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Ecosystemic Futures

Dyan Finkhousen: CEO of Shoshin Works

Ecosystemic Futures engages with the world’s elite thought leaders who are researching and leading meaningful development in areas that could impact society in the next half century. Provided by Shoshin Works in collaboration with NASA Convergent Aeronautics Solutions Project - Ecosystemic Futures explores technological advances and structural patterns that will help us better innovate, operate, and navigate in our increasingly connected world. Join the conversation as NASA leaders, and indu ...
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Ecosofie: Duurzame gesprekken

Marnix Kluiters

Hoe breng je economie, ecologie en filosofie in balans? Daarover gaat Ecosofie, de podcast waarin Marnix Kluiters in gesprek gaat met experts over het verduurzamen van de samenleving. 🎧 Luister naar interviews met duurzame denkers en doeners zoals Rob Jetten (#100), Marianne Thieme (#110), Feike Sijbesma (#5 en #40), Benedicte Ficq (#98), Kim Putters (#34), Jan Rotmans (#126) en Marjan Minnesma (#10) - en andere inspirerende koplopers. 📲 Volg Ecosofie hier en mis geen aflevering.
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Ecosysteming is the podcast redefining economic development through the lens of equitable entrepreneurship. Join NC IDEA’s Thom Ruhe as he engages with entrepreneurs and experts who are challenging the status quo and driving lasting change. Catch new episodes of Ecosysteming every other Tuesday on all major podcast platforms.
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Ecos de Medianoche es un podcast diseñado para aquellos que disfrutan de cuestionar, reflexionar y aprender sobre temas filosóficos a la luz de la luna y las estrellas. Aquí nos sumergiremos en temas filosóficos, sociales y psicológicos como el sentido de la vida, la aceptación de las cosas, la soledad, el arrepentimiento, la fe y la muerte, siempre desde una perspectiva abierta y enriquecedora. Cada episodio es una invitación a adentrarnos en los misterios de la conciencia, a desafiar nuest ...
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El Búnker: Ecos de la Resistencia

El Búnker: Ecos de la Resistencia

Bienvenido al podcast donde la ciencia y los valores se encuentran. 🌍✨ Presentado por el Dr. Daniel Beltrán, investigador científico, genetista y divulgador, este espacio es para quienes buscan explicaciones cercanas y rigurosas sobre los temas más actuales de la ciencia. Cada episodio combina datos sólidos, reflexiones profundas y un enfoque en los valores que guían nuestras vidas. ¿El toque especial? El Dr. Beltrán, además de ser un experto en su campo, es un cristiano apasionado, lo que a ...
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Platemark: prints and the printmaking ecosystem

Ann Shafer, curator and print evangelist

Why do fine art prints (etchings, woodcuts, lithographs, screenprints, etc.) and printmaking draw such fervent practitioners, collectors, and fans? Find out how prints were the first internet disseminating images since the mid-15th century. Find out why it takes a village to make, sell, study, and collect these affordable beauties. Who are all these people in the print ecosystem, anyway? Series one looks at prints and printmaking and how they fit in in the context of museums, the market, cri ...
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The Ecosystem Approach™ Show

The Ecosystem Approach™

The Ecosystem Approach™ is a program based on the idea that the power is in the practical! We begin by immediately changing the energy of your situation. It’s not about long discussions or trying to understand the issue. The program gets to the core issues with laser like precision! We have tools to start making change immediately. We start with the basic parts of life; happiness, weight loss and fitness. Once you’re on the path and using our tools to be happy, have normal weight and be fit, ...
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The EcoSend Podcast


Our journey into the world of being a truly climate conscious business. Join us as we talk to fellow entrepreneurs, founders, marketing folks, and campaigners to help us build our new product, EcoSend: the climate conscious email marketing tool.
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Témoignages Écossais propose des entretiens audio que vous pouvez écouter où et quand vous le souhaitez. Nous recevons des personnalités qui viennent témoigner de leur expérience et échanger sur des thèmes majeurs liés à la spiritualité, l'ésotérisme, la littérature... Nous ouvrons également nos micros à des "cherchants" animés d'une curiosité sur ce monde qui nous entoure. Ce sont des entretiens « vrais », sans langue de bois, dynamiques et originaux. Chaque mois, vous y retrouverez des tém ...
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PrimeArt Network

This weekly podcast is a complete review and breakdown of the sabbath school lessons in Haitian Creole. ECOSA's platform is now being used worldwide to help facilitate bible studies, especially for those who can't afford a Bible or any other resources.
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Ecosofia X


Podcast de sustentabilidade e ética guiado por Cristina Gouveia - engenheira do ambiente com a mania que sabe muito de inovação - e Sofia Guedes Vaz - engenheira do ambiente com a mania que é filósofa. Episódios quinzenais que partem do conceito de 'Ecosofia', desenvolvido pelo filósofo norueguês Arne Naess, para falar de harmonia ecológica
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Ecos Del Faro

Ecos Del Faro

Bienvenidos a Ecos Del Faro "Donde el misterio y lo desconocido se dejan escuchar" aqui encontrarás cuentos, historias y relatos de miedo basados en hechos, misterios sin resolver , fenómenos paranormales y documentales espeluznantes de lo mas oscuro. Dejate llevar por el eco del faro en el temible mundo de historias de terror! Todos nuestros link en uno!
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Erfolgreiche Amazon Seller packen aus! In diesem Podcast teilen wir unsere Erfahrungen und Strategien rund um Amazon FBA und den Aufbau erfolgreicher Marken. Wir verraten, wie wir es geschafft haben, mehrere Brands aufzubauen und mit Produkten für Anfänger kontinuierlich Gewinne von über 4.000 € pro Monat zu erzielen – und das schon ab dem ersten Monat! Erlebe authentischen Realtalk über die Welt des E-Commerce, Amazon, Fitness, Ernährung und das Arbeiten von überall auf der Welt – mit nicht ...
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Ecos Patrimoniales

Ecos Patrimoniales

Ecos Patrimoniales Podcast es un espacio de discusión plural e incluyente, donde Natalie De La Torre Salas y Mitzy Quinto Cortés comparten ideas sobre patrimonios, cultura, naturaleza, humanidades, ciencias y mucho más de manera clara y amena. ¡Y lo mejor, todo desde una perspectiva latinoamericana y caribeña! De todo y para todes, de todo patrimonio. #SigamosHaciendoEco Email: [email protected]
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Ecosystems For Change

Anika Horn, Social Venturers

Transforming communities is hard work. That may go without saying, but when your job is about helping your neighborhood, city or region thrive, talking about being underpaid, burnt out and frustrated with the slow pace of change is kind of frowned upon. As ecosystem builders, we amplify the work of local makers, doers and innovators by championing their efforts and rallying support around them. And maybe most importantly, we build a culture of trust and collaboration among all stakeholders, ...
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The Ecosia Podcast


Stories from Earth: with updates on Ecosia and our reforestation projects, conversations with remarkable environmentalists and climate change experts, fascinating facts about science and nature, and personal stories. Brought to you with love from Ecosia's HQ in Berlin and our reforestation projects around the world.
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Austin Tech Connect is the go to podcast for all things Technology in the Austin, Texas region. The show is hosted by the CEO of Austin Technology Council, Thom Singer. For over two years this show has highlighted local tech leaders who make a difference in the Austin tech ecosystem. Each week Thom sits down with leaders in technology & business from the greater Austin area to explore success stories, business advice, and visions for the future of Austin Tech. The Austin Technology Council h ...
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Ecos Da Literatura Podcast

Prof. Thoni Coslim

🎙🎧🎙🎧🎙🎧🎙🎧🎙🎧🎙🎧🎙🎧🎙🎧 A Leitura e a Literatura de um jeito que você nunca ouviu. Para os amantes da leitura e literatura, sejam elas, Clássicas ou Contemporâneas, Brasileiras ou Estrangeiras. Propostas em áudio para facilitar sua vida no acesso à Leitura. ECOS DA LITERATURA - Podcast espera-os com muito carinho e desde já desejamos: "ÓTIMAS LEITURAS!!!". 🎙🎧🎙🎧🎙🎧🎙🎧🎙🎧🎙🎧🎙🎧🎙🎧
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Abrão Poeta

"Temporada NOVA no ar!" Com a novidade "PAPO + MÚSICA" ECOS DE MIM é um projeto de Abrão Poeta, com declamações de textos, frases, poemas e poesias autorais e de parcerias. Neste podcast temos a 3ª, 4ª e 5ª temporada do projeto de @abraopoeta, e você pode assistir e ler as duas primeiras temporadas lá no instagram, facebook e twitter de Abrão Poeta. ...
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Podium Podcast / CaixaForum+

Ecos es un proyecto de ensayos sonoros sobre el mundo contemporáneo. Su lema es una pregunta: ¿Aprendemos a escuchar? El tema de cada capítulo (el amor, el fondo del mar, el doblaje, el silencio, el espacio exterior) se desarrolla con una fuerte carga musical, poética, de arte y paisajes sonoros, porque se trata de pensar a través de los oídos. Narrados por Jorge Carrión, con edición y música original de Andreu Quesada, cada episodio incluye un poema leído por su propio autor o autora, vario ...
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38 Ecos (Temporada 2014/15)


El nuevo Podcast de Ecos del Balón. Será un espacio de 60 minutos que revivirá el último fin de semana de la Liga BBVA, desde el primer partido hasta el último, siguiendo una dinámica de debate claramente establecida. La hora de duración quedará dividida en dos bloques principales: El de apertura, base del programa, tratará el grueso de la jornada prestando especial atención a cinco de sus partidos, a partir de diversos cara a caras entre dos de los colaboradores. El de cierre pondrá el colo ...
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show series
En este episodio Carlos abrirá una puerta especial, una que nos llevará a un rincón profundo de la memoria; al pozo de donde salen los ecos del pasado, estamos hablando acerca de: las remembranzas y los recuerdos de antaño. Y mientras bajamos en el pozo nos haremos preguntas como: ¿Qué papel juegan los recuerdos del pasado en nuestra identidad? ¿So…
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¿Es USAID una agencia de ayuda humanitaria o una herramienta de intervención geopolítica? En este podcast, el Dr. Daniel Beltrán analiza el papel de la Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional (USAID), su impacto en la política global y las controversias que la rodean. Con datos, evidencia y un enfoque crítico, desglosamos sus…
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Best friends become enemies. Enemies are friends. Business is great. The market tanks. Winter yesterday, summer today, new rules tomorrow. Welcome to whiplash, the time of self-inflicted wounds. What to do? We talk with Dana R. Fisher, expert in social action and author …Alex Smith
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Best friends become enemies. Enemies are friends. Business is great. The market tanks. Winter yesterday, summer today, new rules tomorrow. Welcome to whiplash, the time of self-inflicted wounds. What to do? We talk with Dana R. Fisher, expert in social action and author …Alex Smith
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In this data-driven episode of Ecosystemic Futures, host Marco Annunziata interviews Dr. Tiffany Vora, a molecular biologist, Singularity Fellow in Biotechnology, and Vice President for Innovation Partnerships at ExploreMars. Drawing from her background in pharmaceutical research, teaching at Stanford University, and extensive work in space innovat…
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In this episode, Ann talks with Bryan Raymundo, owner of the Black Fragment Press. They discuss their meeting at the Mid America Print Council conference and Bryan’s background, from growing up in Mexico and Kansas to his love for Black Sabbath and printmaking. Bryan reveals his journey into art, inspired by comforting his sick grandmother with dra…
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To mark ten episodes of Ecosysteming, host Thom Ruhe is joined by Jim Roberts, Founder of the Network for Entrepreneurs in Wilmington, the WALE Angel Network, and NC IDEA ECOSYSTEM partner. With years of experience as an ecosystem leader and NC IDEA reviewer, Jim has contributed to several entrepreneurial ecosystems and now focuses on supporting Wi…
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As Intuitives with over 25 years of experience Channeling and Working with Clients, we know there are missing pieces and MISCONCEPTIONS that come from the channeled information of Seth, Abraham and Bashar! Today, we’re going to discuss a better way for you, to take the NEXT BIG step in the evolution of Consciousness and Energy forces in your life! …
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We take you deep inside the hidden core of the new bubble: data centers. After 10 years exploring data farms in America, Singapore and beyond, Anthropologist Steven Gonzalez Monserrate published his paper “The Cloud Is Material: On the Environmental Impacts of Computation and …Alex Smith
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We take you deep inside the hidden core of the new bubble: data centers. After 10 years exploring data farms in America, Singapore and beyond, Anthropologist Steven Gonzalez Monserrate published his paper “The Cloud Is Material: On the Environmental Impacts of Computation and …Alex Smith
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In this episode of Austin Tech Connect, host Thom Singer sits down with Joe McCall and Nikolas Kairinos, co-founders of Melelem, a groundbreaking AI company redefining how Large Language Models (LLMs) learn and evolve. Melelem continuously refines itself in real-time, eliminating the need for multiple AI subscriptions. The conversation dives deep i…
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In this fascinating episode of Ecosystemic Futures, host Marco Annunziata interviews Himanshu Bharadwaj, a design strategist who applies cognitive science principles from Eastern traditions to modern digital ecosystems. Trained at the National Institute of Design and Syracuse University, Bharadwaj presents empirical observations on how his Joyful D…
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De transitie naar een duurzame toekomst gaat niet lukken, voorspelt toekomstdenker Ruud Veltenaar. Een ecologische, economische en sociale crisis zal ervoor zorgen dat onze samenleving in elkaar stort. En: dat is het beste dat ons zou kunnen overkomen. Zo energiek als Ruud vertelt, zo pessimistisch is het toekomstscenario dat hij schetst. Hij voors…
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Bienvenido a Ecos de Medianoche, el espacio en donde aprenderemos, conoceremos y buscaremos constantemente respuestas sobre las preguntas que han acompañado al hombre desde sus inicios en el mundo. A lo largo de nuestras emisiones, nos sumergiremos en un océano de ideas filosóficas, preguntas existenciales y dilemas humanos. No pretendemos tener la…
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Enjoyed our podcast? Shoot us a text and let us know—because great conversations never end at the last word! This week on TezTalks Radio, Marissa Trew chats with saxophonist and music producer Marc Fendel about his journey into Tezos, digital ownership for artists, and the vision behind TezCon. Discover how in-person events are strengthening the Te…
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I’d like to report a murder. Trump’s fossil lobby wants to strangle American climate science. You can’t even talk about it. We track the worst with Romany Webb from the Sabin Center for Climate Change Law, and reporter Bob Berwyn from Inside Climate …Alex Smith
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I’d like to report a murder. Trump’s fossil lobby wants to strangle American climate science. You can’t even talk about it. We track the worst with Romany Webb from the Sabin Center for Climate Change Law, and reporter Bob Berwyn from Inside Climate …Alex Smith
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In this episode of Austin Tech Connect, the Austin Technology Council CEO, Thom Singer, sits down with Piyanka Jain, CEO of Aryng, to cut through the AI buzz and get to the real impact of artificial intelligence in business. With over 20 years of experience,,, building AI models long before it was trendy... Piya shares her insights on: ✅ The bigges…
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Enjoyed our podcast? Shoot us a text and let us know—because great conversations never end at the last word! This week on TezTalks Radio, Marissa Trew speaks with Ombeline Rosset, digital art curator and community manager at Objkt. From curating emerging artists to strengthening the Tezos art scene, Ombeline shares insights on the ever-changing art…
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Fragen & Feedback ! Schreib uns 🎙 Inside Amazon FBA #41 | Das Amazon Unternehmen aus dem Ausland steuern 🌍🚀 Viele Amazon FBA Seller träumen davon: das eigene Business ortsunabhängig führen, von überall auf der Welt arbeiten und dabei weiter skalieren. Doch wie funktioniert das in der Praxis? Welche Herausforderungen gibt es, wenn man sein Amazon-Un…
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In this episode of Platemark, Ann sits down with Angelina Lippert, a poster historian and the curator and director of Poster House, to discuss the inception and growth of the first museum in the U.S. dedicated exclusively to the art and history of posters. They talk about what makes posters and fine art prints the same and different. And they discu…
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In this episode of Ecosysteming, host Thom Ruhe speaks with Anne Wiper, CEO of The Textile Engine: NSF Regional Innovation Engine. They discuss her accomplished career at Nike, Salomon, Pearl Izumi, Smartwool, and beyond, leading up to her work accelerating innovation in textile sustainability and circularity. Learn how rural North Carolina is uniq…
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Its a popular belief to “Fake it till you make it!” It's been normalized to the point where some people lose a sense of self and their own authenticity! Today we’re proposing a new approach to Psychology, Self-help and Human development that is based on being in alignment with the way humans are naturally designed! We’re going to talk about the tox…
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Are we ready for desperate measures? Veteran climate activist/author Mike Tidwell: the year of despair in his new book “The Lost Trees of Willow Avenue – A Story of Climate and Hope on One American Street”. Award-winning conservation biologist and author Thor Hanson …Alex Smith
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Are we ready for desperate measures? Veteran climate activist/author Mike Tidwell: the year of despair in his new book “The Lost Trees of Willow Avenue – A Story of Climate and Hope on One American Street”. Award-winning conservation biologist and author Thor Hanson …Alex Smith
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What's the measurable return on organizational health? Through rigorous assessment frameworks and 25 years of transformation data, former IBM Change Leader Dr. Donna-Marie Arias quantifies the dividends of workplace wellness. She unpacks a landmark case study: a troubled global financial institution's 3.5-year journey to becoming an industry health…
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Oplossingsjeuk is een hele bijzondere irritatie. Akelig hardnekkig ook, en het staat klimaattransitie in de weg. Daan Remarque, psycholoog, communicatieadviseur en zelfbenoemd klimaatoptimist, bedacht deze term voor een bijzonder verschijnsel: als mensen de oplossingen voor een specifiek probleem niet zien zitten, zoals stoppen met vliegen vanwege …
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A very common and powerful urge today, is to have a love in your life! But we’ve seen that the way most people go about finding love is NOT in their best interest and those methods are setups for failed relationships in the future. In today’s show we’ll talk about the best ways to find love, the benefits of staying single, and about how you’re attr…
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Fragen & Feedback ! Schreib uns 🎙️ AMZ Ecosystem Podcast – Das komplette Amazon FBA Konstrukt 🔥 In dieser Folge decken wir auf, was wirklich hinter einem erfolgreichen Amazon FBA Business steckt. Viele glauben, dass ein einzelner Faktor ausreicht – doch das ist ein gefährlicher Trugschluss! ❌ Wir zeigen dir: ✅ Die entscheidenden Erfolgsfaktoren, di…
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How could madness dominate social media and politics? People are getting stupider. Brain damaging trends are dumbing down the population. Heavy metals, toxic chemicals, COVID, wildfire smoke an aging population, and climate stress all threaten intelligence. Now add…“TikTokfication”. We talk with scientist “Mr. ……
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How could madness dominate social media and politics? People are getting stupider. Brain damaging trends are dumbing down the population. Heavy metals, toxic chemicals, COVID, wildfire smoke an aging population, and climate stress all threaten intelligence. Now add…“TikTokfication”. We talk with scientist “Mr. ……
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La política ha movido sus fichas y la Ciencia se ha quedado fuera del tablero. Con cada cambio de administración, surgen nuevas políticas que pueden redefinir el futuro de la investigación, la innovación y la salud pública. En este espacio, analizamos cómo la nueva presidencia de Donald Trump afectará a organismos clave como el National Institutes …
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Join host Marco Annunziata in conversation with Gloria Bouillon, distinguished aviation strategist and founder of Aviatrice Advisors, for a critical discussion on one of the nation's most strategic infrastructure opportunities. As global competition in advanced air mobility intensifies, the U.S. faces a pivotal moment in transforming its aviation i…
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In this episode of Platemark, Ann talks with Susan Dackerman, a curator and art historian specializing in Northern European print culture. They discuss Susan's recent book, Dürer's Knots: Early European Print and the Islamic East, which looks at the artist's relationship to the Islamic world, revealing groundbreaking insights about the intersection…
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Episode 8 of Ecosysteming features host Thom Ruhe in conversation with Frank Pollock, Co-Founder of Home Lending Pal and a leader in other roles. As a former NC IDEA SEED ($50K) grant recipient and a reviewer for both MICRO ($10K) and SEED ($50K), Frank offers unique insights into the grant process. Recently named one of four regional Entrepreneurs…
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Lots of talk today about self love but does anyone really understand what self love means and how to get it. We have a different but very effective way to understand and create self-love that is deeply satisfying and ironically makes you more attractive as a mate! We’ll talk about what is really holding you back from self-love and how to overcome i…
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Enjoyed our podcast? Shoot us a text and let us know—because great conversations never end at the last word! This week on TezTalks Radio, Marissa Trew speaks with Trinidadian artist Rodell Warner about his journey from multidisciplinary creative to a leading voice in new media and blockchain art. From NFTs to AI-generated archives, explore how he’s…
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Fragen & Feedback ! Schreib uns 🎙️ AMZ Ecosystem Podcast – Launchguide für Amazon FBA 🚀 Du willst erfolgreich auf Amazon starten und dein eigenes Produkt launchen? In dieser Episode tauchen wir tief in die Schritt-für-Schritt-Strategie eines erfolgreichen Produkt-Launches ein! 🎯 Wir sprechen über: ✅ Die wichtigsten Phasen eines erfolgreichen Launch…
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“If you’ve been feeling confused and as though everything is impacting on you all at the same time, this is not a personal, private experience. This is actually a collective experience.” From the University of Bristol UK, scientist Dann Mitchell points to cumulative …Alex Smith
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“If you’ve been feeling confused and as though everything is impacting on you all at the same time, this is not a personal, private experience. This is actually a collective experience.” From the University of Bristol UK, scientist Dann Mitchell points to cumulative …Alex Smith
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What happens when industrial design meets strategic foresight? Lucy Ziegler, founder of TBD Futures and former McKinsey design strategist, reveals how leaders can transform business uncertainty into opportunity. Through scenario planning and design thinking, she demonstrates why the future isn't something to predict—it's something to design. Highli…
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