Oprah Winfrey is delighted to introduce a new weekly podcast series from one of the great spiritual thinkers of our time: Eckhart Tolle. Eckhart’s wisdom will help you learn to quiet your mind, separate your ego from your true self and live a fully present life. Essential Teachings by Eckhart will provide a path to discover an enlightened state of consciousness. Oprah says Eckhart transformed her life and hopes these Essential Teachings will inspire you to seek your own higher purpose.
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A essência de um ofício, um percurso, um legado, uma personalidade, um evento, uma época, um livro.A história, as artes, a ciência, a diplomacia, as ideias e o pensamento.
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Mit Ernährung Krankheiten in den Griff bekommen oder sogar heilen. Das geht! Und die NDR Ernährungs-Docs wissen, wie es geht. Wissenschaftsjournalistin Julia Demann spricht mit Dr. Silja Schäfer, Dr. Viola Andresen und Dr. Matthias Riedl über ihre spannendsten Fälle und erstaunlichsten Erfolge. "Essen als Medizin" lautet ihre Strategie, die Themen reichen von antientzündlicher Ernährung bis Zuckerersatz. Gemeinsame Mission: eine Ernährung, die schmeckt, die beim Gesundwerden und -bleiben hil ...
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Fortnightly podcast on Essex County Cricket Club
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Mit der buch|essenz stellen wir Sachbücher von besonderer Bedeutung für den gesellschaftlichen Diskurs, als Buchzusammenfassungen für dich bereit. Du musst Sachbücher mit mehreren hundert oder gar tausend Seiten nicht gänzlich lesen, um die Kernaussagen und Argumente der Autoren zu verstehen – denn genau dies decken unsere kompakten Buchessenzen ab. Mehr: www.fes.de/buch-essenz
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Apprendre, découvrir et explorer de nouveaux champs de connaissances, progresser ensemble, aborder et partager des sujets qui vous touchent directement, c’est le programme d'ESSENTIEL academy ! Retrouve Julie & Mag tous les mercredis à 20h pour une séance express de coaching ! www.essentielradio.com
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Um programa onde se fala de vinho, gastronomia e cultura. Para ouvir Segunda-feira às 22h45.
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Msgr. John Esseff
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essenZ fürs Ohr – der Podcast für alle mit Wissenshunger! Jeden zweiten Freitag im Monat veröffentlichen wir – Dr. Heike Niemeier und Team – eine neue Folge, in der wir Themen rund um Essen und Ernährung auf den Tisch bringen – und das gern auch mit Gäst:innen. Leicht verdaulich und geschmackvoll werden so Wissenschaft und Kochtopf, die Theorie und die Praxis, zusammengebracht.
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Vous trouverez toutes nos informations sur : https://www.frugarilla.fr
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Die besten Tipps für ein gesundes Leben gibt es jeden Freitag zu hören. Im Gesundheitspodcast geht es um Ernährung, Sport und Wohlbefinden. Und damit auch um viele Volkskrankheiten – und wie wir ihnen vorbeugen können. In jeder Folge beantworten Doc Esser und Anne eure Fragen. Wenn ihr dabei sein wollt, schickt uns die Fragen per Mail an docesser@wdr.de.
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A podcast for those who want to join us on our journey into the stranger side of the county. We will be exploring the folklore, urban legends and supernatural encounters that form part of it's rich history.
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Vetiver Vibes is a podcast created to open the conversation around becoming a certified aromatherapist, creating a successful health business and your go to place for general tips and tricks in aromatherapy. Join us weekly where we teach people to be empowered in Aromatherapy and bring you the Essential Oil Scoop!
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The Essential Reads podcast is a collection of classic audiobooks from your favourite authors such as Orson wells, Robert Lewis Stevenson, Mary Shelley, and many more, narrated by Isaac Birchall. Join Isaac on his journey to help get these books to the masses in an easy accessible way. Support the show and Join the Book Club https://ko-fi.com/theessentialreads
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Bomber Boy 64 dissects all thing Essendon Football club with an optimistic and crass outlook. He sometimes rings his bomber supporting friends Robbo and big Luke, they don't always answer. Carn the bombers.
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Off in the Esses is a podcast about the IMSA Sportscar Championship. Join us for for race recaps, news from the world of IMSA and hopefully a few laughs along the way!
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Bei Radio Essen auf Sendung und online in unserer Mediathek zu hören: Das Lokalradio für Essen hat auch Bürgerfunk im Programm. Die Moderatoren und Reporter präsentieren bei Radio Essen aktuelle News, relevante Themen, lokale Veranstaltungen, spannende Interviews und natürlich Musik. Die Sendungen von Radio Essen gibt's in der Mediathek von NRWision sowie als Podcast per RSS-Feed.
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Peter Towers, creator of ESS BIZTOOLS, tools written for accountants so they can quickly and easily offer business advisory services to their SME clients, presents news topics that accountants should be aware of if they work with SME clients.
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A show in which musicians and other creators talk about the songs that shaped who they are. Produced by Matt Byars and Lee Gardner.
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The finest House, Soulful, Nu Disco and Jackin in the World each week
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Fernsehen und Radio aus Essen: Auf dieser Seite findest Du alle Sendungen und Beiträge aus der NRWision-Mediathek, die über die Stadt Essen berichten oder von Essenern produziert wurden.
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Essential Church exists to remove every non-essential barrier between people and God and move them towards a loving relationship with Jesus Christ that can be enjoyed for all eternity. For more information, visit www.essentialchurch.com
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future college student...which means hella podcasts😂 #GSC22
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Um podcast sobre discos e suas histórias, apresentado por Danilo de Almeida.
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The Referral Effect is the podcast that explores how business owners in Essex grow and thrive through the power of networking. Hosted by Paul Dulieu, each episode features real conversations with local entrepreneurs and professionals, sharing their journeys, insights, and the connections that have shaped their success. Whether you’re an established business owner or just starting out, tune in for practical advice, inspiring stories, and tips on making networking work for you. Brought to you ...
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Illuminating the Essence of Pesach by Rabbi Meir Bulman
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Shiurim that illuminate the essence of Purim
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'Que Vinho foi Esse?' é um podcast feito para quem ama vinho e tem sede, com a missão te ajudar a beber melhor, trazendo informações, dicas e ideias valiosas em um papo leve. Isabelle Moreira Lima e Patrícia Brentzel apresentam em todos os episódios sugestões de harmonização e um glossário explicando o vocabulário do mundo do vinho.
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ADHD Podcast for Parents and Educators
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Hast du dich jemals gefragt, warum du isst, was du isst? Oder warum es manchmal so schwer fällt, deine Ernährungsziele zu erreichen? Dann bist du hier genau richtig! Im Podcast Kopfsache Essen tauchen Life Radio Redakteur Philipp Granbacher und die bekannte klinische Psychologin Cornelia Fiechtl (www.corneliafiechtl.at) tief in die faszinierende Welt der Ernährungspsychologie ein. Hier erfährst du, wie dein Gehirn deine Essgewohnheiten beeinflusst und wie du diese Erkenntnisse nutzen kannst, ...
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¡Bienvenidos a el Podcast de Essenta FisioSalud! Somos una clínica de fisioterapia ubicada en Santa Cruz de Tenerife, comprometidos con tu bienestar y salud integral. En nuestro canal, encontrarás contenido informativo y educativo sobre salud, fisioterapia y bienestar. Además, contamos con un emocionante podcast en el que invitamos a expertos y profesionales del sector para discutir temas relevantes y compartir sus conocimientos. ¡Únete a nuestra comunidad y descubre cómo mejorar tu calidad ...
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Looking to have authentic conversations about life, faith and how the two go together. Hosted by Pastor Quint Lindblad
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Der Essener Oberbürgermeister Thomas Kufen unterhält sich in seinem Podcast mit Menschen, die Ideengeber und Macher sind und die etwas Besonderes für Essen und die Region tun.
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Lungenfacharzt Doc Esser beantwortet im WDR-Podcast montags und donnerstags drängende Fragen rund um das Coronavirus. Der Podcast ordnet ein, gibt Tipps und hilft, sich richtig zu verhalten, ohne dabei in Panik zu geraten. Schickt Doc Esser Eure Fragen an coronavirus@wdr.de oder per Sprachnachricht an 0170/91 83 576.
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Join AOT2 and Ugochi on their wild journey as they discuss everything Pop culture, music, movies and more. 234 Essential focuses on Nigerian pop culture but goes beyond trending topics on social media. It looks at the bigger picture and provides accurate historical and societal context to what is trending online. 234 Essential Podcast is another podcast original from Global Village. For fan mail: fanmail@234essential.com For ads: info@globalvillage.studio 234 Essential on Twitter 234 Essenti ...
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Hi, I’m Mark Mathia. Transformational leadership happens in a single moment of clarity. Join me as we explore leadership and the power of coaching. Discover practical tips and inspiring stories to help you unlock your potential and elevate your thinking.
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Hosted by James Thayer, the podcast is a practical, step-by-step manual on how to craft a novel. It presents a set of tools for large issues such as story development and scene construction (Kirkus Reviews said Thayer's novels are "superbly crafted') and it also examines techniques that will make your sentence-by-sentence writing shine. The New York Times Book Review has said Thayer's "writing is smooth and clear. it wastes no words, and it has a rhythm only confident stylists achieve.
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Get the essential astrology download for your week! Your host, Veronica Perretti, delivers the forecast with humor and clarity so that even the newest astro-phile can follow along. Discover how current events are impacted by the movement of the planets. Find out what's happening up there in the heavens so you can dictate your fate down here on Earth.
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Zuhause in Essen - Ein Podcast der Sparkasse Essen - mit Tobias Häusler
Tobias Häusler - Team (Sparkasse Essen): Frank Weßing, Nadine Steinkamp, Sylvia Twiehoff, Sebastian Kirchner
Früher war alles besser? Nein. Das Beste passiert jetzt. Tobias Häusler spricht mit Gästen, die unsere Zukunft in Essen selbst prägen und gestalten - zwischen Karnap und Kettwig, zwischen Frintrop und Freisenbruch. Freuen Sie sich auf spannende Gespräche des WDR Talk-Moderators (und Rüttenscheiders) in einer Serie, die selbst bereits für mehrere Preise (z.B. "Tacken") nominiert wurde. Vor allem aber freuen Sie sich auf die Gäste aus Wissenschaft, Politik, Stadtentwicklung, Wirtschaft, Kultur ...
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Dicas de viagem e roteiros pelo Brasil e pelo mundo pelas experiências dos jornalistas Adolfo Nomelini e Rafael Carvalho. Planeje suas próximas viagens de férias ou feriados sem erros e de maneira fácil.
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A movement to better overall health geared towards the Pan-Asian community but ultimately to all that can benefit. As children of Asian immigrants, we were taught at an early age to not speak out and accept things as they are. Ikigai Essentials is a platform to inspire and empower others, particularly Asian Americans who may have felt similar pressures to conform or stay silent. Life is too precious to remain silent, so I am hopeful that by taking a step forward I am able to help reduce the ...
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Nurse Essentials is a podcast about all things nursing — from tips for making your next shift easier to advice on how to handle the big challenges you face. Whether you’re just starting your practice or have years of experience, we’ve got you covered.
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Podcast by EssentialOilsMovie
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Gaumen Hoch führt Tischgespräche in einer gemütlichen Runde, die weiß: Essen ist nicht nur Nahrungsaufnahme – es ist Kultur, Emotion und Gemeinschaft. Und darüber darf und soll geredet werden. Aber keine Sorge: nicht mit vollem Mund.
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Edufaith Essentials is an educational podcast dedicated to providing essential tips and knowledge about diverse learners: students with disabilities, Section 504, ESOL, MTSS/Response to Interventions, teaching, leadership, and current information. Edufaith Essentials' mission is to bring awareness, tips, and information to impact and promote inclusion in education positively. Edufaith Essentials aims to Restore Faith in Education, One Student at a Time.
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So nah wie bei uns wart ihr Kriminalermittlern noch nie. Die Kollegen der Kripo Essen kommen zu uns und erzählen von ihren spannendsten Kriminalfällen. Freut euch auf Einblicke in die Arbeit von Mordkommissionen und Ermittlungsgruppen sowie die neusten Informationen zu interessanten Kriminalfällen im Pott. Die Videos der Interviews findet ihr auf unserem YouTube-Kanal: https://www.youtube.com/@PolizeiNRWEssen
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In this episode of Accountant’s Minute Podcast, Peter Towers urges accountants, bookkeepers, and advisors to move beyond compliance work and embrace value-added services. With automation rapidly reducing tax-related tasks, now is the time to step up as trusted advisors, offering strategic insights to help SMEs thrive. Discover why your future depen…
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Original Air Date: July 15, 2021 Eckhart Tolle talks with a live audience about a phenomenon he sees unfolding: which is the awakening of individuals around the world. He jokes that he could call them The United States of Awareness. He says awakening humans are like hybrids experiencing a metamorphosis, like caterpillars becoming butterflies. He en…
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Im "Oldie Club 45" widmet sich Moderator Hans-Peter Huch Chartstürmern der Vergangenheit. Sie spielen Songs, die sich erfolgreich in Charts und Hitparaden aus aller Welt platzieren konnten. Unter anderem dabei: "Let There Be Drums" von Sandy Nelson. Der US-amerikanische Schlagzeuger konnte mit diesem Instrumental-Stück 1962 auf Platz 7 der US-Billb…
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Im "Oldie Club 45" widmet sich Moderator Hans-Peter Huch Chartstürmern der Vergangenheit. Sie spielen Songs, die sich erfolgreich in Charts und Hitparaden aus aller Welt platzieren konnten. Unter anderem dabei: "Let There Be Drums" von Sandy Nelson. Der US-amerikanische Schlagzeuger konnte mit diesem Instrumental-Stück 1962 auf Platz 7 der US-Billb…
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Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë chapter 20, narrated by Isaac BirchallSubscribe on YT or Join the Book Club on Patreon and support me as an independent creator :Dhttps://ko-fi.com/theessentialreadshttps://www.patreon.com/theessentialreadshttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfOFfvo05ElM96CmfsGsu3g/joinSUMMARY: Nelly gets orders to take Linton to Wuth…
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Send us a text Handwashing is a simple task, yet the hands remain the most common source of transmission in healthcare. Two infection preventionists at Cleveland Clinic discuss why hand hygiene is important and how to improve compliance.Cleveland Clinic
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Rabbi Meir Bulman
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What do you want to do with your life and with your money? This message will challenge you to have a Plan, a Vision and a Dream!quintcl
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Eine Frage der Haltung | Heinz Reitbauer
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1:04:39Hummer? Nein, danke! Heinz Reitbauer im Gespräch darüber, wie er im Steirereck Spitzenküche definiert. Hinter seiner Sterneküche steckt weit mehr als Perfektion auf dem Teller: eine tief verwurzelte Überzeugung. In dieser Folge von „Übers Essen spricht man nicht“ spricht er über die enge Verbindung zwischen Landwirtschaft und Gastronomie, über die …
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AOT2 and Ugochi rant about the current state of the country and discuss all news that made the rounds this week. -------------------------------------------- 234 Essential on Twitter and Instagram. Write us: fanmail@234essential.com Donate to 234 Essential: https://donate.stripe.com/bIYfZw6g14juf1m8wx Newsletter: https://234essential.com/…
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The Annunciation – Building a Kingdom of Love with Msgr. John Esseff – Discerning Hearts Podcast
The Annunciation – Building a Kingdom of Love with Msgr. John Esseff Msgr. John Esseff reflects on the Feast of the Annunciation, which falls in the heart of Lent. He shares how personal and significant this date is to him, as it marks the wedding anniversary of his parents. Their story, including seeking a dispensation to marry during Lent and def…
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With so much to catch up on, it's a supersized episode covering the recent astrological events, including the Sun-Neptune conjunction, multiple planetary retrogrades (Mars, Venus, and Mercury), and the eclipses! The big news is still to come though - Neptune enters Aries on March 30th, marking a significant shift in the cosmic landscape. This week …
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We’re back for our 6th (!!!) season and we chat: 🚨Club news 🚨The cricket landscape… 🚨Season predictions (will Cheese ever be on the money?)essexcricket
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Send us a text Welcome to this week's episode of Vetiver Vibes! Join hosts Nikki Fraser and Rachael Jean as they dive into the vibrant world of lime essential oil. In this episode, they discuss: - The uplifting properties of lime and its benefits for emotional well-being. - How lime can aid in digestion and support the immune system. - The importan…
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I am the Law of Moses Mosaic of Redemption Essential Church March 23, 2025 SUMMARY The message explores the relationship between the Old Testament law and New Testament grace, highlighting several key points: 1. **Misunderstanding of Salvation**: It challenges the belief that salvation was achieved through law in the Old Testament and through grace…
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300 programas, uma cave centenária e uma estrela MichelinRenascença
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Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë chapter 19, narrated by Isaac BirchallSubscribe on YT or Join the Book Club on Patreon and support me as an independent creator :Dhttps://ko-fi.com/theessentialreadshttps://www.patreon.com/theessentialreadshttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfOFfvo05ElM96CmfsGsu3g/joinSUMMARY: Edgar brings the boy Linton to Thrushcro…
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Essential House 960 (Jet Boot Jack)
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Round 2, Bombers lose to Adelaide in blowout. I ring blues supporter Cody Jones to trauma bond.Bomber Boy 64
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Msgr. Esseff reflects on the readings for the 3rd Sunday of Lent. We are called to be 100% love. He recalls a young man named Kevin, his death, and the call to repentance and to love. Don’t be secure in your own eyes, we need to have the eyes of Christ. We need to enter into the deepest parts of hearts to encounter the healing touch of Jesus. We ar…
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Kennst du das? Du hast dir vorgenommen, dich gesünder zu ernähren – aber dann kommt der Heißhunger, und zack: Schokolade, Chips oder ein schnelles Fertiggericht landen auf dem Teller. Oft liegt das nicht am fehlenden Willen, sondern am Stress und chaotischen Tagesabläufen. In dieser Folge spricht Cornelia darüber, wie Morgen- und Abendroutinen helf…
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Welcome to the Essentially You podcast, hosted by Coach Mark Mathia, where ambitious leaders come to amplify their influence and unlock their potential. In this episode, we delve into the pivotal role of technology in transforming the workplace dynamics. Discover how smart systems can alleviate the burden of monotonous tasks, boosting productivity …
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The Sign of Four by Arthur Conan Doyle chapter 11 The Great Agra Treasure, narrated by Isaac BirchallSubscribe on YT or Join the Book Club on Patreon and support me as an independent creator :Dhttps://ko-fi.com/theessentialreadshttps://www.patreon.com/theessentialreadshttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfOFfvo05ElM96CmfsGsu3g/joinSUMMARY: The police …
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Remember the fabulous worlds that fantasy, sci fi, and historical writers create for us readers? How do they do that? What works so well? I'll talk about world-building, not just for those novels but for all genres. And also: more on the critical craft of character description. Support the showJames Thayer
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Rabbi Meir Bulman
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Dons v Crom. I ring my mate Tom, he didn't expect to be on the pod, how fun.Bomber Boy 64
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Gerade im Winter fühlen wir uns oft energielos und ausgepowert. Trotzdem gibt es auch das Phänomen der Frühjahrsmüdigkeit. Und das, obwohl die Sonne uns Energie gibt. Doc Esser und Anne sprechen darüber, wie ihr euer Energielevel erhöhen könnt und erklären, ab wann ihr zum Arzt oder zur Ärztin gehen sollt, wenn ihr euch schlapp fühlt. Das sind die …
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Gerade im Winter fühlen wir uns oft energielos und ausgepowert. Trotzdem gibt es auch das Phänomen der Frühjahrsmüdigkeit. Und das, obwohl die Sonne uns Energie gibt. Doc Esser und Anne sprechen darüber, wie ihr euer Energielevel erhöhen könnt und erklären, ab wann ihr zum Arzt oder zur Ärztin gehen sollt, wenn ihr euch schlapp fühlt. Das sind die …
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Haley Fohr, who performs as Circuit des Yeux, is known for her hauntingly powerful voice and immersive, genre-defying sound. As Pitchfork put it, her voice is “a force of nature” that “pulses with raw emotion.” Her album -io, was hailed by The New York Times as “a deeply evocative exploration of loss, identity, and the self.” With a career marked b…
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Ein Grundproblem der Moderne.Die moderne Gesellschaft ist geprägt von tiefgreifenden Verlusterfahrungen. Seit dem Ende des wirtschaftlichen Aufschwungs nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg lässt sich eine „Verlusteskalation“ beobachten, die sich in politischen und sozialen Krisen manifestiert. Diese Entwicklung wird nicht nur von Rechtspopulisten ausgenutzt,…
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From Policing to Locksmithing: Jon Foster’s Entrepreneurial Journey 🔑 In this episode of The Referral Effect, host Paul Dulieu sits down with Jon Foster, former Metropolitan Police officer turned successful locksmith and business owner at Lockfit Bishop’s Stortford. Discover why Jon made the leap from law enforcement to running his own business and…
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Original Air Date: July 8, 2021 Eckhart Tolle begins his talk joking with a live audience about a video game reviewed in the New York Times called Stillness. He laughs and wonders if his work is having an impact on mainstream culture after all. He says one thing is certain, the world is definitely growing in awareness. Eckhart ponders the fact that…
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Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë chapter 18, narrated by Isaac BirchallSubscribe on YT or Join the Book Club on Patreon and support me as an independent creator :Dhttps://ko-fi.com/theessentialreadshttps://www.patreon.com/theessentialreadshttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfOFfvo05ElM96CmfsGsu3g/joinSUMMARY: Cathy grows up at Thrushcross Grange, an…
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#96: Por que as passagens estão caras? Bate-papo sobre curiosidades da aviação com José Ricardo Botelho
Rafael Carvalho e Adolfo Nomelini entrevistam nesse podcast José Ricardo Botelho, CEO da Associação Latino-Americana e do Caribe de Transporte Aéreo (ALTA) e e ex-Diretor-Presidente da Agência Nacional de Aviação Civil (ANAC).No bate-papo, vamos entender os motivos de as passagens estarem caras, por que não temos empresas de baixo custo, como na Ar…
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Lamentations 101
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1:50:46AOT2 and Ugochi discuss NYSC, Nigerians and the Government, the young Nigerian girl who made history as the youngest Emmy Nominee from Nigeria, the heat in the country and other news that made the rounds this week. OUTLINE 00:00 - Introduction 47:30 - Catch up 01:01:35 - X of the week https://x.com/chude__/status/1900063592570900741?s=46&t=TONH6Zg-…
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Yvonne S. hat eine Krankheit, über die niemand gern offen spricht. Sie leidet seit vielen Jahren an einer chronischen Obstipation: Verstopfung. Manchmal hat sie eine Woche lang keinen Stuhlgang. Ihr Ernährungsprotokoll zeigt: Yvonne isst viel zu wenig Ballaststoffe. Dr. Viola Andresen empfiehlt 35 Gramm der gesunden Faserstoffe, um Yvonnes Darm auf…
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Martin Barbara et Emile Burckard, jeunes diplômés de Centrale Nantes, filière Low tech nous partagent leurs expérimentations et la façon dont l'approche low tech oriente leurs trajectoires professionnelles et personnelles.Frugarilla - Numériques essentiels 2030
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Rabbi Meir Bulman
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Based on Sefer Maatamei HashulchanRabbi Meir Bulman
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Silence, on tourne... Action ! 130 ans de pellicules plus tard , Julie & Mag mettent leur pas dans ceux des frères Lumière le temps d'une séance ciné pleine d'inspiration ! Bienvenue dans la salle de projection d'ESSENTIEL academy !ESSENTIEL radio
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Essência do Vinho 2025Renascença
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Seeing the Big Picture Mosaic of Redemption Essential Church March 16, 2025 SUMMARY The sermon focuses on the interpretation of John chapter five and the broader implications of scripture in understanding God and our relationship with Him. Here are the key points: - **God's Nature**: The pastor emphasizes that God is inherently communal and desires…
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Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë chapter 17, narrated by Isaac BirchallSubscribe on YT or Join the Book Club on Patreon and support me as an independent creator :Dhttps://ko-fi.com/theessentialreadshttps://www.patreon.com/theessentialreadshttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfOFfvo05ElM96CmfsGsu3g/joinSUMMARY: Not long after the funeral, Isabella arr…
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The Transfiguration and the Glory of God – Building a Kingdom of Love with Msgr. John Esseff – Discerning Hearts Podcast
The Transfiguration and the Glory of God – Building a Kingdom of Love with Msgr. John Esseff Msgr. Esseff reflects on the Transfiguration of Jesus, drawing connections between Mount Tabor and Calvary to illustrate the necessity of faith in both moments of glory and suffering. Jesus’ radiant presence on Tabor reveals His divine nature, yet this same…
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Essential House 959 (DJ Le Baron)
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