The host of the Eddie Hyatt Podcast has over 50 years of experience as a pastor, missionary, Bible teacher, and professor of theology. The study of God’s word has been a life-time endeavor. Some years ago, he heard the Holy Spirit give a commission for the rest of His life. It was the simple words of Jesus to Peter in John 21:17, ”Feed My Sheep!”
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Dein Podcast rund um den Kampfsport, die Kampfkunst und die Selbstverteidigung. Für Praktizierende und auch Interessierte. In jeder Folge unterhalten wir uns mit Gästen über die wichtigsten Themen des Kampfsports. Hier dreht sich alles rund um den Sport. Unterhaltung, Wissenswertes und Neues aus der Welt der Martial Arts.
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The crew of the MRS Hyacinth rush to survey a Jovian asteroid, hoping it is worth enough to ransom the crew of their sister ship - the Corvus - before the deadline hits. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Welcome to Solomon Gabriel podcast Inspiring lives !!!
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Hwa w Hya is a program that disscusses differences between men and women in detail. We will help you to build strong relationships and how to enrich your relationship and make it fully with happiness
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Hello and Welcome to The Hyat Report and this is Omar Hyat. I am a writer, a blogger and a social and political commentator. In this podcast, I will be commenting on some of our generation's critical global social and political issues. This is a fortnightly podcast and each episode of this podcast will be my commentary on a different social and/or political issue.
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Just a test run
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Heard Kindergarten Team
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Église Évangélique Baptiste de Saint-Hyacinthe
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Take a trip down memory lane and fast track right to innovation, leadership, motivation, and let's be honest, some failures. Come learn from our mistakes and successes as we dive into some very interesting colleague's lives.
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A little jolt of sunshine to get your week kicked off to a great start.
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【生命有因果,事事能交換】 🔮歡迎來到Hya的靈魂交換所 🌕月亮週期對應著潮汐與內心 🌟星象行運連結著生活與時事 【很多事不是不存在,只是你還不知道】 ◆Hya靈魂交換所Podcast Instagram ◆Soul Tonglen靈魂巫作Instagram 主要發布平台:Firstory Powered by Firstory Hosting
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In each episode of Business Unplanned, Michael Hyatt will sit down with local entrepreneurs, hear their stories, learn from their setbacks, and pick up some new insights along the way. Listen in as successful business owners have a candid conversation on what it's like to start, pivot and grow their own empires. For more information on starting your own business, visit
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Stoked /stōkt/ adj. slang 1 being in a euphoric or elated state aka. Surfer‘s high. Perma-stoked /ˈpərmə, stōkt/ adj. slang 1 permanently stoked. The stoke is your birthright. It cannot be bought, sold, or bartered with. It is a right of passage for all who surf or embrace life. It is the vision at the end of the quest. Once ignited, it can never be extinguished. Tune into the Permastoked podcast as Co-Founder & CEO of Freshwater Surf Goods, Derik Hyatt, interviews your favourite surfers and ...
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Welcome to the official [un]DIPLOMATIC the podcast channel, presented by Zulf Hyatt-Khan, the Slovak Ambassador! Here, we bring you a captivating fusion of diplomacy and diverse expertise, featuring influential guests from various fields. Our podcast delves deep into thought-provoking conversations, providing unique insights, expert opinions, and engaging discussions that transcend borders. In each episode, you'll gain access to exclusive interviews with exceptional individuals, ranging from ...
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Susan Hyatt’s Rich Coach Club is packed with the pep talks, actionable tools, advice and inspiring interviews you need to build your dream business. Susan brings 15 years of experience as a master coach, best-selling author, self-made millionaire and entrepreneur as well as her out of control mouth to every episode to keep you fired up about your work. Whether you are just starting out as an entrepreneur, losing steam or seeking tips for expansion, Rich Coach Club will keep you inspired, foc ...
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In this episode, Eddie distinguishes between courage and boldness and shows how the early church was feeling fear from threats by the authorities, they prayed and asked God for boldness, and he answered their prayer. He will do the same for you.Eddie L. Hyatt
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In this episode, Eddie shows that courage is not a feeling, it is a choice. Courage is not the absence of fear, it is the mastery of it.Eddie L. Hyatt
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In this episode, Eddie speaks about the world-wide persecution against Christians and elaborates on Joshua 1:9 where God commanded Joshua and Israel to be strong and courageous as they were getting ready to go in and face the giants in the land of Canaan.Eddie L. Hyatt
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RDH #206 - Andyconda & Gibbon Diete: Die Hüter der Luta Livre Tradition
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1:40:59In dieser spannenden Episode widmen wir uns der Welt des Luta Livre – einer der vielseitigsten und dynamischsten Grappling-Künste. Wir haben zwei wahre Experten zu Gast: Andyconda, der als Pionier des Luta Livre in Europa gilt, und Stefan Diete, einer der bekanntesten Vertreter dieser Kampfsportart. Gemeinsam teilen sie ihre Erfahrungen, Geschichte…
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In this episode, Eddie elaborates on the teachings of Jesus in John's Gospel, especially as it regards His words to His disciples that it is better for them that He go away because when He goes away, then the Holy Spirit would come. There was then an ascension and a descension. Jesus ascended and the Holy Spirit took His place with His disciples al…
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In this episode, Eddie tells of a situation where their vehicle had stopped running and they had no resources to take it to a mechanic. However, the Spirit of God worked in a strange and marvelous way to get it running again,Eddie L. Hyatt
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In this episode, Dr. Eddie Hyatt shares a vision he had at the beginning of his ministry that gave him the key for success in the Christian life and ministry.Eddie L. Hyatt
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In this episode, Eddie discusses the importance of nurturing intimate fellowship with the Holy Spirit as Paul admonished in II Corinthians 13:14. He also shares an amazing testimony of who listening to the Holy Spirit saved one woman from certain death. Check out Eddie's website at…
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In this episode, Eddie shares from his heart the story of the words of Jesus to the desperate father - Jairus - whose little daughter had just died. He believes this is an encouraging word for anyone who is desperately reaching out to Jesus for help.Eddie L. Hyatt
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RDH #205 - Warum Alter im Kampfsport keine Rolle spielt
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1:21:23In dieser Folge spricht Dr. Wilm Franzen, Zahnarzt und Träger des 1. DAN im Judo, über die Möglichkeiten und Vorteile von Kampfsport für ältere Menschen. Gemeinsam beleuchten wir, wie Kampfsportarten nicht nur die körperliche Fitness, sondern auch die mentale Stärke fördern können – unabhängig vom Alter. Dr. Franzen teilt persönliche Erfahrungen, g…
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In this second episode in this series, Eddie tells an amazing story of how God spoke to Sue to have 3 sermons ready before they departed for Indonesia even though she had not been invited to speak nor had anyone even acknowledged her coming. Check out Eddie's latest book of which the late Dr. Vinson Synan said, "Another great macro history of which…
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In the first episode of a new series entitled "Life in the Spirit," Dr. Eddie Hyatt shares an incredible story of God's Divine protection through intercessory in the Spirit and how God performed a miracle on a car that was totaled in an accident. If you would like to be in personal touch with Eddie, his email is…
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This 11 minute video is an excerpt from a recent Hour of Power - Hour of Prayer that Eddie led online. He tells of a young man, without singers, musicians, or great preachers, who prayed down the mighty power of God an an entire Native American tribe. The story of David Brainerd will stir and inspire you.…
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RDH #204 - Kampfsportverein unter Druck: Umgang mit Vorwürfen sexualisierter Gewalt
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1:39:29In dieser Folge sprechen wir mit Lara Winnenberg vom Stadtsportbund Gelsenkirchen über ein Thema, das oft im Verborgenen bleibt: sexualisierte Gewalt im Sport. Gemeinsam beleuchten wir, wie Vereine Schutzkonzepte entwickeln können, um Betroffene zu unterstützen und präventiv zu handeln. Lara teilt ihre Expertise und gibt Einblicke in die Herausford…
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In this final episode in the series, "Reasons to Believe," Eddie discusses the role of personal experience in knowing the reality of God and emphasizes how our experiences must always be evaluated and tested in light of God's word. He also shows how many modern church members need to move from religion to relationship. "Reasons to Believe" is also …
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RDH #203 - Agit Kabayel: Der Aufstieg des Leberkönigs
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1:02:13In dieser Episode sprechen wir über den packenden Kampf zwischen dem deutschen Schwergewichtsboxer Agit Kabayel und dem chinesischen Koloss Zhilei Zhang. Wir sprechen über den Kampf, wie Kabayel in einem spannenden Duell durch K.o. in der sechsten Runde siegte und sich damit den Interims-WM-Titel des WBC sicherte. Wir analysieren die Schlüsselmomen…
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In this episode, Eddie lays out the historical evidence for the resurrection of Jesus and not the so-called blind leap of faith into the dark, but an enlightened step of faith into the light of historical evidence. L. Hyatt
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In this lesson, Dr. Eddie Hyatt shows the implicit and explicit claims that Jesus made to being God and explains why this is so important for our salvation and spiritual life. L. Hyatt
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In this episode, Eddie points out the uniqueness of the in its composition, its circulation, and its impact on the human race. He shows that the fingerprints of God are all over this Book and all of this confirms its own claim of being "inspired by God" or literally "God-breathed."…
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In this episode (and lesson) Eddie shows the incredible complexity and order of our solar system and universe and shows that this grand design clearly points to a Great Designer and Creator. L. Hyatt
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In this episode, Dr. Eddie Hyatt discusses the meaning of "righteousness" and "justification" in Paul's writings. He shows the incredible thing God has done for us through Jesus Christ. Check out Eddie's latest book at this link. L. Hyatt
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RDH #202 - Befindet sich der BJJ in der Krise?
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1:14:52Seit den 90er Jahren hat sich das Regelwerk speziell im BJJ drastisch geändert. Wir sprechen über die Problematik die wir persönlich beobachten. Ist BJJ im Jahre 2025 zu sportlich eingestellt? Geht es wirklich nur noch um Medaillen und Pokale ?Verliert sich der Grundgedanke was den Kampf und die Selbstverteidigung angeht? Folge uns auf: Instagram: …
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Discovering Our New Identity In Christ - #5 - "In All these Things We Are More than Conquerors"
In this episode, shares an inspiring exposition of Romans 8:35-37 where Paul enumerates the great trials he and other believers are encountering and then says, "Yet, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us." Check out my latest book, just published yesterday. Click the link below.. WHY I BELIEVE IN GOD Compelling E…
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In this episode Eddie discusses Paul's statement in Romans 8:37 that "We are more than conquerors through Him who loved us." He highlights Paul's statement by reading an amazing quote from Martin Luther that vividly expresses the wonderful victory we have in Jesus Christ.Eddie L. Hyatt
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In this episode, Eddie unpacks the wonderful truths of what it means that we "have redemption through His blood" as Paul says in Ephesians 1:7.Eddie L. Hyatt
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RDH #201 - Vom Traum zur eigenen Liga: Jamal El Zein und die Gründung der Ruhrpott Fighting Championship
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1:08:49Jamal ist Kampfsportler und leidenschaftlicher Kampfsport-Enthusiast. Er erzählt, wie er seine Vision von einer eigenen Liga in die Realität umsetzte. Wir sprechen mit Jamal über die Herausforderungen und Erfolge, die er auf seinem Weg erlebte, und wie er eine Plattform geschaffen hat, auf der talentierte Kämpfer aus der Region auf sich aufmerksam …
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In this episode, Eddie begins unpacking Paul's letter to the Ephesians and explaining the "in Him" and "by Him" phrases. He focuses on Paul's declaration that "by Jesus Christ" we are already full fledged members of God's household.Eddie L. Hyatt
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In this episode, Eddie further unpacks II Corinthians 5:17 and I Peter 2:1-9, and shares a personal testimony of how walking in your new identity can have such a powerful effect on others.Eddie L. Hyatt
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In this first episode in this series, Eddie unpacks II Corinthians 5:17 and I Peter 1:9 where these two ancient followers of Jesus declare some amazing truths about our new identity "in Christ."Eddie L. Hyatt
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On the night she died, my 89 year old Baptist grandmother shared with me a very profound and yet simple key for happiness and fulfillment in life. In this episode, I (Eddie) share the story as part of this inspiring commentary on Proverbs 3:5-7 in which I explain what it means to "trust in the Lord with all you heart" and to "acknowledge Him all yo…
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In this 5-minute video Eddie shares a principle that is generally overlooked in the Christian Church, but is the key for finding real meaning and purpose in life. It is an excerpt from Lesson 5 of a 10-lesson course entitled "The Book of Revelation Revealed," which is part of the Hyatt Institute, an online Bible and Ministry Training Center schedul…
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RDH #200 - Auge des Tigers: Christian Kroetsch über Mentale und körperliche Stärke
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1:19:04In dieser fesselnden Episode sprechen wir mit Christian Kroetsch, Luta Live und Taekwondo Blackbelt. Gemeinsam sprechen wir mit ihm über seinen Weg, wie er sich selbst zum Kämpfer erzog – eine Reise, die mehr als nur körperliche Stärke erfordert. Diese Episode bietet dir praktische Tipps und motivierende Geschichten, um deine innere Kämpfernatur zu…
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In this episode, Dr. Eddie Hyatt elaborates on Acts 19:1-7 where Paul encountered certain disciples in Ephesus and asked them, "Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?"Eddie L. Hyatt
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In this episode, Eddie shares an exciting testimony that demonstrates the personal and dynamic working of the Holy Spirit in response to simple faith. L. Hyatt
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From Scripture and personal experience, Dr. Eddie Hyatt shows that the Holy Spirit is a Person and is God. As such He leads and guides in personal and dynamic ways, which means we must nurture a sensitivity and understanding of His ways.Eddie L. Hyatt
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In this episode, Eddie tells about the transformation of a liberal theologian from the Harvard Divinity School who came to see the need for the baptism in the Holy Spirit in the Church at large.Eddie L. Hyatt
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The Baptism in the Holy Spirit - #4 - "The Promised Outpouring of the Holy Spirit on All Flesh"
In this episode, Eddie shows from Scripture and personal experience that we are living in the "last days" spoken of by Peter in Acts 2:17 when God has promised to pour out of His Spirit on all flesh--on all kinds of races, languages, and ethnicities. To learn how this is happening throughout the earth today, get a copy of the book in the picture be…
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RDH #199 - Toxische Männlichkeit: Gerechtfertigt oder doch nur NEID?
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1:08:36In dieser Episode nehmen wir das Konzept der toxischen Männlichkeit unter die Lupe und hinterfragen die schädlichen Stereotype, die oft mit Männlichkeit verbunden sind. Wir diskutieren über Auswirkungen dieser Normen auf Männer und ihrer Umgebung. Folge uns auf: Instagram:…
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The Baptism in the Holy Spirit - #3 - "You Cannot Buy God's Gifts or Manipulate Him with Money"
In this episode, Dr. Eddie Hyatt discusses the great Revival through Philip in Samaria and how Peter sternly rebuked a man named Simon for his fleshly desires and words in the midst of this Revival. The book below gives guidelines for discerning the flesh and demonic in times of Revival.…
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In this episode, Eddie discusses the significance of the account in Acts 8 of Philip's revival in a city of Samaria where many believed and were baptized but had not yet been filled or baptized with the Holy Spirit. An enlightening teaching. L. Hyatt
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In this first episode, Eddie discusses the words of John the Baptist in Matthew 3:11 concerning the coming Messiah whom he said "will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire." L. Hyatt
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RDH #198 - Vom Kämpfer zum Mentor: MuellerBXNG
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1:22:18Er ist die Zukunft des Boxens. Wir haben Besuch von Mueller Boxing. Eddy Mueller ist Profi Boxer und trainiert KOTS Fighter wie Tom Neubert, Lucas Soentgen oder BKFC und SLAP Fighterin Nicole Schaefer. Kurz gesagt, er macht aus Kämpfern CHAMPIONS. Nebenbei steht er als Ringrichter für diverse Boxturniere im Ring. In dieser Folge sprechen wir über s…
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In this episode, Eddie discusses how "Joy" is different from "happiness." He shows how modern medical research shows that joy has an impact on our physical health and also how joy has been a characteristic of authentic Revival movements throughout church history. http://www.eddiehyatt.comEddie L. Hyatt
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In this episode, Eddie discusses Job 5:21b-22 and Psalm 2:1-4 where it speaks of laughter in the face of adversity. Psalm 2 speaks of God laughing at the silliness of human opposition and Job 5 speaks of us laughing at adversity because of a deep trust in God. He shares an incredible testimony of how he and Sue saw this very thing in an amazing ans…
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In this 8-minute episode, Eddie shares why this is a serious moment in time for the church in America and why it calls for a particular attitude and perspective.Eddie L. Hyatt
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RDH #197 - Was ist Kickboxen? Entstehung und Geschichte
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1:07:33In dieser Episode tauchen wir in die aufregende Welt des Kickboxens ein! Wir sprechen über die Geschichte und die Ursprünge des Kickboxens und warum es nicht nur eine Sportart, sondern auch eine Lebensweise ist. Egal, ob du gerade erst anfängst oder schon erste Erfahrungen gesammelt hast, diese Episode bietet wertvolle Einblicke. Folge uns auf: Ins…
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In this episode, Eddie shares an amazing testimony of how he and Sue were given a car with the precise features they had asked for in prayer. It came in a very unusual manner and it caused them to laugh as they drove away in their car.Eddie L. Hyatt
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The Joy of Answered Prayer in 2025 - #5 - "How God Delivered Me from a Very Serious Illness"
In this episode Eddie shares a very personal story of how God brought him through and delivered him from a very serious illness through the prayer of faith and being led by the Holy Spirit. The complete faith-building story is found in this book. L. Hyatt
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In this episode, Dr. Eddie Hyatt continues his discussion of the Prayer of Faith and tells how he learned to apply this kind of prayer in the early days of his walk with the Lord, and the amazing answer to prayer that came forth. The small book below is his testimony of how the Lord brought him out of a series illness through the prayer of faith an…
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In this episode, Eddie talks about the Prayer of Faith as mentioned in James 5:15 and elaborated on by Jesus in Mark 11;22-24. In the small book below Eddie tells how the prayer of faith, and being led by the Holy Spirit, enabled him to overcome a very serious illness. L. Hyatt
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