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Radio 3

'Duendeando' es descrito por su creador como "un programa de flamencos y pelícanos", y la expresión hace honor a lo que hace sonar cada fin de semana en las ondas de Radio 3. Conducido por Teo Sánchez, 'Duendeando' repasa todas las corrientes musicales enmarcadas dentro del flamenco.
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Board Game Duel


Un podcast sur les jeux de sociétés avec vos hôtes Sam et Vince. Chaque épisode un duel thématique ou deux jeux s‘affrontent, à vous de décider lequel l‘emportera!
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Links. Rechts. Mitte – Duell der Meinungsmacher. Ein Tisch, verschiedene Meinungen. Dazu ein Moderator, der mit den Gästen die relevanten Themen der Woche bespricht und ausdiskutiert. Im Mittelpunkt steht ein pointierter und lebendiger Austausch an Argumenten und Meinungen, der dem Zuseher beide Seiten einer Medaille erklärt. Bei „Links. Rechts. Mitte“ kommen Gäste zu Wort, die tatsächlich etwas zu sagen haben und nicht nur die bekannten Phrasen austauschen. 60 Minuten Talkshow, die das Zeit ...
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Balance Due

Rodney Holt

The Balance Due podcast, hosted by Rodney Holt, focuses on everyday people dealing with everyday stress. It explores topics related to self-care, mental health, wellness, and love. The podcast aims to uplift and inspire listeners by discussing personal growth, societal issues, and practical advice for managing life’s challenges.
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Due Draghi al Microfono

Due Draghi al Microfono

Due Dungeon Master discutono Dungeons&Dragons partendo dai loro background in pedagogia, filosofia e informatica e agganciandosi a lettere, richieste e domande del pubblico. Da poco fanno anche actual play!
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Podcast para personas , que estan viviendo una perdida,compartimos experiencias y lo que de ellas hemos aprendido. te damos herramientas para que logres transformar tu dolor,en algo positivo. https://www.facebook.com/Claudia-Olmos-g-100506595194885/ Instagram.com/claudiaolmosg
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Bienvenidas/os a Transformando el duelo, un espacio donde hablaremos abiertamente y del corazón sobre lo que vivimos al enfrentarnos a una pérdida. Soy Ligia Houben y te hablaré no solo a nivel profesional sino también, personal, compartiéndote mis vulnerabilidades y mis fortalezas. Mi propósito es acompañarte en tu duelo, validarlo, y ayudarte a sanar de adentro hacia afuera. Hablaremos sobre cómo vivir con sentido y propósito a pesar de haber experimentado una gran pérdida, y cómo usar her ...
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Due South

Jeff Tiberii, Leoneda Inge

Due South is a source for news, information, and perspectives from across North Carolina and the South. It takes a panoramic view of politics, place, race, and southern culture, among other topics. The show takes deep-dives into the news - while also providing a break from the news cycle with conversations on topics ranging from food and music to arts and culture. Full episodes of Due South air weekdays at 12pm on WUNC.
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Dueling Disney

Andee Zomerman, Alfred Day

Al Day and Andee Zomerman: Two Disnerd educators, BFFs from college, debating Disney topics since 1989. From cool daily tips to hot button controversy, we've got opinions. What are yours?
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Somos creadores de la innovadora metodologia de LAS 15 TAREAS DEL DUELO ®, quienes desde hace más de 30 años nos encontramos aperturando, liderando y promoviendo diferentes grupos de apoyo a lo largo de Latinoamérica. Toda esta experiencia hoy se ve reflejada en valioso material de apoyo como libros, audiolibros y, LA PRIMERA APLICACIÓN DIGITAL PARA EL MANEJO DEL DUELO https://dueloapp.com/ Productos disponibles a través de nuestra página web https://www.las15tareasdelduelo.com/
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Marvel or DC: Who is superior? Twin brothers Jon and Joe debate the answer through film reviews and mathematical fight simulations. New episode every Tuesday. A Rotten Tomatoes Tomatometer-Approved Publication! dynamicduel.com Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/dynamic-duel-dc-vs-marvel--5414543/support.
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Because the world is more than its problems this podcast is about the projects, activities, people and organizations which help us see good things—meaning what can help us resolve our problems, think more inclusively about issues, develop compassion, remove barriers to social justice, lessen suffering, reinforce the higher angels of our humanity or work toward unity.
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Das Pädagogische Duett

Katja, Selina, Leoni und MArkus

Herzlich willkommen bei "Das Pädagogische Duett", dem Podcast, der sich auf unterhaltsame und zugleich tiefgehende Weise mit allen Aspekten der Pädagogik auseinandersetzt. Hier treffen fundiertes Wissen und kritische Perspektiven auf ein entspanntes Gespräch zwischen Pädagog*innen zwischen Ausbildung und Leitungstätigkeit.Warum solltet ihr einschalten?Spannende Themen: Wir decken ein breites Spektrum an pädagogischen Themen ab – von aktuellen Bildungstrends über bewährte Lehrmethoden bis hin ...
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Black Men Due Talk


Overdue conversations from the perspective of black men. Whether its relationships, mental health, politics, church culture, music, current events, etc... We are allowing you to join in on the discussions that a lot of people either didn’t think existed or need to be had.
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Pod Duelar


Alôoo vc!! Eu sou o Hoshigaki! Bem-vindos ao meu podcast. Aqui vamos trocar uma ideia bem legal sobre o que rola no universo do grande card game yu-gi-oh!.
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CrossFade is a dueling album review show about expanding your musical horizons hosted by Matt Helgeson. Released every two weeks, CrossFade has guests introduce one of their favorite albums of all time to Matt Helgeson (and vice versa) as they review the highlights, play clips, and compare each other's picks. On every episode, we answer questions from the community via MinnMax's Patreon page - https://www.patreon.com/minnmax
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Duel of the Fates

DEWVRE Podcasts and Such

The iron grip of the FIRST ORDER has spread to the farthest reaches of the galaxy. Only a few scattered planets remain unoccupied. Traitorous acts are punishable by death. Determined to suffocate a growing unrest, Supreme Leader KYLO REN has silenced all communication between neighboring systems. Led by GENERAL LEIA ORGANA, the Resistance has planned a secret mission to prevent their annihilation and forge a path to freedom....
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I’m a PRIVATE INVESTOR, enjoying early retirement after a long, successful, and fulfilling career as an investment professional with a focus on the resource sector (including oil and gas). I employ common sense, fundamental, bottom-up analysis that incorporates not limited to: currency exchange rates, cost of labor, raw materials cost, geology, metallurgy, cost of capital, infrastructure, micro/macro influencing factors, experience of management, capital discipline by management, etc, etc… R ...
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The Design Duet

The Design Duet

Hi, We're Chrissie and Caroline! We are passionate interior designers who are being asked more and more about what we do and how we do it. In this podcast we will talk about all things interior decoration and design, our process from start to finish, and we will also bring along our design friends to get an insight into the industry.
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Due di denari

Radio 24

Debora Rosciani e Mauro Meazza sono i "Due di denari", la carta giusta da giocare per rendere più semplici la gestione dei risparmi, i rapporti con il fisco e la burocrazia, la comprensione dei movimenti di Borsa, del mondo del lavoro, dei diritti dei consumatori. Sono davvero tanti gli aspetti della finanza personale che è bene approfondire, perché toccano da vicino gli aspetti più importanti delle nostre vite. Ogni giorno, su Radio 24, in questo spazio vengono affrontati con l'aiuto degli ...
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En Dueñas de Negocio, Paty Díaz comparte reflexiones, aprendizajes y herramientas clave para mujeres emprendedoras que desean crecer personal y profesionalmente. Con más de 25 años de experiencia como emprendedora y mentora, este espacio te ayudará a llevar tu negocio al siguiente nivel mientras encuentras equilibrio en las áreas esenciales de tu vida. Hablamos de impacto positivo, finanzas, mercadotecnia efectiva, liderazgo y mucho más, todo con un enfoque práctico y humano. Si sueñas con c ...
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show series
Sandra A. Gutierrez, Nancie McDermott and Ryan Mitchell are three chefs and cookbook authors whose work distinguishes them as authorities in their fields. Recently, they gathered at Croasdaile Country Club in Durham to discuss their passion for Latin America, Asia and Southern cuisines, respectively, with Due South co-host Leoneda Inge. This Due So…
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Fondi, Casse e società di mutuo soccorso hanno sempre più il fiato corto, come rilevano i numeri recentemente pubblicati dal ministero della Salute. Nati per affiancarsi e al tempo stesso alleggerire il Servizio sanitario nazionale, sono cresciuti nell'ultimo decennio al ritmo di un milione di nuovi iscritti all'anno partendo dai 5,8 milioni del 20…
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(4:18) - What's going on with Dave? (17:15) - RACHEL. PLAYS. HOCKEY. (28:29) - What do you do when magical mystery food arrives? (36:48) - YOUR comments & voice memos! Calves for a Cause is back at the Canadian Dairy XPO in Stratford April 2nd - an annual charity sale raising funds for the Children's Health Foundation. **PARTNER WITH US!** Subscrib…
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In questo episodio esploriamo il mondo delle ricompense in Dungeons & Dragons. Come puoi creare loot che sia emozionante, significativo e adatto ai tuoi giocatori? Dalle classiche monete d’oro agli oggetti magici unici, ti diamo consigli pratici per arricchire le tue sessioni e rendere le ricompense un elemento narrativo indimenticabile. Viaggiate …
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Smokescreens are creative conversational tactics used to avoid directly answering questions or addressing issues. While these deflection techniques, such as whataboutism, false equivalence, and information overload, can be amusing in their absurdity, it's important to distinguish them from the more serious practice of gaslighting. By recognizing th…
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Episode 62 welcomes our friend and brother, Aaron Zamzow to the show. Zam is a 20-year fire service veteran serving as a Lieutenant with the Madison (WI) Fire Department. He is head coach at Fire Rescue Fitness, has 30 years of experience as a fitness trainer, and holds a bachelor's degree in health and wellness. He hosts the Better Every Shift pod…
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The highest paid state executive in Alaska wants us to believe that a gas pipeline is near, just as the legislature considers pulling the plug. Is Alaska being coopted by the same people we used to criticize? Scott McMurren tells us what travelers need to know in 2025.
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Women may stop shaming the size of men's pp if they watch this! Ok... Maybe they won't stop, but the conversation has to start! Many women are unaware of what the average-sized male member really is. But despite averages, no one should ever have to undergo body shaming or be told that they're less valuable as a human because of their bodies. Should…
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Listen to the DynaMic Podcast Network at http://dynamicpodcasts.com Join our community at https://patreon.com/dynamicduel • 0:00:00 - Introduction • 0:03:43 - No-Prize Time • 0:10:17 - Ulrich Thomsen to play Sinestro in HBO Lanterns series • 0:12:33 - Question of the Week • 0:13:17 - Circe vs Morgan le Fay intro • 0:16:49 - Circe history and abilit…
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Don’t Know It is a podcast where Mike O’Gorman (True Lies, Ted Lasso, Vice Principals) introduces Erica Hernandez (True Lies, Bridge and Tunnel, Last Week Tonight with John Oliver) to all the movies and TV shows and general pop culture things she missed out on as a kid. Mike and Erica met on the set of True Lies where Mike quickly realized he would…
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Jenn White speaks with Leoneda Inge about covering the news in this current moment, the second Trump term, and her "If You Can Keep It" series about politics and democracy on 1A. And, Anisa Khalifa host of WUNC's podcast The Broadside shares the story of how tax incentives, BBQ, and Bojangles helped make the Tar Heel State the epicenter of Japanese…
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Schluss mit illegaler Migration, Klimaschutz und Wokeness. Schon am Tag seiner Angelobung macht Trump Nägel mit Köpfen: Ab sofort soll kein illegaler Einwanderer mehr über die Südgrenze in die USA gelangen, die Geschlechtervielfalt ist beendet, die Öl- und Gasproduktion wird entfesselt, das Pariser Klimaschutzabkommen ist Geschichte. Schockiert zei…
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Il 31 gennaio 2025 scade il termine per effettuare il pagamento dell’importo annuale della polizza obbligatoria dell’assicurazione contro gli infortuni domestici (cd. "assicurazione casalinghe"), pari a 24 euro. Ne approfittiamo per fare il punto sul funzionamento di questo strumento, che viene ritenuto obbligatorio per una serie di categorie di pe…
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Si alguna vez has evaluado alguna estrategia con un simple “me late que sí funcionó,” este episodio es para ti. En estos minutos vamos a descubrir por qué medir es tan importante, cuáles son las áreas donde solemos confiar más en el “feeling” que en los números, y cómo puedes empezar a tomar decisiones basadas en datos para que tu negocio crezca co…
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Description Returning guests Nicole Freim and Chris “Mav” Maverick join Joe to discuss the John Hughes’ film The Breakfast Club. Starring several members of the Brat Pack of up-and-coming actors and actresses, this film signaled a change in how teenagers are portrayed in meida. We discuss the pros and cons associated with the film forty years later…
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El guitarrista y compositor Yerai Cortés nos visita y es el principal protagonista de este programa en el que nos presenta su primer trabajo discográfico como solista que procede de la banda sonora del documental "La guitarra flamenca de Yerai Cortés" estrenado recientemente. Escuchar audio
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Hoy platicamos con mi estimado amigo Paco Nuñez, de como Sin duda los medios digitales tienen la enorme capacidad para mejorar la comunicacion y la intereccion humana; en los ambitos personales como laborales y profesionales. Perono debemos evitar reconocer los "contras" de estos medios, como la adicción, las estafas y la desinformación. Solo es ne…
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Nächster Stream: 28.01, 18.00 Uhr Wie kam man eigentlich im Mittelalter von Dorf zu Dorf? Einfach Finger raushalten und der nächste Esel hält schon an?! Wir wissen es nicht, aber wir haben Theorien, die wir natürlich dank unseres Podcasts der Öffentlichkeit präsentieren. Und natürlich müssen wir auch den großen, orangefarbenen Affen im Raum ansprec…
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"Te sigo por el aire como una brizna de hierba" escribió Federico y ahora cantan Miriam Latrece y Alana Sinkëy con las guitarras de Josemi Carmona y Lin Cortés. Escuchamos esa pieza junto a otro momento de Lin con su tio El Pele. De la serie Limbaé también escuchamos a José del Tomate como solista y acompañando a Ismael de la Rosa. Este cantaor can…
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This week, the big news from Washington is also big news here in North Carolina. Approximately 50 people from North Carolina were among those pardoned by President Trump for their involvement in the Jan 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol. Also, an update on the North Carolina Supreme Court race, which still has not been certified. And, remembering…
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In quest'ultima trasmissione della settimana presentiamo un libro che offre un’analisi approfondita delle crisi finanziarie fino al 2024, esaminando non solo gli eventi economici più significativi, ma anche le truffe finanziarie che spesso fungono da catalizzatori per tali crisi. Attraverso un’approfondita ricerca storica e un’accurata analisi psic…
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SMALL TALK & BIG KITCHENS, our mini-series on the romcoms of Nora Ephron and Nancy Meyers, continues with the remake that introduced the world to Lindsay Lohan. With everything she had learned while making Father of the Bride Part II with her husband, Meyers was eager to make her first film from the director’s seat. But after turning down the chanc…
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If you live in the Triangle and eat at local restaurants, you’ve likely indulged your palate at one of Giorgios Bakatsias’ cafes, bistros, or tavernas. Giorgios’ restaurant empire dots the region’s culinary landscape, from Chapel Hill to Durham to Raleigh to Wake Forest, and in recent years even expanding out to Wilmington. And after more than four…
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Chi non ha partita Iva da quest’anno può dichiarare nel 730 anche i proventi finanziari da criptoattività, oltre ad assolvere – come già possibile l’anno scorso - l’imposta sulle criptoattività. Le bozze del modello 730/2025 pubblicate il 13 gennaio contengono infatti un quadro T nuovo di zecca, destinato alla dichiarazione di tutte le plusvalenze …
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Genesis Rodriguez is one of the most delightful and talented individuals you’ll ever encounter. She has captivated audiences with her performances in films such as Man on a Ledge, Casa de mi Padre, She-Ra, and her standout role in the thriller Centigrade. Years ago, Genesis joined Ryan Cultrera and James “JimmyO” Oster for a fantastic conversation …
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In this episode of Transformando el Duelo (Transforming Grief), we reflect on how the love we feel for our loved ones transcends physical loss. While grief brings deep pain, it also offers an opportunity to connect with them in meaningful and transformative ways. Objects that remind us of them, like photos, letters, or even a piece of clothing, bec…
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En este episodio de Transformando el Duelo, reflexionamos sobre cómo el amor que sentimos por nuestros seres amados trasciende la pérdida física. Aunque el dolor del duelo es profundo, también nos brinda la oportunidad de conectar con ellos de formas significativas y transformadoras. Los objetos que nos recuerdan a ellos, como fotografías, cartas o…
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This podcast episode discusses the ethical implications of artificial intelligence (AI), specifically how algorithmic bias stemming from historical data perpetuates societal inequalities and racism. The speakers highlight how AI systems used in areas like policing and healthcare can disproportionately harm marginalized communities due to biased tra…
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Leoneda Inge checks in with WUNC’s Race, Class and Communities reporter Aaron Sanchez-Guerra for an update on immigration issues in North Carolina. Delores Bailey, executive director of EmPOWERment Inc. talks about the organization's efforts to provide more affordable housing in Chapel Hill. Bryan Reklis, director of the Carrboro Film Fest, preview…
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Dal 1° gennaio 2025 occorrerà prestare la massima attenzione agli strumenti di pagamento utilizzati per le spese, non solo da imprese e professionisti, ma anche dai loro dipendenti, in caso di trasferta. Per vitto, alloggio, viaggio e trasporto mediante autoservizi pubblici non di linea è infatti necessario effettuare il pagamento con strumenti tra…
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Freelance journalist Jim Morrill talks with WUNC's Anita Rao about his recent story in The Assembly: “How Destin Hall Rose From Humble Beginnings to House Speaker.” Then, an exploration of the changing workplace in 2025. First, Nashville-based Marq Burnett of The Business Journals talks with Due South's Leoneda Inge about the impact of generational…
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Here is an english interview with Ricardo Tranjan, the spokesperson on housing for the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, one of the most trusted think tanks in the country. Enjoy as he dives deep and informs us of the many solutions there are that we have for the housing crisis. Voici une entrevue en anglais avec Ricardo Tranjan, porte-parol…
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