Let's get down N nerdy with plants and fungi on Flora Funga Podcast. I'm all about bridging the gap between plants, fungi, and humans. Come listen to the underrated nerdy topics of flora and funga. Everything's connected above and below ground. Feel free to contact me at www.florafungapodcast.com/contact
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Flora Assemblies of God Sunday Morning Program
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Are you ready to grow your floral business not only in profits but in creativity and fulfillment? Listen as Jeni Becht a wedding and event designer of over 25 years shares all the juicy details of growing and evolving her floral business into one of passion, purpose, and financial freedom. She shares all the secrets with actionable tips and strategies so you can wake up inspired and on a path to profitability while feeling lighter and more aligned in work and life. Join Jeni in building your ...
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Hier erzählen wir von unseren Abenteuern in Peru, Bolivien, Ecuador und Kolumbien. Viel Spaß :)
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Flo Cover art photo provided by rawpixel on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@rawpixel
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Io sono Matteo Flora, mi occupo di #Reputazione Digitale, la insegno in Università e faccio consulenza ad Aziende, Enti e Professionisti con le mie aziende. E con Ciao, Internet! racconto come la Rete ci cambia.
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Ola somos novos esperamos agradar vocês.
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A 6-part audio memoir of Flora Mae Brawner. Her story. Her memories. Her words.
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晨读美文,享受语言之美,我是中国人,我用自己喜欢的发音方式朗读英语并精心为每一篇朗读配上舒缓优雅的背景音乐。在我看来,阅读是一件很个人的事情,也是一件精神上的事,它就像日记,在你每一次的呼吸吐纳里都潜藏着今日的心情和往日的积淀。和Flora一起读英语吧,或者听我为你读英语,在清晨的阳光下、在夕阳的斜辉中、在每一次临睡前。我是Flora Fang,“英语相伴”和”VOA英语听力”公众号主播,“英语相伴”公众号持续为大家提供集思想性、文学艺术性、英语语言知识性、欣赏趣味性为一体的好文,等你!
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Live phone call with professional Cover art photo provided by Eva Waardenburg on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@cantusamator
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The Mind And Creations Of Drexal Flowers and Floralleague
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Podcast by Flint Flora
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Descriptions on flowers you might find in the wild, or right in your garden!
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Podcast semanal sobre a utilização das Essências Florais.
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Nature, nurture, people, and adventures - in no particular order, usually mixed all together.
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Flowers that heal, cut flowers, dye plants, pollinators, aroma flowers, herbs, oils - many ways to get more flowers in your life. Also supporting #juststartmarch - just start to do what you know what you can do.
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Welcome to the Ornz Bigata Flora podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Welcome to the The Flora and Faura podcast, where I fumble with podcast, blogs, and everything that involves my passion but would like to be vindicated.
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Welcome to 'Time-With-Flora' where we Talk, Learn and Grow together. We podcast monthly focusing on life, relationships and career stories. Flora is a professional coach, trainer, conflict mediator and business consultant. Check https://linktr.ee/timewithflora Support the podcast by becoming a Patron. Go to https://www.patreon.com/timewithflora
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Terapeuta especialista em Floral para Crianças compartilha variados conhecimentos sobre como curar o emocional da criança, desde a gestação até a primeira infância, de forma rápida, natural e segura.
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Welcome to Flora and Fauna, a conversation based educational podcast where we learn about plants and animals from all over the world!
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La culture dominante détruit la nature, érotise et glorifie la domination, en particulier sur les femmes. La civilisation industrielle patriarcale détruit, exploite, aliène et transforme le monde vivant en zones mortes, marchandises, et déchets. Pour mettre un terme un désastre – et non pas devenir des gestionnaires de nuisances – nous devons casser la machine, sa structure matérielle, ses hiérarchies et son idéologie. Floraisons est un podcast qui participe à ce mouvement de résistance en d ...
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Hi! Welcome to FloralKimbap where our narrator discusses personal experiences in the frame of broad relevant issues. Common themes of the podcast will be sexuality, religion, family, mental health, race, indigeneity, colonialism, and poverty. Resonate and enjoy!
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Are you a young adult just taking off in your career who wants to hear more from normal people like you? Or maybe you’re trying to stay in tune with those darn millennials? Either way, you’re in the right place. Floral Couch Conversations is a podcast by two 20-something women who love storytelling, listening and sharing perspectives. We talk with our guests about how they got to where they are in life — their hopes, dreams, goals, fears and more! Just two 20-something women looking to bring ...
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Welcome to the FloraPine Home Podcast! A podcast hosted by husband and wife team Ry + Ash, to start a conversation about life at home both aesthetically and relationally. Tune in to bi-weekly episodes featuring interviews and conversations that will hopefully encourage you to start conversations of your own. Will you join us at FloraPine Home?
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Flora Wiström & Frida Vega Salomonsson är internet queens från Stockholm. I den här podden pratar de om ämnen som bränns. Från Kroppsbehåring & första ligget till vänskapsvånda & den stora kärleken!
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The Brewing After Hours Podcast is hosted by Homebrewer and Digital Creator Sarah Flora, also known as Flora Brewing on Instagram and YouTube where she dives into the technical aspects of brewing beer from her home in Los Angeles. Brewing After Hours is going to take a different look at the history and stories behind beer as well as feature conversations with industry professionals and homebrewers. New episodes every Monday! For podcast updates, behind the scenes content, brewing tutorials a ...
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Floral Design Cast entstand durch die Erfüllung des Wunsches nach direkt gesprochenem Kontakt zu den Freunden des "Floralen Lebens". Spontan werden hier ca. monatlich bis 6-wöchig aus Aktivitäten in unserem Milieu kurze Clips gedreht, wo nicht Personen, sondern die florale Gestaltung und die ständige Neuentdeckung von Formen, Stimmungen, Darstellungen mit Blumen und Pflanzen im Vordergrund stehen. Was passiert bei uns? Was entwickelt sich neu? Was kommt vielleicht sogar ein wenig verändert z ...
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The floral-design-cast clips become real, to fulfil a desire for a directly spoken contact to the friends of the "floral-life" and the ones of our house. Monthly or in a rhythm of 6 weeks will appear clips, spontaneously made in our surroundings. Not only persons, no flower-design "itself" plays the main roll in this short stories. New development, new activities, discoveries of forms, images, moods, expressions with flowers and plants. What is happening by us? What is new by the way? What i ...
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Bringing you the Art and Business of Flowers. VLF Live Podcast is an educational and inspirational show for all florists, flower artists and entrepreneur, floral industry pros and beginners, and simply for flower lovers. Anahit, the podcast host, takes a deep dive into floristry, into what it really takes to run a successful floral business, how to be a better floral designer, how to stay inspired and inspire other. "As we know, our profession encompasses wide range of industries and other f ...
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Nei social network, come nell’orienteering, se non sappiamo dove ci troviamo non possiamo decidere la nostra prossima mossa. Oggi le piattaforme hanno ridotto la moderazione, aprendo “le gabbie” sia per i discorsi d’odio sia per i contenuti inclusivi. In passato, infatti, determinate conversazioni venivano “spinte” dagli algoritmi, creando un’illus…
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156: The Flying Fungi: What's it like Skydiving on 20G of Shrooms?
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1:15:43Ask Flora Funga Podcast anything OR Leave a Review https://happymushrooms.com/flora Andrew (aka The Flying Fungi) is a freedom seeker. He's a passionate mushroom forager, grower, researcher and educator dedicated to exploring the world of fungi. Andrew is an avid skydiver and outdoor enthusiast who thrives on adventure and pushing boundaries. Deep …
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March 23, 2025 Program
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Tired of reinventing the wheel every time you create a wedding flower quote? In this episode, I’m walking you through my base recipe pricing system—the exact method I use to estimate flower costs, create starting prices, and quote with confidence. Whether you’re building out an a la carte menu, quoting full-service weddings, or just want to feel mo…
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Does the idea of networking make your palms sweat? You’re not alone—but it might be the one thing holding your business back from explosive growth. In this episode, I’m sharing my real-world experiences from this past week—from styled shoots and creative collaborations to large-scale events—and exactly how I’ve used networking to build relationship…
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''Abbiamo ricevuto il tuo curriculum'' Una nuova truffa che prende di mira chi cerca o desidera cambiare lavoro. Tutto comincia con una telefonata apparentemente innocua, in cui si dichiara di aver trovato il tuo curriculum vitae. In seguito, si viene invitati a proseguire la conversazione su WhatsApp, spesso con numeri internazionali, per poi cade…
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🔥 W33K: le notizie della settimana! 🔥 In questa puntata abbiamo parlato di: 🧑⚖️ OpenAI e il training su opere coperte da copyright (approfondito anche in un video di questa settimana) 📜 Virginia: approvato l'High-Risk Artificial Intelligence Developer and Deployer Act 🇺🇸 Nuova direttiva USA: focus sulla riduzione del bias ideologico per favorire p…
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[W33K - Cosa accade in Rete] ~ Ep.9 ~ 21.03.2025
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1:09:24✨ W33K: il venerdì che fa la differenza! Alle 21:30 in LIVE, ti aspetto per un appuntamento che cambia le regole: tecnologia, comunicazione e policy spiegate in modo semplice, utile e senza giri di parole. ✅ Novità chiave per orientarti nella settimana ✅ Le notizie che forse avevi perso nel mare di rumore ✅ Uno spazio per capire cosa conta davvero …
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La Germania si trova di fronte a una scelta fondamentale: accettare l’installazione di turbine eoliche cinesi a basso costo, accelerando la corsa alle rinnovabili, o proteggersi dal rischio di un potenziale controllo tecnologico e di sicurezza. Le autorità temono infatti che i sensori e i software di questi impianti possano raccogliere dati critici…
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La promessa di Elon Musk di rendere X (ex Twitter) uno spazio senza censura né mediazioni è ruotata inizialmente intorno alle Community Notes: brevi commenti “scritti dalla folla” per segnalare contenuti ingannevoli o errati. L’idea era rivoluzionaria: dare voce diretta agli utenti affinché valutassero, in modo corale, la qualità dei post. Tuttavia…
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Have you ever felt like everything in your business and life is falling apart at the same time? Like no matter how hard you try, nothing is working? This week, I’m sharing my real-life experience of a full-blown dumpster fire week—from major house issues to sick kids and unexpected business stress. But more importantly, I’m diving into what to do w…
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155: The Hidden Science of Morels, Soil Health & Fungal Medicine--Must-Know Mycology!
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1:50:19Ask Flora Funga Podcast anything OR Leave a Review Tyler Hacking is a multidisciplinary scientist whose research has focused on the interactions between plants, fungi and their habitats and how those processes impact human health. He uses agriculture biotechnologies to regenerate and transform soil. All Resources on florafungapodcast.com Wear FFP m…
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OpenAI e Google hanno inviato all’amministrazione USA lettere in cui chiedono di poter utilizzare qualunque contenuto, protetto da copyright o meno, per addestrare i propri modelli di intelligenza artificiale. Se questa posizione passasse, i diritti d’autore subirebbero uno scossone di portata globale, con il serio rischio che i creatori non vengan…
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🌸 Want to be the first person people think of when they need flowers? This episode is all about positioning yourself as the go-to floral expert—not just for wedding planners, but for venues, event designers, cultural decorators, churches, corporate clients, and even your personal network. 🌟 Jen shares real-life examples of how she’s built a busines…
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Come reagireste se il verso di una canzone di Bob Dylan (“Steal a little and they throw you in jail, steal a lot and they make you a king”) diventasse il mantra di una big tech? È ciò che sta accadendo con Meta, accusata di aver scaricato massicciamente contenuti protetti da LibGen per allenare la propria intelligenza artificiale. Al centro di tutt…
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00:00 Success in niching down involves specializing in cultural weddings, such as Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Somalian, and Jewish events, without limiting oneself to one specific market. 07:53 Understanding Hindi improves through immersion; experience is crucial for managing complex Indian weddings. 11:30 Attend a two-day workshop to become an expert in …
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154: Why Bananas Are Berries BUT Strawberries Aren't--Plants Are Using YOU!
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1:28:21Ask Flora Funga Podcast anything OR Leave a Review TRY Happy Mushrooms "FLORA10" FOR 10% OFF Phil Gibson is a biology professor at the University of Oklahoma. He's interested in plant evolution and plant reproductive systems. In addition to ecological work, he's interested in science education, especially evolution and botany education. Resources M…
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🌍 Il mondo digitale cambia in fretta, e anche questa settimana nella LIVE del lunedì ''W33K – Cosa accade in Rete'' abbiamo esplorato le notizie più calde. Dalla crescita impressionante di Anthropic ai nuovi problemi di disinformazione con l’AI, passando per sicurezza, Big Tech e molto altro. Se vi siete persi la puntata, ecco un assaggio dei temi …
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[W33K - Cosa accade in Rete] ~ Ep.8 ~ 10.03.2025
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1:06:12✨ W33K: il lunedì che fa la differenza! Alle 21:30 in LIVE, ti aspetto per un appuntamento che cambia le regole: tecnologia, comunicazione e policy spiegate in modo semplice, utile e senza giri di parole. ✅ Novità chiave per orientarti nella settimana ✅ Le notizie che forse avevi perso nel mare di rumore ✅ Uno spazio per capire cosa conta davvero 5…
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Feeling stuck in your floral business? Now is the perfect time to check in, reflect, and make strategic changes that will push you toward your goals. 💡 In this episode, Jen shares key questions every florist should be asking to assess their progress, eliminate distractions, and build a business that is both profitable and fulfilling. If you want to…
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L’accesso a una versione di ChatGPT paragonabile a un ricercatore di alto livello potrebbe arrivare a costare 20.000 dollari al mese. Si tratta di un prezzo che apre uno scenario in cui l’intelligenza artificiale, da strumento democratizzato, rischia di diventare un lusso per poche realtà con grandi budget. Le implicazioni spaziano dal controllo de…
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March 9, 2025 ProgramPastor Lee Woods
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Firefox ha aggiornato i propri termini d’uso, generando una grande ondata di discussioni e timori: molti utenti temono che i loro dati personali vengano venduti a terzi e utilizzati per addestrare l’intelligenza artificiale. In realtà, si tratta di un fraintendimento dovuto a una comunicazione poco chiara: Mozilla chiarisce che la raccolta dei dati…
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Ever feel like you’re stuck, not hitting your goals, and wondering why things aren’t coming together the way you envisioned? 💡 In this episode, Jen dives into the key reasons your goals aren’t happening and exactly what you need to do to shift your mindset, create a plan, and finally make those big dreams a reality. If you’re ready to step into the…
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L’Intelligenza Artificiale diventa sempre più accessibile ed efficiente, ma i consumi legati alla sua adozione non diminuiscono: anzi, crescono in modo esponenziale. È il cosiddetto “Paradosso di Jevons”, una teoria emersa nell’800 che mostra come, quando una risorsa diventa più economica, la domanda si amplia e il consumo complessivo aumenta. Appl…
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153: Swapping Genetics on SporeSwaps: A One Stop Mushroom Vendor Mall
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1:02:17Ask Flora Funga Podcast anything OR Leave a Review This week we have on Controlled Chaos from Spore Swaps A passion for fungus emerged from the forest in 2014, when a classically trained mycologist trained us in the art of hunting for wild Psilocybes. After 7 years in the foraging realm, Controlled Chaos Genetics was founded in 2021 as a hobby duri…
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[W33K - Cosa accade in Rete] ~ Ep.7 ~ 03.03.2025
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1:06:57Cos'hanno in comune Trump, l’intelligenza artificiale e le criptovalute? Ne abbiamo parlato nella puntata di questa settimana di ✨ W33K: il lunedì che fa la differenza! 📌 Ecco le notizie principali affrontate: 💰 Trump e la sua riserva di criptovalute 🚫 Piracy Shield e i nuovi blocchi in Italia 🧠 L’IA che entra nel dibattito sulla p***po**ografia ge…
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La RAI ha trasmesso un documentario dedicato a Edoardo Bennato inserendo spezzoni generati dall’intelligenza artificiale senza avvisare gli spettatori. Questo solleva interrogativi importanti: fino a che punto si può ricostruire la storia con immagini create artificialmente prima che la linea tra realtà e finzione diventi indistinguibile? Il rischi…
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Ever wonder why some florists consistently book dream clients while others struggle to convert inquiries? The secret isn't just pricing or aesthetics—it’s MAGNETISM. 💡 In this minisode, Jen reveals the #1 thing that makes potential clients choose YOU over the competition. It’s not just your work—it’s how you communicate, how you connect, and how yo…
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Quando una disabilità come la SLA porta via la voce, l’intelligenza artificiale diventa uno strumento fondamentale per restituirla. Apple, ad esempio, fornisce funzioni gratuite come Live Speech e Personal Voice, che permettono di pronunciare testi digitati con una voce personalizzata, mentre soluzioni come Eleven Labs consentono di clonare la voce…
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Have you ever wondered how to get involved in a styled shoot, make it worth your time, and use it to grow your floral business? In this episode, Jen breaks down three ways florists can participate in styled shoots, how to ensure your investment pays off, and the strategies she’s used to get published, build industry relationships, and book more wed…
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L’App Store di Apple sta obbligando ogni sviluppatore a fornire numero di telefono e indirizzo fisico per restare sulla piattaforma, pena la cancellazione come già successo a decine di migliaia di app. Questa novità, potenzialmente nata per garantire maggiore trasparenza e protezione dei consumatori, sta però sollevando numerosi dubbi sulle reali c…
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152: Microdosing for Over 50 Year Olds w/ Cesear Marin
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1:07:25Ask Flora Funga Podcast anything OR Leave a Review Cesar Marin is a visionary entrepreneur, former CNN producer, and the founder of Cultivating Wisdom, a platform dedicated to empowering people over 50 to unlock their potential through microdosing, biohacking, and personal growth. A proud Latino and thought leader in the psychedelic industry, Cesar…
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[W33K - Cosa accade in Rete] ~ Ep.6 ~ 24.02.2025
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1:15:59✨ W33K: il lunedì che fa la differenza! Puntata del 24 Febbraio 2025 W33K è l'appuntamento serale del lunedì nel quale, per un'oretta circa, analizziamo le notizie tech (ma non solo) della settimana. Iscrivetevi alla mia newsletter, per essere sempre aggiornati: https://link.mgpf.it/nl La sigla di W33K la trovate qui: https://link.mgpf.it/siglaw33k…
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[W33K - Cosa accade in Rete] ~ Ep.6 ~ 24.02.2025
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1:27:55✨ W33K: il lunedì che fa la differenza! Alle 21:30 in LIVE, ti aspetto per un appuntamento che cambia le regole: tecnologia, comunicazione e policy spiegate in modo semplice, utile e senza giri di parole. ✅ Novità chiave per orientarti nella settimana ✅ Le notizie che forse avevi perso nel mare di rumore ✅ Uno spazio per capire cosa conta davvero 5…
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Losing a client sucks—it can feel like a punch to the gut, making you question everything. But what if losing a client is actually a sign that you're doing things right? In this episode, Jen shares powerful mindset shifts and strategies to help you recover from rejection, use it as feedback, and move forward stronger than ever. If you’ve ever lost …
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Da qualche giorno, i cittadini inglesi che utilizzano iCloud non possono più contare su una delle funzioni di sicurezza più avanzate di Apple: la funzione Advanced Data Protection (la cifratura end-to-end di iCloud). Questo blocco, voluto dal governo UK e messo in pratica da Apple, ha un impatto diretto sulla possibilità di proteggere i propri dati…
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February 23, 2025 ProgramPastor Lee Woods
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ByBit Hack spiegato bene: il più grande attacco Crypto della Storia con Giordano e Dal Checco
Il 21 febbraio 2025, Bybit, uno dei principali exchange di criptovalute a livello mondiale, è stato vittima di un attacco informatico che ha portato al furto di oltre 1,4 miliardi di dollari in asset digitali, tra cui 401.347 Ether e vari token di Ether in staking. L'aggressore è riuscito ad accedere al portafoglio cold di Ether di Bybit, trasferen…
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L’AI Act è entrato nel vivo: sono infatti in vigore le prime norme sugli utilizzi vietati dell’intelligenza artificiale. Cosa cambia ora davvero per le aziende? Lo vediamo in questa nuova puntata di Compliance con Giuseppe Vaciago di 42 Law Firm e con il contributo fondamentale di Marilù Capparelli, Direttore degli Affari Legali di Google EMEA. Dal…
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Le più recenti evoluzioni dell’intelligenza artificiale si concentrano su due elementi fondamentali: la ricerca approfondita (deep research) e i sistemi multi-agente. Queste tecnologie consentono di affrontare problemi complessi, soprattutto in ambito business, con maggiore efficienza e risultati di qualità superiore. Da un lato, la deep research p…
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Do you feel like you’re always busy but not productive? Do you end the day exhausted but with little progress to show for it? You’re not alone! Productivity isn’t just about doing more—it’s about doing the right things while eliminating what drains your time and energy. In this episode, Jen breaks down six major productivity thieves that might be k…
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151: Beyond the Roots: How Mycelium Redefines Plant & Fungal Connections with Melissa Ketelsen
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1:12:50Ask Flora Funga Podcast anything OR Leave a Review Yay! I am finally releasing Melissa's chat. She has been working for the La Crosse county parks system for 4 years ago, and fell in love with fungi after stumbling upon Chicken of the Woods while mowing the lawn. Having grown up in the inner city of Milwaukee WI working as a cook that also struggle…
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🎶 Il Festival di Sanremo è terminato ed è tempo di tornare al lavoro... ma non prima di aver ascoltato la sigla di W33K, interamente in italiano e completamente creata con l’AI: musica, testo e video! Buon ascolto! Bonus: Introduzione del deepfake del falso Crosetto! ~~~~~ INGAGGI E SPONSORSHIP ~~~~~ Per contatti commerciali: sales@matteoflora.com …
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Are you feeling exhausted, stuck, or like your business just isn’t working? Have you thought about throwing in the towel because success feels out of reach? You’re not alone—but before you give up, let’s take a step back and audit what’s really happening. In this episode, Jen walks through a powerful mindset shift that can turn everything around. W…
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Elon Musk vuole davvero acquistare OpenAI con un’offerta di quasi 100 miliardi di dollari? La notizia ha acceso il dibattito tra gli addetti ai lavori, non solo per la cifra imponente, ma anche per i contrasti che emergono con Sam Altman, attuale CEO di OpenAI. Musk, co-fondatore di OpenAI ai tempi in cui era un’organizzazione no profit, oggi ne co…
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🎶 In occasione del Festival di Sanremo, ecco ''Echoes of data'' una delle sigle di W33K, interamente creata con l’AI: musica, testo e video! Buon ascolto e buon divertimento! ✨ W33K: il lunedì che fa la differenza! Ogni lunedì alle 21:30, LIVE, per un appuntamento che cambia le regole: tecnologia, comunicazione e policy spiegate in modo chiaro, uti…
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Are you feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, or just running on empty? Whether it's the chaos of Valentine's week or just the daily grind of running a floral business, it’s time to talk about real self-care. And no, self-care isn’t selfish—it’s essential. In this episode, Jen shares three key self-care principles that will help you stay grounded, avoid …
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150: The Truth About Psychedelics the Media Won’t Tell You- Satire Approach with Dennis Walker
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1:20:52Ask Flora Funga Podcast anything OR Leave a Review Dennis Walker is a journalist, podcaster and puppeteer who is primarily known for his satirizing of the psychedelic space. He is the founder and host of the Mycopreneur Podcast, with which he has published over 200 interviews platforming mushroom entrepreneurs from over 40 countries on 6 continents…
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[W33K - Cosa accade in Rete] ~ Ep.5 ~ 10.02.2025
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1:15:35✨ W33K: il lunedì che fa la differenza! Alle 21:30 in LIVE, ti aspetto per un appuntamento che cambia le regole: tecnologia, comunicazione e policy spiegate in modo semplice, utile e senza giri di parole. ✅ Novità chiave per orientarti nella settimana ✅ Le notizie che forse avevi perso nel mare di rumore ✅ Uno spazio per capire cosa conta davvero 5…
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