Bienvenido al mejor podcast para aprender inglés. Vocabulario, gramática, pronunciación, phrasal verbs, expresiones que puedes usar a la hora de hablar y mucho más. ¿Quieres aprender inglés con un profesor nativo? Soy Daniel Welsch, de Estados Unidos. Hace tiempo que vivo en Barcelona, España, así que este podcast sobre el inglés es en español. ¡Disfruta!
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O Inglês do Zero Podcast é destinado às pessoas que têm dificuldade em encontrar bons materiais online para aprender inglês sozinhos. Aqui você encontrará o passo a passo do estudo auto-didata de um jeito descontraído e com uma metodologia que te ajudará a aprender definitivamente o idioma. Apresentação: Jader Lelis (Teacher Jay).
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inglês como o nativo fala
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For Spanish speakers learning English. Level B1 and above. | Mejorar tu ingles con nuestros podcasts. Desde el nivel B1.
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Programa de carreras por montaña, trail running y aventura en las cumbres de todo el planeta.
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Listen weekly to Sunday sermons given at Ingleside Baptist Church in Macon, GA.
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Aprimore o seu inglês diáriamente com estes mini-podcasts de 5 minutos com o professor Tim Barrett de Aprenda inglês do dia a dia, expressões, phrasal verbs, preposições, collocations e muito mais!
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An exvangelical circle jerk.
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A weekly podcast about the popular Niantic Spatial Inc game, Ingress Prime hosted by Agent PkmnTrainerJ. Ingress Insights aims to give players the latest Ingress news, updates and rumours as well as interviews with Ingress Agents. We cover the latest Anomaly news, Ingress updates and Wayfarer changes that may impact Ingress players. You can contact us over at with any questions or chat with us on Instagram/Threads at @ingress.insights
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Untold adventures still await you! Listen to the Inglorious Bards battle strange beasts, thwart evil plans, solve mysterious mysteries, and do something with vegetables that will make your grandpa cry. ... I'm talking about chopping onions. The Inglorious Bards!
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De svenska journalisterna Ingrid Carlqvist & Maria Celander med Nyhetsveckan och Nyhetshelgen, dagsaktuella händelser, nyhetsanalyser och spännande intervjuer.
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THINK aloud is a podcast by ING Global Research hosted by Senior Editor Rebecca Byrne. Subscribe to hear expert analysis on the global economy, monetary policy, and financial markets, that you won't find anywhere else.
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Aprende inglés desde cero, gratis y con nativos del idioma formados en su enseñanza.
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Ingredienserna är en podcast om livet genom mat. Det bjuds in gäster, gör recensioner, restaurangtips, avslöja våra smultronställen. Vi kommer snacka hemmamatlagning, veckans råvara, köksprylar, fördrinken, fråga kocken, chili con carne, skolans mandelfisk, Eton Mess, birria tacos, Gidden, Pripps blå, långpanna, rött och vitt, perfekt stekt köttbit, glas mjölk och kanelbullar. Helt enkelt ett hela havet stormar inuti ett kök. I podden hörs den italienska falukorven Philip De Giorgio, krögare ...
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Episódios voltados para ajudar você a alcançar a liberdade linguística falando inglês naturalmente através de dicas práticas e conversações reais. Acesse para mais conteúdo.
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Stories of history, life and faith in the Lone Star state.
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Journal with Ingrid is a down-to-earth podcast where journaling sparks real, honest conversations. Each episode starts just after a guided writing session, unfolding into meaningful chats about personal growth, clarity, and the insights that come from within.
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Acompanhe nossos três programas: "Starting Up", com conteúdos para o nível iniciante, "Way Ahead", para quem já está mais avançado e preparado para acompanhar um conteúdo 100% em inglês, e "The Blah Blah Spot", programa em que os teachers Carina Fragozo e Fábio Emerim batem um papo sobre algum assunto relacionado à língua inglesa em português, em inglês, ou em uma mistura dos dois idiomas.
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Discovering the Bible's answers is the focus of Living on the Edge, the broadcast ministry of Chip Ingram. Each weekday, Chip will take you to God's Word for biblical guidance on topics like being a follower of Jesus, strengthening your marriage, understanding love and sex, raising moral children, and overcoming painful emotions. Chip also shares honestly from his own experiences. Visit us online at
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Tja, es gibt so viel zu sagen, was einfach nur mal so raus muss. Schließlich hört hier zu Hause sowieso keiner zu, deshalb vielleicht überall anders. Hier und da lade ich mir auch mal einen Gast ein und wir analysieren zusammen. Lustig, nachdenklich, verrückt, ehrlich, unverfälscht, direkt... noch mehr Adjektive würden übertrieben wirken. Viel Spaß beim Hören.
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"Inglorious Globastards" è un progetto che nasce da un idea di Fabio Scacciavillani e Alberto Forchielli. Attraverso i loro video ci raccontano la verità, sparata a bruciapelo e senza filtri, su diverse tematiche di carattere economico e geopolitico, che riguardano l'Italia, l'Europa ed il mondo nella sua complessità. Perchè? Perchè un informazione manipolata produce una nazione infetta e conduce al disastro economico.
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Grabaciones de los seminarios web realizados por la Escuela de Administración Pública de Castilla y León. Cada seminario está realizado en función a diferentes niveles de conocimientos de la legua inglesa.
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Legendary Treksperts MARK A. ALTMAN (showrunner of Pandora, author of the bestselling The Fifty-Year Mission, writer/producer Free Enterprise), DAREN DOCHTERMAN (associate producer of Star Trek: The Motion Picture - Director's Edition) & ASHLEY E. MILLER (screenwriter; Thor, X-Men: First Class, showrunner, Netflix's DOTA: Dragon's Blood) examine 58 years of STAR TREK every Thursday along with celebrity guests in the podcast awarded "Best Star Trek Podcast 2021" by Trek Movie. #Trekucation Be ...
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Learn all about investing in real estate in Inglewood, California with a combination of real estate financial planning and modeling with numbers specific to Inglewood plus syndicated, more generalized recordings of live and pre-recorded real estate investing classes (not all specific to Inglewood).
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¡Aprende inglés desde un nivel inicial con los podcasts de Trainlang! Practica tu listening y mejora tu inglés de la forma más divertida. En este podcast encontrarás contenido para el nivel A1 Beginner. ¿Quieres saber más sobre nuestros cursos de inglés y las clases online? Aprende inglés con la academia de idiomas número 1 online:
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The Legal Low Down is a local radio show and podcast that is a live caller driven format. The show is fun, educational, informative and to help people with legal issues. If you are in Central Alabama and have a legal issue call us at WERC or visit
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Want to feast on funny food facts and fables? Or slurp up strange and spicy stories from supermarkets and society? Bite into Australia’s funnest food podcast, Ingredipedia. Each episode, competitive hosts Emily Naismith (Broadsheet, frankie magazine) and Ben Birchall (3RRR FM’s Breakfasters, Smith Journal) try to serve the most interesting stories about a specific ingredient (say, Tim Tams or chillies) in a bid for your affection. You get to vote for who was the most interesting on Instagram ...
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Managing love intelligently involves understanding your emotional, spiritual, and sexual needs, your boundaries, your deal-breakers, your fantasies, and everything else that allows you to optimize your success in letting the right one into your heart, life, and home. For advertising opportunities, email
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Need Help Understanding+Memorizing Verb Tenses in English? Press Play+Follow Bia Valle on Clubhouse
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Mejora tu nivel de inglés con los podcasts de Trainlang. En este nivel B2 Upper-intermediate repasa la gramática más avanzada y perfecciona tu inglés. ¿Quieres saber más sobre nuestros cursos de inglés y las clases online? Aprende inglés con la academia de idiomas número 1 online:
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Take your professional English to the next level by listening to this podcast! You will hear me chatting with native speaking coaches who have YEARS of experience helping Spanish speaking clients develop their English as a business communication tool! So, jump in and enjoy it!
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Derek Chilin
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¡Practica tu inglés con los podcasts de nivel B1 de Trainlang! Practica tu listening y mejora tu inglés de la forma más divertida. En este podcast encontrarás contenido para el nivel B1 Intermediate. ¿Quieres saber más sobre nuestros cursos de inglés y las clases online? Aprende inglés con la academia de idiomas número 1 online:
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Want to be the first to know about new technology before it becomes mainstream? Whether you’re an IT professional, CIO, an investor in tech companies, or even a computer science student, this podcast will bring you the information you need to stay relevant and be successful in the tech industry from some of the top people and companies in the world. Episodes will feature topics such as IoT, cloud evolution, augmented reality, the future of artificial intelligence, improving ROI and more.
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Um podcast para quem quer aprender inglês
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From the creators of the hit INGLORIOUS TREKSPERTS podcast comes TREKSPERTS BRIEFING ROOM with hosts LISA KLINK (writer, Star Trek: Voyager) and PETER HOLMSTROM (author, The Center Seat) bringing you a series of in-depth curated audio commentaries of STAR TREK episodes and movies featuring leading Treksperts along with special guests from in front of and behind the camera including stars, writers, producers and notable fans. Social: @trekspertsBR, @inglorioustrek, @inglorioustreksperts treks ...
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In Blik op de beurs praten we je bij over beursnieuws, bedrijfscijfers, duurzaam beleggen, aandelen, obligaties en meer. Samen met beleggingsexperts van het ING Investment Office kijken we terug en vooruit op de belangrijkste ontwikkelingen voor beleggers.
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Discovering the Bible's answers is the focus of Living on the Edge, the broadcast ministry of Chip Ingram. Each weekday, Chip will take you to God's Word for biblical guidance on topics like being a follower of Jesus, strengthening your marriage, understanding love and sex, raising moral children, and overcoming painful emotions. Chip also shares honestly from his own experiences. Visit us online at
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Imagine being pregnant with purpose, carrying the seed of God's glory within you. This podcast is a sacred space where we nurture that seed, and let it grow into a life that honors Jesus. Join me on this transformative journey as we delve into the heart of Christ, exploring what it means to be HolyBirthed - to be born of God, and to bring His light to the world. Each episode is a step forward in our spiritual growth, a reminder of our identity in Him, and a call to empower others. Subscribe ...
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Podcast em inglês
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Mejora tu inglés y tu conocimiento del mundo angloparlante gracias a fascinantes historias de la vida real, narradas en un inglés fácil de entender y con comentarios en español para ayudarte con el contexto. Creado por Duolingo, la mejor manera de aprender un idioma. Presentado por Diana Gameros en colaboración con Adonde Media.
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ingles Cover art photo provided by Joel Filipe on Unsplash:
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🎙️ Pillole di Inglese Podcast – Il tuo inglese, in pochi minuti! 📍 La tua scuola di inglese nel cuore di Massa e online, sempre a portata di cuffie! 🎧 Creato da HS School, specializzata in corsi di inglese su misura dal 2018 con il TMM for Languages (Tailor-Made Method for Languages), il nostro metodo proprietario per un apprendimento efficace e personalizzato. 🔹 Cosa troverai in questo podcast? 🎯 Brevi lezioni pratiche per migliorare la tua grammatica, conversazione e conoscenza della cultu ...
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The root cause of America's economic imbalances can be traced to a single factor: the strength of the US dollar. At least, that’s the view of Stephen Miran, President Trump’s newly appointed Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors. In an essay published late last year, Miran argued that the dollar's strength, driven by inelastic demand for Tre…
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¡Bienvenidos a otro episodio de nuestro podcast para aprender inglés! En este Podcast veremos cómo usar los adjetivos -ed y -ing de forma efectiva y divertida. Te sorprenderás con cómo estas pequeñas palabras pueden transformar tu forma de comunicarte. Además, ¡exploramos el fascinante mundo de los food trucks y las estrellas Michelin! En Trainlang…
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Onzekerheid blijft de markten in bedwang houden maar wat gebeurt er nou écht? Het rentebesluit van de Fed, de koers van de ECB, de tarieven van Trump en het overall sentiment in de markt; het komt allemaal voorbij. Kortom; we duiden de beursweek weer op een rustige manier, zoals altijd met Simon Wiersma van het ING Investment Office.Dagelijkse upda…
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Embracing the sacred and profane in your partner allows you to see them for who they really are—and we are all so much more than just one thing. For 35 years, Steven Ing, MFT, has been a Marriage and Family Therapist with a specialty in forensic work. He is a contributing writer to Psychology Today and the author of two books on sexuality: We're Al…
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Journalling is a powerful tool for transformation, helping us process emotions in a healthy way, navigate life’s challenges, and uncover our inner wisdom. The answers we seek, the clarity we crave, and the inspiration to change, they’re already within us. And one of the most powerful ways to access them is through the ancient practice of journaling…
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#1 El Abecedario en Inglés y Cómo Deletrear | Palabras Difíciles de Pronunciar | Podcast A1 T2 E1
El Abecedario en Inglés y Cómo Deletrear | Palabras Difíciles de Pronunciar ¿Sabes deletrear bien en inglés? En este episodio, aprenderás a pronunciar y deletrear correctamente en inglés, además de descubrir las palabras más difíciles de pronunciar para hispanohablantes. En este episodio aprenderás: ✔ Cómo deletrear correctamente en inglés y evitar…
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Demos um bolo no nosso cunhado — furamos com ele sem querer ontem. Vou te contar o que aconteceu e ensinar como dizer ‘dar um bolo em alguém’ no mini-podcast de hoje. FRASES NO MINI PODCAST DE HOJE: My brother-in-law Josias was waiting for us to walk today, but we stood him up. stand someone up We stood him up. stand me up stand you up stand him up…
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Demos um bolo no nosso cunhado — furamos com ele sem querer ontem. Vou te contar o que aconteceu e ensinar como dizer ‘dar um bolo em alguém’ no mini-podcast de hoje. FRASES NO MINI PODCAST DE HOJE: My brother-in-law Josias was waiting for us to walk today, but we stood him up. stand someone up We stood him up. stand me up stand you up stand him up…
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#928 'Derrota' [...] de KILIAN JORNET en Chianti 🙈 y la renacida AZARA GARCÍA 💪
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2:14:29En este episodio de @ingrAvidos analizamos todo lo vivido en @chiantiultratrail con el enfrentamiento entre Jim Walmsley, Kilian Jornet y Vincent Bouillard, los tres últimos ganadores del @UTMBMontBlanc Los tres tienen billete para la @WesternStates 2025 en la que se presupone un enfrentamiento épico de #trailrunning Tertulia con Dani Sanabria, Nan…
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Welcome to Episode 157 of the TRANSFORMA TU INGLÉS PROFESIONAL podcast! I'm your host Daniel Smith. Today we have an amazing show lined up for you and by the end of it you will learn: a hard truth that is essential for your progress why ideas are more powerful than words the rhythm of English and how it is different to Spanish and a little about ch…
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We all can be hard to get along with at times, but there are some people who seem to be especially gifted at it! Before you put someone in a headlock, and before you lose your temper, join Chip as he teaches us how to deal with the difficult people in our lives. Main Points Thesis: Sometimes the person we most want God to remove from our lives is t…
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Cada semana abrimos los micrófonos de ingrAvidos a todos los oyentes para analizar la actualidad del #trailrunning Mándanos tu nota de voz con tu opinión sobre este u otros temas de #trailrunning 🗣📲 +34 682 74 51 80 ✅ Canal Oficial de WhatsApp 👇 🔊 Escucha #ingrAvidos todos los martes (16:00 …
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Tertulia con Dani Sanabria, Nano López, Héctor García y Juanjo López. Además valoramos el inicio de las Merrell SkyRunning World Series de la @skyrunningfederation con el arranque en Acantilados del Norte, en la isla de La Palma. Mándanos tu nota de voz con tu opinión sobre este u otros temas de #trailrunning 🗣📲 +34 682 74 51 80 ✅ Canal Oficial de …
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En este episodio de @ingrAvidos analizamos todo lo vivido en @chiantiultratrail con el enfrentamiento entre Jim Walmsley, Kilian Jornet y Vincent Bouillard, los tres últimos ganadores del @UTMBMontBlanc Los tres tienen billete para la @WesternStates 2025 en la que se presupone un enfrentamiento épico de #trailrunning y en el que Kilian dicen que ha…
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Entrevista con @AzaraStorm tras su regreso por todo lo alto en Chianti Trail. Azara también quiere ir a #WS100 y nos cuenta cómo puede darse aún. Ojito que la Tormenta viene con ganas de abrir melones. Mándanos tu nota de voz con tu opinión sobre este u otros temas de #trailrunning 🗣📲 +34 682 74 51 80 ✅ Canal Oficial de WhatsApp 👇 https://www.whats…
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Cada semana reto STRAVA con ASICS PENYAGOLOSA TRAILS. Apúntate al evento en nuestro club en STRAVA (ASICS INGRAVIDOS TEAM) y gana premios todas las semanas gracias a ASICS y a PENYAGOLOSA TRAILS. Únete a nuestro equipo de ASICS STRAVA TEAM 🏃♂️⛰💥 Strava: Mándanos tu nota de voz con tu opinión sobre este u otros t…
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Tertulia médica con el DR. Rafael Ramos que contesta las preguntas de los oyentes... Ojo que también viene Gabi. 👉 Mándanos tu nota de voz con tu opinión sobre este u otros temas de #trailrunning 🗣📲 +34 682 74 51 80 ✅ Canal Oficial de WhatsApp 👇…
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Nos acercamos a dos carreras con encanto del pasado fin de semana, el Trail San Pablo de los Montes - Desafío La Morra y Jurramendi Trail 360, Toledo y Navarra ya tienen dos referentes para llenar sus carreras, con ADN de servicio al corredor. Mándanos tu nota de voz con tu opinión sobre este u otros temas de #trailrunning 🗣📲 +34 682 74 51 80 ✅ Can…
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Nos acercamos a dos carreras con encanto del pasado fin de semana, el Trail San Pablo de los Montes - Desafío La Morra y Jurramendi Trail 360, Toledo y Navarra ya tienen dos referentes para llenar sus carreras, con ADN de servicio al corredor. Mándanos tu nota de voz con tu opinión sobre este u otros temas de #trailrunning 🗣📲 +34 682 74 51 80 ✅ Can…
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Mándanos tu nota de voz con tu opinión sobre este u otros temas de #trailrunning 🗣📲 +34 682 74 51 80 ✅ Canal Oficial de WhatsApp 👇 🔊 Escucha #ingrAvidos todos los martes (16:00 h) y los jueves (2:00 am) en Radio MARCA WEB OFICIAL ➡ 📳 Nuestras redes: TikTok: https://www…
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Para participar gratuitamente da Imersão Inglês Fluente Wave acesse o site e para receber o PDF desse episódio envie uma mensagem via WhatsApp para (32) 98810-3208.
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Do you have a difficult person in your life - a person who makes you nuts? Do you wonder, "Is there a Godly response to this person?" If you’re faced with that person right now, join Chip as he shares how to deal with the difficult people in your life. Main Points Thesis: Sometimes the person we most want God to remove from our lives is the person …
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Nyhetshelgen 289 - Mångkultur och medborgarskap, Orban, Clemenger
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1:08:34Migrationsminister Johan Forssell fick stå till svars för sina positiva uttalanden om mångkultur i riksdagen häromdagen – inför SDarna Tobias Andersson och Nima Gholam Ali Pour. Och nu blir det äntligen svårare att få svenskt medborgarskap! Swish: 123 587 22 54 (Tryckfrihetssällskapet) BG: 831-4742 Besök vår sajt: Aro…
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Ingleside Baptist Church
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¿Sabías que la palabra “get” en inglés tiene más de 50 usos? Se puede usar para obtener, atrapar, convencer, comprar, llegar a ser, alcanzar, entender, o ponerse, entre otros significados. Suena confuso, pero ¡la clave es siempre el contexto! Por ejemplo, la mayoría de los significados de “get” se entienden porque se comunican a través de los “phra…
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Hoy hablamos de los pronombres. Porque resulta que "he" y "she" se usan para animales y también es posible usar "it" para personas. Más en la web:
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Have you blown it big time? Have you committed a sin that you think has put you on the sideline forever? According to Jesus, you have hope. Chip shares that no matter how far you have fallen, you can reset your boundaries, beginning today, and get back in the game. Main Points Two extremes! Exhibit A: Passive Indifference Exhibit B: Painful Insensi…
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Quali esiti sortirà la telefonata tra #trump e #Putin? Proviamo a formulare delle ipotesi partendo da quella più estrema: che Trump sia completamente ricattato dal Cremlino e sia costretto a piegarsi a tutte le richieste russe. Ma in quel caso come si comporterebbero gli europei? Si sottometterebbero alle decisioni dell'autocrate o avrebbero uno sc…
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La Presidente del Consiglio Meloni, nelle comunicazioni al Parlamento in vista del Consiglio Europeo ha offerto un'ampia panoramica sull'azione di governo e sulla posizione internazionale dell'Italia. Sono saltate all'occhio una menzogna spudorata e tre pregevoli (o spregevoli) baggianate. La menzogna riguarda l'asserzione che tutta la maggioranza …
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Is mortadella supposed to be nut free? And Em adds to her nut butter collection in a delicious and expensive way. [1:03] Pistachio Papi and pistachio cream [6:23] WTF is Dubai chocolate? [14:18] Nut butter collection [21:26] Mortadella investigation See for privacy information.…
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Join PkmnTrainerJ in the latest +Alpha, Ingress and Wayfarer news for the +Alpha Anomaly Season. What awaits at the end of the 2025 seasons? This is the 88th episode of Ingress Insights, as well as Season 3 - Episode 13, and was recorded on 22nd March 2025 and released on 23rd March 2025. Show Notes AMER Shard Skirmish & Beacon Skirmish results APA…
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Do you know the names of the 5 senses in English? Today, you’ll learn lots of vocabulary connected to the 5 senses of the human body. Our sense is you’ll really find this week’s episode useful. Show notes and more podcasts to improve your English at: Las notas del episodio y más podcasts para mejorar tu ingles están en…
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Do you ever wonder why good, Godly relationships have conflict? If I love God and you love God and we love each other, then shouldn’t we have a relationship free of conflict? Unfortunately, the answer is, no. Chip shares some ways of living in harmony with those around you and how to handle conflict effectively when it arises. Main Points How impor…
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Secrets of Contract to Close
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1:09:22Learn the secrets to what happens while you're under contract to buy an investment property in Inglewood. This class is Module 27 of 46 in a series called Real Estate Investing Secrets. Topics covered in this module include: What happens once you’re under contract through when you’re closing on a property? What due diligence should you be doing? Wh…
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In this episode of BTL, we will talk about The Myth of 'Speak English in 3 Months’ and address some issues regarding the topic. Have you ever become great at anything after 3 months? Well, that’s something I would like you to start thinking about. English or any other language is not something you will master in the blink of an eye. Time, exposure,…
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Vuoi raccontare eventi passati in modo più dettagliato? 🎙️ In questa puntata impariamo a formare il Past Continuous, con esempi pratici e regole semplici! 🎧 Ascolta ora e perfeziona il tuo inglese! ______________________________ 🌍 Esplora il Mondo del Learning Linguistico con HS School! 🚀 🔹 Migliora il tuo inglese con noi! Scopri corsi innovativi, …
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What happens when someone you love and respect has a moral failure? How do you respond? What does scripture say about dealing with people who have failed morally? Join Chip as he discusses how to restore someone after moral failure. Main Points Two extremes! Exhibit A: Passive Indifference Exhibit B: Painful Insensitivity Review: The teaching of Je…
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The Texas Declaration of Independence was adopted on March 2, 1836 at Washington on the Brazos.
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Última hora de la Chianti Trail by UTMB con la duda de si correrá Kilian Jornet (YA CONFIRMADA SU PRESENCIA) Tertulia con atraco incluido sobre la carrera italiana y los Acantilados del Norte que inician las Merrel Skyrunner World Series en la isla de La Palma. PD: #podcast grabado antes de la confirmación de Kilian de que estará en la línea de sal…
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Repaso a la picadora de carne de la Barkley Marathons 2025. Albert Herrero, participante en las dos últimas ediciones, nos cuenta cómo ha terminado la #BM100 sin finisher después de dos ediones con ocho finalistas en la considerada como carrera más salvaje del mundo. "Se han pasado de tuerca". Mándanos tu nota de voz con tu opinión sobre este u otr…
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Nyhetsveckan 318 - Byfåneupproret, hjälten Elon
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1:07:02När Magnus Olsson, SDs oppositionsråd i Malmö, i fredags twittrade att SDs naturliga samarbetspartner i framtiden är S, gick en mindre chockvåg igenom Sverige. Det tog medierna flera dagar att börja rapportera om detta framtidsscenario som Ingrid&Maria flera gånger spanat. Swish: 123 587 22 54 (Tryckfrihetssällskapet) BG: 831-4742 Besök vår sajt: h…
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S6E42 "The Glorious Bard"
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3:01:34Facing an onslaught of Castle Guards and the lethal Queen Shade assassins, the Guardians' hopes of survival were already razor-thin. But when the Ashen Queen HERSELF descended into the fray, their chances shrank to a mere whisper of possibility. And then, as if the heavens sought to seal their doom, the Jagged Witch—once their ally—turned against t…
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Bonus Track 🆕 Barkley Marathons 2025, Chianti Trail con Kilian Jornet?
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Відтворити пізніше
1:10:55Bonus Track con el repaso a la picadora de carne de la Barkley Marathons 2025. Albert Herrero, participante en las dos últimas ediciones, nos cuenta cómo ha terminado la #BM100 sin finisher después de dos ediones con ocho finalistas en la considerada como carrera más salvaje del mundo. Última hora de la Chianti Trail by UTMB con la duda de si corre…
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Para participar gratuitamente da Imersão Inglês Fluente Wave acesse o site e para receber o PDF desse episódio envie uma mensagem via WhatsApp para (32) 98810-3208.
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1:20:42THIS VOYAGE, theTreksperts, MARK A. ALTMAN (author, The Fifty Year Mission, writer/producer, Pandora, Agent X, The Librarians, writer/producer Free Enterprise), DAREN DOCHTERMAN (associate producer, Star Trek: The Motion Picture) and ASHLEY E. MILLER (showrunner; DOTA: Dragon's Blood, writer, X-Men: First Class, Thor) welcome DR. DAVID ALEXANDER, f…
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When conflict arises, it’s a lot easier to “put up your dukes” than it is to open up your arms and resolve the conflict, isn’t it? If you’re having a tough time resolving conflict before it erupts, then join Chip as he shares that God has a word of encouragement, just for you. Main Points How important is living in harmony? Jesus prayed for it. Scr…
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