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Economist Podcasts

The Economist

Every weekday our global network of correspondents makes sense of the stories beneath the headlines. We bring you surprising trends and tales from around the world, current affairs, business and finance — as well as science and technology. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Get a daily burst of illumination from The Economist’s worldwide network of correspondents. Our reporters dig past the headlines to get to the stories beneath—and to stories that aren’t making headlines, but should be. A unique perspective on the issues and events shaping your world. Sign up for Economist Podcasts+ at If you’re already a subscriber to The Economist, you’ll have full access to all our shows as part of your subscription. For ...
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Reuters Econ World


Join Reuters journalist Carmel Crimmins every week as she and her guests pick apart a key economic principle behind the world’s news. Get beyond buzzwords and technical terms to understand the ideas and debates shaping the global economic agenda.
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Niets is wat het lijkt in de economie. De realiteit verrast altijd. Marike Stellinga en Maarten Schinkel gidsen je elke week langs dubbelzinnige cijfers en de economische krachten die ons leven beïnvloeden, en helpen je onderscheid te maken tussen waan en werkelijkheid. Marike Stellinga is econoom en journalist. Ze werkte zes jaar als politiek verslaggever voor NRC en schrijft nu over politieke economie, sociaal-economisch beleid en klimaatbeleid, onder andere in de column ‘Zo simpel is het ...
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Russ Roberts

EconTalk: Conversations for the Curious is an award-winning weekly podcast hosted by Russ Roberts of Shalem College in Jerusalem and Stanford's Hoover Institution. The eclectic guest list includes authors, doctors, psychologists, historians, philosophers, economists, and more. Learn how the health care system really works, the serenity that comes from humility, the challenge of interpreting data, how potato chips are made, what it's like to run an upscale Manhattan restaurant, what caused th ...
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Economics Explained

Economics Explained

On Economics Explained, we take a look at interesting countries, policies, and decisions from the point of view of an economist. The world is an interesting place and we hope to uncover some of this intrigue in our short, informative podcasts.
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The Economics of Everyday Things

Freakonomics Network & Zachary Crockett

Who decides which snacks are in your office’s vending machine? How much is a suburban elm tree worth, and to whom? How did Girl Scout Cookies become a billion-dollar business? In bite-sized episodes, journalist Zachary Crockett looks at quotidian things and finds amazing stories. To get every show in the Freakonomics Radio Network without ads and a monthly bonus episode of Freakonomics Radio, start a free trial for SiriusXM Podcasts+ on Apple Podcasts or by visiting
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Deutschland schmiert ab. Die deutsche Wirtschaft und Industrie stagniert, die Stimmung unter Unternehmern ist mies, Investoren machen einen weiten Bogen um den Wirtschaftsstandort Deutschland. Die neue Regierung müsste die Wirtschaft ins Zentrum rücken, aber kaum jemand traut sich. Wie viel „Afuera“ braucht das Land und welche Art von Kulturkampf, damit Deutschland wieder boomt? Der Ökonom Daniel Stelter und WELT-Herausgeber Ulf Poschardt diskutieren über eine Volkswirtschaft im Niedergang – ...
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Economia dia a dia

Juliana Simões

Neste podcast falamos dos temas económicos que marcam a atualidade. Todos os dias resumimos o que precisa de saber sobre os números nacionais e internacionais em episódios de poucos minutos. E ao sábado, as grandes notícias são discutidas pelos jornalistas de Economia do Expresso. Oiça e subscreva o Economia dia a dia em qualquer plataforma de podcasts ou siga em
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Dominic Pino

Econception, an AIER podcast, unpacks the week's economic news and exposes how it's shaped by fundamental concepts. Host Dominic Pino, a Rhodes Fellow at the National Review Institute, discusses the economic landscape with leading analysts in the field of market economics.
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Tudo o que impacta o bolso do cidadão mineiro de uma forma simples e compreensível. Os grandes temas da economia traduzidos para o dia a dia. Desafios, oportunidades, empregos, negócios, investimentos públicos e privados.
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The World in Brief tells you what’s on the global agenda in the coming day, what to look out for in business, finance and politics and, most importantly, what to make of it. Economist Podcasts+ subscribers and digital subscribers to The Economist should log in at for access to the full World in Brief. Sign up for Economist Podcasts+ here: For more information about Economist Podcasts+, including how ...
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Economic Update with Richard D. Wolff

Democracy at Work - Richard D. Wolff

Economic Update with Richard D. Wolff is a weekly nationally syndicated program produced by Democracy at Work and hosted by Richard D. Wolff. The program explores complex economic issues and empowers listeners with information to analyze not only their own financial situation but the economy at large. Beyond focusing a critical eye on the economic dimensions of everyday life - wages, jobs, taxes, debts, interest rates, prices, and profits - the program also explores systemic solutions to our ...
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PodCast EconomistAs

Laura Karpuska e Paula Pereda

A economia de forma descomplicada, trazida em formato bate-papo com economistAs mulheres e seus convidados, ampliando o espaço de debate das mulheres economistas e mostrando para as jovens mulheres que economia também é coisa de mulher.
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Babbage from The Economist

The Economist

Babbage is our weekly podcast on science and technology, named after Charles Babbage—a 19th-century polymath and grandfather of computing. Host Alok Jha talks to our correspondents about the innovations, discoveries and gadgetry shaping the world. Published every Wednesday. If you’re already a subscriber to The Economist, you’ll have full access to all our shows as part of your subscription. For more information about Economist Podcasts+, including how to get access, please visit our FAQs pa ...
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We are living through a paradigm shift from trickle-down neoliberalism to middle-out economics — a new understanding of who gets what and why. Join zillionaire class-traitor Nick Hanauer and some of the world’s leading economic and political thinkers as they explore the latest thinking on how the economy actually works.
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Le débat économique

France Inter

Le grand retour du Débat éco le vendredi à 7h45 entre Thomas Porcher, l’un des plus grands économistes français et Dominique Seux, l’un des meilleurs journalistes éco. Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Amid Faljaoui dans sa chronique économique nous dévoile les coulisses des entreprises et passe en revue les grands événements de l'actualité économique.La chronique économique d'Amid Faljaoui, c'est tous les jours à 7h55 dans La matinale de Musiq'3. Distribué par Audiomeans. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
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En Economistas Podcast

Pingis och Hanna

Podden där det pratas pengar och ekonomi på ett roligt och lättlyssnat sätt. Pingis och Hanna varvar egna samtal med gäster och experter där de pratar om allt ifrån omvärldsekonomi, sparande, hälsa, relationer till smart vardagsekonomi. I varje avsnitt diskuteras privatekonomiska frågor ur Economistas community. Podden görs i samarbete med Nordax Bank. Följ också podden på Instagram:
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Moody's Talks - Inside Economics

Moody's Analytics

Join Chief Economist Mark Zandi, Marisa DiNatale and Cristian deRitis as they discuss key indicators and other aspects of the global economy. Contact us at Visit online at
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Bitcoin Economics


Compartimos sobre las principales aplicaciones de Bitcoin como moneda, red monetaria y Blockchain de una forma fácil, relevante y práctica. Sé parte de la nueva economía descentralizada. Escríbenos al Whatsapp +502 5890-5858 y encuéntranos en
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show series
Is the U.S. economy in danger of contracting? The vibe on financial markets has gone from “U.S. exceptionalism” to talk of recession risks as President Donald Trump’s trade war commences. Host Carmel Crimmins talks to Fed correspondent Howard Schneider about what determines a recession and if it’s ever a good thing. Plus, as the White House talks u…
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This week, Noah Smith and Erik Torenberg explore global economic issues, including US-European relations influenced by defense commitments, the impact of Trump’s policies, China’s Belt and Road Initiative and its exclusion of India, the role of AI in economic growth, government spending’s effects on GDP, and briefly discuss Smith’s upcoming book, W…
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Beatriz Pacheco analisa que a cautela do investidor da bolsa brasileira nesta segunda-feira (24) despencou o giro financeiro do Ibovespa no mesmo dia em que Haddad cogitou mudanças no arcabouço fiscal. Ouça!
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No 'Pod Isso, Meninas?', Ana Leoni, Nathália Larghi e Naiara Bertão trazem os dados da oitava edição da pesquisa Raio X do Investidor, realizada pela Anbima e pelo Datafolha. Ouça e saiba mais!
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Kia ora, Welcome to Tuesday’s Economy Watch where we follow the economic events and trends that affect Aotearoa/New Zealand. I'm David Chaston and this is the international edition from And today we lead with newsthe prospect of tariffs already seem to be sapping the rising expansion of the American manufacturing sector over the pas…
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Existem, atualmente, entre 13 e 16 operadores com ofertas de eletricidade mais vantajosas face ao mercado regulado, segundo os últimos dados da ERSE. See for privacy information.Juliana Simões
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O Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social aprovou um financiamento no valor de R$ 241,8 milhões para apoiar a Stellantis Automóveis Brasil Ltda no desenvolvimento de tecnologias para a produção de veículos híbridos e elétricos na unidade de Betim. Paulo Pacheco analisa como isso pode favorecer o mercado brasileiro.…
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Segundo Teco Medina, o novo projeto do governo, que oferece empréstimos para trabalhadores CLT, é apresentado como crédito barato, mas tem várias falhas. Ele critica a ideia de que o trabalhador não pode usar seu próprio FGTS, mas pode usá-lo como garantia para mais uma dívida. Ouça.
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Ana Letícia Loubak fala sobre a ampliação do rol de aparelhos que não podem ser usados nas escolas, como câmeras digitais, relógios inteligentes, computadores, notebooks, tablets e kits de robótica. As novas diretrizes foram publicadas hoje pelo Conselho Nacional de Educação. O texto também traz orientações para integrar atividades de educação digi…
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O governo federal lançou nesta sexta-feira (21) uma linha de crédito consignado para trabalhadores CLT, da iniciativa privada. Míriam Leitão fala sobre a iniciativa e suas consequências para a economia.
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Nederland blijft tegen eurobonds, maar of Europa zich hier wat van aantrekt is nog maar de vraag. En: In Duitsland de schuldenrem eraf, betekent in ons land een hogere hypotheekrente. Hoe werkt dat? Dat en meer bespreken we in het economenpanel van BNR Zakendoen Panelleden Presentator Thomas van Zijl gaat in gesprek met het economenpanel, dat deze …
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Para Míriam Leitão, indícios apresentados são sólidos e ação penal deve ser aberta. Julgamento pode abrir primeira ação penal contra Bolsonaro e núcleo próximo do ex-presidente. Ouça o comentário
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Bright colors, long tails, and dances of seduction: they may hurt a bird's chances of survival in the wild, but they seem to increase the chances of reproduction. Is this all part of natural selection or is sexual selection its own force in the bird world? Is there such a thing as beauty for beauty's sake? What can we learn from birds about the hum…
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The ceasefire in Gaza is in tatters; the campaign against Hizbullah is flaring up again. Yet the most telling battles are those happening inside Israel. Claudia Sheinbaum, Mexico’s president, is coolly dealing with the fitful aggression of her northern neighbour (10:25). And our obituaries editor pays tribute to Richard Fortey, a fossil obsessive w…
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The ceasefire in Gaza is in tatters; the campaign against Hizbullah is flaring up again. Yet the most telling battles are those happening inside Israel. Claudia Sheinbaum, Mexico’s president, is coolly dealing with the fitful aggression of her northern neighbour (10:25). And our obituaries editor pays tribute to Richard Fortey, a fossil obsessive w…
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Cassiano Ribeiro destaca que há anos a Embrapa tem orçamento, basicamente, para bancar a folha de pagamento de funcionários. A expectativa é que o repasse para despesas discricionárias seja de R$ 364 milhões, o maior valor desde 2019, e mais do que o dobro do orçamento do ano passado.
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¡Escúchanos cada lunes! El tradicional boletín semanal de nuestra área de Análisis Económico ahora se une a Norte Económico como Perspectiva semanal; un breve panorama sobre la economía y los mercados en México y el mundo, con lo más relevante del sector.
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Peoples & Things host, Lee Vinsel, talks with retired professor, consultant, Discovery Institute fellow, and a winner of the NTT DoCoMo Mobile Science Award, Jeffrey Lee Funk, about his recent book Unicorns, Hype, and Bubbles: A Guide to Spotting, Avoiding, and Exploiting Investment Bubbles in Tech (Harriman House, 2024). The book provides readers …
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Amid Faljaoui nous dévoile les coulisses des entreprises et passe en revue les grands événements de l'actualité économique. Merci pour votre écoute Vous pouvez nous écouter à tout moment sur Retrouvez tous les contenus de la RTBF sur notre plateforme : Et si vous avez apprécié ce podcast, n'hésitez pas à nous donner des …
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Le « fonds à 500 euros » est une initiative lancée par le gouvernement français pour permettre aux citoyens de soutenir directement l'effort de défense nationale, dans un contexte de tensions géopolitiques croissantes. Il s'agit d'un placement inédit, à la fois patriotique et potentiellement rémunérateur. Concrètement, ce fonds vise à récolter 450 …
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When a Fortune 500 company needs a new leader, it turns to a well-connected headhunter who assesses candidates with psychological tests and mock TV interviews. Zachary Crockett activates his network. SOURCES: Julian Ha, partner at the executive recruiting firm Heidrick & Struggles. Jane Stevenson, global vice chair of board and CEO services at Korn…
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Kia ora, Welcome to Monday’s Economy Watch where we follow the economic events and trends that affect Aotearoa/New Zealand. I'm David Chaston and this is the international edition from And today we lead with news we are heading into a week where the data won't be as important as the policy decisions made and about to be made. And we…
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Tariffs are taxes. But unlike most taxes, politicians on both sides of the aisle are calling for maintaining or raising tariffs. The goal is to save jobs and raise revenue. But do tariffs help achieve these objectives? Kim Clausing joins EconoFact Chats to discuss her research on how tariffs negatively impact consumers, shift tax burdens away from …
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Are we kidding ourselves when we talk about an energy transition? Sure, we are using more renewables than ever before, but the planet is also using more fossil fuels than ever before. Phil asks Steve whether part of the problem is that we pout faith in incumbent energy companies managing that transition. The way BP and others have switched focus ba…
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A riveting expose of the global oil industry' s multi-decade conspiracy to muddy the waters around the science of climate change and use the Australian government to undermine worldwide efforts to address environmental devastation. Researched and written by one of Australia' s most fearless investigative journalists, Slick: Australia's Toxic Relati…
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In this week’s episode of Economic Update, Professor Wolff discusses the economic causes and effects of the global demographic’s decline, the Trump administration's colonial plans for Greenland, and examples of resistance and fighting back as the Trump/Musk firing of federal workers gets underway. In the show's second half, Professor Wolff intervie…
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Luís Farrajota, o atual presidente do Instituto de Informática da Segurança Social quer reduzir o número de atendimentos de balcão de 6,5 milhões para 4,5 milhões de pessoas até março. A análise deste tema foi feita pela coordenadora de Economia do Expresso Elisabete Miranda See for privacy information.…
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