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On July 15, 1942, six P–38 Lightning fighters and two B–17 bombers left a secret US Army air base headed for a British airfield to fight Hitler. They never made it. Find out how this story relates to the Ice Age and the authenticity of
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Can certain geologic features like tillites, chalk beds and paleosols be explained by a global flood? Skeptics say no. Find out how the Biblical flood makes more sense of the very features used to try and disprove it!
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Many people were taught that fossils are evidence of things happening slowly over millions of years. But they’re not. On this week’s episode, find out why standard evolutionary explanations for fossil formation don’t
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Does the Bible teach that the Earth is flat? Did pre-scientific people really think that the Earth was flat? Watch Richard and Calvin debunk the Bible skeptics who misuse various Bible passages to suggest that the Bible says that the Earth is
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The ‘ape to man’ image. Everyone has seen it on a TV show, a tee-shirt, coffee mugs, kids shows, you name it. Find out why that most iconic evolutionary image is a fraud based on known inaccuracies and false
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According to many Bible skeptic internet warriors the Bible is an evil book that condones slavery and rape, etc. How do Christians answer these accusations when skeptics quote passages from the Bible itself as supposed proof?
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Many historians describe primitive ‘Stone age’ men living long before the first man, Adam, existed. This reinforces a time line that contradicts the Bible. Learn how the Bible’s timeline provides the best framework for understanding the ‘stone age’
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The creation/evolution debate is often described as ‘science VS faith’. However, everyone lives by faith. This episode explores several types of faith and shows how belief in evolution fits the category of irrational
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Abortion has been one of the most important ethical issues in Western society for the last four decades. Many people, sadly including many Christians, think abortion is a difficult issue to understand and resolve. Watch the show to examine scripture to gain clarity in this controversial
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There are different kinds of faith. This episode explains why everyone lives by faith and summarizes and compares different kinds of faith. It looks at the role that faith plays in the origins debate, for both evolutionists and
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The Bible says God is revealed in His creation. Romans chapter 1 verse 20 demonstrates that everyone can know God exists because of what He made so that they are ‘without excuse’. Flying squid, tree climbing crocodiles, woodpeckers, fireflies and decoy spiders are all evidence of the Creator God of the Bible!…
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Trees are among the oldest living things on the planet. Some say longer than biblical Creation would allow. Dendrochronology is the science dealing with the study of the rings of trees in determining the dates and chronological order of past events. Learn why it is a help rather than a hindrance to the biblical chronology.…
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Christians will quote Scripture as plainly written to justify belief in the events leading up to the crucifixion and the resurrection. However, in regarding the creation account, there is a much greater tendency to give authority to extra-biblical ideas rather than going strictly with the text. This episode uses Genesis chapters 1-11 as a case stud…
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Even many Christians wonder whether Genesis should be read as a historical narrative or not and wonder if it really matters. Some say that Genesis was written the way it was only because the ancient Hebrews would not have understood today’s sophisticated cosmological, geological and biological theories. But the issue really is; “What did God really…
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Most people know about the DNA code as the ‘language of life’. DNA code is governed by the epigenetic code, a code so significant that one science writer said that genes are ‘little more than puppets’. What is it and how does it confirm creation?
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In a debate on June 30, 1860 Thomas Huxley stated that monkeys could, given enough time, produce a Psalm purely by chance. Similarly, molecular movement, given enough time could produce man without a Creator. See why probability arguments like this fail to support
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Despite what some people believe, logic and reason are essential to Christianity. Without them it’s impossible to deduce anything from the true propositions of the 66 books of Scripture, which is the final authority for a
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A popular myth is that radioactive dating methods confirm the geologic time-scale and the concept of human evolution. The methods appear so impressive that many Christians accept them as evidence that the earth is very old. Many have been taught that radiometric dating methods are absolute. But exactly how solid are those dates?…
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Many Christians wonder about what our eternal existence will ‘look like’. Bible believing Christians know that God is going to create a New Heavens and a New Earth. Hints about what it will be like are found in
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One of the most common questions asked of Christians is some version of: “If God is so loving, why are there bad things in the world?” The implication being that if God created this world in the state it is in, He can’t be ‘very good’ Himself. And the Bible explicitly says that God created everything there is in 6 days. So when exactly were bad thi…
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Some people think that evolution has nothing to do with an individual’s philosophical outlook. But atheism can’t exist without evolution! The question of origins has only two possible answers, and for atheists there is only one
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Contrary to what many popular Old Earth Creationists have said, the Reformers held to a ‘Young Earth’ position. Examine the documented quotes from these esteemed theologians that put to rest any doubt as to their biblical creationist
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How old is the earth? Six to ten thousand years old? Older? How precisely can a creation date be calculated? Why do most scientists believe the earth is old? This episode explores one of the most controversial issues in the church, and answers these and many more questions about when God
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Contrary to scripture, old earth creationists and theistic evolutionists often claim that there were animals dying long before Adam and Eve. But did creatures just live happy peaceful lives and then quietly die? What does the fossil record reveal?
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Charles Darwin is often presented as a brilliant, iconic figure who singlehandedly changed the scientific landscape. His picture is on the British ten pound note, and he is looked up to by many as a great scientist. But research over the last 100 years reveals a different
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The theory of evolution is described in much detail in most classrooms today. Names, dates, classifications, etc., all seem to point to a very ‘scientific’ history of the world. But what about Creation? Does it have a cohesive historical narrative that can be backed up scientifically? Absolutely! Look at the ‘big picture’ of the Bible’s history on …
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Many people say the Muslim god and the God of the Bible are the same. If that’s true then the Koran and the Bible should agree with one another, but they don’t. Find out why a belief that the god of the Koran could never be reconciled with the God that wrote
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God’s Word says that animals were created to reproduce ‘after their kind’ (not to evolve into other kinds over millions of years). But what is a ‘kind’? If new species are being produced, does that support creation or evolution? Are the ‘kinds’ mentioned in Genesis the same as today’s species? Find out!…
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Rapid speciation has always been a cornerstone of Young Earth Creationist belief. If all of the animals we see today are descended from the limited amount of animals on Noah’s Ark then rapid speciation must have occurred. See the stunning evidence of this very thing and why it is so challenging to evolutionists and ‘Old Earth’ creationists alike.…
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Creationists often point to the incredible evidence of design in nature as proof of God’s existence. But what about things that don’t look well designed or appear to have been designed to do ‘bad things’? Evidence of ‘design’ is not enough. Find out why the true history in the Bible is essential to understand the world we live in.…
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Many seem to think Christianity is for simple, uneducated people who are out of touch with science. This week we share a little of the growing, positive evidence for the truth of creation and Christianity. It really is a great time to be a Christian!
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Whoops! What happens when scientists find fossils in the ‘wrong’ evolutionary sequence? This week, learn how the neat, ordered sequence of fossils required by evolution theory has serious problems, but fits wonderfully with the Bible. The facts reveal that the evolutionary timeline is
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Is it true that no ‘real’ scientist can be a creationist? Many of the founding fathers of modern science were Bible-believing Christians, as were many of the lesser known scientists who expanded our scientific knowledge. This episode examines the lives of brilliant men of science who were also men of God.…
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Continuing on from previous episodes, “What the church fathers believed about Genesis” and, "What the Reformers believed about Genesis”, we now examine the words of the Son of God in His written revelation to us. What did Jesus believe about Genesis?
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In the famous tale from Homer’s “Odyssey” the fortress of Troy was defeated by the Greek army leaving a large wooden horse (secretly filled with soldiers) behind as a supposed gift. The Trojans willingly took it into their city leading to their defeat. Today’s episode retraces how ‘deep time’ infiltrated the church in a similar way, and led to the …
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