Tous les matins, retrouvez Culture IA, le rendez-vous Intelligence Artificielle de BFM Business dans Good Morning Business. IA générative, génération de texte, d'images, applications professionnelles, start-up… Anthony Morel vous dévoile les dernières innovations de cette révolution technologique.
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O podcast indispensável para quem quer se manter em dia com o que está acontecendo no universo da inteligência artificial. O IA Sob Controle traz notícias, dicas de ferramentas e discussões sobre as principais tendências do mundo da IA, além de entrevistas com profissionais e pessoas pesquisadoras que estão definindo o futuro da tecnologia mais promissora e empolgante das últimas décadas.
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Hey world, Ian and Jordan here! This is our pod and we’re really excited you guys are hanging out! It’s a podcast that’s like a sleepover with your two best friends. If we were in school as kids they’d separate us, but now we’re adults and they can’t tell us what to do! School’s out for summer, B*tch!
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The United States will no longer play global policeman, and no one else wants the job. This is not a G-7 or a G-20 world. Welcome to the GZERO, a world made volatile by an intensifying international battle for power and influence. Every week on this podcast, Ian Bremmer will interview the world leaders and the thought leaders shaping our GZERO World.
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Blues old and new
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A podcast series on art, ecology, and public scholarship which spotlights projects from across the IA network that bring together faculty, students, and knowledge keepers from the community for collaborative learning.
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Get ready to rise above the noise and unlock your true potential. "Unapologetic Uplift with Kim and Ianthe" is all about keeping it real and helping you live your best life.
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The latest podcast feed searching 'Ian Hamilton' on SermonAudio.
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Prepara-te para uma nova realidade: a Inteligência Artificial molda o mundo! 🤖✨🧔🏻♂️ No podcast «IA & EU», Mário Portela junta-se à RITA, uma IA inteligente, para descodificar como esta tecnologia está a transformar as nossas vidas, desmistificar ideias erradas e acima de tudo ensinar enquanto te divertem! 🤖✨🧔🏻♂️ Em cada episódio, discutimos temas que vão da ética da IA às suas aplicações no dia-a-dia, sempre com humor e profundidade. Estamos aqui para promover diálogos sinceros e fascinant ...
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Un podcast quotidien qui décrypte la technologie sous le prisme de l'IA et du no-code
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Ike Live is a semi-regular fishing talk show, presented by Mystery Tackle Box, featuring special guests from the professional tournament fishing world, outdoor enthusiasts, and questions and comments from fans
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LIFEchurch is one church with multiple locations. We are located in Eastern Iowa with campuses in Cedar Rapids, Coralville and Wilton. We believe in a life-giving, positive church culture where people from all walks of life worship God, connect with one another and together change the world. To learn more, visit
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Nos apasiona el poder de los datos y la inteligencia artificial para transformar el mundo. ¿Quieres saber cómo la IA está cambiando el mundo tal y como lo conocemos? ¿Quieres conocer cómo aplicarla en entornos reales de forma práctica? La IA está revolucionando la forma en que interactuamos con la tecnología y ha llegado para quedarse. Esto es IA Tech Talks, el podcast donde la IA del futuro se explica hoy. ¡Si te gusta nuestro contenido, suscríbete ya!
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"IA du neuf", produit par Explorai, explore la transformation de la société et des affaires par l’IA. Chaque épisode réunit experts et invités pour discuter des tendances, applications et défis. Le podcast fait le lien entre innovation et besoins concrets, offrant un regard éclairé sur son impact réel. - - "IA du neuf" explores how AI is transforming society and business. Each episode features experts and guests discussing key trends, applications, and challenges. The podcast bridges innovat ...
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Chat with Martina about conditions in Texas prisons
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Intelligence Artificielle - Data Driven 101 - Le podcast IA & Data 100% en français
Marc Sanselme - Scopeo - Agence d'Intelligence Artificielle
Aidez nous à améliorer le podcast en répondant à cette enquête rapide : Merci par avance ! Sur Data Driven 101, on s’intéresse aux applications pratiques de l'Intelligence Artificielle et de la data dans toute leur diversité avec un objectif : démystifier ces concepts. Dans ce podcast IA & Data ( 100% en français, Marc Sanselme reçoit des professionnels de fonctions et d’horizons variés pour nous parler de leurs aventures, leu ...
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Join 'The Doyen' for Mornings with Ian Smith as he sets the agenda and covers the big talking points.
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Messages from Journey Church
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Inverted Audio is a London-based electronic music magazine and specialist record store. The IA MIX Series invites the very best of the electronic music community to share a wealth of shapeshifting sounds.
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First English Lutheran Church LCMS, Spencer, IA
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River City is a church in Dubuque, IA that focuses on growing in the gospel, making disciples, and planting churches. Find out more at
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Two hockey nuts grew up in Terrace, B.C. one played in the NHL, and the other became a comedian. The two discuss hockey and its impact on their life with a guest who has had the same experience.
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Welcome to The Buzz with ACT-IAC – your source for the hot topics and top issues affecting the federal technology market. Join us each week to hear insights from government and industry leaders, stay informed on the topics facing government, gain access to thought leadership and valuable reports. Subscribe to follow us on your favorite podcast platform.
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Two kids grow up in Terrace, B.C. with dreams of playing in the NHL. One of them is drafted by the Detroit Red Wings and the other becomes a comedian and ends up in a hockey movie involving a chimpanzee. This is their podcast discussing all things hockey and maybe a couple other things.
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Podcast de cada capitulo de Ianchaak
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Weekly sermons from First Presbyterian Church in Spirit Lake, IA
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Welcome to Trinity Bible Church's podcast, located in Cedar Falls, IA. Our mission? To glorify God by building a community of disciples who make disciples. Tune in each week for inspiring messages taken directly from the Bible, designed to guide you in your everyday life and equip you to share the Gospel with others.
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Background Briefing goes far beyond the headlines and deep under the radar to bring forward truths unheard elsewhere in American media. Background Briefing features international and national news, expert guests, policymakers, and critics offering analysis and insight on national security, foreign and domestic policy, political, cultural, and social issues.
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O PPT Não Compila criado especialmente para profissionais da área de tecnologia, trazendo assuntos relevantes para a comunidade, incluindo desenvolvimento de software, análise de dados, inteligência artificial, segurança cibernética, infraestrutura em nuvem e muito mais. Também discutimos assuntos relacionados à gestão de carreira, como negociação salarial, networking e desenvolvimento de habilidades. Se você é um profissional da área de tecnologia que busca aprimorar seus conhecimentos e se ...
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A Jesus-centered community in Waverly, Iowa that strives to live as Jesus lived and love like Jesus loved.
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Bienvenue sur Veto-IA, le podcast où la technologie rencontre la médecine vétérinaire. Animé par Mathieu Lamant, vétérinaire passionné et expert en intelligence artificielle, ce rendez-vous explore les défis, opportunités et questions éthiques liés à l’IA dans la pratique vétérinaire. Aux côtés de Julie, une IA aussi perspicace qu’intriguée par son propre rôle, Mathieu répond aux questions que se posent les professionnels : comment l’IA peut-elle transformer nos méthodes de diagnostic ? Quel ...
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Full Hours and Interviews from the The Ian Furness show, which airs every day from 1pm-3pm on 950 KJR in Seattle.
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Welcome to today, this is your captain speaking. With Iano at the helm, the Breakfast Show brings you up to speed on everything. News, sport, guests, giveaways, listener interaction and music - not to mention the legendary Gift Grub - all add to the mix of this 2-hour radio rollercoaster. Buckle up and come and have your breakfast.
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The Independent Insurance Agency Playbook: The insurance business is all about playing an infinite game. Shane and Tonya discuss how to play the long-term game of being a successful agent and creating a culture of freedom for yourself.
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Ready for a podcast that's all over the place? Welcome to Barely Coherent with Ian Jones. The podcast where things can get a little unhinged, a little funny, and maybe serious at times. A mix of mindless entertainment, some rants, and the occasional hot take. Expect plenty of swearing, personal stories, and a behind-the-scenes look into my life. This is my creative outlet. Just me, my opinions, and the digital space where I let it all out.Got a topic you want me to hit? Head to my website an ...
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Podcast hosted by two lifelong friends and cousins. Join us, and get to know our hosts as they literally discuss ‘this, that, and the other’ covering all aspects of life, and entertainment. If you’re a fan of music, comedy, film, and even wrestling, this podcast is what you’ve been waiting for.
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Why is it the same repetitive mistakes continue to rob salespeople of more commission cheques? Ian Selbie achieved the accolade of top salesperson in the world at Apple and in this Podcast he will discuss how he overcame the problems encountered during his sales career and gives the benefit of his wisdom to everyone listening who work in the world of sales, helping you reach new levels of sales success. Less sins, more wins. For more information contact Ian Selbie via email: ...
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Let's get better at life.
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A cast of regular Joe’s have a crack at making sense of the things that don’t matter: Sport, movies, music, video games and, sometimes, books... don’t hold us to that one too often. Our flagship show, The Ian Prendercast, sees Fabian, Tim and Sean provide a passionate, peculiar look at the comings and goings, trials and tribulations of their beloved Carlton Football Club. Meanwhile, Sean teams with Will for The Weekly Watchlist, a pop culture ramble that starts in the middle of nowhere and f ...
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Comedian | Actor | Improvisational Artist | Hellion
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SintonIA es ciencia de datos. Es inteligencia artificial. Dos redes neuronales pensantes que hemos entrenado para que os cuenten qué se esconde detrás de las tecnologías que están conformando el presente. Estadística, redes neuronales, aplicaciones prácticas y los últimos avances del Instituto Andaluz de Ciencia de Datos e Inteligencia Computacional (DaSCI).
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I.A. Café - Enquête au cœur de la recherche sur l’intelligence artificielle
Jean-François Sénéchal, Frédérick Plamondon, David Beauchemin, Ève Gaumond, Sylvain Munger, Shirley Plumerand, Véronique Tremblay et Stéphane Mineo.
Bienvenue au podcast IA café, le podcast pour les passionnés, comme vous, d’intelligence artificielle. Deux fois par mois, nous recevons, dans notre studio à la Faculté de philosophie de l’Université Laval, au cœur de la ville de Québec, les principaux acteurs (chercheurs, entrepreneurs, artisans) de la recherche sur l’intelligence artificielle, et nous discutons avec eux des enjeux techniques, éthiques et sociétaux émergeant de leurs domaines d’expertise. Au passage, nous tentons nous aussi ...
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Ready to stop gambling with your career and start winning? The Independent Adjuster Podcast is where Pathfinders like you find clarity, take action, and escape the traditional grind of the adjuster industry. Host Chris Stanley redefines success with the EXP Free Path, teaching you how to think differently, act boldly, and claim your future without waiting for luck or experience. It’s time to build a career that works for you, one episode at a time.
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Qual é sua referência de família? E o que é família para você hoje? Neste podcast, a psicanalista Vera Iaconelli faz essas e muitas outras perguntas para seus convidados. Em conversas francas, sensíveis e reveladoras, eles contam histórias únicas e universais — que mostram que a família tradicional brasileira é diversa e não cabe em caixas. E fica o aviso: este podcast não é uma sessão de psicanálise. Uma produção original da Casa do Saber com direção e produção da Trovão Mídia, e concepção ...
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Vamos falar sobre linguística, idiomas e linguagem e o papel que a IA pode ter no seu desenvolvimento e preservação, que te parece? 🤖✨🧔🏻♂️ Rita e Mário abordam as nuances essenciais no uso da IA neste tema de forma séria, mas divertida. 🤖✨🧔🏻♂️ Junta-te a nós para uma conversa informativa e descontraída sobre como a IA pode ser uma aliada no nosso…
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Épisode 106 - Grok, Sora et reconnaissance faciale - Vie et mort d'une dinde
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1:02:18Cette semaine, quelques actualités en intelligence artificielle, bancs d’essais et chroniques. Au programme Les improbabilités statistiques, le cygne noir et la dinde - Chronique d'une mort (non) annoncée. Une claque au visage - La reconnaissance faciale à l'épreuve du droit. “Nexus”, de Yuval Noah Harari : Algorithmes de l’information pour constru…
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The first episode of IA Hubbub looks at a visionary collaboration happening in IA's own backyard, at the Tending and Gathering Garden, a now-defunct gravel mining site that has been transformed through the efforts of a determined collective of Native American practitioners, in collaboration with University of California faculty, graduate students, …
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Dans cet épisode, nous explorons comment l'IA transforme le secteur de la santé, en naviguant entre l'audace innovante de la Silicon Valley et la prudence nécessaire d'un système de santé inclusif. Qu'il s'agisse d'optimiser les processus de soins, d'accélérer la recherche sur les maladies rares, ou de discuter de l'impact de l'IA sur l'emploi, nou…
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Not Only Code #1 : n8n, hébergement Open Source et Vibe Coding
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1:10:31📅 Episode du 19/03/2025 : Dans ce premier épisode de Not Only Code, avec Lilian, nous explorons des sujets avancés autour du no-code et du low-code. Nous discutons du buzz autour de n8n, un outil d'automatisation open source de plus en plus prisé, et partageons les avantages de l'hébergement autonome avec Coolify. Enfin, nous abordons le concept de…
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Neste episódio, conversamos com Roberto Spinelli, o Pena, sobre seu histórico de estudo de IA, desde a área de alinhamento, passando por AGI, e indo até o curiosíssimo assunto de psicologia de robôs. Vem ver quem participou desse papo: Marcus Mendes, host sob controle Fabrício Carraro, co-host sob controle, Program Manager da Alura, autor de IA e h…
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What if the real key to success is JOMO (the Joy of Missing Out)? Shane and Tonya break down how to stay focused, make intentional decisions, and let your business serve you—rather than the other way around. IA Forward to can help you take your agency from good to great. Learn more at, and follow IA Forward on LinkedIn, Facebook, and …
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Pastor Darrick wraps up our series on Ecclesiastes by talking about the uncertainty of life.Darrick Young
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Machine Learning: Más allá de la IA Generativa | IA Tech Talks 02x01
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1:09:50En un mundo cada vez más digitalizado, la inteligencia artificial ha dejado de ser ciencia-ficción para convertirse en una realidad tangible que moldea nuestro día a día. ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado cómo las máquinas pueden aprender a reconocer imágenes, traducir idiomas o incluso conducir coches?Desde los asistentes virtuales que responden a nue…
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Riverwood Church - Waverly, Iowa
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Why Kingdom Builders? Unlocking God's Purpose for Your Life | LIFEchurch Sunday Service | Rich Greene
Have you ever wondered why LIFEchurch emphasizes Kingdom Builders so passionately? In this message, Pastor Rich explains the powerful reason behind Kingdom Builders and our church’s commitment to global missions. Discover how you can participate in God’s incredible plan by praying, going, and giving generously. Together, we've seen remarkable impac…
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Ritavan, expert en data et auteur du livre Data Impact est l’invité de l’épisode 86 du podcast Data Driven 101. Dans cet épisode, j’ai eu le plaisir d’échanger avec Ritavan, où il présente le framework SLASOG : Save, Leverage, Align, Simplify, Optimize, Grow. 🔍 Quels sont les enjeux des entreprises traditionnelles face à la data ? 💡 Pourquoi les dé…
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Découvrez comment l'intelligence artificielle transforme lentement mais sûrement la médecine vétérinaire dans cet épisode fascinant, avec des sujets allant des interfaces cerveau-ordinateur aux bio-ordinateurs. Plongez dans un futur très proche où la technologie et l'innovation sont au service de la santé animale!…
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Message from Clint Loveall on March 16, 2025First Presbyterian Church in Spirit Lake, IA
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March 16, 2025 God Desires to Gather - Luke 13:31-35 by Sermons of Pastor Paul KaldahlSermons of Pastor Paul Kaldahl
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Acts B-Sides // Tongues // Aaron MorrowSermon Video // out more about River City Church at rivercitydbq.orgRiver City Church
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Inovação no Agro: Desafios e Oportunidades do Agro Tech
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1:26:49Neste episódio especial do Podcast PPT Não Compila, recebemos André Gildin, especialista em inovação e tecnologia aplicada ao agronegócio, para uma conversa profunda sobre como o campo está se conectando ao futuro. Ao lado do co-host Rômulo Barbosa, fundador da Techrom, exploramos a transformação digital no agro, os desafios enfrentados e as oportu…
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Listen to this week's latest sermon or watch online at or Bible Church
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