Podcast by HighPoint Church Atlanta
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Feeling the heat of life's trials? Maybe you're facing financial struggles, family issues, or a test of faith. But no matter how intense the fire gets, you're never alone- God is with you in the fire. Join us as we dive into the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego and discover how God's presence transforms every trial into a testimony!…
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Like He did with Moses, God has a purpose for you- and He works in the day-to-day details of your life to bring it to pass. Our limitations are nothing compared to God's purpose for us.HighPoint Church Atlanta
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What are you skeptical about? The news? Politicians? The latest diet fad? Does this skepticism cross over into church? The Bible? Are we missing out on God because our hearts have become hardened by skepticism? Find out how to let God open our hearts and make a difference in our lives as we conclude "The Cross" series.…
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Everyone is a fan of something. We buy sports merch. We wear the t-shirt. Go to the concert. Pay for the experience. Do all the things. But as we know, being a fan is not the same as actually getting on the field and playing the game. Or being part of the band. Fans can only participate so much. The same pattern affects our relationship with God. I…
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We have all experienced "reversals" in our lives. From opinions on movies to the ref's call at the sports game, life is filled with change. But what about faith? Why do we currently see a trend of people abandoning faith, changing their mind, and turning back? What are people wrestling with? Is it really a faith issue? What about you? Listen to thi…
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It's good to ask questions. God has made you to be curious. But you need more than a curious heart... you need a courageous heart. What does it look like to take a step of faith and put what you believe into action? How is God asking you to be courageous in 2025?HighPoint Church Atlanta
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Have you ever heard a song without actually listening to its lyrics? What about a conversation? Ever heard without truly listening? The reality is that we all have a tendency to hear with our ears but ignore with our hearts. Tragically, we do the same in our relationship with God. How can we overcome such a "hearing" gap? Listen to this week's mess…
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What if God’s greatest works are unfolding in the places and through the people we least expect? Listen to this week’s message as we explore the profound truths in Matthew 2, Luke 1, and other powerful Scriptures that reveal God’s heart for the unexpected. From a humble town like Bethlehem to an ordinary girl in Nazareth, the Christmas story remind…
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As we begin the Christmas season, do you find yourself longing for rest but still caught up in the knotted mess of life? Did you know that Jesus wants to step into that mess and provide true rest for your soul? This week’s message dives into Matthew 1:18-25, exploring Joseph’s faith, surrender, and obedience, and shows how we, too, can experience h…
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What does it mean to have a “false self” in this world, and how does sin shape our identity? What role does self-awareness play in spiritual growth and transformation? Listen to this week's powerful message to explore what it means to embrace a new reality in Christ, moving from the false self to becoming authentic, transformed individuals.…
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Are you living out your faith or just talking about it? What does the Bible say about truly living out your faith? It’s not enough to believe; our actions must align with our faith. Listen to this week's message to learn how to live a life full of faith that takes action.HighPoint Church Atlanta
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Have you ever wondered what conditions produce great faith? Have you asked yourself how do you go about having great faith? How does the bible describe faith, and how can we practically grow our faith in God? Listen to this week's message to learn how to turn your given measure of faith into a great faith.…
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Does your heart desire to pursue Jesus? But do you often find your motivation lacking? Do you feel distracted? Listen to this week's message to realize what obstacles in your life may be hindering you and how you can surrender those to God.HighPoint Church Atlanta
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Do you often think you are under qualified to be used by God? Maybe you want to be used, but just not yet, not during this stressful or difficult season. Did you know that God can take what you have right now in this moment and in this season and use it to glorify His name? Listen to this week’s message to learn how God can use what's already in yo…
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Do you long for wisdom? Have you found yourself in a place of decision fatigue wondering what choices to make? Did you know you can request wisdom from God? Scripture shows us that when we request wisdom from God, it draws us into deeper relationship with Him and can even reshape how we view the world. Listen to this week’s message to learn how to …
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Experiencing difficulty in your life? Going through a season of hardship? What is God doing? What is God trying to produce? The scriptures have a great deal to say about enduring hardship and growing through your difficult seasons. But it's going to take having the right perspective, trusting God, and learning to run the race in front of you. Liste…
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Ever felt like you're sinking? Ever felt a bit lost? Like you're running your spiritual race but you no longer know where you're actually running? You're in good company. Throughout the scriptures, countless people lost sight of their calling, their relationship with God, their purpose, etc. So what do we do about it? Listen to this week's message …
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The scriptures describe your relationship with God as a race to run. How is your race? Still running fast? Still pursuing God with heart and passion? Are there things in your life slowing you down? What are they? What do you do about them? Listen to this week's message and start running the race God has called you to run.…
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There is a tendency for all of us to slow down and stop running the race God has called us to. What do we do? What is hindering us? We must throw off the very things slowing us down. Listen to this week's message and find the encouragement you need to keep running!HighPoint Church Atlanta
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God is still changing lives! In this particular message, Pastor Andy celebrates the power of God changing lives. The story of Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection isn't just a fairy tale. It's life changing truth and people still choose to respond to it through baptism.Romans 6:1-4-What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may…
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Find yourself up against the storms of life? Not sure what to do? Where to turn? Ever feel like God is asleep in the middle of your difficult season? You're not alone. The disciples felt that way, too. But God shows up in a powerful way. That same power is available to you as well.HighPoint Church celebrates students returning to school with a spec…
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HighPoint Church celebrates 10 years of God's faithfulness!Psalm 71:17-19-Since my youth, God, you have taught me, and to this day I declare your marvelous deeds. Even when I am old and gray, do not forsake me, my God, till I declare your power to the next generation, your mighty acts to all who are to come. Your righteousness, God, reaches to the …
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Does faith have to be complicated? What if mountain moving big faith wasn't difficult to have but was actually quite simple? What would that look like? How could you have that kind of faith? Listen to this week's message to find out!HighPoint Church Atlanta
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How do you trust God when you don't fully understand? When you the path forward isn't quite clear? Faith means being sure of the things we hope for and knowing that something is real even if we do not see it. How do we grow in that kind of confidence? Listen to this week's message to find out!HighPoint Church Atlanta
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Big Faith - Trusting God by HighPoint Church AtlantaHighPoint Church Atlanta
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Have some mountains in your life? Jesus reminds us that with faith, everything is possible. Even moving those pesky "mountains" out of the way. But what does it mean to have big faith? How do we grow and become people of Big Faith?!HighPoint Church Atlanta
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This podcast is part of a special Family Service with interactive engagement. Tax collectors were an unlikeable bunch in ancient times. When you read the scriptures, you see them lumped in with the lowest of the low, the worst sort of people. Yet Jesus surprised everyone when he invited Matthew the tax collector to follow him. To everyone watching,…
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Ever felt like "life" is taking forever? You're waiting on a breakthrough? You're asking God to restore a relationship but it still hasn't happened? Help with your marriage? A job? Children? What do you do when you're left waiting for God to move? Listen to this week's message to help you experience a fresh anchor for your soul.…
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Ever felt locked up on the inside? Maybe there is a great deal of strain in a relationship? Maybe you're struggling with anger over a situation? Maybe you have unresolved pain still taking its toll in your life? Whatever the reason, there are plenty of reasons you may feel "locked up" emotionally. How do you get free? Listen to this week's message …
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Everyone has felt the affects of motion sickness. Up and down. Left and right. The world feels like it's spinning. Not only do we feel this in the physical, we can also feel a spiritual version of motion sickness, one where we are anxious, stressed, weighed down by concerns, etc. What do we need? An anchor for our souls. Listen to this week's messa…
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From the moment you wake up, you're confronted with information, choices, and decisions that need to be made. Before the whirlwind of life comes at you, what do you need to make sure your heart and soul are in the right place? How can you "get set" to live confidently and boldly for Christ in your everyday life? Today's message will teach you simpl…
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How do you fight FOR the people in your life? It's easy to fight with the people around you, but how can we fight for them? Friends? Family? Neighbors and co-workers? Jesus tells a parable of leaving the flock to go after the one lost sheep, but what does that practically look like? Listen to this week's message to discover how you can fight for th…
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What is the secret to real change? To a transformed life? To growth? We have a tendency to strive for growth. To force it. But what part of growth is out of our hands and up to God? All of it? Some of it? Listen to this week's message to find out how to fight for it.HighPoint Church Atlanta
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The path of least resistance comes for us all. We settle in. Get comfortable. Ever feel like you've lost your edge? When it comes to growing in our faith, God has called us to stay sharp and to fight to keep growing. But how do we do that? What does it look like to fight to keep growing? Listen to this week's message to discover how.…
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It's easy for us to fight WITH family, but do you know how to fight FOR family? The scriptures tell us that the church is the family of God. But what's so important about that? What's special about church? And why should we fight for it? Listen to this week's message to discover one of the most important parts of growing in your faith.…
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Ever been in a courtroom trial? Had to share your version of events? Been called to be a witness? You may not have taken the stand but God has called all of us to be his witnesses. But what does that mean? What does it look like to share what God has done in our lives?HighPoint Church Atlanta
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Jesus died on the cross and rose from the dead more than 2,000 years ago. He proved he was the Son of God by coming back to life, defeating sin and death. Then he appeared to his disciples and taught and ministered. But what is Jesus doing now? What is he actually doing? And does it have any bearing on your life?…
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God doesn't always show up the way we want him to, but He always shows up the way we need him to. He is a good king who knows exactly how to lead and care for you. But will you trust him?HighPoint Church Atlanta
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Did you know you have been filled with power to be a blessing to others? God has given you power! How are you using it? It's easy to misuse the power God has given us and taken advantage of the people and circumstances around us. But God has called us to something more. He has filled you with power for a special purpose. Discover more in this week'…
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Doesn’t life sometimes feel like a broken record? Injustice is experienced at every turn and our problems and challenges seem to get stuck skipping and repeating. Are we guilty of contributing to the injustice we experience all around us? Listen tot his week's message to discover how you can be part of establishing God's justice not only in your li…
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We all experience brokenness. There is no escaping it. But just because sin has impacted all of our lives does not mean our lives are without hope. There is hope in the midst of brokenness. Discover fresh hope in this week's sermon.HighPoint Church Atlanta
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My Resentful Heart by HighPoint Church AtlantaHighPoint Church Atlanta
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Ever tasted something bitter? Your reaction is probably much like everyone else...it's to cringe. Unfortunately, our lives can become bitter and poison the relationships around us and with God. Maybe it's feelings of getting overlooked, of feeling slighted, or some measure of injustice...the difficult circumstances of our lives can open the door fo…
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Do you struggle with jealousy? Secretly rejoice when someone experiences a little setback? Are you able to celebrate others just as long as their success doesn't outpace your own? The truth is, we all experience jealousy to one degree or another and often times we don't see the destruction it brings to our relationships. So what do you do about it?…
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Ever wondered what your purpose is? What about the church's purpose? For many, faith is going to church, singing a few songs, and listening to a sermon. While needed and good, what if there is more to living out one's faith? This week, discover God's special purpose for you and the church!HighPoint Church Atlanta
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Did you know you were made to experience God's presence? Have you felt his presence before? What about his absence? From beginning to end in the scriptures, we see God desiring his people to experience him to fullest. Many times, however, we struggle to notice him drawing close. We ignore. We reject. We forget. Today, however, you are invited to ex…
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God has called his people to be holy. To be distinct. But what does it mean to be a holy people? What prevents you and me from becoming the people God has called us to be? And just as important...what do we do about it? Listen to this week's message to find out!HighPoint Church Atlanta
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Holiness can often feel antiquated, irrelevant to your life. But what if holiness was central to you experiencing the life God has for you? What if holiness was at the heart of experiencing God's purposes for you? Listen to the message to discover what God has for you.HighPoint Church Atlanta
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God is holy. But what does that even mean? How does it affect us? Change us? As you begin 2024, does God's holiness have any bearing on your life and the year ahead? Listen to this week's message and find it why it's important to recognize God's holiness.HighPoint Church Atlanta
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Ever recognized someone simply by the way they walk? The way we walk tells a great deal about us. Your relationship with God is often described as a "walk with God." So...how's your walk with God? Do you have a growing relationship? Listen to this week's message to help you start walking with God!HighPoint Church Atlanta
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