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The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals exists to call the twenty-first century church to a modern reformation that recovers clarity and conviction about the great evangelical truths of the gospel and that then seeks to proclaim these truths powerfully in our contemporary context. To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.elsitiocristiano.com/donate/581
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Dr. Barnhouse the Bible has been making God's Word plain for more than sixty years. His unique style springs from his careful speech, friendly manner, vivid analogies, and most of all from his faithful exposition of the Scriptures. He made the Bible relevant to the modern man. In fact his sermons have grown no less relevant to those who hear them today. Dr. Barnhouse the Bible is a ministry of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals. The Alliance exists to call the twenty-first century churc ...
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PowerPoint Ministries is the radio and television broadcast ministry of Jack Graham, pastor of Prestonwood Baptist Church — a nearly 37,000-member church with three campuses in the Dallas and North Texas region. Through PowerPoint Ministries, Dr. Graham offers practical, biblical steps on how to tap into God's power for successful Christian living. To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.elsitiocristiano.com/donate/395
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America’s #1 Christian Counseling Call-In Radio Program. Since 1985 New Life Live! has been broadcast as a nationally-syndicated, interactive talk radio program which deals with mental health, emotional, relational and spiritual issues from a biblical perspective. To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.elsitiocristiano.com/donate/451
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A Travs de la Biblia lleva el oyente a un recorrido a travs de toda la Biblia in un perodo de 5 aos, alternando entre el Antiguo Testamento y el Nuevo Testamento. Se puede comenzar el estudio en cualquier etapa del estudio. Cuando terminamos con Apocalipsis, regresamos a comenzar de nuevo con Gnesis. El oyente que se queda con nosotros por los 5 aos no perder ninguna parte de la Biblia. To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.elsitiocristiano.com/donate/434
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Pedro Pardo i Albert Galceran sn "Els homes clssics"! Cada setmana es marquen l'objectiu d'acostar la clssica al gran pblic. Fan reportatges, reben grans experts a l'estudi o s'asseuen a tocar el piano per ser ms didctics.
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Every Last Word features the expository teaching of Dr. Philip Graham Ryken as he teaches the whole Bible to change your whole life. Each week Dr. Ryken preaces God's Word in a clear, thorough, and authoritative manner that brings people to faith in Christ and helps them to grow in grace. Every Last Word is a ministry of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals. The Alliance exists to call the twenty-first century church to a modern reformation that recovers clarity and conviction about the g ...
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Els experts

Catalunya Rdio

Albert Miralles, Roger Ser i Laia Vidal es lleven amb el peu esquerre, per prometen que el dia ser rod! Els seus oients sn "Els experts", i tamb s el teu despertador diari. Msica, cinema, tecnologia, sries, llibres, entrevistes, hermenutica... I els millors plans del dia. Tot, amb bona lletra. I rigor, molt rigor! Tant, que no sabem qu fer-ne. De dilluns a divendres, de 06.00 a 11.00.
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Creation Moments on ElSitioCristiano.com

Ian T. Taylor & Mark W. Cadwallader

Founded in 1963, Creation Moments remains committed to building up the Church and enlightening the world to the wonders of God's creation. For more than sixty years, this ministry has proclaimed the truth of biblical creation and provided irrefutable evidence that the Bible can be trusted from the very first verse to the last. In addition to its international creation-evangelism and radio outreach, Creation Moments offers hundreds of free resources on the Bible and science at its website: Cr ...
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Someone Else's Movie

Norm Wilner/Frequency Podcast Network

SOMEONE ELSE’S MOVIE is just what it says on the label: Each week, an actor, director, screenwriter, critic or industry observer will discuss a film that he or she admires, but had no hand in making. Hosted as genially as possible by Norm Wilner.
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A travs de su ministerio Grace World Mission (Misin Mundial Gracia), Bryan y Mercedes han estado realizando trabajo misionero principalmente en Baja California, Mxico por los ltimos quince aos; predicando, enseando, evangelizando y ministrando en el poder del Espritu Santo con muchas seales, prodigios, y milagros. Tambin han ministrado a travs de los aos en tales lugares como Ghana en frica, Suecia, Noruega, Espaa, Inglaterra, Irlanda, Francia, Letonia, Suiza, Argentina, y Japn, adems de var ...
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The Bible Study Hour offers careful, in-depth Bible study, preparing you to think and act biblically. Dr. James Boice's expository style opens the scriptures and shows how all of God's Word points to Christ. Dr. Boice brings the Bible's truth to bear on all of life. The program helps listeners understand the truth of God's Word in life-changing, mind-renewing ways.The Bible Study Hour is a ministry of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals. The Alliance exists to call the twenty-first centu ...
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Montse Virgili reuneix cultura, sentit de l'humor, histries humanes i reflexi sobre la feina de les dones per explicar l'actualitat posant el feminisme al centre. Cada dia, de dilluns a divendres, de 23 a 00 h.
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Desde 1963, Momentos de la Creacin ha presentado evidencia cientfica de la creacin bblica y otras verdades cientficas de la Biblia de una manera que todos puedan entender. Nuestro programa de radio de dos minutos, "Momentos de la Creacin", le ayudar a obtener una comprensin ms profunda de la gloriosa creacin de Dios. Cada episodio fortalecer su fe y llenar su corazn de asombro ante el gran poder creativo y la genialidad de Dios! To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.elsiti ...
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Els minuts escombraria

Catalunya Rdio

A "Tot gira", ens agrada tancar el programa amb "Els minuts escombraria". Gerard Jubany fa cada dissabte o diumenge una anlisi de l'actualitat esportiva amb el seu segell particular. Una mirada al cap de setmana en clau d'humor. Messi, Koeman, Ramos, Guardiola, Laporta... i molts ms passen per la secci ms boja de "Tot gira", amb Carles Roig, Xavi Espinosa, Ernest Maci, Sergi Camps i el muntatge tcnic i musical de Roger Fonternau.
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Welcome to Everything Else Is Everything Else with Kelly and Jessica: a podcast that takes a look into our lives as a carpenter and personal chef while we navigate life on the west coast. Join us as we talk about major milestones, weekend adventures, and the little moments of joy that we share in our day to day lives.
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Anything Else?

Steven Bonnell & Dan Saltman

Anything Else is a weekly comedy and news show hosted by Steven Bonnell (known online as Destiny) and Dan (Dancantstream). Join these two hosts as they cover the week’s news in politics, tech, and online drama, with lots of arguing and debate in between. Episodes are released the Sunday following the livestream. Support the show on Patreon to access the video version of the podcast and episodes right after they air. https://www.patreon.com/anythingelse
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Vi tager de helt store kunstnere og bands under kærlig, seriøs og musikalsk behandling. I seks timer dyrker vi hele deres karriere, afliver de store myter og deler røverhistorier og anekdoter med dig. Både fra lytterne og fra gæsterne i studiet.
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So...What Else?

So...What Else?

Welcome to So...What Else? with Kaitlin Elliott! A story-based podcast about our shared human experience. We can all learn from each other’s stories. Everything from the ridiculous and life changing, the heartbreaking and hilarious, the everyday and inspiring. Check out some episodes and let us know what is most helpful, inspiring or flat out hilarious! Access more content at kaitlinelliott.com or get in touch with Kaitlin directly at kaitlin@kaitlinelliott.com. Thanks for joining us! Enjoy ...
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Join Stanford GSB finance professor Jonathan Berk and Jules van Binsbergen of The Wharton School in a conversation with prominent business leaders about common flaws in the decision making process and what to do about them. Learn more at AllElseEqualPodcast.com.All Else Equal: Making Better Decisions Podcast is a production of Stanford Graduate School of Business and is produced by University FM.
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Elsharkawy Podcast

Mohamed Elsharkawy

مساق تعلم كتابة المحتوى هنتعلم من خلاله ازاي نبدأ في قطاع عمل حر يحقق دخل مرضي. من خلال مجموعة من الحلقات الصوتية هقدمهالكم أنا محمد الشرقاوي كاتب محتوى ومؤلف محترف.
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No 1 Else


Two young adults named Lola and Sarah are discovering what life has to offer. The two girls hit it off right away, became very close, and gained a lot of trust. Despite the obstacles, they overcame and counted on each other for support. Shared commonalities, such as artistic hobbies, paved the path for a stronger friendship. Indulge with Lola and Sarah on weekly episodes where they discuss a wide variety of topics as you listen to our crazy antics and have a laugh with us. No 1 Else does thi ...
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Känslan av ett riktigt bra auktionsfynd eller en skön dag i trädgården i poddformat! I Billgren Wood poddar vintage- och tv-profilen Elsa Billgren och kokbokförfattaren och inredningsprofilen Sofia Wood om framtida och samtida trender. Duon djupdyker i mat, konst, inredning, design och mode och delar med sig av personliga tankar och upplevelser. Det här är podden för inspirationstörstande personer med intresse för mat, hem och det goda i livet. Önska ämne på https://www.billgrenwood.seEn pod ...
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show series
Seguim a Aviny el macrojudici del cas Pelicot. Podrem dir que la sentncia ha complert expectatives: Dominique Pelicot, el principal acusat, ha estat condemnat a 20 anys de pres i la resta amb penes de 3 a 12 anys, per 6 dels condemnats no entraran a pres. S'ha fet justcia? Ho valorem amb l'advocada Maria Jos Varela, l'exdelegada del govern espanyol…
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Pollini i la sonata "Hammerklavier". Coincidint amb l'aniversari del naixement de Ludwig van Beethoven, un any ms, Els Homes Clssics (Albert Galceran i Pedro Pardo) li dediquen la setmana. En aquesta ocasi s'aproximaran a Beethoven a travs de diverses gravacions llegendries d'algunes de les seves obres ms emblemtiques. Per comenar, la Sonata per a …
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A "Els minuts escombraria" parlem del Betis, 2 - Bara, 2. A ms, fem la prvia del partit de l'Espanyol i analitzem la derrota del Girona contra el Madrid. Esports i humor, amb Gerard Jubany, Ernest Maci, Sergi Camps, Xavi Espinosa i Carles Roig.
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We are passing away and shall soon be gone. This is what it means to be a human being, and we need to face it. We are born. We live a short time during which we sin and then we die. From the very beginning, God had promised to send a Savior to a long and fallen line of sinners.To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.elsitiocristian…
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Have you ever received such a wonderful gift that you found it hard to describe? In truth, all human gifts are describable and just because we lack the words to describe them doesn’t make them indescribable". Join Dr. James Boice next time on The Bible Study Hour as he compares human gifts with the indescribable gift we received from our Heavenly F…
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England, France, and the rest of Europe breathed a sigh of relief when Germany was finally defeated in World War 1. But peace and security were only temporary as these same nations were terrorized by nazi Germany just a few years later. Believers face constant spiritual onslaught from the world, the devil, and our own sinfull flesh. But we know we …
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These Event Friday messages are from the Reformation Worship Conference 2015. Speakers at this conference include: David Garner, Robert Godfrey, T. David Gordon, Terry Johnson, Michael Kruger, and Neil Stuart.To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.elsitiocristiano.com/donate/581/29Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals, Inc
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Demonstrating Dr. Barnhouse’s acute understanding of Romans and his heart for effective preaching, these messages skillfully and reverently expound even the most difficult passages in a clear way. Dr. Barnhouse's concern for a universal appreciation of the epistle fuels this series and invites all listeners into a deeper understanding of the life-c…
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Continuing the series The Spirit of Christmas, Pastor Jack Graham brings the message It’s a Wonderful Life. Although the movie by the same name is a classic that should be watched every Christmas, Pastor Graham teaches that what life is really about for the Christian is knowing Christ and being filled by Him.To support this ministry financially, vi…
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Hearing begins with the external ear collecting sound waves and directing them to the eardrum, where vibrations are converted into hydraulic pressure by tiny bones. This pressure is sent to the cochlea, where hair cells sensitive to minute vibrations generate electrical signals for the brain to interpret as sound. The intricate and precise design o…
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Topics: Emotional Health, Holidays, Church Life, Connection, Adult Children, Confrontation, Sexual Integrity, Narcissists, Lying, Dating Hosts: Chris Williams, Marc Cameron, Dr. Jim Burns Caller Questions where do we go from here? Is it biblical to confront myThe post New Life Live: December 20, 2024 appeared first on New Life.To support this minis…
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Las rosas han fascinado a las personas por miles de años. Mientras que las cepas modernas de rosas son el resultado de dos siglos de cultivo, el naturalista griego Theophrastus escribió acerca de la rosa de cien pétalos hace 2.400 años. La Rosa damascena semperflorens, que florece tanto en la primavera como en el otoño, fue nutrida y cultivada…
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Some dispute whether there can be a greatest chapter of the Bible. Many teachers in the past have thought differently on what is the greatest verse, chapter, or even book of the Bible. One thing remains clear, and that is the fact that the word of God is a wonderful gift. Tune in to the Bible Study Hour as Dr. James Boice begins his teaching of Rom…
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durée : 00:53:30 - EN VIDEOS : les Wihnàchtsstarne, les poinsettias avec Christian Romain - Bons plans, conseils d'achat et d'entretien, Christian Romain vous présente les Etoiles de Noël, les poinsettias, les roses de Noël, les sapins et couronnes de l'Avent, pour des fêtes bien colorées.France Bleu
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One of the great principles of the Christian faith is that God chooses simple things and little people to do great works and confound the strong, and the Christmas story exemplifies that principle in a dynamic way. Dr. James Boice portrays the lives of the characters of Christ’s birth and the Babe Himself, the weakest of the weak and the most incon…
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Demonstrating Dr. Barnhouse’s acute understanding of Romans and his heart for effective preaching, these messages skillfully and reverently expound even the most difficult passages in a clear way. Dr. Barnhouse's concern for a universal appreciation of the epistle fuels this series and invites all listeners into a deeper understanding of the life-c…
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A Christian’s struggle with sin is inevitable. If Paul struggled, we will no doubt struggle. Our hardship will not ease as we grow in grace, but will grow because we will have an increasing desire to be like Jesus. Tune in to the Bible Study Hour as Dr. James Boice teaches us that even though we may experience tough struggles in the present, the Lo…
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¿Alguna vez sus ojos le juegan trucos? Nuestros ojos regularmente nos juegan trucos con la ayuda de nuestros cerebros. Repetidas investigaciones han demostrado que las imágenes que vemos no son exactamente lo que ven nuestros ojos…To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.elsitiocristiano.com/donate/1235/29…
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Topics: Holidays, Exercise, Stress, Fear, Dating, Historical Trauma Hosts: Chris Williams, Dr. Jacqui Mack-Harris, Dr. Alice Benton Caller Questions & More: Dr. Jacqui contemplates what having a gentle Christmas looks like. What is your opinion on doing somatic exercises to release trauma? Is this valid? Is my spasmodic dysphoria and agoraphobia re…
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As we make our way to Christmas, Pastor Jack Graham begins the beautiful series The Spirit of Christmas. Pastor Graham invites us to experience the true Christmas spirit the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Christ, the Spirit of the Living God.To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.elsitiocristiano.com/donate/395/29…
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The star P Cygni, which became visible in 1600, is aging much faster than current astronomical theories predict, challenging the idea that stars take millions or billions of years to evolve. Its rapid brightening suggests that some stars may age on a scale of centuries rather than millennia, aligning more closely with a younger universe as describe…
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Els Pirates. La companyia Els Pirates Teatre presenta "La cuina" a la sala Beckett. Un text de Laura Aubert que ella mateixa ens presenta acompanyada tamb de l'actriu Laura Pau. Laura Grau: Histria d'un topnim + Tipus de persones fent l'amic invisible. Sara Vinyals, de Cultura Jove.
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durée : 00:53:26 - EN VIDEOS - le livre "Unseri Breedle" avec Danielle Crevenat Werner, partie 2 - La linguiste Danielle Crevenat Werner a publié un livre sur l'origine des noms de Breedle, aux éditions Do Bentzinger. la linguistique peut également être gourmande. Entretiens avec Pierre Nuss.France Bleu
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Els Pirates. La companyia Els Pirates Teatre presenta "La cuina" a la sala Beckett. Un text de Laura Aubert que ella mateixa ens presenta acompanyada tamb de l'actriu Laura Pau. Laura Grau: Histria d'un topnim + Tipus de persones fent l'amic invisible. Sara Vinyals, de Cultura Jove.
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durée : 00:04:08 - Andréen bénévole du Secours Populaire à Bischwiller - Pour certains, les fêtes de fin d'année ne riment pas toujours avec joie. Heureusement qu'il existe des associations caritatives comme le Secours Populaire pour venir en aide aux plus démunis. Andrée, bénévole au Secours Populaire de Bischwiller revient sur les temps forts de …
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Els Pirates. La companyia Els Pirates Teatre presenta "La cuina" a la sala Beckett. Un text de Laura Aubert que ella mateixa ens presenta acompanyada tamb de l'actriu Laura Pau. Laura Grau: Histria d'un topnim + Tipus de persones fent l'amic invisible. Sara Vinyals, de Cultura Jove.
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Els Pirates. La companyia Els Pirates Teatre presenta "La cuina" a la sala Beckett. Un text de Laura Aubert que ella mateixa ens presenta acompanyada tamb de l'actriu Laura Pau. Laura Grau: Histria d'un topnim + Tipus de persones fent l'amic invisible. Sara Vinyals, de Cultura Jove.
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Els Pirates. La companyia Els Pirates Teatre presenta "La cuina" a la sala Beckett. Un text de Laura Aubert que ella mateixa ens presenta acompanyada tamb de l'actriu Laura Pau. Laura Grau: Histria d'un topnim + Tipus de persones fent l'amic invisible. Sara Vinyals, de Cultura Jove.
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Som a Aviny per seguir el final del macrojudici del cas Pelicot, de primera m. Com ho ha viscut la ciutat? Marcar un canvi en la societat, la poltica i la justcia franceses? Ho preguntem a Antonia Amo, professora a la Universitat d'Aviny i Valrie Grange, presidenta de l'Associaci de Dones Feministes que aplaudeixen Gisle Pelicot al tribunal. Amb la…
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A conversation with NotebookLM. Well, actually it's more of a conversation by NotebookLM, based on 52 previous episodes of this podcast. Well, you'll just have to listen. Facilitated by CAT+FD's Creative Generalist Bart Everson. Links for this episode: NotebookLM (Google) Illuminate (a similar experimental product, also from Google) Transcript: Bar…
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During the 2024 U.S. presidential election, inflation was one of the most talked about issues, and there was one policy idea to get inflation under control that kept coming up: price caps. But history has shown time and time again that price caps do anything but reduce inflation. So why do policymakers still want to try it? In this episode, hosts a…
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