Radical with David Platt is a podcast that highlights sermons weekly from teacher, author, and pastor David Platt.
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Short, daily meditations on God’s Word that not only drive us to pray, but drive how we pray. Featuring teacher, author, and pastor David Platt.
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Prie la Parole avec David Platt. Courtes méditations quotidiennes de la Parole de Dieu pour stimuler et conduire notre prière. Avec David Platt, auteur, pasteur et enseignant.
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In this episode of Pray the Word on Psalm 33:1, David Platt challenges us to cultivate joyful worship in our walk with the Lord. Explore more content from Radical.David Platt
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What does it mean that the Lord is our shepherd, and how should this give Christians comfort today? In this message from Psalm 23, David Platt points us to the ways that Psalm 23 highlights the goodness of God and Jesus Christ as the good shepherd who has laid down his life for his sheep. When we realize Who is leading us through life’s dark valley…
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In this episode of Pray the Word on Leviticus 9:22, David Platt encourages us to bless others in the way we pray and act towards them. Explore more content from Radical.David Platt
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In this episode of Pray the Word on Psalm 31:2, 24, David Platt answers the question, "How can we wait well when rescue feels delayed?" Explore more content from Radical.David Platt
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In this episode of Pray the Word on Psalm 30:5, David Platt points us to God's promise of sustaining us through dark nights. Explore more content from Radical.David Platt
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In this episode of Pray the Word on Exodus 40:38, David Platt reminds us that the constant presence of God is with all who trust Him. Explore more content from Radical.David Platt
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In this episode of Pray the Word on Exodus 33:18, David Platt asks God to show us more of His glory in our lives, churches, and the world. Explore more content from Radical.David Platt
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In this episode of Pray the Word on Exodus 31:1–5, David Platt challenges us to steward the gifts and abilities we have been given by God. Explore more content from Radical.David Platt
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In this episode of Pray the Word on Exodus 29:44, David Platt explains what it means to live set apart for God's purposes. Explore more content from Radical.David Platt
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In this episode of Pray the Word on Exodus 25:8, David Platt asks God to help us live in the fullness of His presence in us. Explore more content from Radical.David Platt
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In this episode of Pray the Word on Exodus 24:17, David Platt teaches us to fear God appropriately and worship Him wholeheartedly. Explore more content from Radical.David Platt
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In this episode of Pray the Word on Exodus 20:2–3, David Platt asks God to help us to turn from all idols in this world and worship Him alone. Explore more content from Radical.David Platt
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In this episode of Pray the Word on Exodus 16:4, David Platt encourages us to trust in God's provision and obey His Word daily. Explore more content from Radical.David Platt
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Some Christians wrongly assume that the safest place to be is in the center of God’s will. However, if we’re going to follow Jesus and demonstrate radical compassion toward those in need, then safety should not be our ultimate concern. In this message from Matthew 9:35–10:42, David Platt points out that the danger of our lives may actually increase…
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In this episode of Pray the Word on Exodus 13:21, David Platt points us to God's faithfulness in leading, guiding, and shepherding us by His Spirit. Explore more content from Radical.David Platt
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In this episode of Pray the Word on Exodus 12:13, David Platt explains how Jesus' sacrifice frees us from the penalty and power of sin. Explore more content from Radical.David Platt
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In this episode of Pray the Word on Psalm 19:7–11, David Platt explains the eternal value of the Word of God and its impact on our lives. Explore more content from Radical.David Platt
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In this episode of Pray the Word on Exodus 6:6–8, David Platt points us to God's unfailing faithfulness to every one of His promises in our lives. Explore more content from Radical.David Platt
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In this episode of Pray the Word on Exodus 2:23–25, David Platt reminds us that God hears, sees, and knows our pain and works for our good. Explore more content from Radical.David Platt
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In this episode of Pray the Word on Genesis 48:15–16, David Platt encourages us to trust God's leadership in our lives as we follow Him. Explore more content from Radical.David Platt
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In this episode of Pray the Word on Genesis 46:29, David Platt praises God for the promise of eternal reunion with all who trust Him. Explore more content from Radical.David Platt
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How do you know the Bible is the Word of God? That’s a question Christians should be prepared to answer, particularly since we claim to base our lives, and our eternity, on the truths contained in the words of Scripture. In this message from 2 Timothy 3:16, David Platt offers seven reasons we can be confident that the Bible is God’s Word. Whether y…
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In this episode of Pray the Word on Genesis 45:5, David Platt reminds us that God works all things together for the good of those who love Him. Explore more content from Radical.David Platt
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In this episode of Pray the Word on Genesis 41:52, David Platt asks God for supernatural fruit in our lives as we walk through affliction. Explore more content from Radical.David Platt
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In this episode of Pray the Word on Genesis 39:23, David Platt teaches about the type of success that only comes from God's hand. Explore more content from Radical.David Platt
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In this episode of Pray the Word on Genesis 35:2, David Platt calls us to steward the gracious opportunities God gives us to turn from sin. Explore more content from Radical.David Platt
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In this episode of Pray the Word on Genesis 32:28, David Platt describes how we are to commune with God according to His design. Explore more content from Radical.David Platt
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In this episode of Pray the Word on Psalm 8:5, David Platt teaches us how God sees us according to His mercy and grace. Explore more content from Radical.David Platt
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In this episode of Pray the Word on Genesis 26:4–5, David Platt calls us to play our part today in spreading the blessing of the gospel to all nations. Explore more content from Radical.David Platt
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Have you ever come to Jesus on his terms? It seems that many professing Christians are ok with following Jesus so long as he can be thrown in the mix with other priorities rather than being the priority. In this message from Luke 14:26–35 by David Platt, we are urged to consider what it means to give Christ our supreme love and loyalty, and our ver…
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In this episode of Pray the Word on Genesis 22:12–14, David Platt praises God for providing for our salvation and our every need. Download the Read Scripture app. Explore more content from Radical.David Platt
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In this episode of Pray the Word on Genesis 19:26, David Platt asks God to help us fix our eyes on Jesus and not hold back from His calling. Explore more content from Radical.David Platt
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In this episode of Pray the Word on Genesis 17:3, David Platt teaches us to respond appropriately to God's glory and God's Word. Explore more content from Radical.David Platt
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In this episode of Pray the Word on Genesis 15:1, David Platt challenges us to put our faith in God as our Shield and Great Reward. Explore more content from Radical.David Platt
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In this episode of Pray the Word on Genesis 11:9, David Platt prays for the translation of the Word to every language in the world. Explore more content from Radical.David Platt
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In this episode of Pray the Word on Genesis 5:24, David Platt challenges us to imitate the life of Enoch, who walked with God. Explore more content from Radical.David Platt
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In this episode of Pray the Word on Genesis 1:27, David Platt explains how man was fearfully and wonderfully made in God's image. Explore more content from Radical.David Platt
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Ultimately, there are only two groups of people in the world: (1) those who revere Jesus as the King of their life, and (2) those who reject Jesus as the King of their life. In this Christmas Eve message from Matthew 2:1–12, David Platt challenges us to consider which group we are in. Will we be like Herod and try to rule our own lives, or will we …
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In this episode of Pray the Word on John 21:19, David Platt encourages us to follow Jesus no matter the cost, knowing that Christ is our reward. Explore more content from Radical.David Platt
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In this episode of Pray the Word on John 20:31, David Platt asks God to use our lives to lead others to life in Jesus. Explore more content from Radical.David Platt
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In this episode of Pray the Word on John 19:30, David Platt explains how Jesus paid the price for the sins of all who trust Him. Explore more content from Radical.David Platt
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In this episode of Pray the Word on John 18:37, David Platt exhorts us to believe God's Word with confidence and share it with boldness. Explore more content from Radical.David Platt
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In this episode of Pray the Word on John 17:21, David Platt calls us to strive for unity in the church for Christ's glory in the world. Explore more content from Radical.David Platt
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In this episode of Pray the Word on John 16:33, David Platt assures us of the unshakable promise of eternal life we have in Jesus. Explore more content from Radical.David Platt
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In this episode of Pray the Word on John 15:9, David Platt asks God to help us live in light of His love at every moment of every day. Explore more content from Radical.David Platt
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Jesus warns us in today’s passage that “many” will be shocked on the last day to find out that they never truly belonged to him. Though they called him “Lord” and performed many works in his name, he will claim that he never knew them. How, then, can we be confident that we are truly following Jesus? In this message from David Platt from Matthew 7:…
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In this episode of Pray the Word on John 14:27, David Platt highlights the peace Jesus offers, which will ultimately be complete at His return. Explore more content from Radical.David Platt
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In this episode of Pray the Word on John 13:35, David Platt asks God to help us love each other in a way that reflects His love. Explore more content from Radical.David Platt
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In this episode of Pray the Word on John 12:27–28, David Platt calls us to make these words our constant prayer. Explore more content from Radical.David Platt
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In this episode of Pray the Word on John 11:35, David Platt reminds us that with Jesus, sorrow is never the end of the story. Explore more content from Radical.David Platt
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