evangeli, gospel, evangelio
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Der Podcast von Evangelium21 enthält Vorträge und Workshops von unseren Konferenzen sowie Interviews und Stellungnahmen zu aktuellen Themen.
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The New Evangelicals Podcast is here to push the Evangelical Church forward and to re-think how it approaches key cultural issues.
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Sermoni recenti della Chiesa Cristiana Evangelica Sola Grazia su SermonAudio.
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Weekly Livestreams on YouTube on Wed nights at 9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific with hosts Ashley Swearengin and @UnconventionalPastorPaul, Paul Swearengin. She served as mayor of a city, Paul was an evangelical pastor. Together, they were deep in the middle of the rise of Christian nationalism. Come join us as we discussing a spirituality that reaches beyond the walls of a church building and connects deconstructing people of faith to a renewed identity and a beautiful connection to divine love and ...
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The newest sermons from Evangelisch-Reformierte Baptisten on SermonAudio.
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Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals on ElSitioCristiano.com
Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals, Inc
The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals exists to call the twenty-first century church to a modern reformation that recovers clarity and conviction about the great evangelical truths of the gospel and that then seeks to proclaim these truths powerfully in our contemporary context. To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.elsitiocristiano.com/donate/581
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Opnames van samenkomsten en studies van de evangeliegemeente De Reddingsark
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Wenn man jemand anderen kennenlernt, erfährt man immer auch was Neues über sich selbst. Deshalb trifft Eva Schulz alle zwei Wochen Menschen aus ganz verschiedenen Bereichen, irgendwo zwischen Pop und Politik, zum Interview – und macht sich so ihre Gedanken. +++ Ausgezeichnet als bester Deutscher Interview-Podcast 2020 +++
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Evangeliesenteret er en stiftelse som jobber med rusomsorg. I over 40 år har vi hjulpet og sett mennesker bli fri fra rusavhengighet. Her kan dere høre taler fra våre arbeidere, tidligere rusmisbrukere og gjester.
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Il podcast dei libri per piccoli ragazzi e grandi bambini. Di tutte le età.
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Lyt til viden om pædagogik og dagtilbud fra EVA. Inspiration, input og indblik i forskningen til dagtilbudsledere, pædagogiske ledere, pædagogisk personale, konsulenter og undervisere.
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Evangel is a growing church in North Dakota. Evangel connects real people to a real God; A God that is alive and moving in our lives and the life of the Church. Through preaching, worship, and community, we present the timeless message of Jesus Christ.
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Estudos diversos a respeito do Evangelho da Graça de Deus.
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Has escuchado el mensaje más duradero y esperanzador de Jesús ? Pero Dios, habiendo pasado por alto los tiempos de esta ignorancia, ahora manda a todos los hombres en todo lugar, que se arrepientan; Hechos 17:30
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Weekly sermons from Evangel Community Church in Houghton, Michigan, and Pearls & Swine episodes with Pastor Levi Matteson, Pastor Travis Williams, and Lisa Watrous. More information at evangelup.org
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Her har vi prekenene fra gudstjenestene fra Sandefjord Evangeliske Menighet. Det kan også være andre medier lastet opp her. Sandefjord Evangeliske Menighet er en kristen menighet som møtes i Sandefjord, Norge.
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Evangelho do dia com comentários.
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Podcast by Evangel Oakville
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Enjoy the newest sermons from Evangelistic Outreach Ministries in New Boston, Ohio via our podcast feed.
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A podcast devoted to vampire fiction, fanged folklore, and the gothic imagination hosted by Dan Klefstad and Eva Vertrice.
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Unsportsmanlike with Evan, Canty and Michelle
ESPN Radio, Evan Cohen, Chris Canty, Michelle Smallmon
Start your day off your right with Evan Cohen, Chris Canty and Michelle Smallmon. Sports, life and laughter are what it’s all about. Energizing, informative and just want you need to take on the day.
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Listen to our weekly Sunday messages to help you grow in your walk with Jesus.
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Loving People to Life in Jesus Christ
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YUTORAH: R' Evan Hoffman
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The newest sermons from Woolwich Evangelical Church on SermonAudio.
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Daniel Poulin
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Episodios para inspirarte y crear pura magia en tu vida. www.evajorda.com @eva_jorda
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Primeira Igreja Presbiteriana Independente de São Paulo. Rua Nestor Pestana, 136/152 - Consolação, São Paulo - SP. Tel. (11) 3138-1600. Conheça nossas atividades: www.catedralonline.com.br.
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Devocionales Cristianos grabados diariamente para toda la familia. Meditaciones diarias, audios cristianos, devoción matutina.
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Nunca diga: "que texto tão porcalhão é este?!" É o tipo de expressões que se devem deixar ao vulgo. Como é fácil de perceber, dou muito valor à sofisticação.
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Evangelho Meditado - Padre Jurandir
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Biblical messages from Maywood Evangelical Free Church.
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Il nostro scopo è presentare la “Buona Notizia” del Vangelo dell’amore, del perdono, della pace, della guarigione e della vita eterna che Dio offre liberamente nel Suo Figlio Gesù. Annunciamo che Cristo risorto è l’unica via, non solo per la salvezza dell’anima, ma anche per vivere serenamente qui in terra.
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Meditaciones diarias de la Palabra De Dios. Por: Fr. Jonathan Vásquez, O. de M.
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Una raccolta di sermoni
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Sermons from Tottenville Evangelical Free Church on SermonAudio.
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Lectura del Evangelio de cada día, reflexión y oración por el P. Pedro Brassesco
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Evangelist Adian Torres encourages listeners to share the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and encourages all Christians to embrace the Great Commission.
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Predigten der ev.-freikl. Gemeinde Balingen-Zillhausen
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Votre Eglise au cœur de Lausanne
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Tiki Barber moves from middays to afternoons, joining Evan Roberts in afternoon drive! Sparks will fly as unabashed Jets and Mets fan Evan talks turkey with ex-Giant and staunch Yankees supporter Tiki!
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Eitt kirkjuár byrjar fyrsta sunnudag í advent og endar fyrsta sunnudag í advent árið eftir. Í kirkjuni eru tvær tekstaraðir, sum verða lisnar ávíkavist líka og ólíka árstal. Prestar í fólkakirkjuni skiftast um at lesa tekstin, hugleiða og seta hann í eitt høpi og enda við einum sangi ella sálmi.
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The newest sermons from First Evangelical Free Church on SermonAudio.
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Evangelistic Temple is a non-denominational, family integrated church centered on the gospel.
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The newest sermons from Gordon Road Evangelical Church on SermonAudio.
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S2 E6 - Pirates, The Imaginarium and A Lonely Girl
Відтворити пізніше
Відтворити пізніше
1:32:32“Avast ye blood sacks!" This week on VampChat with Dan & Eva we delve into vampire/pirate romance with Marilyn Barr's "Walk the Walk" series of novels. Then Dan reviews a 2014 film about a vampire who rides a skateboard and rocks a burka.vampchatwithdanandeva
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✨ MUJERES MÁGICAS - EPISODIO 1/3: RETIROS CON ALMA 2025 ✨ Este año, los Retiros con Alma te invitan a vivir findes temáticos en Cantabria con bienestar, conexión y transformación en un entorno natural espectacular. 🌿 👉 www.evajorda.com/retiros-cantabria-2025En este episodio, te cuento todo sobre las 3 experiencias que hemos preparado para ti en Es…
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I SkoleSnak går EVA tæt på lærernes arbejde. Gennem 6 episoder dykker vi sammen med lærere i hele landet ned i noget af det, der rører sig på skoleområdet lige nu - fx praksisfaglighed, samarbejdet med PPR og elevinddragelse. Du får inspiration og måske ny viden på området – og input fra kollegernes erfaringer, lige til at plukke og tage med ud i d…
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Gemeinsam mit Eva Schulz und Paul Ronzheimer wirft Jan Schipmann einen Blick auf die Ergebnisse: Wer sind die Gewinner und Verlierer der Wahl? Gibt es jetzt eine komplette politische Neuausrichtung? Welche Herausforderungen stehen jetzt bevor, und was bedeuten die Wahlergebnisse für die politische Landschaft in Deutschland? Für all das und noch vie…
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What is the Cowboys plan right now and what are they plotting? Also, are the excuses over for Caleb Williams & the Bears? Plus, Evan got changed at a gas station. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoicesESPN Radio, Evan Cohen, Chris Canty, Michelle Smallmon
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06.03.2025 - Quinta-Feira - Evangelho Lc 9,22-25Padre Jurandir
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Pyramids, obelisks, sculptures and gravestones all serve to focus our memories on a person or event from the past. We need memorials. They help us remember important things in our history. On The Bible Study Hour, Dr. James Boice talks about memorials to the power of God - memorials we can see right now.To support this ministry financially, visit: …
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Lc 9,22-25
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Dijous després de CendraEvangeli.net
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Thursday after Ash Wednesdayservei@evangeli.net (Contemplating today's Gospel)
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Jueves después de Cenizaservei@evangeli.net (Contemplar el Evangelio de hoy)
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3-5-25 Full Show
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Відтворити пізніше
2:55:49OMG is dead, Knicks concerns, Steph Curry could have been a Knick, and much more
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Evangelio y reflexión del jueves 6 de marzo de 2025 por el P. Pedro Brassescopedrobrassesco
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Jose Iglesias is off to San Diego, and the Mets gimmick should be dead too
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Why is Mikail Bridges so passive?
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The Subway Series was played the day after the Knicks missed out on Steph Curry in a wild weekend for the world in general
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CC’s induction is ahead and Evan won’t get go of how great a vacation it is
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Stiftelsen Evangeliesenteret: Landsstevne Østerbo 2024 - Sebastian Mehlen - Er du klar for å bøye deg til Guds vilje for ditt liv?Evangeliesenteret
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A listener emails Evan about a Devante Adams take
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Our beloved almost champions list continues with numbers 9, 8, and 7
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Steph Curry and the Knicks draft revisited
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Wie oft erleben wir, dass Gott Gebete nicht erhört, obwohl wir meinen, dass sie seinem Willen entsprechen müssten? Möglicherweise, so die Antwort von Daniel Brendsel, fehlt uns schlicht die Einsicht in Gottes weise Pläne.Evangelium21
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The Devils suffered another horrible loss
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Royal Rumble winners if it was all Presidents
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Are we sure that Aaron Rodgers will have a team this season? Should we stop giving the Steelers the benefit of the doubt? Also, another round of Who Said It. Plus, Canty's Best Bet, and the most UnSportsmanLike moment of the day! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoicesESPN Radio, Evan Cohen, Chris Canty, Michelle Smallmon
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Does LeBron James deserve more consideration for MVP this season? The Cowboys have been aggressive in getting deals done. Are they actually handling this offseason correctly? Also, ESPN NFL Draft Analyst Mel Kiper joins the show. Plus, does Evan want a solo show? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices…
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Pregador: Rev. Lucas Gaiofato Sacco. Texto bíblico: Atos 4.32-35.
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ESPN NBA Insider Brian Windhorst joins the show to talk about where the Mavs go from here, and if the Lakers are legit contenders right now. Also, a round of QB Matchmaker. Plus, I'm Over It! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoicesESPN Radio, Evan Cohen, Chris Canty, Michelle Smallmon
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LeBron James hit 50,000 combined career points yesterday. Are the Lakers expectations anything short of a championship now? Also, are the Dallas Cowboys handling this offseason correctly? Is there a landing spot for Aaron Rodgers? Plus, was it smart for the Eagles to pay Saquon? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices…
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05.03.2025 - QUARTA-FEIRA DE CINZAS - Evangelho Mt 6,1-6.16-18Padre Jurandir
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Join Reverend Eric Alexander for a compelling examination of the human condition as illustrated in the story of Cain and Abel. Discover sin’s destructive impact on our relationships to God, each other, and nature. Ponder the stark reality of disobedience and the goodness of God that leads us to repentance in Hear the Word of God.To support this min…
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Mt 6,1-6.16-18
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Envíanos en un mensaje de texto tus comentarios. “Que no sepa tu mano izquierda lo que hace la derecha.” Support the show ¡Muchas gracias por escuchar! Si desean apoyar el podcast pueden hacerlo a través del enlace https://ko-fi.com/frayjonathanFr. Jonathan Vásquez, O. de M.
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Lisa and Travis talk about Jesus being enough, from Philippians 3:1-11, including steps toward Jesus > achievements, love of Jesus > affirmation from people, and knowing Jesus > what you know. This is an episode of Pearls & Swine on the Evangel Houghton Podcast from Evangel Community Church, Houghton, Michigan, March 4, 2025.…
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@evangelicalish on YouTube https://youtu.be/MzRV88hdc5UPaul Swearengin
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Ash Wednesdayservei@evangeli.net (Contemplating today's Gospel)
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Miércoles de Cenizaservei@evangeli.net (Contemplar el Evangelio de hoy)
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Dimecres de CendraEvangeli.net
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Evangelio y reflexión del miércoles 5 de marzo de 2025 por el P. Pedro Brassescopedrobrassesco
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Evan has a Jets dream and wants to swing for the fences
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Are teams in the Top 7 actually hating on Sanders?
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Did David Stearns rush the pitching market this off season?
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Aaron Boone leaves hints at the Yankees hot corner
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3-4-25 Full Show
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Відтворити пізніше
2:53:17The Jets Quarterback dilemma, Shedeur Sanders gets hate, The Mets made a mistake, and much more
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Scuds, Madrid, and the Secret Path to Oslo - Mar 4, 2025 -Hoffman, Rabbi Evan
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Is Cooperstown actually a fun vacation?
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Numbers 12,11, and 10 of our Almost Champions List
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The Yankees World Series Loss was made into a documentary
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The Giants may have been used
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