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Favorite Things with Mark

Mark Burdett

Mark really needed an outlet to talk about everything from Star Trek to Musicals, so he started a podcast! Listen as he talks to his wife and others about their hobbies and joys while sharing his own. At least it's not the News...
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We take the name of God in Vain- or blaspheme when we don't repent, take His gift of the atonement. suffer needlessly Jesus will bind Satan, it is He that will overcome- we are invited to the feast, to be with Him- Those who do not worship Satan. That is a pretty low bar. Does your life testify who you follow?…
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Elisha prayed..." Open his eyes that he may see." and the Lord opened the eyse of the young man...and behold the mountain was full of horses and chariots or fire round about Elisha."Revelations 7:9 "no man could number, of all nations, kindreds, people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothes with white robes.... "14 "The…
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Hath not God chosen the poor of this world.... rich in faith! Ether 12:23 Moroni- doesn't think he's enough. He worries we will "mock his words". Moroni does not realize HE is MORONI! You are enough! With God. How greatful I am for Pres Ballard and for all these men who give their lives to serve us!
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"We are of them that believe! Cast not away your confidence! Those things which cannot be shaken remain. Submit yourselves, Pray for us, Make perfect in every good work to do His will! Grace (Jesus Christ enabling power) be with you all!"
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"Chrisitianity is comforting but it is often not comfortable." (Holland) Philemon 21: "Having confidence in thy obedience I wrote unto thee, knowing that thou wilt also do more than I say." I hope to do more than God says, to prove I am His.
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Clark Gilbert- the parable of the slope it is all about who we are becoming. Put your money where you mouth is and love. No comparison. Gal 6:17 "let no man troube me, for i bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus."
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Ambassadors for Christ- God's army as Pres Nelson said Be ye Enlarged- Praise Jesus Ye are the temple of the LIving God- I will dwell in them, and walk in them and I will be their God and they will be My people
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We got the opportunity to be the leaven. To come when the Earth would be veiled in darkness. To bring others to the Feet of the Savior. To learn from each other (to thank Christ for that opportunity) and be made more.
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Pres Oaks once said we are called to preach the Celestial glory. He spoke of there being 3 kingdoms but their resposibility to teach us the way to dwell with God eternally. Alma 42: 29-30 "Let these things trouble you no more, and only let your sins trouble you...bring you down unto repentance... deny the justice of God no more. Do not endeavor to …
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Pres Nelson told us we needed to learn how the spirit speaks to us Paul shares his conversion story 3 times- no guilt. God remembers our sins no more, we remember so we safe guard and change. The Lord knows the desires of our hearts, will bring those to our path who are waiting to hear the gospel message…
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Paul had no fear of Man. He was told to preach boldly and did. He went where the spirit led and even his hankerchief healed those with diseases. We too are called to swallow our will in the will of the Father and by our actions lead others to Him.
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The angel tells the women to tell the Disciples He is risen, that He will meet them in Galilee. Peter comes running to see. Most do not believe. If you knew where He was going to come (for the 2nd coming) what effort would you make to be there? We can find Him today, in the scriptures, in prayer, in the temple! GO find HIM!…
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God is a God who delights to honor and bless us! He is not a God of punishment! How will these people who showed up in these accounts be blessed? What greater blessings are we keeping ourselves from because we fear man, or we choose not to follow our Savior?
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Light, delivered, comfort, peace Darkness, despair, bound, secret, doomed, destruction The scriptures illustrate the way our Father in Heaven and His son appear in our life, and how the advesary does. We are endowed with his power so that we can cast Satan out when we recognize his influence in our lives.…
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Jesus Beholding him LOVED him. He saw the desires of His heart. God is a God that delights to honor and bless us. He has so much He wants to give us. All we give to Him- He will give 100 fold In Heaven. Eternal Perspective. What blessings am I keeping myself from?
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Martha was "cumbered"- bothered comparing what she is doing with Mary doing "nothing". Comparison is the theif of joy. Who is greatest in the Kingdom- a little child. We are but babes in the gospel. Heavenely Father loves us and treats us with such compassion.
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Matt 15: 11 "Not that which goeth into the moth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth this defileth a man." Pres Nelson shared in conference a time in the operating room- making the decision never to hurl anything in anger- including words. Elder Holland gave a conference talk in 2007 "The tongue of Angels" In it he said "In this l…
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A good tree bears Good fruit, a bad tree bears bad fruit. Too often we think we need to cut down the tree because we make mistakes! God knew we would need repentance. No turning to the Right or the Left- a straight course that needs course correction!
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Blessed are those with any lack- because they sought Jesus to be healed. Woe to them who have all they think they need, because like the pharisees and Sadducees their pride prevents them from seeing the miracles and the good Jesus brought. How easy it is to be kind to those who love us, the challenge is to be like Christ and learn to love those who…
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John 2: 5-6 "Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it... and they filled them to the brim." John 4:23 "The hour cometh, and now is when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth; for the Father seekth such to worship Him."
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Christ was full of the Holy Ghost when Satan came to tempt Him. We can follow the Savior's example- in scripture, prayer, our wilderness' being with God to be filled with the spirit and prepared when Satan comes. He came at Christ, He came at Joseph Smith, he will come at all of us he views as a threat to him. Take it as a compliment he sees you as…
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Jesus went into the wilderness to spend time with His father and was tempted of Satan. It was right after His baptism. Right before He chose His apostles. Right before He preached in the synagogue and healed many diseases and diverse afflictions. This is a pattern Satan exhibits in all our lives. Before and After spiritual experiences with our Fath…
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