Yoga teacher, nutritionist and author of The De-Stress Effect (Hay House) and other books. Specialising in all things de-stress, with a mindful approach to help those with busy lives prone to feel the effects of over stimulation. facebook: twitter: @cwnutritionyoga
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This practice uses the yogic breathing technique bhramari breath - also known as 'black bee breath', it is named after the Hindu goddess of bees. The practice involves a humming on the outbreath to draw the attention inwards, as the vibration of the hum soothes the nervous system and quiets a busy mind.Humming extends the exhalation, creating vibra…
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This is an introduction to 30 days of 15 min practices (daily) with three teachers; taking a journey around the mindful, relaxed attention that forms the basis of a meditation practice – for beginners and experienced practitioners alike. Join Charlotte Watts, Leah Barnett and Leonie Taylor for a 30 day programme exploring ten themes with their indi…
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This is an introduction to the first theme within the 30 days of 15 min practices (daily) with three teachers; taking a journey around the mindful, relaxed attention that forms the basis of a meditation practice – for beginners and experienced practitioners alike.Join Charlotte Watts, Leah Barnett and Leonie Taylor for a 30 day programme exploring …
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This is Day 1 within the 30 days of 15 min practices (daily) with three teachers; taking a journey around the mindful, relaxed attention that forms the basis of a meditation practice – for beginners and experienced practitioners alike.Join Charlotte Watts, Leah Barnett and Leonie Taylor for a 30 day programme exploring ten themes with their individ…
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This is Day 2 within the 30 days of 15 min practices (daily) with three teachers; taking a journey around the mindful, relaxed attention that forms the basis of a meditation practice – for beginners and experienced practitioners alike.Join Charlotte Watts, Leah Barnett and Leonie Taylor for a 30 day programme exploring ten themes with their individ…
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This is Day 3 within the 30 days of 15 min practices (daily) with three teachers; taking a journey around the mindful, relaxed attention that forms the basis of a meditation practice – for beginners and experienced practitioners alike.Join Charlotte Watts, Leah Barnett and Leonie Taylor for a 30 day programme exploring ten themes with their individ…
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A conversation between Charlotte Watts, Leah Barnett and Leonie Taylor, as they ask themselves the question, What Does Strength with Ease Mean?Charlotte Watts Health
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The Importance Of Nasal Breathing by Charlotte Watts HealthCharlotte Watts Health
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Yoga teachers and authors of Yoga and Somatics for Immune and Respiratory Health, Charlotte Watts and Leonie Taylor discuss what tuning into our available energy means in a world where high stimulus, stress and expectations can often confuse our sense of ‘enough’.Charlotte Watts Health
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Supporting Healthy Ageing – Reducing Inflammaging by Charlotte Watts HealthCharlotte Watts Health
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The Relaxation And Transformative Effects Of Yoga Nidra by Charlotte Watts HealthCharlotte Watts Health
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Touch Into Yoga For Teachers by Charlotte Watts HealthCharlotte Watts Health
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Touch Into Yoga by Charlotte Watts HealthCharlotte Watts Health
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Self-Massage Classes & the Soothing Effects of Touch by Charlotte Watts HealthCharlotte Watts Health
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Join Charlotte Watts, nutritional therapist, for this podcast episode on Yoga for the Microbiome, Immunity & Stress.Charlotte Watts Health
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Supporting Winter Immunity by Charlotte Watts HealthCharlotte Watts Health
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When Is Stress A Good Thing? by Charlotte Watts HealthCharlotte Watts Health
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Award-winning Nutritional Therapist with nearly 20 years’ experience and a Senior Yoga Alliance Yoga Teacher and Trainer Charlotte Watts Health discusses using natural health defences to support our boundaries and self-protection physically and emotionally and offers some simple home-based practices to support and navigate the physical, mental, and…
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This Podcast on Respiratory & Immune Support at Home features health tips for self-protection (including for asthma sufferers) - nutrition, breath, movement and lifestyle.Charlotte Watts Health
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Detoxification isn't just a regime or phase we choose to do... It is a key body process that is happening every second we are alive, not just in the liver, but in every cell of our bodies.In this podcast, I briefly explain how this works and give you plenty of tips about how you can support your natural elimination capacity - to revive energy, clea…
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Batch Cooking with Friends - the food we eat isn't simply about the nutritional content. Humans evolved through the tribal cooperation where eating together was a key part of social cohesion. In this podcast, Charlotte Watts discusses how bringing back community and the shared creation of what nourishes us can also help with the practicalities of f…
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All About Gluten by Charlotte Watts HealthCharlotte Watts Health
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Charlotte Watts looks at Meal Times & Fastingwww.charlottewattshealth.comCharlotte Watts Health
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Why Do We Crave Foods That Don't Suit Us by Charlotte Watts HealthCharlotte Watts Health
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The Bloating & Chewing Connection by Charlotte Watts HealthCharlotte Watts Health
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Thoughts On Supplements by Charlotte Watts HealthCharlotte Watts Health
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Craving, Desire & Want by Charlotte Watts HealthCharlotte Watts Health
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Why You Shouldn't Feel Guilty About Craving Sugar by Charlotte Watts HealthCharlotte Watts Health
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Regulating Exercise Levels by Charlotte Watts HealthCharlotte Watts Health
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Trauma Release & Shaking by Charlotte Watts HealthCharlotte Watts Health
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Explaining Fatigue, Inflammation & Cytokine Sickness by Charlotte Watts HealthCharlotte Watts Health
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Real Festive Joy by Charlotte Watts HealthCharlotte Watts Health
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A quick introduction into my new book, Good Mood Food... available for pre-order now on Amazon! Watts Health
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Surprising Help For Fatigue by Charlotte Watts HealthCharlotte Watts Health
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Noticing Overwhelm by Charlotte Watts HealthCharlotte Watts Health
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Do Less To Lose Weight by Charlotte Watts HealthCharlotte Watts Health
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Spending time in nature, connecting with the natural world, is absolutely essential to living a more CALM life. Historically, we have always been a part of nature but in modern days, we have become disconnected. Getting outside to experience and explore, to feel the earth beneath our feet, to hear the sounds around us - are all necessary to create …
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Choose Calm Over Chaos by Charlotte Watts HealthCharlotte Watts Health
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Heat Creation For Fat-Burning & Immunity by Charlotte Watts HealthCharlotte Watts Health
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Hydration by Charlotte Watts HealthCharlotte Watts Health
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Calm Body, Calm Mind by Charlotte Watts HealthCharlotte Watts Health
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Liver Support - How And Why by Charlotte Watts HealthCharlotte Watts Health
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Support For A Calm Life by Charlotte Watts HealthCharlotte Watts Health
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Why Love Matters - Not Just Romantic by Charlotte Watts HealthCharlotte Watts Health
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Negative Coping Patterns by Charlotte Watts HealthCharlotte Watts Health
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True Comfort Food by Charlotte Watts HealthCharlotte Watts Health
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Kind Expectations For Change by Charlotte Watts HealthCharlotte Watts Health
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Your Thoughts Are Not You by Charlotte Watts HealthCharlotte Watts Health
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What Is The Ketogenic Diet by Charlotte Watts HealthCharlotte Watts Health
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Healthy Feet, Happy Posture by Charlotte Watts HealthCharlotte Watts Health
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