Welcome to Elmhurst Christian Reformed Church! Here you will find the audio version of the messages from the weekend services taught by Pastor Gregg DeMey and Pastor Jeff Klein with occasional guest pastors, as well as our weekday devotionals. We hope you enjoy the messages and are encouraged by God’s Word.
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A group of Reading fans coming together to discuss The Royals. Unedited & Unfiltered.
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Changing Lives... One Heart At A Time
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This podcast will highlight an artist each episode that is featured on Elm City Radio in Jacksonville, Illinois. The episodes will feature artist interviews conducted by Ben Cox as well as songs from that artist's music.
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A podcast discussing horror movies from 2 Canadian horror movie fans. Every week we get together and discuss a different movie in length. Find us on IG: @a_podcast_on_elm_street
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Elm City Vineyard Church Talks is a collection of talks from Elm City Vineyard Church, a faith community in New Haven, CT.
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Twenty-two-year-old Elma Sands is found murdered in a Manhattan well on January 2nd, 1800. Her lover, wealthy and well-connected Levi Weeks, is accused of the barbaric offense. Weeks brings in the nation’s best legal defense team – none other than Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr – to clear his name while a pandemic-stricken New York City buzzes with scandal. This six-episode true story unfolds over the unbelievable two-day trial that laid the sexist roots of today’s justice system. Through ...
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Hier ist das Winter Wonderland für die Ohren - und zwar ganzjährig: Die German Voice of Darts gibt sich die verbale Ehre. Mit guten Gästen und ohne jede Garantie, dass der Tacho die 180 nicht auch mal übersteigt! Der Nr. 1 Darts-Podcast mit Elmar Paulke und Darts-Profi Florian Hempel. Game on, you freaks! Jetzt abonnieren und keine Folge verpassen. Eine Produktion der Podcastbande. https://instagram.com/elmar_paulke/ https://www.instagram.com/florian.hempel.darts/
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A podcast for people who believe they deserve to be healthy. Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-lindsey-elmore-show--5952903/support.
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Welcome to the Elmakake podcast, where amazing things happen.
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As a kid, I was always told that I was living in my own world, and thinking about deep stuff. Growing up, I never stopped. We all view the world differently. We're a little bit wrong. Or a little bit right. No one has a perfect view of the world. Then again, does that matter? Being a human is much more than just being correct. It's about being good. And if we could understand each other a little better than yesterday, then that's enough for me. I would like to hear about your world. And mayb ...
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موضوعات وحكايات هادفه... للكبار والصغار. Cover art photo provided by Bia Andrade on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@biawashere
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Welcome to the Elmoro Citral podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Bienvenido al Podcast de Elmer López.
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"El Más Morado" es un programa de Eventos Católicos Radio hecho por cucuruchos en espíritu y en verdad. Conducido por Joshua Coronado, Alex Crocker y Philip Chicola.
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Welcome to the Jaime Elmasreal podcast, where amazing things happen.
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A podcast about the people making and using the Elm language, and the things that they do.
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Join our pastors, staff and occasional special guests as they dive into the scripture for the weekend message.
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Always pertinent. Always provocative. Always real. The podcast that explores contemporary issues affecting Elmont and the surrounding communities.
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Tune in to the tools and techniques in the Elm ecosystem.
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Podcast by Elman Wall
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elm & ampersand is a poetry podcast recorded in Fredericton, New Brunswick.
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The Violet Hour presents - THE ELMWOOD STRAIN. A traumatized woman reluctantly returns to her dying hometown to find the stoner friends she abandoned are hooked on a strange new drug — with bizarre, seemingly supernatural qualities. Learn more at www.VioletHourMedia.com
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Welcome to the Elmer Pinuela podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Trinity Lutheran Church Elmore sermons
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Welcome to the Mahmoud Elmasry podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Mixes compiled and mixed by El Muzika with songs from various artists.
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AZA accredited zoo featuring over 100 wild and endangered species.
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This is my podcast!
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En podcast med undervisning och predikningar från ELM i Eket
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Podcast for the ELM Radio Show, featuring Live Music, Unsigned Bands, Loose Talk and Manny
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Join Gina as she takes time to look at each book of the bible.
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Ha szeretnéd még jobban támogatni másokat az útjukon, találhatsz inspirációt és konkrét ötleteket a podcastunkon akár szülőként, tanárként, vagy ifjúsági munkásként. Ifjúsági szakemberekkel, trénerekkel, civil szervezetek képviselőivel beszélgetünk tanulásról, fejlődésről, és mások támogatásáról. A podcast létrehozása az Európai Unió Erasmus+ programjának társfinanszírozásával valósul meg.
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Elma Tadında başta iOS olmak üzere mobil yazılım ile ilgili konuları işleyen, gündemdeki konuların bir iOS yazılımcının perspektifinden yorumlandığı ve Turushan Aktay tarafından yürütülen bir Türkçe podcast serisidir.
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Music Podcast
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Welcome to the Elm Knoll Anthologies of Spooky Stories podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Elm City Lowdown is one of five podcasts offered through WNHH-LP community radio. This one covers talk, race, religion, and politics.
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Welcome to Elmore's World, a new political podcast hosted by Chris Elmore about his personal opinions on the shifting political landscape and what each issue means to the American people.
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Podcast by Elm Street Church
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Inside Elm Street podcast is going to showcase all the special things that are going on inside our school that make this school amazing. Inside Elm Street will also include the kids at Elm Street. There will be different grades and a few different answers.
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Elmo is the star of Sesame Street and The Furchester Hotel! He's three and a half years old and loves being tickled!
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Insider Secrets to a Top 100 Podcast with Courtney Elmer | Podcasting Psychology for Business Growth
Courtney Elmer | PodLaunch
If you’re a business owner, professional, or aspiring thought leader tired of being stuck in "less-than-200-downloads-per-episode" jail (or you’re ready to launch a podcast that actually gets noticed and positions you as the go-to authority in your niche) welcome to the podcast that’s about to change the game for you. Unlike other podcasting shows that preach outdated advice like “share quality content” or “just stay consistent,” we’re breaking down over 15,000+ hours of study into what toda ...
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Egy lelkész (Mikó Ferenc) és egy Lélekgyógyász (Mild Günther) veled együtt összeül. A Lelki világunk árnyaraltiról hétköznapi létünkben mesélnek. Ha kérdezni vagy mesélni szeretnél, irj nekünk gunther.podcasting (kukac) gmail pont com -ra
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Der Podcast “Elmar’s Tooth Talk – Was Zahnärzte Dir verschweigen“ fordert Dich zu einem Überdenken herkömmlicher Ansichten in Bezug auf zahnärztliche Behandlungen und Materialien auf. Vieles was landläufig als gängige und sichere Praxis beim Zahnarzt angeboten und verkauft wird ist schlichtweg gesundheitsschädigend. Ob es nun Amalgamfüllungen, Wurzelbehandlungen, Fluoridierungen oder Implantate sind. Überall sind Nebenwirkungen und Giftstoffe mit von der Partie. Hier bekommst Du einen Blick ...
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Podcast by The Nerd Server
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Well hello oddballs! It’s your host Bobbie and your co-host Lexi, and this is Oddities on Elm Street; a podcast that covers all things spooky: from real life hauntings to true crime cases and everything in between. We discuss the mind-blowing, unexplainable, and the downright scary to satisfy our morbid curiosity. If this sounds like you, well...you’ve found the right place. Thank you so much for tuning in and remember to always keep it spooky!
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Join David Elm for insightful commentary and intentional conversations on faith, relationships, lifestyle, and creativity. Have an idea for a topic or guest? DM @davidelm on Instagram.
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Beware The Podcast on Elm Street, where we discuss the best and worst of all things horror Cover art photo provided by m wrona on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@maciek_wrona
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Among God’s greatest gifts to his people is the gift of the Holy Spirit, our Helper and Advocate, as Jesus refers to him in John’s Gospel. As we continue with our Conviction series this week, we will consider just what a gift it is to have on our side someone who knows us fully, who loves us unconditionally, and who leads us into all truth, includi…
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Alex & Paul discuss a solid Stevenage coming to SCL Stadium and picking up a point, drawing 1-1 before heading into the international break. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoicesElm Park Royals
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What's up Dream Warriors! This is our second last movie in Australia and Brooke picked a banger with The Loved Ones from 2009. This movie seriously does not get talked about enough; it's a gem that deserves every bit of praise it receives. There's a sadistic father/daughter duo, great torture scenes and a good sprinkling of comedy to make this movi…
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UPDATED 3/13 - Had some issues with the original audio but we got 'er fixed after throwin' a bag of hammers at it. Thanks for being patient and enjoy the better audio! Hope MacGregor is a Jackson, Tennessee-based artist who has taken a great journey with her music. From a theater and music kid at Rochester, Illinois High School to combat veteran to…
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If you’ve been told that sharing your podcast on social media will grow your audience—spoiler alert—it won’t. And if you’ve been stuck at the same download count despite posting, guesting, and promoting your show, this episode will show you why. We’re busting the biggest misconceptions about podcast growth, including why consistency alone won’t bui…
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Kyle Olson, Technical DirectorKyle Olson
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Alkoholfreier Wein oder Saft? – Folge 236
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1:25:21Der Nr. 1 Darts Podcast - jeden Dienstag neu Auch Frühjahrsmüdigkeit, Haushaltsunfälle und eine wackelige Wand können die nächste umfangreiche Folge nicht verhindern, trotz erster Gegenstimmen. Während Elmar schon im März seinen ersten Joker zieht, sieht sich Flo zunehmend ans Trainingsboard gezwungen. Martin Schindler hat derweil gezeigt, dass auc…
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Kelly Day, Director of Coffee Break Bible StudyKelly Day
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Best of Recap Episodes: Hormonal Harmony: Navigating Health with Integrative Medicine | Dr. Taz Bhatia
Dr. Taz Bhatia, M.D. is a board-certified Integrative Medicine physician and wellness expert, who gained national recognition as a best-selling author of the books, “What Doctors Eat”, “The 21 Day Belly Fix”, and “Super Woman RX”. Her integration of Eastern medical wisdom with modern science, along with her unique Power Type discovery, has led to m…
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Jeff Klein, Pastor of OutreachJeff Klein
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What does it truly mean to be converted to Christianity? Moving beyond surface-level religious practices, this sermon delves into the profound spiritual transformation that occurs when someone genuinely comes to faith in Jesus Christ. Through an engaging examination of the Roman centurion Cornelius's conversion in Acts 10, we uncover the essential …
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Gregg DeMeyGregg DeMey
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Erin Pacheco, Director of WorshipErin Pacheco
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If you don’t have a guest release form in place, this episode is your wake-up call. If you do have one, are you sure it actually protects you? Podcasting attorney Gordon Firemark is back to break down why every podcaster (yes, even small shows) needs a rock-solid guest release before hitting record. He shares exactly what it should include, when yo…
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Gregg DeMey, Lead PastorGregg DeMey
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You put in the work. You craft your episodes. You build your brand. But what if someone swoops in and steals it—your content, your show name, even your audience—because you didn’t have the right legal protections in place? That’s exactly what we’re tackling today with podcast and entertainment lawyer Gordon Firemark. From copyrights and trademarks …
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Kyle Olson, Technical DirectorKyle Olson
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Die Litermont Alm – Folge 235
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1:36:09Der Nr. 1 Darts Podcast - jeden Dienstag neu Unabhängig von „Starsky & Hutch“ oder „Barbapapa“, auf „Game On“ ist immer Verlass! Auch wenn Flo einen ganzen Geburtstag verschlafen hat, was demnächst im Saarland bei einer anderen Party hoffentlich nicht passieren wird. Dazu rätselt er über einen 74er Average aus Leicester und gibt uns einen Grundkurs…
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Kelly Day, Director of Coffee Break Bible StudyKelly Day
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Dr. Tessier, of Life After Mold, is an environmental medicine expert, specializing in treating mold related illness and associated complex chronic illness conditions such as EDS, ASD, Lyme, EBV, MCAs, MCS and more. She is a writer, speaker and international educator on the topic, and has been an executive board member of The International Society f…
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Jeff Klein, Pastor of OutreachJeff Klein
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God’s love for us like a father or parent takes many forms, one of which is discipline. When we receive conviction or discipline from God, this is only and always a way our Heavenly Father is loving us. It is God lovingly leading us to what He knows is good, and will lead to goodness for us. Discipline is God drawing us in. Drawing us in to knowing…
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What does it really mean to be converted to Christianity? This fundamental question finds a powerful answer through the story of Cornelius in Acts 10, revealing that conversion isn't about becoming more religious—it's about a supernatural encounter with Jesus Christ. At the heart of Cornelius's story lies a profound truth that challenges our conven…
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Gregg DeMeyGregg DeMey
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Erin Pacheco, Director of WorshipErin Pacheco
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Paul is joined by James Earnshaw to look to our must win match against Stevenage FC this weekend at the SCL. Can we go into the international break with consecutive wins? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoicesElm Park Royals
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Gregg DeMey, Lead PastorGregg DeMey
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Ever stare at your podcast stats, searching for proof your show is actually working—only to wonder if anyone even cares? Pressing play isn’t the same as listening. If people drop off early, skip episodes, or never engage, your podcast isn’t holding their attention. And if your show keeps getting swiped past, it’s time to figure out why. In this epi…
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Paul & Erik chat about our vital 2-0 win against Wrexham at the SCL last night that included a Hollywood worthy team goal. Great to see us playing so well again and and a fully deserved victory. UTFD Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoicesElm Park Royals
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Ever spent hours crafting a podcast episode packed with expert knowledge, only to watch it get fewer downloads than the one you threw together last minute? Or worse—seen another podcast with generic advice rack up five-star reviews while your in-depth, value-packed episodes keep getting ignored? In this episode, I’m breaking down why what you think…
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Kyle Olson, Technical DirectorKyle Olson
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Die Visualisierung des Happy Place – Folge 234
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1:27:01Der Nr. 1 Darts Podcast - jeden Dienstag neu Zwei Minuten länger auf dem Spinning Bike und immer noch mit Nachwehen vom Rosenmontagszug ist Flo kurz vor seiner Reise nach Leicester zugeschaltet, ob mit oder ohne Flughafenstreik. Derweil schließt sich bei Elmar im Zusammenhang mit der Konstanz des James Wade mal wieder ein Kreis, während Flo erstmal…
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Welcome to season two of The War on Drugs podcast, co-hosted by comedian Clayton English and Greg Glod, advisor to Stand Together on Criminal Justice and Drug Reform. This season, we’re bringing you real stories from real people—artists, athletes, and influencers like B-Real, Marcus King, Ricky Williams, John Osborne, and many others who lived the …
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Rachel Klooster & Billy HeschlRachel Klooster
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Best of Recap Episodes: Sinus Solutions: Unveiling the Gut-Sinus Connection | Dr. Nafysa Parpia
Dr. Nafysa Parpia is a board-certified Naturopathic Doctor and Director of Naturopathic Medicine at Gordon Medical. Throughout her career in holistic medicine, she has focused on treating patients with complex chronic illnesses. She specializes in tick- borne illness/Lyme Disease, environmentally acquired illness, mold/mycotoxin illness, 1 autoimmu…
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Jeff Klein, Pastor of OutreachJeff Klein
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In the first talk of our Lenten series, Conviction & Embrace, we will uncover the power light has to reveal sin and darkness. Do we fear that light? Or do we trust that light also comes with the warmth of embrace? Conviction is about exposing — even rebuking—sin. While potentially scary, conviction is not condemnation, where darkness reigns as sin …
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Alex, Ian & Paul discuss a massively dissapointing 1-1 draw away at Crawley Town, where Reading concede in the last minute to drop 2 points. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoicesElm Park Royals
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God orchestrates both sides of every conversion story, as powerfully demonstrated in Acts 10 through the interweaving journeys of Peter and Cornelius. This eye-opening message explores how divine intervention works to prepare both the seeker's heart and the witness's perspective before they ever meet. Follow Peter's remarkable transformation from a…
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Moises PachecoElmhurst CRC
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Erin Pacheco, Director of WorshipErin Pacheco
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Paul chats with James from Reading Chronicle before Matt gets the full breakdown of Crawley Town from SimplyRedz. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoicesElm Park Royals
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So, you want your audience to see you as a pro? Good news: it’s not about having the latest gear. It’s about knowing when to upgrade and how to maximize what you’ve got. Home studio expert Junaid Ahmed is back to share his simple, no-BS advice on building a home studio setup that grows with you. We’re breaking down when to invest in new gear, when …
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Gregg DeMey, Lead PastorGregg DeMey
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This week, we’re diving into a legal firestorm shaking up the Philippines’ free speech landscape. Our guest, Atty. Jeryll Harold Respicio, found himself in Comelec’s crosshairs after posting videos claiming vote-counting machines were vulnerable to hacking—sparking a cybercrime complaint and a national debate. Join us as we unpack what led to those…
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Paul & Erik discuss a drab draw against Exeter City at a very cold SCL It wasn't a match many of us will remember for Shane but we did move a place up the table (8th). Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoicesElm Park Royals
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Better gear won’t make you a better podcaster. But you can create a home studio that looks and sounds pro—using what you already have. Fellow podcaster and tech guru Junaid Ahmed joins me to distill 20+ years of audio and video design into 20 minutes of no-nonsense advice to help you create a home studio that commands authority on any budget, and t…
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Kyle Olson, Technical DirectorKyle Olson
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Kara Hackert, Director of Children & Family MinistriesKara Hackert
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Best of Recap Episodes: Cultivating Self-Compassion and Resilience: Shifting Your Stress from Fight or Flight | Dr. Aditi Nerurkar
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1:02:27Dr. Aditi Nerurkar is a Harvard physician, nationally recognized stress expert, and author of “The 5 Resets: Rewire Your Brain and Body For Less Stress and More.” She is also an in-demand multi-media personality, high profile medical correspondent, internationally renowned Fortune50 speaker, and podcaster. Uniquely fulfilling her original career am…
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