Innovación, tecnología, software, tendencias, y estilos de vida.
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IASA covers the insurance industry’s latest, national trends, hot topics, innovation, and current events featuring experts from across the United States. Podcast hosted by IASA’s Tim Hicks
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Áudio dos cultos da igreja adventista do sétimo dia de barraginha, águas lindas de goiás.
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Every week, join me and a special guest to talk about our passions, interests, businesses and various realms of Magick, Self Care and Empowerment.
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Cultos, pregações, meditações e outros conteúdos evangélicos para você meditar.
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O IASD cast tem como objetivo levar a mensagem da Verdade Presente encontrada na palavra de Deus a todos, assim poderemos juntos ter o privilégio de Crescer em Cristo...
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Podcast by IASD
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En este podcast debatiremos las enseñanzas de la biblia, platicaremos historias de vida con nuestro señor Jesús y analizaremos conceptos bíblicos.
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Find playlist of audio podcast right here
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Podcast by Iasis Christ Fellowship
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A IASD Parque Fernanda é parte de uma grande família mundial com mais de 20 milhões de membros. Somos todos unidos em uma única esperança. Esperamos o retorno do nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo. Aqui você encontra os áudios de nossos sermões, palestras especiais e músicas inspiradas.
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ADMINISTRATIVE CONSULTANT SERVICE ( WORLDWIDE) / IAS ACADEMY ONLINE CLASS FOR CONTACT +91-9205070679/ 1.Policy Making and Implementation 2.Administrator Service
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The I Advance Senior Care Podcast (or IASC Podcast, for short), hosted by Adam Armstrong – Director of the Institute for the Advancement of Senior Care – tackles the biggest topics in senior and memory care with the movers, shakers, and change makers. Armstrong sits down with top thought leaders and subject matter experts to discuss their past, their present position, and how they plan to lead other senior care professionals into the future.
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La labor divulgativa de IASA SURVIVAL, Academia y Asociacion Internacional de Supervivencia se encuentra en multutud de medios y por supuesto los podcast son una herramienta primordial. Te presentamos nuestro canal con informacion de la supervivencia, bushcraft y outdoor en general donde puedes formarte y por supuesto pasar un tiempo divertido. Bienvenido a tu canal.
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ADMINISTRATIVE CONSULTANT SERVICE ( WORLDWIDE) / IAS ACADEMY ONLINE CLASS FOR CONTACT +91-9205070679/ 1.Policy Making and Implementation 2.Administrator Service
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UPSC & Beyond is a new initiative from Veranda IAS. It is a series of podcasts from UPSC trainers, UPSC Experts, UPSC Toppers, Bureaucrats, etc., join us to talk about UPSC Preparation for beginners. They also share useful strategies to clear the UPSC Civil Services Exam and also share how to tackle failure and distractions in a casual way of discussion.
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Bright Academy, trusted IAS coaching center in Chandigarh, offers expert guidance, updated study materials, and personalized mentoring for UPSC success. Excel in civil services exams with their proven teaching methods!
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@Earl Kelly, MCP, cybersecurity guru at EK3 Technologies, takes a moment with Tim to talk about his IASA webinar, Harnessing AI and Strengthening Cybersecurity: Future-Proofing Your World. Look alive! The webinar is Wednesday, January 22. You can still register at! Don't forget to subscribe! Find out more about IASA at Outro m…
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UPSC & Beyond is a new initiative from Veranda IAS. It is a series of podcasts from UPSC trainers, UPSC Experts, UPSC Toppers, Bureaucrats, etc., join us to talk about UPSC Preparation for beginners. They also share useful strategies to clear the UPSC Civil Services Exam and also share how to tackle failure and distractions in a casual way of discu…
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Que puede hacer, que no puedo hacer el ejército en un desastre natural...tratamos estas dos preguntas que realmente abarcan MUCHA información.
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Mucho se ha hablado de este tema estos días, pero quizá se vea de forma distinta trasgeste análisis, o no...en cualquier caso abrimos el debate.
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Bright Academy, Chandigarh’s trusted IAS coaching center, offers expert guidance, updated study materials, and personalized mentoring for UPSC success. Excel in civil services exams with their proven teaching methods!harshgarg
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las desgracias sufridas por inundaciones en Costa Rica, en España y en otros países existen un análisis personal riguroso, Arturo Yepes aborda este tema de forma pragmática.
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Siguiendo con nuestra temática de tratar las catástrofes artificiales o naturales hoy abordamos el tema del fuego de la mano de Alfonso Flórez.
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Abordamos este tema, usamos para ello más tiempo del habitual, casi 25 minutos...como verás, o más bien oirás, el tema apasionante lo merece.Somos
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Una visión a los desastres donde personas han sufrido está situación.Conoce más de nosotros en
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Incendios forestales, un riesgo al medio ambiente y aun más importante a nuestra integridad física.Visítanos en
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El anterior podcast trataba sobre las perdidas en la selva, narrabamos la apasionante historia de una familia que sufrió durante varios días este drama, hoy volvemos con otra apasionante narración pero además con una valoración de ambas situaciones muy interesante.Conócenos en
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Una apasionante descripción de una perdida en la selva por parte de una mujer y sus hijos, que por suerte terminó bien aunque tras un periplo increíble.
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Un viaje en barco es la forma de disfrutar de unas vacaciones que nos viene siempre a la cabeza, y así es sin duda. Pues acompañanos y experimenta en primera persona un crucero de lujo, no olvidarás el viaje...Conócenos en
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Alfonso Florez, de forma magistral nos habla de este azote mundial.
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Sapiens' @Darren Graves and @Craig Robinson chat with Tim to give a brief overview of their @IASA Xchange session called Automated Reinsurance Administration. Have a listen, then head to Pittsburgh for this year's XChange conference, which will be June 2-5, 2024! Don't forget to subscribe! Find out more about IASA at Outro music licens…
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@Paul Heacock and @Cary Phillips join Tim to talk about a really fun and educational experience called Profit & Cash - The Insurance Game. This experience will take place live at @IASA's OnPoint executive conference on June 2nd. Give us a listen! Then, go get registered for this year's XChange conference, which will be held in Pittsburgh on June 2-…
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Sapiens' NAIC Liaison, @Sharlea Taft, sits down with Tim to provide an update on the NAIC's Bond Project. Have a listen, as we talk about things that insurance carriers need to be doing right now in preparation for the changes in Statutory investment schedules that will take effect on January 1, 2025! Then, go get registered for this year's XChange…
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IASA's new Executive Director, @Kim Nicholl-Keane, talks with Tim about the symbiotic relationship that @IASA has formed with @The Institutes. Find out what the relationship is all about, and the benefits that you, as the end-user, can experience! Don't forget to subscribe - there are a lot of new episodes coming this week! Find out more about IASA…
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Sin descripción
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The Keynote Speaker for 2024's @IASA OnPoint and XChange conference, @Marc Koehler, talks with Tim about building elite, effective teams. A former US Navy submarine officer, Marc is an Elite Leadership Keynote Speaker, and the Founder of “Marc Koehler Speaks”, and “Lead with Purpose”. Don't forget to subscribe - you won't want to miss any of the up…
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Christopher McDaniel, President of the Catastrophe Resiliency Council at The Institutes, sits down with Tim to talk about how controlled Artificial Intelligence is reshaping the way property and casualty insurers perform catastrophe risk modeling. Don't forget to subscribe - you won't want to miss any of the upcoming episodes, either! Find out more…
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Dr. Pat Schmid, President at The Institutes, helps Tim relaunch the podcast for 2024 with really great information about how the insurance industry is using blockchain in a riskstream collaborative to advance how they work. Don't forget to subscribe - you won't want to miss any of the upcoming episodes, either! Find out more about IASA at www.iasa.…
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Fórmate con nosotros en
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Fórmate con nosotros en
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Toda la formación en supervivencia en
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Toda la formación en supervivencia en
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ADMINISTRATIVE CONSULTANT SERVICE ( WORLDWIDE) / IAS ACADEMY ONLINE CLASS FOR CONTACT +91-9205070679/ 1. Policy Making and Implementation 2. Administrator Service
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ADMINISTRATIVE CONSULTANT SERVICE ( WORLDWIDE) / IAS ACADEMY ONLINE CLASS FOR CONTACT +91-9205070679/ 1. Policy Making and Implementation 2. Administrator Service
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ADMINISTRATIVE CONSULTANT SERVICE ( WORLDWIDE) / IAS ACADEMY ONLINE CLASS FOR CONTACT +91-9205070679/ 1. Policy Making and Implementation 2. Administrator Service
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ADMINISTRATIVE CONSULTANT SERVICE ( WORLDWIDE) / IAS ACADEMY ONLINE CLASS FOR CONTACT +91-9205070679/ 1. Policy Making and Implementation 2. Administrator Service
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ADMINISTRATIVE CONSULTANT SERVICE ( WORLDWIDE) / IAS ACADEMY ONLINE CLASS FOR CONTACT +91-9205070679/ 1. Policy Making and Implementation 2. Administrator Service
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ADMINISTRATIVE CONSULTANT SERVICE ( WORLDWIDE) / IAS ACADEMY ONLINE CLASS FOR CONTACT +91-9205070679/ 1. Policy Making and Implementation 2. Administrator Service
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ADMINISTRATIVE CONSULTANT SERVICE ( WORLDWIDE) / IAS ACADEMY ONLINE CLASS FOR CONTACT +91-9205070679/ 1. Policy Making and Implementation 2. Administrator Service
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ADMINISTRATIVE CONSULTANT SERVICE ( WORLDWIDE) / IAS ACADEMY ONLINE CLASS FOR CONTACT +91-9205070679/ 1. Policy Making and Implementation 2. Administrator Service
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ADMINISTRATIVE CONSULTANT SERVICE ( WORLDWIDE) / IAS ACADEMY ONLINE CLASS FOR CONTACT +91-9205070679/ 1. Policy Making and Implementation 2. Administrator Service
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ADMINISTRATIVE CONSULTANT SERVICE ( WORLDWIDE) / IAS ACADEMY ONLINE CLASS FOR CONTACT +91-9205070679/ 1. Policy Making and Implementation 2. Administrator Service
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ADMINISTRATIVE CONSULTANT SERVICE ( WORLDWIDE) / IAS ACADEMY ONLINE CLASS FOR CONTACT +91-9205070679/ 1. Policy Making and Implementation 2. Administrator Service
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ADMINISTRATIVE CONSULTANT SERVICE ( WORLDWIDE) / IAS ACADEMY ONLINE CLASS FOR CONTACT +91-9205070679/ 1. Policy Making and Implementation 2. Administrator Service
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ADMINISTRATIVE CONSULTANT SERVICE ( WORLDWIDE) / IAS ACADEMY ONLINE CLASS FOR CONTACT +91-9205070679/ 1. Policy Making and Implementation 2. Administrator Service
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ADMINISTRATIVE CONSULTANT SERVICE ( WORLDWIDE) / IAS ACADEMY ONLINE CLASS FOR CONTACT +91-9205070679/ 1. Policy Making and Implementation 2. Administrator Service
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ADMINISTRATIVE CONSULTANT SERVICE ( WORLDWIDE) / IAS ACADEMY ONLINE CLASS FOR CONTACT +91-9205070679/ 1. Policy Making and Implementation 2. Administrator Service
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