Exploring your health, fitness, fat loss & mindset questions @ESGfitness www.esgfitness.co.uk
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Tune in to All Things Sustainable, a podcast from S&P Global (formerly ESG Insider). Each week we explore the critical sustainability topics transforming the business landscape. Join us every Friday for engaging interviews with global leaders and clear explanations of the latest sustainability headlines.
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Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, veteran Philippine journalist Christian Esguerra brings you the relevant facts and explains burning issues on politics and governance — because democracy dies in disinformation.
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Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) news and investment research brought to you weekly covering major market trends and new research insights. With topics ranging from climate impact on investment portfolios, corporate actions, trending investment topics, and emerging ESG issues, hosts Mike Disabato and Bentley Kaplan of MSCI ESG Research walk through the latest news and research that is top of mind for the week.
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The ESG Talk podcast is your go-to source for environmental, social, and governance insights. Each week, we're featuring candid conversations with ESG leaders to transform complex ESG topics into simple, practical opportunities for business and society.
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Inside Legal ESG is a series of podcast interviews and webinars highlighting opportunities, individuals, and the important and challenging work being done in the ESG space today. For more information on Inside Legal ESG please email: contact@legalesg.com
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This podcast series will take a deep dive into environmental, social and governance (ESG) opportunities and challenges and what they mean for businesses and communities through interviews with ESG specialists from KPMG and beyond. Throughout this series, we will discuss a broad range of ESG issues aiming to support businesses and communities in creating an equitable and prosperous future for all.
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In Fixed on ESG, PGIM Fixed Income’s rotating lineup of ESG-expert hosts explore the latest topics and trends of ESG investing. We’ll provide our take on the investment implications and value opportunities we see in this space and how changes in the market may directly affect our decision making. Subscribe to hear from PGIM Fixed Income thought leaders, as well as industry professionals and some of our clients.
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Der ESG-Talk-Podcast verbindet Menschen, Unternehmen sowie private und institutionelle Investoren – von Kleinanlegern bis hin zu Großanlegern. In spannenden Gesprächen widmen wir uns den drängendsten Themen unserer Zeit: Klimawandel, Biodiversität, nachhaltige Geldanlage und wie wir im Alltag unseren Beitrag leisten können. Zudem zeigen wir, wie Unternehmen Nachhaltigkeit und ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) erfolgreich in ihre Strategien einbinden. Mit Experten aus Wissenschaft und P ...
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EsGAYpe From Reality is a chapter-by-chapter exploration of the Sunbearer Duology by Aiden Thomas, hosted by two queer nerds with wicked senses of humor and incredible eyes for detail. Seasons 1-3 covered the Simon Snow series by Rainbow Rowell. Join us! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Values Investors Podcast | Socially Responsible Investing, ESG, Ethical, Impact, Sustainable Investments
Bill Holliday, CFP
Values Investors Podcast focuses on providing information about Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) and ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) Investments. SRI and ESG investing is an investment strategy seeking to maximize both financial return and social good. The SRIESG podcast was created to help make SRI easy for socially conscious investors who are concerned about how they invest and want to make change in our society through their investments.
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Join us for a digest of the latest research, analysis and insights on the relationships between environmental social and corporate governance issues and global business, finance and society. In each episode, hear from experts sharing their insights on how institutional investors can identify and mitigate risks related to ESG factors, but also leverage opportunities in sustainable investment and debt capital markets. This is ESG in Conversation.
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Investment banking leaders from Deutsche Bank discuss ESG topics
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歡迎收聽《ESG探照燈》與您一起在永續發展的浪潮上探索ESG!這是一個關注ESG發展的Podcast節目,探索全球ESG的最新趨勢與發展。 節目特色在於節奏輕快、內容精煉,每集聚焦核心議題,深入淺出地解析ESG新聞與新知,讓您以輕鬆的方式快速掌握關鍵資訊。 由相信閱讀執行長鄭莉穎 Lillian 主持,解析為何ESG成為當代熱潮,更深入探討其背後的時代意義及潛藏的無限商機。讓我們一起以耳聽世界,理解ESG如何改變未來! 🔎 找我們可以到 🌱 相信閱讀國際股份有限公司🌱 歡迎來信 service@reading.com.tw 電話|2767-2688 。0968-333-186 地址|台北市松山區八德路三段 2 號 6 樓 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Podcast de los sermones de l'Església Evangèlica de Betlem
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SRI360 | Sustainable & Responsible Investing, Impact Investing, ESG, Socially Responsible Investing
Scott Arnell
The SRI360 Podcast is focused exclusively on Sustainable & Responsible Investing, Impact Investing, ESG and Socially Responsible Investing. To learn more, visit SRI360.com. Each episode presents an interview with a world-class investor who is an accomplished practitioner from different asset classes in lively, wide-ranging, long-format discussions. In each interview, we try to cover everything from each investor's early personal journey—and what motivated and attracted them to commit their l ...
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ESG and sustainability demystified and simplified by experts
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O podcast Esgotum Referendum se limita a discussão dos mais variados assuntos aos mais complexos que envolvem as teias de comunicação da sociedade moderna, de forma irônica e com humor. O próprio nome é uma alusão a isso, causando uma tonalidade de descontração… Seja bem-vindo ao esgoto! Contato: esgotumreferendum@gmail.com
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Conversations about ESG and beyond, brought to you by Conservice ESG.
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A weekly podcast that covers the range of topics within Environmental, Social, and Governance within ESG. The format is a 30 minute interview with leaders who promote, create, and manage ESG related activities.
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Die ESG - Evangelische Studierendengemeinde - Heidelberg möchte euch auch in dieser Zeit Möglichkeiten zum gemeinsamen Gebet und Andacht feiern bieten.
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ESG Stemmer sætter fokus på ESG og den grønne omstilling i danske virksomheder. Vi inviterer spændende gæster, der arbejder med eller har en relation til ESG, for at udforske, hvordan bæredygtighed kan gøres til en del af forretningsstrategien. Vi dykker ned i emner som, hvordan ESG kan transformere rekruttering og skabe mere diverse og inkluderende teams, hvordan grøn marketing kan fange kunderne på nye måder, og hvordan ansvarlige investeringer kan drive vækst. Vi taler også om, hvordan sa ...
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Essential ESG is a podcast series that breaks down topical issues affecting the rapidly evolving environmental, social and governance landscape in Australia and beyond. Presented by Corrs Chambers Westgarth, it offers bite-sized insights for business on navigating sustainability risks and opportunities.
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Welcome to The ESGmark® Podcast, where we hear from inspiring businesses committed to a sustainable future. Our host Chloë Clarke will be interviewing CEOs and business leaders about how and why they started, how they’ve grown and how ESG policies and values have shaped their journey.
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From evolving regulatory requirements and investor activism to the physical effects of climate change on business operations and more, Osler’s newest podcast, ESG Explorer, looks at the developments and issues affecting your business. Knowledgeable guests from Osler and across the business world guide listeners through the critical topics modern organizations are facing.
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Environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations are being increasingly integrated into corporate strategies, operations and investment decisions. Listen to our podcast to learn more about these topics.
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The impact organisations have on the Environment and Society and the Governance approach they have in place to oversee these have been growing in importance. Join us as we discuss what this means for business – and how you can put this into practice over time. This podcast is hosted by gunnercooke.
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【*CUPodcast】ESG 簡單講 by Ryan Fung
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Porque es necesario retorcer un poco la realidad para comprenderla, en El Esguince creeemos que la seriedad no es contraria a la ironía, que la crítica es más lúcida con sentido del humor y que el rigor no es enemigo de la broma.
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Sempre più spesso le decisioni di investimento, oltre a basarsi su criteri finanziari, tengono conto di altri fattori – ambientali, sociali e di innovazione nel governo delle decisioni aziendali. Sono i fattori ESG, un acronimo fondamentale nel determinarne la sostenibilità. In cinque conversazioni con alcuni dei più importanti esperti del settore racconteremo evoluzione, regole e parole chiave della finanza “green” e l’importanza di una gestione delle aziende sempre più etica ed ecologicame ...
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I Realtids nya ESG-podd så dyker vi ned på djupet i frågor som rör hållbara investeringar. Att investera hållbart är en stark trend där allt fler väljer att spara i aktier eller fonder med en utpräglad ESG-agenda. Men vad är hållbarhet egentligen och hur förhåller sig ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance) till vinst och avkastning i verkligheten? Vad innebär ”greenwashing" och finns det en risk att vi är i en hållbarhetsbubbla och att stekheta aktier som Tesla riskerar att krascha eller ä ...
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ESG Unlocked is a series of engaging and insightful discussions with various ESG experts around the world hosted by Pamela Mutumwa. Our goal is to engage a broad audience to unlock the value of ESG and the impact that companies have on a brighter and sustainable future. Enjoyed listening? Subscribe, rate, and share our series. In addition, follow ISS-Corporate on LinkedIn to receive the latest updates on episode releases, key ESG news, and more. Copyright © 2023 ISS Corporate Solutions, Inc. ...
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Bienvenue à notre podcast dédié aux enjeux ESG. Nous sommes Dominique et Patrick, experts aguerris avec une vaste expérience dans des entreprises de renom telles qu'IBM et Dell, ainsi que dans le secteur bancaire. Nous avons également participé à des start-ups et fondé et vendu avec succès nos propres sociétés. Aujourd’hui, nous unissons nos forces pour aborder les défis ESG à travers des analyses d'actualités pertinentes, offrant des perspectives éclairées issues de notre riche parcours pro ...
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The Law of ESG Derivatives and ‘Regulation and Supervision of the OTC Derivatives Market’ 📙📕
Ligia Catherine Arias B
These podcasts series will deliver to you the main ideas discussed in the book Regulation and Supervision of the OTC Derivatives Market written by Dr. Ligia Catherine Arias-Barrera, published by Routledge in 2018, and ranked third within the best new banking law books to read in 2018 and 2019 by BookAuthority. In 2024 this podcast explores the key discussions of the book The Law of ESG Derivatives: Risk, Uncertainty and Sustainable Finance by Dr. Ligia Catherine Arias-Barrera. (Routledge, 2024)
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ESG Players Podcast is a full package podcast! Environmental, Social, Governance investing is the newest, smartest way to do your investing. This podcast is one of the most valuable resources available to you. There is no faster way to grow than to be ready to learn from other ESG players. Listen to Jonathan Kvasnik and the ESG Players, ask them questions and learn the low down! Jonathan Kvasnik, ChFC, Financial Advisor shares his expertise and knowledge to help people get their financial ho ...
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Securitised credit is emerging as a key driver in financing the green transition, offering investors opportunities to support ESG initiatives without sacrificing return. This episode of Fixed on ESG navigates how securitisation helps fund green assets, the challenges of measuring financed emissions, and the evolving regulatory landscape in the U.S.…
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Inside the First Impact-Only Wealth Management Firm: Veris Walks The Impact Talk | Stephanie Cohn Rupp (#079)
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1:26:14My guest today is Stephanie Cohn Rupp, Chief Executive Officer of Veris Wealth Partners — one of the first impact-only wealth management firms in the world, and one of the rare few that has been majority women-owned or led since day one. Stephanie was born in the U.S. and raised just outside Paris by parents who did medical missions in underserved …
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In dieser besonderen Folge des ESG-Talk Podcasts spreche ich mit Silke von Brockhausen, Senior Beraterin bei den Vereinten Nationen (UNO). Sie lebte in über 20 Ländern und war in Krisengebieten dieser Welt vor Ort, wenn andere die Orte verließen. Entweder Naturkatastrophen oder Kriegsgebiete. Sie kennt die Herausforderungen unserer Zeit aus erster …
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Ahead of Legal ESG Latin America this week, Pam Cone sits down with Maria Laura Farrapeira, General Counsel at AB Mauri in Latin America. She shares with us her journey to becoming General Counsel at a global company, her greatest ESG challenge, the role of lawyers in tacking sustainability, and what gives her hope for the future. You won’t want to…
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In recent episodes of the All Things Sustainable podcast, we’ve interviewed some of the world’s biggest financial and technology companies about how they’re approaching sustainability and the energy transition. But how is the energy industry thinking about these topics — including the world’s largest fossil fuel companies? To answer that question, …
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Egg prices in the US have soared, but is avian flu the only culprit? This week, we crack open the structural issues in the egg industry, from supply chain vulnerabilities to price-fixing allegations. Plus, what it all means for investors — and your breakfast. Host: Bentley Kaplan, MSCI ESG Research Guest: Cole Martin, MSCI ESG Research…
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■出演者<週替わりコーナー>サステナ・ワークSMBC日興証券 金融経済調査部 チーフESGアナリスト浅野達さん<企業紹介コーナー>PICK UP ESGステムセル研究所 代表取締役社長清水崇文さん
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Join Mandi McReynolds and an esteemed panel at UnDavos as they dive into the evolving role of Chief Sustainability Officers post-global elections. Featuring insights from top executives like Dr. Anna Gawlikowska, Co-Founder & CEO @ Swiss AI AG, Rainer Karcher, Founder & CEO of Heartprint GmbH, and Viktoriia Savitska, Chief of Sustainability and Str…
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The importance of nature and biodiversity in the consumer goods and retail sector, and the role of women and the impact they have as role models in the sector.KPMG International
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The Importance of Estate Planning: Protect Your Legacy with AIO Financial Estate planning is one of the most crucial yet often overlooked aspects of financial management. Without an updated estate plan, your assets and wealth may not be distributed according to your wishes, potentially leading to unnecessary legal complications, family disputes, an…
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Today were are talking about chapter 2 of the Sunbearer Trials by Aiden Thomas. The Patreon version of this episode contains bonus content about induction stoves, a life with less internet, and our “what nice things have you done lately” segment. Here’s the Storygraph readalong for The Sunbearer Trials And here’s the one for Celestial Monsters! Ple…
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Join commit to 6 here 00:00 Introduction and Hyrox Experience 03:12 Pacing and Performance in Strength Training 06:04 Exercise Frequency and Recovery 09:48 Individualized Fitness Advice 13:09 Social Media and Fitness Advice 16:05 Weekend Activities and Wellness Practices 24:18 The Rise of New Fitness Trends 25:07 Exploring Fun Activities Beyond the…
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Ep. 809 - Evidence based ways to reduce cancer risk (emphasis on breast cancer) Apply to work with me here
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Listen to our interview with Dr. Raquel Fortun on falsified death certificates of drug war victims to make it appear that they had died of natural causes. Fortun wants authorities to investigate these cases.
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Listen to our one-on-one interview with Justice Secretary Boying Remulla.
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In this riot of an episode, Christian Esguerra is joined by Atty. Barry Gutierrez and Edu Mansanas.
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This episode with Atty. Kristina Conti talks about the new survey showing 51 percent of Filipinos want Duterte to be held accountable for the EJKs during his drug war.
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Ep. 808 - Losing the last 10lbs, its not you- its your environment, dealing with negative people
Join commit to 6 here 00:00 Unexpected Falls and Laughter 03:01 The Impact of Environment on Eating Habits 06:04 Setting Goals and Overcoming Challenges 08:58 The Importance of Consistency and Mindset 12:11 Navigating Motivation and Scale Weight 15:04 Understanding the Bigger Picture in Weight Loss 22:33 Visualizing Weight Loss Progress 24:10 Commo…
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Christian Esguerra sits down with Paring Bert Alejo on the stories of the victims of Duterte's drug war.
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Christian Esguerra sits down with former Supreme Court Senior Associate Justice Tony Carpio.
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Christian Esguerra sits down with Napolcom Commissioner Ralph Calinisan on the case of a policeman who posted videos attacking BBM while defending Duterte following the latter's arrest.
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Catalytic Capital Transforming “Risky” to “Investment Grade” Impact | Yasemin Saltuk Lamy (#078)
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1:14:54My guest today is Yasemin Saltuk Lamy, Head of Investment Strategy at Legal & General (L&G), a London-based multinational financial services and asset management company. And believe it or not, her investment journey started when she was only 18. Back then, she had been dreaming of studying in Senegal to experience a French-speaking African economy…
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Listen to our episode with Atty. Dino De Leon on the solicitor general's refusal to defend the government in the Supreme Court petition against Duterte's arrest.
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Listen to this powerful interview with photojournalist Raffy Lerma, who documented Duterte's brutal drug war.
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Listen to our episode with Fr. Albert Alejo on the "paawa" narrative of Duterte's supporters.
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Sind ESG, Nachhaltigkeit und Impact Pflicht oder Notwendigkeit? Heute habe ich den wunderbaren Lukas Vogt zu Gast und gemeinsam erörtern wir, ob das große Thema ESG ein neues Narrativ braucht. Die oben genannten Begriffe sind mittlerweile in jedem Unternehmen präsent. Doch wie viel Substanz steckt dahinter? Ist ESG nur eine bürokratische Pflicht od…
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Join us for this episode of Inside Legal ESG to hear from ESG lawyer in Costa Rica, Paola Fonseca. She has 15 years of Inhouse ESG experience, and serves on the Board of Directors for GAIL- the Global Alliance of Impact Lawyers. She shares her insights on the state of ESG throughout the world, and the important role lawyers in advising clients re: …
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In this episode of Inside Legal ESG, we hear from Rubinia Proli of the United Nations Global Compact, Senior Advisor on secondment from ENEL, an Italian energy company. She shares with us the latest initiatives at the UNGC – such as the Legal Council, and the Fast Forward program – and ways for the legal profession to get involved. And finally – sh…
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Ep. 44: Sen. Bato Dela Rosa feeling the heat after Duterte arrest?
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1:14:10Listen to our episode with Edu Mansanas on the senator's outburst against BBM over Duterte's arrest.
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How should we deal with all the fake news being propagated by Duterte supporters following his arrest and turnover to the ICC?
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Join our next commit to 6 intake here
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Ep. 42: Uubra ba ang style ni Duterte sa ICC?
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1:05:27Listen to our episode with lawyer Dino De Leon on the first appearance of Rodrigo Duterte at the ICC.
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Ep. 41: Duterte playing the "victim" card
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1:00:03Will his strategy work for Duterte? Christian Esguerra sits down with political strategist Alan German.
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This episode talks about Rodrigo Duterte's initial appearance at the ICC. Christian Esguerra speaks with lawyer Gilbert Andres, executive director of the Center for International Law and who is at The Hague.
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Ronald Holmes of Pulse Asia Inc. joins Christian Esguerra in this episode.
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Christian Esguerra and veteran journalist Vergel Santos talk about the massive disinformation related to Duterte's arrest and detention at the ICC.
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In this episode of the All Things Sustainable podcast, we're unpacking new proposals to simplify sustainability reporting in Europe. Released in February 2025, the European Commission's Omnibus Simplification Package would drastically reduce the number of companies subject to corporate sustainability reporting requirements in a bid to slash red tap…
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In February 2025, the EU Commission proposed the first Omnibus Package of sustainability rules, with the aim of simplifying and reducing EU sustainability reporting requirements. But did it work? Has the outcome been "good" or "bad"? And what are these new rules set to do to the future of sustainable finance in the EU? Listen to this episode of ESG…
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Listen to our episode on Rodrigo Duterte's detention at the International Criminal Court.
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This episode features a former senator, who was viciously persecuted under the Duterte administration.
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Human rights lawyer Barry Gutierrez joins Christian Esguerra in this discussion on one big irony involving the Dutertes following the arrest of the former president.
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Christian Esguerra is joined by human rights lawyer Ruben Carranza on the arrest and detention of Rodrigo Duterte.
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Christian Esguerra speaks with the uncle of a 17-year-old boy, who was murdered by cops during Duterte's bloody drug war.
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We are officially in our Sunbearer Duology era! Today were are talking about chapter one of the Sunbearer Trials by Aiden Thomas. The Patreon version of this episode contains bonus content about funding the arts, smart animals, dogs that need jobs, and our “what nice things have you done lately” segment. Here’s the Storygraph readalong for The Sunb…
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Christian Esguerra sits down with Ronald Llamas on the arrest of Rodrigo Duterte and those who might come next.
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Christian Esguerra sits down with Sonny Trillanes on the arrest of former President Rodrigo Duterte.
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A $100 Trillion Opportunity: Empowering Entrepreneurial Households in the 'Unseen Middle' in India | Jyotsna Krishnan, EPIC World (#077)
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1:10:20My guest today is Jyotsna Krishnan, the CEO and Co-Founder of EPIC World focused on empowering what she has termed "the unseen middle." Jyotsna leads initiatives to change the financial systems for entrepreneurial households in India, creating replicable models for other regions that share similar market dynamics, like Latin America. She recognized…
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Heute ist Christoph Betz mein Gesprächspartner, er ist KPMG-Partner und leitender Bank- Beratungs- und vor allem ESG-Experte und treibt Ergebnisse voran, indem er die Komplexität im Finanzdienstleistungssektor bewältigt. In unserem heutigen Podcast geht es um den Wandel des ESG-Narrativs in der Bankenbranche. ESG war lange ein Thema des Reputations…
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This episode looks at the different scenarios for former President Rodrigo Duterte if the ICC orders his arrest.
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ESGfitness.co.uk Satiety resource here
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