willingness in forgiveness • Discussing the withholding dyn…
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Alineando a nueve suplentes, Alianza Lima remontó un marcador en contra e imponerse en el juego ante un desorientado Sporting Cristal, cerrando una semana muy dulce para los blanquiazules. Tras esta gran victoria, el equipo del 'Pipo' Gorosito parte hacia Chile para pelear la clasificación a fase de grupos de Copa Libertadores contra Deportes Iquiq…
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So lange sie denken kann war Christina Meyer dick und das Leben oder die Menschen nicht immer nett zu ihr. Dann hat sie es geschafft, von 142kg auf 65 kg zu kommen. Sich also quasi zu halbieren. Dokumentiert hat sie das auf ihrem Instagram-Kanal - komplett ohne Hochglanz. In dieser Folge erzählt Christina über Body Positivity, Fat Shaming und warum…
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After sexual betrayal is discovered in a marriage and the couple decides to embark on the journey to recovery, there are many opportunities for social events to become emotionally challenging, causing what many call triggers. Today we recount a fun, awkward, semi-harrowing story of our weekend adventure at a pirate-themed wedding; fraught with dang…
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Transform your sex life with 7 essential conversations - Get Let's Talk About "It" In this episode Ellen and Kathleen discuss the ease with which marriages can become disconnected and offer strategies to counteract this. They emphasize the importance of intentional habits and routines in fostering connection, particularly in the context of marriage…
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Resources: Memoriale Domini - encyclical Ecce Homo - event Finding Peace in the Storm - Dan Burke Into the Deep – Dan Burke Spiritual Warfare and the Discernment of Spirits - Dan Burke The Contemplative Rosary - Dan Burke and Connie Rossini The Contemplative Rosary App (phones and tablets only) A Catholic Guide to Mindfulness - Susan Brinkmann OCDS…
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Ever feel like you and your partner are stuck in the same fight on repeat? You’re not alone. Conflict is a natural and necessary part of any relationship - but the way we handle it makes all the difference. In this episode, I explore why we argue, what we’re really fighting about (hint: it’s not just the dishes or being late), and how to navigate c…
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Welcome today's guest, the incredible dancer and performer Léa Desjacques! Ian and Lea discuss how intimacy facilitation is making its way into the world of theatre, as well as looking back at what can happen when the right protocols aren't in place. - Guest Links Instagram: To keep up to date on all things…
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The Power of Inner Child Healing & Self-Awareness with Victoria Finch Episode 177 Throwback In this transformative episode of Women of Color: An Intimate Conversation, host Deneen L. Garrett sits down with Victoria Finch, The Heart Healer, to explore the journey of inner child healing, self-awareness, and self-forgiveness. Victoria, a Master Hypnot…
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Once a cheater, always a cheater. Besties Thelma & Louise are sharing the mic with their real-life friend Jennifer who has been through hell and back. From what she thought was her happily ever after, to an affair that tore her marriage apart, to how she picked up the pieces and found her I Do, Part 2. This story will give you faith that you can fi…
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Le piattaforme digitali stanno cambiando e influenzano il modo in cui comunichiamo. Come possiamo continuare a condividere senza essere ostaggio degli algoritmi? In questo video alcune strategie per usare i social in modo consapevole.
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In this premier episode, Lisa shares some of her process in leaving a working career to enter into full-time ministry, and some of the hidden treasures God gave her to encourage her heart along the way. She encourages you to take delight in the process, to pursue the invitations from God to come aside, and uncover the deeper meanings in out-of-the-…
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🎧 Throwback Episode: The Importance of Calming the Noise in Our Lives Episode 175 ✍🏽 Full episode notes: 🧘🏾‍♀️ Feeling Overwhelmed by Life’s Noise? It’s Time to Reconnect. In today’s fast-paced world, we are constantly bombarded with distractions—social media notifications, endle…
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Send us a text In this special episode, join Dr. Stephanie as she sits down with her dedicated assistants to delve into their candid thoughts, fears, and excitements before embarking on the upcoming Bliss Cruise. As they open up about their personal apprehensions and joyful anticipations, listeners will gain a unique glimpse into the behind-the-sce…
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Alianza Lima consiguió el triunfo más resonante de un equipo peruano en los últimos años. Por penales, los dirigidos por Nestor Gorosito se convirtieron en el único equipo peruano en vencer a Boca por eliminación directa. ¡Hablemos de este momento histórico!
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Fan favorite, outspoken and notorious housewife, I Do Part 2 repeat offender, Meghan King joins Cheryl Burke, and Cheryl is comin in hot! Meghan is talking about dating post-divorces, and the relationship blunder she considers her biggest mistake. Plus, Cheryl confronts Meghan about that engagement ring photo and if she’s going back to Housewives! …
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In this episode of the Intimate Marriage Podcast, Dr. Alexandra Stockwell and Pamela Madsen dive into the complexities of maintaining passion in long-term relationships. They explore the crucial components that are required to rekindle desire and excitement in marriage, especially when things have grown stale over time. Pamela Madsen shares her exp…
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In this episode of Listen Up Younger Self, host Heather Solomon delves into the complex language of love, emphasizing why both words and actions are essential in expressing affection. Through personal anecdotes and insightful guidance, she explores how different upbringings can influence our understanding of love and why relying solely on words or …
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Navigating Attachment, Fear, and Connection in a Divided World In this episode of the Human Intimacy Podcast, Dr. Kevin Skinner is joined by Michelle Mays, author of The Betrayal Bind, to discuss the impact of betrayal trauma on attachment and how attachment plays a broader role in our relationships and society. Michelle shares insights from her ex…
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Stop Waiting, Start Living: Embracing Vulnerability & Taking Action with Souraya Christine Episode 174 Throwback In this powerful throwback episode of Women of Color: An Intimate Conversation, host Deneen L. Garrett sits down with Souraya Christine to explore the transformative power of vulnerability and why taking action despite fear is essential …
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Send us a text Trust is an essential foundation of relationships, but sometimes it gets broken. This week, Nate and I dive into the complexities of restoring damaged trust, providing valuable insights and actionable strategies. • Definition of trust and its importance in relationships • Exploring types of hurts: big and small • Discussing personal …
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Kann die Liebe alle Hindernisse überwinden? Nicht unbedingt, sagt Autorin Josephine Apraku. Wir lassen uns laut ihr doch mehr von sozialen Ungleichheiten leiten, als wir denken. Wie wir trotzdem mit Ungleichheiten in der Beziehung umgehen können, hört ihr in dieser Intimbereich-Folge. Ein 1LIVE-Podcast, © WDR 2025…
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Empowerment Unplugged: Marquette L. Walker on Growth, Resilience & Gratitude Throwback Episode 173 🎧 Join us for an inspiring conversation with Marquette L. Walker as she shares her powerful journey of personal growth, resilience, and gratitude. In this candid discussion on the Women of Color platform, Marquette reflects on the challenges she's ove…
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X, la piattaforma oggi di Elon Musk, sta riprendendo vigore e potrebbe tornare a valere 44 miliardi di dollari. Tornano anche le aziende inserzioniste, ma la piattaforma resta comunque un grande esempio di "algoritmo del proprietario".
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You may be wondering if sex will ever be fulfilling and satisfying for you or your spouse now that the reality of sexual betrayal has invaded your marriage. If you are at the very beginning of the discovery and disclosure of infidelity through pornography or other sexual expressions outside of your marriage, you might be wondering if you’ll ever ha…
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Resources: Memoriale Domini - encyclical Finding Peace in the Storm - Dan Burke Into the Deep – Dan Burke Spiritual Warfare and the Discernment of Spirits - Dan Burke The Contemplative Rosary - Dan Burke and Connie Rossini The Contemplative Rosary App (phones and tablets only) A Catholic Guide to Mindfulness - Susan Brinkmann OCDS Avila-Institute.o…
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Get the FREE Foreplay Foundations Course Here! Ellen addresses common questions and concerns about sexual desire within marriage. She discusses the significance of sex as a renewal of wedding vows and as a way to image the Trinity, emphasizing the importance of intentionality and respect toward the sexual union in marriage. Ellen explores how apath…
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Erectile difficulties happen to so many penis owners, yet it’s still one of the most misunderstood and anxiety-inducing challenges in the bedroom. In this episode, I unpack the real reasons behind erection struggles—beyond just physical causes—and explore the psychological, relational, and emotional factors that play a huge role. We’ll cover: Why e…
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Join Dan and Stephanie Burke as they discuss the encyclical "Memoriale Domini" and what it says. Don't miss out on the first episode of this series as they talk about what the Church teaches about reception of Communion on the hand.Divine Intimacy Radio
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Need a man's perspective on love, dating, and intimacy? "Golden Bachelorette" winner Chock Chapple is up for the task! Chock is taking your calls and giving the advice you need to know when it comes to dating a divorced man. He's answering your tough questions - do men get nervous when it comes to intimacy in their second act? How should you handle…
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Con un equipo alternativo y un golazo de Paolo Guerrero, Alianza Lima sufrió más de lo esperado para vencer a Juan Pablo II por el torneo local. Tras este triunfo, los dirigidos por el ‘Pipo’ Gorosito parten a Argentina buscando hacer historia.
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📍Le décollage📍 Certains philosophes disent qu’on n’est pas « courageux » mais que l’on fait preuve de courage et que c’est une affaire de circonstance… Le courage serait un jaillissement. En faisant irruption chez moi ce jour là mes amis avaient été ce jaillissement courageux. Certes j'avais eu le courage de les suivre. (De toute façon je les suivr…
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Embrace Change & Say YES to New Experiences w/ Dr. Denise Y. Mose Episode 172 Ever felt stuck in your career or life? Wondering what’s next? 🤔 In this episode, Dr. Denise Y. Mose shares how one bold decision—saying YES to a new opportunity—completely transformed her life. From feeling stagnant in her career to teaching in Shanghai, China, covering …
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Jennifer Fessler of “Real Housewives of New Jersey” is telling all about her decision to separate and then reconcile with her husband Jeff. When you reunite after a separation, should you renew your vows in the I Do Part 2 era? Plus, essential advice if you're getting back together after separating from your spouse. She’s giving you hope and inspir…
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Nel 2025 i social media assorbono ancora oltre 2 ore al giorno del nostro tempo, guidati dagli algoritmi del proprietario. Ma esiste un’alternativa: la sfida dei prosocial, piattaforme che puntano su dialogo sano e comunità autentiche.
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In this episode of the Intimate Marriage Podcast, Dr. Alexandra Stockwell explores the complexities of mismatched sexual desire in long-term relationships. Highlighting the power of emotional intimacy as a pathway to sexual connection, Dr. Alexandra emphasizes that deep emotional bonds can enhance and elevate sexual experiences in committed partner…
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Join Heather Solomon, the host of Listen Up Younger Self, as she shares her powerful journey of self-discovery and transformation. In this engaging episode, recorded live with AJ on the KJ Masterclass, Heather dives into the vital theme of rewriting your story. She emphasizes the importance of breaking free from old patterns and choosing happiness …
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Gaslighting, Lies, and Healing: The Path to Rebuilding Trust After Betrayal In this powerful episode of the Human Intimacy Podcast, Dr. Kevin Skinner is joined by Dr. Sheri Denham Keffer, a nationally recognized expert on betrayal trauma and author of “Intimate Deception: Healing the Wounds of Sexual Betrayal.” Together, they dive deep into the top…
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The Bar Mitzvah circuit in LA is quite competitive, and Zoe's A-list friends were there to up the game. She’s recapping her son Ace’s epic night when he became a man and reveals she went so overboard that her husband still doesn’t know the grand total! See for privacy information.…
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Wie geht man damit um, wenn man in längeren Beziehungen immer weniger oder gar keinen Sex hat? Ab sofort spricht Catrin regelmäßig mit Paartherapheut:innen über ganz konkrete Fälle aus deren Parxisalltag. Klar - anonymisiert. In dieser Folge ist die Sexologin Mila Hoxha zu Gast und erzählt uns den Fall eines Paares, dass schon länger zusammen ist. …
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Send us a text This episode addresses how to navigate feelings of disappointment in a relationship, particularly following Valentine's Day. We explore effective communication strategies, the importance of honesty, and techniques to foster understanding and empathy during tough conversations. • Discussing the common aftermath of unmet expectations •…
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La Fast Information, spinta dagli algoritmi delle piattaforme e dalla ricerca di like, alimenta superficialità, disinformazione e polarizzazione. Per contrastarla, serve prendersi il tempo per capire e recuperare spirito critico.
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