A weekly talk show taking a pragmatic look at the art and business of Software Development and the world of technology.
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En quoi les technologies changent quelque chose à nos vies ? C’est ce qui justifie le titre de cette série : “Le code a changé”. Parce que c’est autour de cette question du changement que tout va tourner pendant ces 20 épisodes Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir des milliers d'autres podcasts.
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What's CODE SWITCH? It's the fearless conversations about race that you've been waiting for. Hosted by journalists of color, our podcast tackles the subject of race with empathy and humor. We explore how race affects every part of society — from politics and pop culture to history, food and everything in between. This podcast makes all of us part of the conversation — because we're all part of the story. Code Switch was named Apple Podcasts' first-ever Show of the Year in 2020. Want to level ...
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Des histoires dans l’actualité racontées par les journalistes du Parisien, et par celles et ceux qui les ont vécues directement. Code Source est un podcast présenté par Jules Lavie et Thibault Lambert, avec des reportages d'Ambre Rosala, du lundi au vendredi, à écouter dès 18 heures. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.
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"Berlin Code" ist der Politik-Podcast aus dem ARD-Hauptstadtstudio. Linda Zervakis schaut mit den ARD-Korrespondentinnen und -korrespondenten jede Woche hinter die Kulissen der Bundespolitik. Zusammen entschlüsseln sie Reden, Texte, Vorgänge und Entscheidungen, analysieren die bedeutenden Themen und greifen das auf, was im Nachrichten-Alltag manchmal zu kurz kommt. "Berlin Code" gibt es jeden Freitagnachmittag und wann immer etwas Besonderes passiert in der ARD-Audiothek und in allen Podcast ...
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Andy and Matt are back with gaming features and news!
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The official audio version of Astral Codex Ten, with an archive of posts from Slate Star Codex. It's just me reading Scott Alexander's blog posts.
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代码之外 Beyond Code 是一档由 GeekPlux 和 Randy 共同主持的程序员闲聊播客节目。 节目地址:https://bento.me/beyondcode 欢迎在 https://forms.office.com/r/RknWt97QPL 向我们来信,我们会在下一期节目分享你的来信或解答你的疑惑。
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Au féminin. Au pluriel. On présente et dispute des personnages féminins fictionnels.
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Your destination for intelligent conversations from a techie perspective.
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Solutions to content challenges in your code base. Block content, rich text editors, document storage, content formats, queries, and more. A podcast produced by Sanity.io for conversations at the intersection of code and content.
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Voyaging through the Universe of Science Fiction Television
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Where Focus Goes, Energy Flows
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Taking the Business of Medicine to the next level
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Lock and Code tells the human stories within cybersecurity, privacy, and technology. Rogue robot vacuums, hacked farm tractors, and catastrophic software vulnerabilities—it’s all here.
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A podcast about crafting software where we discuss the importance of doing the right thing, at the right time, with the right tools.
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Water-cooler conversation about web-development. We want to entertain, inspire, and motivate you -- or to put it another way, make your coding career more enjoyable.
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The Python Testing Podcast hosted by Brian Okken
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Радио от технологических трендах, будущем, технологии и стратегии Сайт: www.codex.town Telegram канал: https://t.me/cryptoEssay
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A podcast by Buildertrend that explores people, technology and innovation.
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Licensed Clinical therapist with 10+ years of experience treating individuals, families and couples navigating through the challenges of relationships, identity and life changes. Helping humans do relationships better with boundary setting and improved communication.
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Hosted by two 20-something east coast women, Codename Coochie Podcast is a femme-focused variety show that goes from the mundane to the insane. You'll love it here, we promise!
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A podcast for new programmers and developers. Join CodeNoobs co-creators Danny, Randall, and Russell weekly to explore topics that anyone interested in programming and learning to code will find valuable.
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The podcast where we’re all idiots and nothing we say matters, but we talk anyway and it’s fun.
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a deep dive where James and Maya talk about technology news
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We talk about Ruby, Rails, JavaScript, and everything in between. From tiny tips to bigger challenges we take on 3 questions a show; What are you working on? What's blocking you? What's something cool you want to share?
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Peer into the minds of the greatest creative geniuses in history. Join us as we explore the mystery of how creativity works, art history and how you can improve your own creative process. The labyrinth awaits. Creative Codex is one-part podcast and one-part imaginative lecture series, featuring thoroughly researched insights into the creative process mixed with captivating soundscapes and original music. Produced & Written by MJDorian
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A podcast on coding, programming, JavaScript, React, software engineering, and other development related topics.
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The software industry has a short memory. It warps good ideas, quickly obfuscating their context and intent. Dead Code seeks to extract the good ideas from the chaos of modern software development. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Code and Concrete shares the latest trends and the stories of trailblazers in the built environment. Whether you’re exploring these subjects for the first time...
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Error Code is a biweekly narrative podcast that provides you both context and conversation with some of the best minds working today toward code resilience and dependability. Work that can lead to autonomous vehicles and smart cities. It’s your window in the research solving tomorrow’s code problems today.
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I help codependents stop people pleasing and become healthier, hotter versions of themselves.
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Podcast focusing on codependency. Learning how to create healthier relationships, healthier self and healthier lives.
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Get an intimate, honest look at how codependency can develop and how it can be overcome. Brian and Stephanie take you ’behind the scenes’ of their experiences and their relationship, lifting the veil on how codependent behaviors can cause life long pain and suffering if not addressed. Learn how Brian has been able to understand the web of behaviors that formed his codependency and move on to build healthier relationships.
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Become a Paid Subscriber: https://anchor.fm/phaze5/subscribe Anchor.fm/phaze5 what's the real vision of the narrative
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Real and intriguing conversations about the Black community and how we can move forward into biblical human flourishing. Hosted by: Monique Duson and Kevin Briggins. Sponsored by the Center for Biblical Unity.
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An opinion column for developers. Brutally honest, no pulled punches.
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Découvrons ensemble des sujets passionnants autour du métier de dev et de la programmation en général !
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Decoding the Male Mind
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Every week, Gonto & Hank boil down the most important product, growth, and marketing learnings from what’s happening in dev tools
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Sisters, Kenzie and Jamee here to talk all things real life. Girlhood, motherhood, fashion, life updates and so much more. You can expect these ‘codependent’ best friends to share the real and honest side of life, unfiltered.
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Technical topics that engineers talk about at lunch.
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On the Code with Jason podcast I discuss technical topics with interesting people. Guests include people from companies like GitHub, Google and Stripe.
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Google Chrome is, by far, the most popular web browser in the world. According to several metrics, Chrome accounts for anywhere between 52% and 66% of the current global market share for web browser use. At that higher estimate, that means that, if the 5.5 billion internet users around the world were to open up a web browser right now, 3.6 billion …
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A Episode on the Road with Chant It Down...
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1:24:05We recorded this episode on the road whilst filming for the documentary Sacred Sight, I really enjoyed this conversation, timelines, religion, spirituality, human age and evolution, nothing was off the table with this one... The fact it was recorded whilst doing the documentary makes it even cooler for me, kick back and join us on the road, enjoy. …
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Now Donald Trump jewish
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1:04:58Look out IRan
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What Does It Mean to Be Black? | Episode 48 | Off Code
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1:05:56In this episode, Kevin and Monique talk with Sam Sey, Ghanaian-Canadian blogger and writer, who was recently told that he's not black. We discuss what it means to be black and differences between race, ethnicity and culture.Be sure to stay connected by downloading the CFBU app! With the CFBU app, you'll have all our resources (Theology Mom, All the…
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035 - Asking Questions
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1:00:05Why is asking questions such an important soft skill for software developers? Is a mindset of inquiry a way to learn more and engage in better, open communication? How can we utilize questions during retrospectives and blameless postmortems? Can questions be an important teaching tool? Will you learn more about asking questions by listening to this…
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Chaque année, l’initiative du Podcasthon invite des centaines de podcasts à mettre en lumière une association de leur choix. Pour cette édition 2025 qui se déroule du 15 au 21 mars, Code source a choisi de consacrer un épisode à Mon âme sœur. Cette association fondée en 2014 dans le Val-d’Oise a pour mission d’accompagner les femmes et les enfants …
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Simen Svale, Co-founder and CTO of Sanity joins the Code && Content podcast to talk about your new favorite database, The Content Lake, why we chose to build it and why you can't BYODB.Simeon Griggs
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Annalena Baerbock in New York und hunderte Milliarden für die Menschen in Deutschland: Die Noch-Außenministerin will einen Posten bei den Vereinten Nationen haben. Das erhitzt die Gemüter. Linda Zervakis spricht darüber mit den beiden ARD-Hauptstadtkorrespondenten Lissy Kaufmann und Jannik Pentz. Außerdem geht es um das Finanzpaket, dass nun beschl…
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Gonto finally gets his chance to roast Hank's marketing launch at Laravel. How bad could it be?
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Docs: https://nextjs.org/docs/app/building-your-application/routing/dynamic-routes#generating-static-params
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On this episode of “The Building Code,” Charley and Courtney are connecting with Cameron Meredith, partner and director at ADU West Coast. With over 18 years of experience as a licensed general contractor, he leads a team dedicated to creating affordable housing solutions through expert design and construction. Tune in to the full episode to hear a…
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In week's this episode, the crew explores the often confusing phrase 'free as in speech, not as in beer.' They discuss the differences between software that's free in terms of cost (beer) and free in terms of user freedoms (speech). The conversation delves into open-source licensing, the implications for users and developers, and comparisons to var…
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17: Data-Driven Project Management | ft. Tommy Stanek
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1:02:06Tommy Stanek is a visionary leader transforming the construction industry through AI-driven efficiency. As the Co-Founder and CEO of Graceful Management Systems (GMS), he tackles the $177 billion problem of outdated project management, inaccurate estimates, and scheduling inefficiencies. With a track record of scaling multimillion-dollar ventures, …
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Mahmoud Khalil, a legal permanent resident and Columbia alum, was detained by ICE for his role in leading pro-Palestinian protests at his former university last year. As Khalil's case has captured the nation's attention, free speech advocates see it as a test of the First Amendment. Meanwhile, the Trump administration argues they have the right to …
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"The Cosmic Connection: Unraveling Contact" | Code Flix Season 2 Episode 1
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1:09:43Join us on a thrilling exploration through the vast universe of science fiction as we unravel the captivating tale of the 1997 film Contact. In this episode, host Andre Bonner delves deep into the philosophical conundrums and cosmic wonders presented in this iconic movie, starring Jodie Foster as the courageous Dr. Eleanor Arroway. As an astronomer…
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It’s becoming easier for criminals to use counterfeit or altered chips in common office products, such as printer toner cartridges, with the aim of espionage or simple financial gain. Tony Moor, Senior Director Of Silicon Lab Services For IOActive, explains how the hacking embedded silicon within common objects in our day to day lives is becoming m…
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In this episode of Dead Code, host Jared Norman speaks with Jean Boussier, a key contributor to the Ruby community and Shopify engineer, about the challenges of concurrency in Ruby, particularly the Global VM Lock (GVL). Jean explains that while the GVL was originally implemented to simplify Ruby’s design, it now limits parallel execution, sparking…
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Join us as we unravel the inspiring journey of Tailwind CSS with its creator, Adam Watham. From its inception in 2017 as an open-source CSS framework to becoming a major player in web design, Tailwind has recently undergone a significant rebranding with the launch of Tailwind Plus. This episode provides listeners with insights into Adam's strategic…
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Qu'est-ce qu'une donnée dérivée, une donnée inférée ou une donnée déduite ? Qu'est-il possible de faire et quelles sont les implications pour votre vie privée ? Liens de l'épisode : Profitez du prix de l'abonnement : https://code-garage.com/payment/pricing La ré-identification des données : https://code-garage.com/podcast/classic/episode-93 Le fing…
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Keeping your code secure is just as important as writing it! Why is git and github important? What are some security risks all new developers should be aware of when using git and github? In this episode of CodeNoobs, Danny, Randall, and Russell discuss git, github, and security. The CodeNoobs podcast allows anyone to listen to past episodes of our…
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durée : 00:57:44 - Le code a changé - Comment la webradio a-t-elle permis aux victimes du 13 novembre de suivre le procès ? Un dispositif inédit raconté par le magistrat Julien Quéré et la psychologue Carole Damiani.France Inter
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来自 听众的来信: 「想聊聊對於職場愛情的看法 小故事分享 2019年,座標台灣,本身是一名資歷一年的前端工程師,因為公司業務擴張的緣故,意外成為前端主管,公司人數大概二十人。 由於我們公司默默無名招人不易,各組主管得親自上人力網站挑選合適的人才,寄信詢問是否有意願參與面試。 想到公司都是男生,大家平常閒聊時,常說希望可以招到女同事,詢問老闆是不是可以接受招女工程師,即使能力差一點點,大家平常多照顧一下,讓女同事有辦法交付工作,老闆說可以。 所以我就寄出大約四十個面試意願邀請給人力網站上的女工程師們,後來只有兩個女生回覆同意面試,她們本身沒有相關工作經驗,只有在求學時期寫過一些Vue,還需要多一些實戰經驗才有辦法應付工作。 在面試的時候,其中一位女工程師一走進辦公室,香味直接撲鼻而來,即使我…
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What is the impact of AI on software engineers? How will it impact our children?Eric Brechner
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Episode 50: Baba Vanga.
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1:27:01Baba Vanga.....could she actually predict the future? We don't know but well discuss it anyway.David Brown
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In this episode of Code with Jason, host Jason Swett interviews Prarthana Shiva, a senior software engineer at NexHealth, who shares how her team is handling massive database scaling challenges. Prarthana explains their PostgreSQL database's growth to 24 terabytes (with projections to triple within a year) and details their innovative solutions inc…
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Markdown reports as either text or markdown tables. Two fun plugins discussed. Links: pytest-md-report pytest-md Top pytest Plugins Learn pytest pytest is the number one test framework for Python. Learn the basics super fast with Hello, pytest! Then later you can become a pytest expert with The Complete pytest Course Both courses are at courses.pyt…
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And so it ends, with post number 1,784. I hope some of you have learned half as much as I have! I appreciate all the feedback, pushback, and support. You’ve been great! If you want to continue the journey with me, I start tomorrow, Saturday, at https://doingmarriagewell.com . The image below is the one I used for my first post. It had the caption “…
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