Hva skjer når en komiker og en dønn seriøs utenrikskorrespondent konfronterer hverandres tanker og ideer? I denne podkasten kaster Zahid Ali og Fredrik Græsvik seg over aktuelle temaer. Ingenting er for grusomt eller uviktig å snakke om. Duoen løfter usminket pubprat inn i studio, og deler raust av sine tanker om alt, fra de små ting til store verdensproblemer. Det som er helt sikkert, er at Fredrik og Zahid ikke løser noen verdens ting. "Fredrik & Zahid løser ingenting" er produsert av Baue ...
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I Ingenjörspodden från Sveriges Ingenjörer guidar förbundsjurist Jenny Rosenbaum dig genom fackliga begrepp och situationer. Inbjudna gäster berättar om sina erfarenheter inom olika områden och svarar på frågor som rör dina rättigheter och skyldigheter på jobbet.
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Espacio dedicado a la música jonda flamenca y las novedades creativas del jazz.
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Programmet Om Ingenting er en månedlig podcast af Oliver Enné og Tobias Enné (og til tider Tobias Kippenberger), som taler med mennesker, der er sjovere end dem selv.
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Brought to you by Jurassic Outpost, the InGeneral Podcast is dedicated to Jurassic Park, Jurassic World, and everything else Jurassic! We’re devoted to bringing you the latest news and content for the franchise, and drive fun discussion and discovery.
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Ohne Prototypen geht nichts in Serie. Unser Podcast ist Ihr Werkzeug, mit dem Sie Ihre Karriere in allen Phasen entwickeln - vom Studium bis zum Chefsessel. Egal, ob Sie Ingenieurin, Mechatroniker oder Wissenschaftlerin sind: Prototyp begleitet Sie. Einmal im Monat sprechen die Redakteurinnen und Redakteure von ingenieur.de und VDI nachrichten mit prominenten Frauen und Männern aus Wirtschaft, Forschung und Bildung. Graue Theorie gibt's bei uns nicht. Stattdessen teilen Prototypen ihre Erfah ...
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Die Hosts des VDI-Podcasts, Sarah Janczura und Marco Dadomo erklären Hintergründe zu Techniktrends und geben euch einen Einblick hinter die Technikkulissen: Denn Technik muss nicht schwer sein! Ob Innovationen in der Energiebranche, der Medizintechnik oder Automobilindustrie, wir stellen euch eine breite Palette an Themen und Gästen vor und geben der Technik-Community eine Stimme. Wann? Immer donnerstags, alle zwei Wochen. Weitere Infos gibt es auf www.vdi.de/podcast.
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Alt du trenger å vite om vin. Med Thomas Giertsen og DNs vinjournalist Merete Bø. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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UPDATE: If you are looking for The Cancer Chronicles you've found them! Jenni's taking us on yet another ride of her life- her unexpected journey with rectal cancer. Go BTS into my creative life/career as I regain my integrity and create a system that aligns with my values and supports an abundant, healthy lifestyle. It’s taken me decades to find my way back to me. The journey has been messy, out of control and all of the things I feared. I fear them no more. Take these stories as your own. ...
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Druckwelle – ingenieur.de-Podcast zur Additiven Fertigung
ingenieur.de in Kooperation mit VDI nachrichten
Ohne dritte Dimension ist alles flach. Additive Fertigung ist der Trend in der Produktion und Industrie. Bei Druckwelle holen wir führende Köpfe der Additiven Fertigung vors Mikrofon, die Ihnen 3D-Druck plastisch erklären. Die Experten erläutern neue Drucktechnologien und Materialien. Sie bewerten Entwicklungen und geben Praxis-Tipps. VDI-nachrichten-Redakteur Stefan Asche beschäftigt sich seit Jahren mit der Trend-Technologie. Als Ihr Host präsentiert er immer donnerstags, alle 14 Tage, ein ...
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Podcast by Ingenium Schools
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Vi pratar om böcker som vi måste ha läst Cover art photo provided by Annie Spratt on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@anniespratt
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Tecnología Informática y retroinformática. Hoy hablamos de relojes y calculadoras digitales
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Podcast by Elias & Hanna
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The story of technological progress is one of drama and intrigue, sudden insight and plain hard work. Let’s explore technology’s spectacular failures and many magnificent success stories. This content is in service of Houston Public Media’s education mission and is sponsored by the University of Houston. It is not a product of our news team.
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Ekstra Bladets politiske podcast med journalisterne Brian Weichardt, James Kristoffer Miles og Emma Buus.
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el ingeniero y sus habilidades
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Recopilamos historias de proyectos irracionales. Ideas fuera de lo convencional, con poca probabilidad de éxito o que creías que eran imposibles.
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Podcast de tecnología y retroinformatica Telegram @ingenieriainversa Donaciones a www.patreon.com/ingenieriainversa
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Ingenial Break es un podcast de tecnología impulsado por Ingenia, realizado por ingenials. Un contenido original con una temática diversa, dinámica, que busca promover y compartir conocimiento. Somos una empresa tecnológica que diseña soluciones estratégicas para escalar negocios, transformar la realidad y crear un aporte positivo en la vida de las personas. Ser un ingenial es formar parte de una tribu que comparte la pasión por la resolución de problemas.
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Hur ser världen ut för två studerande Stockholmare 2015? Åsikter, kritik och humor i en salig blandning; allting och ingenting.
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Mitt liv som ingenjör utforskar verksamma ingenjörers karriärer för att du som lyssnare ska få tips och inspiration till din egen karriär!
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Podcast by Ingen Hybris
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The trusted source for indie authors and/or publishers who aspire to be — or already are — changemakers. Your podcast hosts are Boni and John Wagner-Stafford of Ingenium Books. Publishing bi-weekly. Learn more at www.ingeniumbookspodcast.com.
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En podcast om alle de ting Christian Laursen og Benjamin Bøllehuus går og undrer sig over. Hvordan kommunikerer delfiner, hvorfor bliver mennesker deprimerede, og hvordan opstår et sort hul? Til det kan vi kun sige: ingen anelse!
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Querido estudiante de ingeniería 2.0... Es un podcast por y para estudiantes de ingeniería, sobre los asuntos, problemas, traumas e inquietudes sobre la vida estudiantil. Sígueme en twitter @SiesChema Paypal: paypal.me/Chemitas96
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Vi är två tolvåriga tjejer som pratar om Allt och ingenting, livet dagens samhälle och massa skratt. Hoppas ni gillar vår podd😀
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THOUGHTS and DREAMS from a DADPRENUER! Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/Ingenuity/support
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Alt og ingenting- en podcast av og for ungdom! Med Marte Krekling Mathiesen og ulike gjester tas ulike temaer opp for diskusjon.
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Två präster pratar om kyrka, tro, samhälle, populärkultur och kanske lite politik. Med Pontus Bäckström och Ludvig Lindelöf.
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Ingen kommentar er en lettbeint politisk podcast med beina godt planta på venstresida. Har du tips, kommentarer eller idéer? Send oss en mail til postkommentarer@gmail.com eller finn oss på Facebook, Instagram og Twitter. Kommentatorene er Njaard, Niklas og August.
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For those who don't want to follow the crowd
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Lectura, resúmenes, análisis y discusión de libros que nos ayudan a reprogramar las creencias para expresar una vida plena y feliz
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relaciona la ingeniería con la ciencia la tecnología y la innovación
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Welcome to the Unidad 2 El Perfil Del Ingeniero podcast, where amazing things happen. Cover art photo provided by Lurm on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@lurm
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On the drive home, Kevin & Jason chat about their favorite things; Hockey, Music; Working Out, Kids, & Life in General.
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Alt om Ingenting! er et podcast, der hylder alle de små og ligegyldige ting. Podcastets værter er Pelle Rubin og Kenny Jørgensen.
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Podcast by Podcastproffset
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A dandy little forthnightly program packed to the rafters with comedy from around the world, sketches, music, interviews and heaps more!
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Ingenious Basterds is Kyle, Todd and Cory, 3 guys from western Kentucky who drink while discussing movies, pop culture, politics and whatever the hell else pops up. They also make frequent trips to the THUNDERDORM, a tournament bracket where 16 pop culture characters battling to the death is debated. MATURE CONTENT! COULD BE CONSIDERED OFFENSIVE TO SOME! Podcast available on iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, Soundcloud and Stitcher!
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En podcast i samarbete med Hammarby hockey och supportergruppen Bamsingarna
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Un espacio para dar a conocer el papel transformador de la ingeniería y sus protagonistas.
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Der deutsche Automobilhersteller VW war über Jahre in ein Geflecht aus Täuschungen und Tricks verstrickt. US-Behörden decken 2015 den Dieselskandal des Volkswagen-Konzerns auf. Fahrzeuge wurden manipuliert und stießen viel mehr Abgase aus als erlaubt. Weltweit sind 11 Millionen PKW betroffen. Wer trägt die Verantwortung? Was wusste Martin Winterkorn und welche Rolle spielten die VW-Ingenieure? Mithilfe von Unterlagen, E-Mails und Gesprächen mit unmittelbar Beteiligten entsteht ein exklusiver ...
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Als Ingenieur*in eine raketenhafte Karriere hinlegen. Dabei unterstützt dich RocketEngineers, der Podcast für Ingenieure. Erfolgreiche Ingenieur*innen berichten in Gesprächen offen und ehrlich über ihre Erfahrungen und Tipps aus dem Arbeitsleben, die dir helfen, deine Karriereziele schneller zu erreichen. Profitiere von dem Wissen anderer, um deinen eigenen Weg zu beschleunigen und Fehler zu vermeiden. Egal ob Maschinenbau, Elektrotechnik, Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen oder andere Fachrichtungen ...
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Den danske Seinfeld-podcast gennemgår nørdet og i højt humør alle afsnit af tv-serien Seinfeld ét efter ét i løbet af de næste ni år (eller noget). Panelet er Annika Aakjær, Torben Sangild og Mickey Winsløw, og den engagerede producer er Masoud Vahedi. Vi gennemgår plottet, hoved- og bipersonerne, funfacts om den enkelte udsendelse og ikke mindst ’Seinfeld i virkeligheden’, hvor vi kigger på temaerne i forhold til såvel vores eget liv som den store virkelighed derude. Se de pågældende afsnit ...
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Episode: 1320 Today, we wonder where to look for our new widget. Intellectual misdirection: looking inside and outside our heads for knowledge.Dr. John Lienhard
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Episode: 1319 Vannevar Bush and the great Rockefeller Differential Analyzer. Today, a eulogy for a machine.Dr. John Lienhard
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Episode #145 - They Want The Eggs
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As Zora Bennett and her team scramble to secure DNA from three colossal creatures, a sinister discovery might hard-boil their plans. Bringing life-saving benefits to human kind won’t be over easy, but they can’t omelet the Jurassic world down. Egg. Music: Caleb Burnett Get your KIRBY PAINT AND TILE PLUS merch here: https://www.jurassicoutpost.com/s…
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Episode: 1318 Three-field crop rotation and the origins of Western technology. Today, putting horses to work proves harder than we might think.Dr. John Lienhard
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Episode: 3305 An inland shipping port expands our vision of seaports. Today, an inland seaport.Dr. John Lienhard
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Episode: 2414 Using numbers in baseball and business. Today, intuition, or numbers.Dr. Andy Boyd
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Musik- und Audioproduktion: Marvin Müller (https://www.getmelomania.de)ingenieur.de
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Folge 195 - Hin zur Kreislaufwirtschaft: Was verspricht biotechnologisches Plastikrecycling?
Mit zunehmendem Plastik in unserer Umwelt ist die Entwicklung nachhaltiger Plastikrecyclingverfahren wichtiger denn je. In der neuesten VDI-Podcastfolge spricht Marco Dadomo mit Prof. Lars Blank, Leiter des Instituts für Angewandte Mikrobiologie an der RWTH Aachen. Er forscht an biotechnologischen Ansätzen, um Plastik in wiederverwertbare Materiale…
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Fredrik tror Elon Musk gjorde nazihilsen med viten og vilje mens Zahid minnes når daværende prins Charles hevet armen til ære for ham
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Episode: 2553 Emergence and complexity in virtual and living systems. Today, let's talks about emergence.Dr. Krešimir Josić
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Some days are better than others. Some parts of the day are better than others. The good news is this too shall pass. In this episode of the Cancer Chronicles, I’m talking about what it’s like to have a crappy day while on chemo, the endurance required to get through the end of the entire chemo protocol, and how knowing that the mantra “too shall p…
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Episode: 2411 Hudson's Bay Company. Today, fur traders and far-off borders.Roger Kaza
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Episode: 1317 The first iron-smelting in Colonial America: Hammersmith on the Saugus. Today, we smelt the first American iron.Dr. John Lienhard
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Episode #144 - The New New Trilogy
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Will the new new trilogy be better than the new trilogy? How many trilogies are on this island? Will Rebirth be the best trilogy since sliced bread? Let's discuss! Music: Caleb Burnett Get your KIRBY PAINT AND TILE PLUS merch here: https://www.jurassicoutpost.com/store Podcast: https://www.jurassicoutpost.com/podcast Facebook: https://www.facebook.…
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Episode: 1316 Parachutes: for fun or for survival? Today, let's fall safely out of the sky.Dr. John Lienhard
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Comunicaciones Tian
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Episode: 1315 Chlorella: the day we decided not to eat algae burgers. Today, we try to create a new food.Dr. John Lienhard
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Episode: 1314 Amistad, art and revolution: artists join the fight for freedom. Today, art and slavery.Dr. John Lienhard
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Episode: 2412 Disney's Spaceship Earth: Past and Future Communication. Today, the future — one step at a time.Dr. Andy Boyd
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Jörg Sander, AM-Experte im Rüstungskonzern Hensoldt, erklärt in dieser Folge die Möglichkeiten des „Frontline-Printing“ – und dessen Limitationen. Außerdem erklärt er, wo der 3D-Druck in der hauseigenen Fertigung eingesetzt wird. Ein Beispiel: Das Hochleistungsradar TRML-4D, dass aktuell in der Ukraine eingesetzt wird. Zusätzlich macht er deutlich,…
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Fredrik og Zahid får besøk av verdens beste spåmann som lover store gevinster og romantikk i året som kommer.
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Episode: 2770 Developing the P-51 Mustang fighter. Today, our guest, NASA engineer Fitz Walker, remembers the P-51 Mustang.Fitz Walker
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Nu är avtalsrörelsen i gång och Ingenjörspodden har bjudit in Pia Bäckström, förbundets förhandlingschef för industrisektorn för att få koll på vilka krav som ställs i årets avtalsrörelse. Dessutom - hur bedrivs avtalsrörelsen, vilka är det som förhandlar och vem är det som yrkar på vad? Förbundsjurist Jenny Rosenbaum och ombudsman Martin Riis rede…
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Episode: 2544 How humans and computers recognize faces. Today, UH math professor Krešo Josić recognizes your face.Dr. Krešimir Josić
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Episode: 1313 Rotation: of coins, racquetballs, ballet dancers, and more. Today, let's think about rotation.Dr. John Lienhard
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Episode: 1312 Crossing Australia -- from nine months to six minutes. Today, we cross Australia.Dr. John Lienhard
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Episode: 1311 The Cistercian order, power technology, and innovation. Today, let's talk about monks and waterwheels.Dr. John Lienhard
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Episode: 1310 Redeeming math and abstraction in our schools. Today, we ask why American math and science scores are slipping.Dr. John Lienhard
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Episode: 2406 The Pigeonhole Principle. Today, pigeons and pigeonholes.Dr. Andy Boyd
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Mehr Produktivität, Sicherheit und Kosteneffizienz - mit Smart Maintenance soll die Wartung zum optimalen Zeitpunkt erfolgen, ohne größere Ausfälle zu provozieren. In dieser Folge berichtet Lennart Wilms von ITK Engineering über Herausforderungen und Chancen intelligenter Instandhaltung im Bereich der Bahntechnik und gibt praktische Tipps für Unter…
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Episode #143 - This Will Give The Parents Nightmares
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"Do you think the animal is contemplating its own existence?" "She is learning where she fits in the food chain and I'm not sure you want her to figure that out." Music: Caleb Burnett Get your KIRBY PAINT AND TILE PLUS merch here: https://www.jurassicoutpost.com/store Podcast: https://www.jurassicoutpost.com/podcast Facebook: https://www.facebook.c…
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Episode: 2364 46 BC: In which Julius Caesar creates the longest year. Today, UH scholar Richard Armstrong tells us about the longest year in history.Richard H. Armstrong
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Episode: 2566 Taking Champagne to the Masses. Today, we pop the cork.Dr. Andy Boyd
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Episode: 2014 Boiling bubbles and fizzing bubbles: So alike, so different! Today, bubbles in soda and bubbles in teakettles.Dr. John Lienhard
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Episode: 1309 The DH-4: a forgotten and terribly influential WW-I warplane. Today, America tries to get off the ground in WW-I.Dr. John Lienhard
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Episode: 1308 In which Charles Dellschau draws secret airships.Today, a Texas immigrant dreams and draws flight.Dr. John Lienhard
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Episode: 1307 Pendulum clock escapement: science and technology merging. Today, we attend the wedding of science and technology.Dr. John Lienhard
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Episode: 2403 Cookbook. Today, tasty treats.Dr. Andy Boyd
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Episode: 1563 Looking back at the impact of toys. Sorting through a box the other day, I found old toys -- a lead soldier, a stuffed dog, a set of blocks.Dr. John Lienhard
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Brian Holm (Nytårsspecial 2024)
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Traditionen tro runder vi året af med i selskab med Brian Holm, tidligere professionel cykelrytter og sportsdirektør. I programmet taler vi om at spise havregryn inden en stor aften ude, om at bytte gaver, om de mennesker, vi har mistet i år, om hvad vi skal spise til nytår, om hvordan vi placerer vores respektive 2024 på en skala fra ét til hundre…
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I ukens episode svarer vi om viner du kan styre unna i hyllene, gode halvflaske-kjøp og lagring av vin. Godt nytt år! Ukens omtalte viner Bourgogne Pinot Noir 2021 P. A. Larsen Pessac-Léognan 2020 Brick & Mortar Sprudlevin 2020 Dönnhoff Riesling Trocken 2022 Mille Lieux 2023 Ferrari Brut Rosé Charlemagne Blanc de Blancs Reservé Brut Granbazán Etiqu…
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Episode: 2039 In which we experience quiet on the Western Front. Today, it's quiet on the Western Front.Dr. John Lienhard
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Episode: 2669 Plants and greens associated with the Christmas Season. Today, Christmas greenery.Roger Kaza
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Episode: 1306 Voices from Adelaide; Horace Lamb and Andrew Thomas on Mir. Today, a 120-year journey into space.Dr. John Lienhard
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Episode: 1305 Setting concert pitch -- the elusive 440 A. Today, we set the pitch of a concert A.Dr. John Lienhard
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Episode: 1304 In which we learn how musical pitches are formed. Today, we learn what makes a musical tone.Dr. John Lienhard
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Episode: 2401 Today, the world at our fingertips. The World At Our Fingertips: From Books to the World Wide Web.Dr. Andy Boyd
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