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Sefer B'Yam Darkecha
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Mordy's Shtiebel is a flourishing Kehillah in Jackson New Jersey with R' Binyomin Weinrib as their Rov. R’ Binyomin Weinrib is the Rov of Mordy’s Shtiebel in Lakewood NJ and Khal Tefila L’Dovid in Toms River NJ. He currently gives weekly Shuirim in Tanya, Sfas Emes and Likutei Moharan. R’ Weinrib teaches pnimiyus and halacha in an extremely practical way to implement very easily.
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Study the Sefer "B'yam Darkecha, to discover the beauty of Shabbos through the teachings of Rabbi Yitzchak Meir Morgenstern. This comprehensive class will shed light on how to appreciate the true gift of Shabbos as seen in the light of Chassidus. You can e-mail Rabbi Michalowicz with questions or comments at [email protected]
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Continuing discussing the Erev Shabbos rushMordy's Shtiebel
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Understanding the root of AngerMordy's Shtiebel
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B’Yam Dakrecha on Shabbos (62) Clothing; The Ohr MakifMordy's Shtiebel
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B’Yam Dakrecha on Shabbos (61) Do Clothing Make the Man or Hide the Man? Publish Time : 2024-06-25Mordy's Shtiebel
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B’Yam Dakrecha on Shabbos (60) Erev Shabbos Nap and Shabbos Clothing Publish Time : 2024-06-18Mordy's Shtiebel
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B’Yam Dakrecha on Shabbos (59) Hot Shower on Erev ShabbosMordy's Shtiebel
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B’Yam Dakrecha on Shabbos (58) Tasting Shabbos on Erev ShabbosMordy's Shtiebel
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B’Yam Dakrecha on Shabbos (57) Tasting Food on Erev Shabbos (1) The Holiness of Food Publish Time : 2024-05-30Mordy's Shtiebel
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B’Yam Dakrecha on Shabbos (56) The Kavanos of the MikvahMordy's Shtiebel
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B’Yam Dakrecha on Shabbos (55) Teshuva at the MikvahMordy's Shtiebel
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B’Yam Dakrecha on Shabbos (54) The Erev Shabbos MikvahMordy's Shtiebel
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B’Yam Dakrecha on Shabbos (53)The Depth of Shnayim Mikra on Erev Shabbos Publish Time : 2024-04-07Mordy's Shtiebel
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B’Yam Dakrecha on Shabbos (52) Going Out to Greet the KallahMordy's Shtiebel
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B’Yam Dakrecha on Shabbos (51) Every Day a Different SefiraMordy's Shtiebel
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B’Yam Dakrecha on Shabbos (50) Sunday, Monday & Tuesday- Thought, Speech & ActionMordy's Shtiebel
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B’Yam Dakrecha on Shabbos (49) The Names of Hashem Every Day of the Week Publish Time : 2024-03-15Mordy's Shtiebel
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B’Yam Dakrecha on Shabbos (48) Living Shabbos Every Day of the WeekMordy's Shtiebel
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B’Yam Dakrecha on Shabbos (47) The Journey From Atzilus to AsiyahMordy's Shtiebel
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B’Yam Dakrecha on Shabbos (46) Shabbos Is Present Every Day of the WeekMordy's Shtiebel
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B’Yam Dakrecha on Shabbos (45) No Two Shabbosim Are the Same!Mordy's Shtiebel
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B’Yam Dakrecha on Shabbos (44) The Spirtual Connection Between Friday & SundayMordy's Shtiebel
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B’Yam Dakrecha on Shabbos (43) Extra Emunah, Emotions, and BittulMordy's Shtiebel
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B’Yam Dakrecha on Shabbos (42) The Three Parts to the Extra Neshama on ShabbosMordy's Shtiebel
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B’Yam Dakrecha on Shabbos (41) Everything Revolves Around ShabbosMordy's Shtiebel
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B’Yam Dakrecha on Shabbos (40) Imbuing the Six Days of the Week with the Light of ShabbosMordy's Shtiebel
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B’Yam Dakrecha on Shabbos (39) Melava Malka and the Luz BoneMordy's Shtiebel
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B’Yam Dakrecha on Shabbos (38) Eliyahu HaNavi- Every YId is Precious to Hashem!Mordy's Shtiebel
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B’Yam Dakrecha on Shabbos (37) The Light of Teshuva: Bringing Shabbos into the 6 Days of the Week
B’Yam Dakrecha on Shabbos (37) The Light of Teshuva: Bringing Shabbos into the 6 Days of the WeekMordy's Shtiebel
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B’Yam Dakrecha on Shabbos (36) The Paradox of Life, Shabbos and WeekdayMordy's Shtiebel
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B’Yam Dakrecha on Shabbos (35) Eliyahu Hanavi, Moshiach and MelavMordy's Shtiebel
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B’Yam Dakrecha on Shabbos (34) Dovid Hamelech and Melava MalkaMordy's Shtiebel
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B’Yam Dakrecha on Shabbos (33) Elevating all Weekday FoodMordy's Shtiebel
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B’Yam Dakrecha on Shabbos (32) Melava Malka- Escorting the Food of ShabbosMordy's Shtiebel
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B’Yam Dakrecha on Shabbos (31) A Segulah for ParnasahMordy's Shtiebel
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B’Yam Dakrecha on Shabbos (30) Living with a Constant ContradictionMordy's Shtiebel
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B’Yam Dakrecha on Shabbos (29) The Smell of BsamimMordy's Shtiebel
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B’Yam Dakrecha on Shabbos (28) The Strength of Wine and EqaunimityMordy's Shtiebel
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B’Yam Dakrecha on Shabbos (27) Havdalah on WineMordy's Shtiebel
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B’Yam Dakrecha on Shabbos (26) Kadosh 3xMordy's Shtiebel
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B’Yam Dakrecha on Shabbos (25) Drawing Down the Light of AtzilusMordy's Shtiebel
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B’Yam Darkechah on Shabbos (24) Bringing Our Broken Vessels to Hashem for Him to CompleteMordy's Shtiebel
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B’Yam Darkechah on Shabbos (23) Tefilas HaDerech for the WeekMordy's Shtiebel
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B’Yam Darkechah on Shabbos (22) A Week Filled with the Light of ShabbosMordy's Shtiebel
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B’Yam Darkechah on Shabbos (21) Havdalah- Differentiation of Our RoleMordy's Shtiebel
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B’Yam Darkechah on Shabbos (20) Motzei Shabbos; Like a Solider Entering WarMordy's Shtiebel
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B’Yam Darkechah on Shabbos (19) Motzei Shabbos; Creating Vessels for the WeekMordy's Shtiebel
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B’Yam Darkechah on Shabbos (18) Motzei Shabbos; Not the End but the BeginningMordy's Shtiebel
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B’Yam Darkechah on Shabbos (17) Shabbos on Monday MorningMordy's Shtiebel
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B’Yam Darkechah on Shabbos (16) The Kosher Lamp of ShabbosMordy's Shtiebel
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B’Yam Darkechah on Shabbos (15.2) Motzei Shabbos- The Beginning of ShabbosMordy's Shtiebel
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