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We are Central Belfast - Joining with God and others in the transformation of Belfast as Disciples who make Disciples. Catchup on our teaching from all our Sunday gatherings. We Gather every Sunday at 11.00am at our home in May Street Presbyterian Church, Belfast and scatter to practice the way of Jesus in the rhythm of the city.
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show series
On Sunday, Dave Dickinson launched a new series called 'I Am', unpacking the seven I Am statement of Jesus; or Jesus in His own words. We kicked off with "I am the bread of life." We looked at the Context, Content & Calling of this declaration and how Jesus offers us the life that we deeply desire. John 6:22-51…
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On Sunday, we were delighted to welcome Jonny Campbell as he closed out our series in the Ten Commandments. Jonny unpacked the final command 'Do not covet...', challenging us to lives that of joyful contentment. This life, which we see in Jesus, is one marked by Gratitude, Generosity & God-given Purpose. Exodus 20:17…
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On Sunday, Jamie McMillan walked us through the penultimate commandment 'Do not bear false testimony', as we looked at the place of lies and truth within the way of Jesus. Jamie tackled three main questions – 1. Why should we be a people who value the truth? 2. What does it mean to be a people who value the truth? 3. How are we going to become a tr…
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On Sunday, Helen Warnock continued our Ten Words series as we looked at the eight commandment, 'You shall not steal'. Helen unpacked the Command & the Invitation that this commandment is. Both of which are viewed through the lens of God's radical generosity towards us. Exodus 20:14
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On Sunday, Dave Dickinson relaunched us back into our series on the Ten Commandments, after taking a break before Christmas. We were exploring the seventh commandment, 'You shall not commit adultery'. Dave highlighted that this commandment is both Outward Facing & Inner Searching. This Commandment is a call to faithfulness as God has been faithful …
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On Sunday, Jess McCarroll closed out our Psalms for the Season series, as she unpacked Psalm 84 and the longing that the Psalmist writes with, as he longs to be with the Lord. This Psalm is a call to cultivate our hearts towards the things of God. Psalm 84CENTRAL Belfast
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On Sunday, Jamie McMillan kicked off our annual Psalms for the Season series that we walk through every January. We looked at Psalm 103 and Jamie unpacked three main themes as we start 2025 – The Benefits of God's Love, The Necessity of God's Love & Being Children of God. Psalm 103.
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On Sunday, Dave Dickinson finished our Arrival series as he spoke into the in-between that we go through between Christmas and the New Year. As we move out of Christmas and 2024, and more into a new season at the beginning of 2025, Dave highlighted that we need Perspective and Promise as we sit in-between seasons. Psalm 8 & Philippians 2:5-11…
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On Sunday, Lydia Neish continued our Arrival series as we joined with our kids for our All-Age Carols. We looked at the part that John the Baptist plays in the Christmas Story and how he would eventually prepare the way for Jesus the Messiah. Lydia highlighted that there is a preparing and a pointing. Luke 3:2-17…
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On Sunday, we were delighted to have Jonny Campbell sharing with us in part two of our Arrival series. As we prepare for the arrival of Jesus in this advent series, we were looking at Christmas through Old Testament Eyes. Jonny highlighted that the Christmas story, as Isaiah sees it, is a Eucatastrophe, that holds both Mystery & Treasure. Isaiah 11…
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On Sunday, John Dickinson launched our Christmas series, 'Arrival', as we make our way through the Christmas narrative. He unpacked Isaiah vision of the coming of the Lord, and highlighted that this vision acts as two things - A Tractor Beam & Decommissioning. Isaiah 2:1-5
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On Sunday, we launched a new series called Ten Words, as we unpack the Ten Commandments. Dave Dickinson took the first of those "you shall have no other gods before me", and reminded us that this commandment is about Belonging & Loyalty. Exodus 20:1-3
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On Sunday, John Dickinson finished off our mini series on wisdom, as he unpacked the story Job. We looked at the theme of suffering, and how it can be a catalyst for wisdom. John highlighted that there was Mystery and Magic in Job's suffering. Job 28
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On Sunday, Jamie McMillan kicked us off in a new mini-series called 'The Way of Wisdom', unpacking the theme of wisdom through the wisdom texts in Scripture. This week, we looked at The Beginning of Wisdom, as found in Proverbs. Wisdom is freely given, doing the right thing & personified. Proverbs 1:1-7; 8:1-36…
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On Sunday, John Dickinson walked us through the penultimate part in our series looking at the titles of Jesus in the New Testament. This week – Christ. We looked at John the Baptist's proclamation of Jesus as the Messiah, and from that, John reminded us that we know Jesus to be the Christ because of the Testimony of others. It is from these testimo…
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On Sunday, Dave Dickinson continued our series 'Jesus...' as we looked at the title of Saviour. We looked at that incredible scene in Jesus' ministry when He meets the Samaritan woman at the well and radically transforms her life. Dave unpacks three main themes in this talk: Present Experience, Past Event & Future Hope. John 4:1-26; 39-42…
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On Sunday, Dave Dickinson was back with us after a break, and he continued our new series 'Jesus...', as we unpacked the one of the titles of Jesus found in the New Testament; Lord. He reminded us that Jesus is the Lord who Invest & Fills us as proclaim Him as Lord of our lives. John 13:12-17
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On Sunday, Jamie McMillan kicked us off in our brand series as we unpack the titles of Jesus. Jamie challenged us by asking us the question that Jesus asked His disciples, "Who Do You Say I Am?" Jamie reminded us that to this questions is about Revelation & Response. Mark 8:27-33
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On Sunday, Jamie McMillan moved us through the penultimate part of series in the book of James, as we looked at the theme of Riches & Rescue. Jamie called to think about that which we worship; do we worship our stuff, or Jesus? James 5:1-11
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On Sunday, we finished our series in the book of James, as John Dickinson unpacked the themes of Prayer & Faith. He summarised the general theme of James' letter and focused on having faith and ministering to those who we have given up on, and those who have given up on themselves. James 5:13-20
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On Sunday, Jamie McMillan led us through the next part of our series in James as we made our way through the next part of James 3. This week, the topic was wisdom – how wisdom comes from within us and from God. Inner wisdom is not what we need. Ultimately, we need the wisdom that comes from God as we seek to become more like Jesus in our world. We …
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On Sunday, we took a short break from our series in James as we welcomed our friend, Phil Knox, to speak into the life of our church. Phil is an evangelist, missiologist and author of the book, The Best of Friends; unpacking the necessity and importance of friendship within our discipleship. He reminded us of Christ-like friendship that is Sacrific…
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On Sunday, we continued our series 'Life Together' through the letter of James. Stuart Newburn was with us, as we looked at the topic of favouritism and partiality. He challenged us to think about how favouritism is within all of us – it is the tendency of a fractured heart. He also challenged us to keep the 'Royal Law' of loving our neighbour as o…
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On Sunday, we celebrated Pentecost Sunday together as we remembered the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and the birth of the church. Dave Dickinson shared from Acts 2 & Galatians 4, as we considered Power from the Outside & Change from the Inside. Acts 2:1-13 ; Galatians 4:4-7
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On Sunday, Helen Warnock continued our series 'Life Together' in the book of James, as we moved into the second half of chapter one. This passage is all about moving from simpler hearers if God's Word to doer – being a people who live out our faith. Helen posed three questions - - Are you a good listener? - What’s your memory like? - Does your reli…
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On Sunday, we began a new series in the book of James called Life Together. Jamie McMillan kicked us off as we looked at the theme of Trials & Temptations, but through the lens of faith. He helped us to reframe the way we think about faith in order to go through trials with a robust trust in God. James 1:1-18…
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This weekend we gathered for our third In-House Weekend. This is a time set aside for our church family to eat, worship and pray together all with three things in focus; Jesus, Belfast & each other. At the Saturday morning session, Dave Dickinson opened up God's Word as we looked at the story of Mephibosheth and David's remarkable kindness towards …
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On Sunday, Dave Dickinson closed out our In-House Weekend as we gathered for worship, teaching and communion. Dave unpacked verses in Mark 8, and challenged us to be a people of hunger, consecration & likeness before we shared in the Lord's Table. Mark 8:34-38
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On Sunday, Dave Dickinson closed out our series in 1 John. He highlighted living a life of assurance in Christ requires Confidence Beyond Doubt and Truth Beyond Sincerity. All of this found in God's never-stopping, always and forever love. 1 John 5:13-21
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On Sunday we continued our series in 1 John, as we entered into the penultimate session. Jamie McMillan was with, exploring how we have a faith that can overcome the world. Jamie highlighted three key elements in this text; Eternal Life, The World & Being Reborn. 1 John 5:1-12
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On Good Friday, we gathered to remember and mark the events of Jesus' crucifixion with worship, teaching and prayer. Dave Dickinson spoke about the Horror & the Hope of the Cross, and how our sin was truly dealt with on the cross. Isaiah 53:3-6; 1 Peter 2:23-25
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On Easter Sunday, we gathered again to round off our the Easter season, as we gathered to celebrate the resurrection of our Saviour. John Dickinson was with us and reminded us of who Jesus is – the Generous, Intimate & Present, before leading us in communion. John 21:1-14
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On Sunday, Jamie McMillan continued our walk through 1 John, as we explored the theme of Loving One Another. He challenged us to remember that we are loved by God – His children, and because of that love, we must show that love to the world around us. 1 John 3:11–24
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On Sunday, Dave Dickinson continued our series in 1 John, as we looked at the theme of Truth & Lies. John unpacks some of the lies that are in the world and in us, and how we need the truth of Jesus to counteract those lies in our lives. 1 John 2:18-27
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