Bate-papo com os correspondentes da RFI Brasil pelo mundo para analisar, com uma abordagem mais profunda, os principais assuntos da atualidade.
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România se adună pe frecvenţele Europa FM pentru cea mai ascultată emisiune din ţară în care românii se fac auziţi.
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Magazine informativo de RÀDIO KLARA. Información, convocatorias, análisis, opinión, agenda ...
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Todas as regiões num só programa. De norte a sul, da Madeira aos Açores, do interior ao litoral. Os grandes temas que atravessam o país, em reportagem, debate e entrevista. Segunda a sexta, depois das 13h na Antena1
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Direto ao Ponto. Toda segunda-feira, às 21h30, Evandro Cini recebe convidados especiais para entrevistas exclusivas aprofundando debates de temas relevantes da atualidade.
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When it comes to video games and the hardware and tech we play them on, the team at Digital Foundry are unparalleled experts. Each week, DF Direct breaks down the latest breakthroughs in video game visuals, sound, and performance happening on PlayStation, Xbox, the most powerful PC setups, and more. If you’re a geek for graphics, GPUs, or just video games in general, DF Direct will help you get the most out of your gaming setup. DF Direct is a part of the Geek Media Podcast Network, an IGN E ...
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This is a podcast on video production, photography, content creation and the relationship between clients, artist, entrepreneurs and how important content creation is for their business.
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Espacio de LLIURE DIRECTE para el análisis de la actualidad con Manolo Gallego. Escuchalo en directo de lunes a viernes de 9 a 10, en reposición desde las 13 horas y en las madrugadas a partir de la 1.
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The Director Dossiers Podcast details the production of and analyzes every movie in a director's filmography.
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Economía Directa busca concienciar, informar y difundir a toda la sociedad las verdaderas causas y responsables de la crisis económica, política y social que padecemos desde el periodismo alternativo.
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El análisis, las opiniones y toda la información del deporte malagueño.
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Proporcionar reflexões baseada em princípios bíblicos, e por meio destas obter a direção de Deus para variadas circunstâncias da vida.
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Os principais protagonistas da atualidade entrevistados em direto nas manhãs 360 da Rádio Observador.
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In der Podcast-Reihe "Directed by..." von Planet Film Geek sprechen wir pro Staffel die gesamte Filmografie eines/einer Regisseurs/Regisseurin durch und schauen, was die Filme verbindet und was wir über die Person hinter der Kamera lernen können!
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LW Direct is the official audio news source of the Golden Rain Foundation, serving the residents of Leisure World Seal Beach.
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France 24 décrypte l’actualité internationale, politique, l’économie, l’environnement, la culture, le sport, en France et à l’international avec analyses, des interviews, des reportages exclusifs, des magazines et des documentaires.
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New Direction Bible Fellowship
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Learn how Rashi wrote his commentary--and how you can unlock its meaning. By Yochanon Joseph, author of: Directions in Rashi (; Hamikraos al Sidram ( ); Hakol Bi'chtav (
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Καλωσήρθατε στο podcast του Director's Cut, όπου ο Λάζαρος Κολαξής και ο Βαγγέλης Βίτσικας μιλάνε για ταινίες παλιές ή νέες, αγαπημένες ή λιγότερο αγαπημένες με κοινή βάση μια θεματική η οποία αλλάζει (περίπου) κάθε τέσσερα επεισόδια.
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With more than 30 years of experience covering Microsoft, Directions on Microsoft provides unique perspectives about the shifts in Microsoft technologies, roadmaps, and licensing policies that matter most to enterprise-size companies. Twice each month, industry veteran Mary Jo Foley interviews a different Directions analyst for informed insights and advice to help you drive full value from your Microsoft investments.
continue reading An award winning director, writer and producer with over 20 years of experience.
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Brought to you by the Directors Guild of America, ”The Director’s Cut” will bring you the behind-the-scenes stories of today’s most talked about films. Each episode features a different director interviewed by one of their peers, leading to revealing conversations about the grueling, but rewarding process of bringing their films to life.
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The Pathfinder News, Reviews, and Interviews Podcast
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Empowering Conversations with Successful Artists, Athletes, Thought Leaders & More
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Kansas City Radio Variety
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A podcast for child care center owners and directors. Business tips and resources to help you build enrollment, retain your best teachers, and getting your operating just how you want it.
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Katy Bisraor, Miri Maman, Julien Bahloul, Rina Bassist et Emmanuelle Adda décryptent l’actualité israélienne, du lundi au vendredi, à 8h08.
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Toda la actualidad deportiva aragonesa en Radio Marca Zaragoza. De lunes a viernes de 13 a 15 horas.
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Every week, Rugby Direct gives you the lowdown on all you need to know from the rugby world. Whether it's the All Blacks, Black Ferns, NPC, Farah Palmer Cup, or just what's going down at the club grounds, we have you covered on your home for all things rugby. Listen on iHeartRadio for every angle, every moment, and every opinion.
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Welcome to the Future Directors podcast hosted by award-winning author and Board Futurist, Paul Smith. Every episode brings you diverse perspectives and new ideas from the boardroom. His guests include thought leaders and board directors who are pushing the boundaries of governance around the world.
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A show dedicated to educating and informing self-directed IRA and 401(k) investors on strategies, investments, legal structures, tax rules, and pitfalls. Hosted by tax lawyers Mat Sorensen and Mark Kohler who are also co-founders of Directed IRA & Directed Trust Company ( where they have provided self-directed accounts for thousands of customers. They cover and discuss Roth IRAs, solo(k)s, prohibited transactions, real estate, start-ups, notes, PPMs, PE/VC Funds, UBIT ...
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O Europe Direct do Minho visa divulgar informação europeia junto dos cidadãos e promover a cidadania participativa a nível local e regional.
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The Directors Series Podcast dives deep into the craft and careers of influential filmmakers, while aiming to further the mission of increasing media literacy and inspiring the next generation of storytellers
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Con un estilo directo y sin rodeos para directores de empresa y dueños de negocios que buscan dominar el marketing digital con enfoque en estrategia comercial. Santinos De Alba, ofrece análisis profundos, consejos prácticos y estrategias innovadoras sobre esta disciplina y su impacto en los negocios.
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Directionally Correct, A People Analytics Podcast with Cole & Scott
Directionally Correct, A People Analytics Podcast with Cole & Scott
Directionally Correct, A People Analytics Podcast with Cole & Scott is the #1 People Analytics Podcast in the World! If you like the podcast, check out the Directionally Correct Newsletter on Substack, the #1 People Analytics Substack:
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Let's dive into direct sales done right. We will share how we learned - the hard way - the wrong and right way to do direct sales. You'll learn simple and effective ways to grow your direct sales business through strategies and storytelling in an authentic way because there is room at the table for you, too! Welcome to direct sales done right with Katy Ursta and Melanie Mitro.
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Self Directed - A Podcast on Life, Learning, and Raising Free Thinkers. Hosts Cecilie and Jesper Conrad, full-time travellers since 2018 and parents of four, invite a new guest on the podcast every Thursday.
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Direction for Life with Bishop Herbert Bailey and Dr. Marcia Bailey
Right Direction Church International
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Top tips & strategies for direct sellers and network marketers. Grow your customer list, increase sales, and grow a team all while changing the face of the direct sales industry with your host, Rachel Perry. Rachel keeps it real and pushes you out of your comfort zone (with a little humor sprinkled in) to take action in your business. The Direct Seller’s Podcast is personal development, life coaching, motivation, marketing, family, and fun all rolled into one. Want to rock out your direct sa ...
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"Direct Your Life” is a weekly show: Your go-to guide for crafting a life of flexibility, joy, and purpose—all while having fun. Hosted by Tony Suriano, a magician turned film director and creative coach, this podcast weaves personal growth insights with actionable strategies and inspiring stories to empower you to take control of your journey and design the life you truly want.
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Florilege du passé / Carrefour de la musique
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Spoločne si vychutnávať hudbu. Dirigent Dušan Štefánek. Fíčer Pavla Smolíka z cyklu Osobnosti Opery Slovenského národného divadla. Časť šiesta: Spoločne si vychutnávať hudbu. Dirigent Dušan Štefánek. Inšpiratívny svet umelca, ktorý štyri desaťročia pôsobil za dirigentským pultom v Opere SND
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20. marca uplynulo 101 rokov od narodenia Jozefa Kronera – spomienka na hereckú legendu s ukážkami jeho tvorby.
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Sv. Jozef
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motoristický a dopravný magazín
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Dych berúci, zarážajúci, nečakaný – taký je štvordielny seriál Adolescent, Juraj Malíček a Pavol Hubinák vás prevedú vyšetrovaním vraždy aj celou sériou. Na streame je aj výnimočný dokument, ktorý vás tiež nenechá len tak. Aj keď vieme ako to dopadlo, filmári, ktorí sa snažia v čínskom meste Wu – chan dokončiť svoj film to nevedia a ocitnú sa zavre…
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Lo mejor de la semana
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Bosna a Hercegovina – divoké hory, nevybuchnuté míny, tajomné tunely
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A look back at the past week in Slovakia.
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Das RSI-Magazin am Samstag mit ausgewählten Beiträgen der vergangenen Tage: Kay Zeisberg stellt den Bürgerverein ETHOS vor, der sich für die Trennung von Staat und Kirche einsetzt. Musik von Jana Kirschner - passend zum Welttag des Wassers. Und Kerstin Jakubik war beim Konzert der Preisträger des "Pressburger Paganini" im Slowakischen Institut Wien…
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Alfréd Tóth: East Coast Poetry – mladí poeti košického okruhu
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1. Субботний калейдоскоп: Малая война, Выставка работ студенток Академии Искусств в Банска-Бистрице, Лесные пожары и появление вредителей- результат засушливой погоды. 2. Новые композитные материалы. Беседа с Доктором наук, сотрудником Института материалов и машинной механики Словацкой Академии Наук Мартином Балогом. 3. Песни словацких исполнителей…
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Hudobné pozdravy NEV s Tomášom Michalom Babjákom
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Písomné a telefonické gratulácie
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gratulácie jubilujúcim poslucháčom
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Mixy aktuálnych skladieb v remixoch, úplne nová a novo znejúca hudba, ale aj reedície zabudnutých klenotov či elektronické a chilloutové klasiky. Rôznorodá zmes žánrov, ktorú exkluzívne pre Rádio_FM pripravujú tí najlepší domáci DJ-i.
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Miroslav Ondirko: Manažérske riešenie
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Obnovenie koaličnej 79 - Obranná politika štátu - Riešenie vojny na Ukrajine - Analýza splnomocnenca vlády Petra Kotlára
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Jozef Jankovič
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Hudba z gramo archívov, program Sone Horňákovej pripomenie debutový album z diskografie legendárnej mexicko-indiánskej skladateľky, poetky a speváčky: LHASA DE SELA - La Llorona
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Berend Nóra Angliában élő magyar történész, a Cambridge-i Egyetem professzora lesz a Szabad Szóműves Páholy vendége, akivel arra keressük a választ, milyen mítoszok és legendák övezik Szent Istvánt és hogy hogyan válhatott nemzeti hőssé Koppány, ha alig tudunk róla bármit is.
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Elán 4. časť
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Lenka Slniečková - výtvarníčka, milovníčka zdravého jedla a života, Brezno
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Pod povrchom hudby - piesňový cyklus Konstantina Ilievského Proti noci
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Az archívumban Nagy Ildikó tallózik.
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Vôňa zmrzliny v Bergame – Zelené oslavy Írov – Túžba obnoviť zničené.O túžbe začať znovu žiť dôstojný život v Libanone povie Anna Šípošová.Mesto Betlehem, ktoré je bez turistov navštívila Katarína Chovančáková.Búrlivé oslavy počas národného sviatku Írov priblíži Karolína Kučerová.Katarína Antenozio prezradí recept na originálnu zmrzlinu stracciatel…
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Stanislav ,,Špricek,, Šnirc - šerif Spojených trampských osád
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Relácia pre tých, ktorí majú radi prírodu.
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Príprava na testovanie deviatakov
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Miriam Juhanesovičová - predsedníčka APPA
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Aj sobota je víkend, aj sobota si zaslúži pomalší rozbeh. Najlepšia sobotná hudba_FM s Demeterom predsa len nebude úplne pomalá, od pomalosti zabrúsime aj k stredným tempám. Žiadne iné obmedzenia nebudú.
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hosť: botanik Martin Pizňak, moderuje: Zuzana Bobriková
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Horská osada Magurka a cesta na Mestskú horu
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Bardo. Šarišske pripovidky z pera Miroslavy Gavurovej.
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Esther is here with a quick update about the Know Direction Network’s flagship podcast. Listen Now! (mp3)
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David, známy aj ako David zo Senca, ponúka vo svojom novom programe pestrú hudobnú paletu od Funku, Soulu, Boogie cez Jazzrock, Jazzfunk až po Rap bez ohľadu na to, či je to tá najstaršia alebo najnovšia skladba z daného žánru. Ak to má dušu, bicie alebo trúbky, tak je to viac než čo môžete počuť kdekoľvek inde!…
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