There's a rumor going around that the Book of Revelation isn't relevant...that it wasn't meant to be understood. We say, NONSENSE! The word in the Greek means "to take from cover" or "to reveal." Join Brett Thomas and Nathan Johnson as they dive deep into the Book of Revelation. We hope to catch you on the podcast...unless, Jesus comes back, in which case we hope to Catch You On The Way Up!
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In this episode, Brett and Nathan answer some fantastic questions from our listeners and possibly get some inspirations for future podcast episodes! We hope to catch you there, unless!Catch You On The Way Up
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"Yes, I am coming soon." These are the final words of Jesus Christ in the Bible. Remember that when we say that Jesus is coming soon, they are HIS words, not ours! And remember that God is not slow in keeping his promise, as WE understand slowness. For "with the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day." Everything b…
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Once God's judgement is complete, there will be a NEW Heaven and a NEW Earth! The old order of things will be gone...tossed away and remembered no more! No more death, no more pain. God's dwelling place will be among HIS people! And a new Jerusalem will be's beauty and wonder unfathomable. A city without a temple, because God and J…
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Once the thousand year reign of Jesus is finished, and Satan is thrown into the lake of fire, the great judgement of the dead by God begins. There are many books that will be opened, but there will only be one BOOK, the book of life! All the dead will be judged according to what they have done that is written in the books, and they will be thrown i…
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Jesus's feet touch the Mount of Olives, Satan is locked up and the thousand year reign begins! Can you imagine? King Jesus ruling on the earth. No deception. We have new bodies, we are like Him! It's hard to fathom, but this is our HOPE! Our hope is that He will return, and that we will be like Him because we shall see him as He is! Do you have ear…
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"On this mountain he will destroy the shroud that enfolds all peoples, the sheet that covers all nations." Ever since the enemy was able to get a seed into Adam, the entire world has been facing this shroud of deception, and will continue to until Jesus reigns for a thousand years! Satan will be locked up and deception will be no more. BUT...he wil…
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For the Church, it is usually easy to distinguish the Light from the Darkness. But how do you distinguish the Light from the Light? Are you speaking the language of Jesus, the truth, or the language of the world, or lies? The deception will only continue to grow. Remember that when Satan tempted Jesus in the desert, he used God's word VERBATIM! He …
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Leading up to this point of the Day of the Lord, the Wrath of God has been poured out on the world and its inhabitants. Now, the wedding of the Lamb has come! The angel said to John "Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!" And as John fell at his feet to worship, the angel says "Don't do that! I am a fellow servant wit…
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Nathan and Brett take some time to answer a few questions that we have received about the Book of Revelation up to this point,Catch You On The Way Up
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God's unimaginable wrath will continue to be poured out onto the Earth during the Day of the Lord. The sobering thing is that there are those that will be separated from HIM forever...for eternity! There are those that find it hard to understand why God would cause his creations such suffering. Remember, that HE sent his only son to die. To be cruc…
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The timeline that we have discussed is now coming together. The broken seals, the seven trumpets, all pouring God's wrath out on the world! This is the Day of the Lord, and woe to he who longs for that day! Understand that there are those during that time that will be separated from Him forever! We, the body of Christ, should be trying to save as m…
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"But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes someone's life, that person's life will be taken because of their sin, but I will hold the watchman accountable for their blood." When the Day of the Lord comes, God's wrath will be poured out on the earth as well as its inhabit…
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When it comes to the wickedness and deception of the world, it may be easy to ask "Why is God allowing this to happen?" But it was man's decision that brought on these things! Paul told Timothy that people would become lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy. Take a look arou…
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"Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common?" "Come out from them and be separate, says the Lord." The Harlot on the Beast, or the world system, has intoxicated the inhabitants of the earth with the wine of her adulteries. People have come to worship the world, rather than the Lord. His word t…
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Are you being deceived by the world? The consequences for being ensnared in the world are becoming worse than ever. Remember that the world will be in such a knot that only the antichrist will be able to undo it! Jesus tells us that we must give up our lives for Him if we want to live forever! But the deceiver wants us to hold onto our lives, to ju…
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The two witnesses in the Book of Revelation will play an important role during the tribulation. They prophesy the Word to the world for three and a half years! Only then are they killed, only to be returned to life and brought up into Heaven for all to see! Think about this: the greatest harvest will take place during the tribulation. Considering t…
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This episode, Nathan and Brett take a quick break from the Book of Revelation to discuss deception in the world. Considering the current situation in Israel, the rise of anti-Semitism around the world should be easy to see, especially for the church. However, so many are being easily deceived by the spirit of the antichrist! BUT, there is HOPE! Jes…
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Are we viewing the world from a Biblical perspective? We should not be deceived! Remember that there are three groups walking the earth: the Church, the world, and Israel! Darkness is spreading rapidly. Anti-Semitism is increasing, and we know this to be the spirit of the antichrist. Do you feel the elephant in the room? Do you recognize it to be t…
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Why did Jesus tell us to pay attention to the fig tree? Why did He want us to pay attention to Israel? Israel is the time clock. Jesus knew that if we were to pay attention to the fig tree, we would be able to see God performing his word. We would be able to see these things happen, and to lift up our eyes, for our redemption is near. Do you feel t…
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As things unfold with Israel, it is more important than ever to have an understanding of prophecy in the Old Testament so that we, the church, can see THAT day approaching! This episode explores Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39. These chapters tell the prophecy of a Gog and Magog war in which nations (nations with the names of Noah's sons and grandsons f…
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Look around! God is performing HIS word right in front of us! In terms of Biblical Prophecy and seeing the Day of the Lord approaching, we should always pay attention to the fig tree...Israel! Keep your eyes open, we could be witnessing prophecy fulfilled. Let us pray for peace in Israel. Let us pray for peace in Jerusalem. In other words: Yes, com…
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The spirit of the antichrist is among us and has BEEN among us. Do not forget that there is an appointed time for everything, though. The antichrist will sign a covenant with many for ONE SEVEN at the appointed time, fulfilling the prophecy of Daniel and beginning the final seven year period, the Day of the Lord. As the body of Christ, we must LOSE…
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John told in the Revelation of Jesus Christ that he saw, a mighty angel proclaimed "Who is worthy to break the seals and open the scroll?" But no one in heaven or on earth or under the earth could open the scroll or even look inside it... Keep in mind, he was in HEAVEN when he saw this! But as he wept, the elder said "Do not weep! See, the Lion of …
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The message Jesus had for the Church in Laodicea. They were lukewarm, neither hot nor cold. While they claimed they were rich and didn't need a thing, they were in fact wretched and poor! Let us purchase gold from refined in the fire from Him, because faith without deeds are dead! There is an appointed time for everything. Just as there was an appo…
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When Jesus told the Parable of the Wedding Banquet, His message was clear...all are invited in, but no one will be allowed in without the proper clothes. You MUST be clothed in Christ, or born again! And there is STILL room! When we are born again, the is a work that we are called to complete. Let us not be found to have a reputation of being alive…
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God's wrath is not the same as God's discipline. "Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as his children. For what children are not disciplined by their father?" In Chapters 2 and 3 of the Book of Revelation, Jesus is walking amongst the church...rebuking, disciplining, but also encouraging. Remember that we are His bride and He wants t…
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"Yes, I am coming soon." These were the last words spoken by Jesus. But when Jesus gave the parable of the ten virgins, He told that "the bridegroom was a long time coming, and ALL ten virgins grew drowsy and fell asleep." Jesus was giving us a picture of His church being very sleepy upon His return. No one knows when Jesus will return, ONLY the Fa…
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The foundation has been set to explore the Book of Revelation: the only book in the Bible with a blessing just for reading it. Jesus said that "When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift your heads, because your redemption is near." As the body of Christ, we have the HOPE of the returning of our HERO, for this world was not meant for …
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In this episode of Catch You On The Way Up, Nathan and Brett discuss the Day of the Lord, what it means, and some common misconceptions. We talk about prophetic words in the Old Testament that all point to Jesus being the Messiah, yet Israel still missed His coming. Also, we break down Daniel 9 and the important timeline of "The Seventy Sevens."…
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In the first episode of Catch You On The Way Up Podcast, Nathan and Brett discuss the confusion that often seems to surround the Book of Revelation. Our God is not a God of confusion, so we know it's not coming from Him. Then where is it coming from, and when did it begin?Catch You On The Way Up
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