Sermon Audio for Buffalo City Church We exist to make disciples who make disciples of Jesus Christ.
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Mark Reeves \\ In this important parable, Jesus compares the effectiveness of the Word of God in the life of an individual to seed sown on different surfaces: The Path, Rocky Ground, Among Thorns, and Good Soil.Buffalo City Church
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Caleb Drahosh \\ Jesus' family came for Him. They stood outside and sent in a message; they think He's gone out of His mind. But the people who come to Jesus sit around Him and do His will. These ones are Jesus' true family. Bloodlines don’t bring you into Jesus’ family. It's those who are purchased by His blood. We must have no deeper allegiance t…
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John Baumgartner \\ In this passage of Mark, we see two groups react improperly to Jesus because they don’t know who they’re dealing with. Jesus warns the scribes that they are in danger of committing an unforgivable sin. We mustn’t reject Jesus after having seen who He is, the Son of God, the Saviour.…
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Mark 3:7-19 - A Call like No Other
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1:01:09Blaze Culliton \\ The crowd continues to grow around Jesus, people coming from all directions to receive His healing. The unclean spirits testify to Jesus’ identity as the Son of God and are ordered not to make Him known. Jesus creates the twelve apostles, establishing His church, so that they might be with Him and He might send them out to preach …
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Caleb Drahosh \\ Two things happen in this passage: the disciples pluck heads of grain because they are hungry and Jesus heals a man with a withered hand. Both events take place on the Sabbath. The Pharisees challenge Jesus in both instances. But Jesus shows us that God's good gifts shouldn't be turned into a burden, rather they should point us to …
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Caleb Drahosh \\ Jesus came not to call the righteous, but sinners. The Pharisees and scribes relied on works of the law to be justified. The Pharisees demanded that Jesus' disciples fast, but Jesus challenges their attitudes. The Bridegroom had arrived; why mourn? Jesus Christ, the Righteous One, had arrived; why look for righteousness elsewhere? …
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John Baumgartner \\ Jesus continues His mission to preach the gospel. Four faithful friends interrupt His preaching by lowering a paralytic right in front of Him. Jesus uses this as a sermon illustration to prove that He as the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins. Jesus deals with everyone there: eager disciples, skeptical scribes, th…
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Ray Delaurier \\ After a long day of ministry Jesus is met with a multitude of people seeking healing from disease and freedom from demon possession. After a long night, Jesus departs early to a solitary place and prays to the Father. He is directed to leave the area and its needs to preach elsewhere. Sometime later Jesus is approached by a man wit…
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Caleb Drahosh \\ Jesus begins His work after calling the first disciples by teaching, casting out demons, and healing the sick. Jesus' authority is a kind that has never been seen before. Unclean spirits and sickness obey Him. Both are spheres that cannot be touched by even the most authoritative in the world. Now is the time to rethink everything.…
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Caleb Drahosh \\ With no hesitation, Mark tells us about Jesus' baptism, wilderness temptation, gospel proclamation, and call of the first disciples. The gospel carries urgency, but it is not frenetic. When God, who is three persons and One divine nature, stands to take action, the momentum builds quickly. And the call is clear. Jesus says: "Follow…
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Caleb Drahosh \\ John the Baptist prepared the way for Jesus. He proclaimed a baptism of repentance, looking ahead to One who would baptize not with water, but with the Holy Spirit. John knew a greater One was coming and his task was to lay the groundwork for the good news of Jesus Christ.Buffalo City Church
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Caleb DrahoshBuffalo City Church
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John Baumgartner \\ We use our riches to avoid unpleasantness: unpleasant circumstances, unpleasant people, and pains. The richer we are, the less likely we are to be willing to give it up. But the Lord is so rich that he became poor for us. The Lord who is higher than the heavens and the earth is able and willing to—and did in fact—stoop down belo…
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Caleb Drahosh \\ After the flight to Egypt and upon Herod's death, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph for the third time telling Joseph that he should take Mary and Jesus and return home. But learning of a new threat, Joseph moved his family to the region of Galilee and a town called Nazareth. Nazareth is not a well thought of place. But that'…
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Caleb Drahosh \\ Joseph lived according to God's Word and therefore did not fear. Herod resisted God's Word and feared greatly. The fulfillment of God's promises in the coming Christ would threaten Herod's kingdom and his power. He sought to destroy the prospective usurper. But Herod plotted in vain. The Word of God would be fulfilled through Josep…
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Caleb Drahosh \\ Joseph was a man from the line of David. He was a just, or righteous, man. When his betrothed was found to be with child, he resolved to divorce her quietly. But the conception was a result of the life-giving work of the Holy Spirit as the angel would explain to him. This is a key indicator that the One Mary carried was the Christ.…
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John Baumgartner \\ Jesus is the long-awaited Messiah spoken of by the prophets. He is the rightful heir to the kingship of David and the promised child of Abraham who will bless His people and all the earth. His claim to all these is as sure as His lineage shown by Matthew as the opening to His Gospel.…
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Caleb Drahosh \\ Our pursuit of sound doctrinal understanding is meant to lead to doxology. Knowing God is the grounds of our boasting as Christians. As we grow in our understanding of the Scriptures we worship God individually and congregationally by going further up and further in.Buffalo City Church
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Caleb Drahosh \\ When the truth of the gospel is proclaimed, God works in the heart of the individual, bringing that one from death to life which results in faith and repentance. By faith these ones are declared righteous and their sin is removed. They are joined to Christ, receiving the adoption as sons and progressively growing in practical Chris…
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Caleb Drahosh \\ From eternity past God planned to redeem a people for His possession. That plan is fully revealed in Jesus Christ. Jesus is the righteousness of God who God put forward as an atoning sacrifice for sins, justifying the ungodly while maintaining His perfect justice. In this way, Jesus accomplishes redemption for all the Father gives …
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Caleb Drahosh \\ The crowning act of God's creative work is the creation of man. God created male and female and placed His image upon them. He charged them to be fruitful, multiply, and have dominion over all the created order. Nothing else in creation bears God's image. But sin entered the world through the disobedience of Adam and the image of G…
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Caleb Drahosh \\ All theology is meant to lead to doxology. Knowing God is the grounds of our boasting as Christians. God is the Creator of everyone and everything and He freely makes Himself known in and to His creation. Humanity bears the image of God and is invited into relationship with God who reveals Himself through His Word.…
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Blaze Culliton \\ The Psalmist provides a template for worship of a Holy God by telling them to praise the Lord and give thanks for His steadfast love and to remember His mercy. Recounted through the history of Israel, we see the mercy of the Lord for a people who forgot His works and did not wait for His counsel. Despite their forgetfulness, God r…
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Caleb Drahosh \\ The Psalmist tells God's people to give thanks to, sing to, glory in, seek, and remember the works of the LORD. Why? Because the LORD remembers His covenant forever. As an example, God remembered His covenant to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He sent Joseph to Egypt to preserve His people in famine, and sent Moses to bring them out of …
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Caleb Drahosh \\ Paul planned to go to Corinth but postponed his visit because God had opened a wide door for effective work in Ephesus. Many were hearing the gospel in Ephesus and the harvest was coming in. But there were those that would disrupt the work, and Paul labored to protect the gospel fruit. God has charged Buffalo City Church with minis…
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Caleb Drahosh \\ Psalm 104 is a lengthier Psalm, outlining the act of creation according to the days God made each element. And at the end, the Psalmist prescribes rest for the individual, mirroring God's rest on the seventh day. The rest is shown to be an act of worship as his people rejoice in the works of the LORD. This Sabbath rest is made for …
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John Baumgartner \\ Grumbling is one of the most prevalent sins among God's own people. We forget what He's done for us and so we begin to grumble like Israel did so many times before us. Psalm 103 is the solution to our bad memories. We are to tell ourselves all that God has done for us, in detail. Grumbling dies away before the grateful heart tha…
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Caleb Drahosh \\ The Psalmist pours out his complaint before the LORD. In his distress he approaches God and lets his plight be known. But the Psalm doesn't end there. The Psalmist is reminded that the LORD is enthroned forever. He resolves to let his complaint be heard, and treats it with truth, for the sake of future generations. Even as we suffe…
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Caleb Drahosh \\ To whom should the people look for an example of how to live before the face of God? The King. David knew this was the king's role and so he made resolutions to walk in integrity of heart on the blameless way. Jesus Christ is King and exemplifies David's resolutions perfectly. Jesus sits on David's throne as King forever.…
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John Baumgartner \\ What's wrong with the world? Mankind does not honor God or give Him thanks. This Psalm is an antidote to that thanklessness. Learn from the Psalmist how to thank God with a whole heart for all His kindness to us.Buffalo City Church
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Caleb Drahosh // As redemptive history unfolds, the free gift of salvation is offered to all peoples. This Psalm works backwards, indicating that the Lord will be exalted over all the peoples, that His justice and righteousness is at work in Israel, and that His hand was upon them in the past. This is all due to His holiness, which punctuates the P…
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Kalen Heller \\ All of creation is to sing a new song to the LORD for He has worked salvation for His people. The Lord shows his steadfast love and faithfulness through His deliverance of Israel, which is done in the sight of the nations. God has delivered for His people in the past, is delivering for them in the present, and will deliver for them …
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Caleb Drahosh \\ The foundation of the throne of the LORD is righteousness and justice. When He issues His judgments, nothing in creation can stand. The wicked are put to shame, but the righteous rejoice and worship in reverence and awe, expressing gratitude that they receive a kingdom that cannot be shaken.…
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John Baumgartner \\ David pitched a tent for God's worship on Mount Zion. He saw the blessings of God flow out from this worship tent. All the nations will be blessed through the true worship of God. David calls not just the people but every single thing that exists in all creation to the blessing that is found in true worship.…
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Caleb Drahosh \\ The Psalmist invites God's people to worship Him recognizing both His heavenly might and His gentle leading. But there is also a warning: God's people must not faithlessly wonder if God is with them. Instead, God's people are to respond by trusting His Word. Jesus came offering the bread of life and living water and unbelieving hea…
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Blaze Culliton \\ The Sabbath Song of Psalm 94 acknowledges the sin of the world through a call to God for vengeance. Creator God is almighty and His discipline is a promise that He will not forsake His people. Through Jesus Christ, the Lord is doing and will finish the righteous work of the end of sin and death.…
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Caleb Drahosh \\ The Lord is dressed for action and there is no corner of creation where His strength diminishes in potency. The mightiest of earthly forces rage, but the Lord stands undisputed above them. When Jesus Christ came into the world, the waves and wind heard His voice and they knew it as belonging to the King sung of in Psalm 93.…
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John Baumgartner \\ It is good to give thanks to the Lord. What separates the righteous from the wicked? The righteous want to praise God for His goodness. The wicked cannot see any reason to. The wicked cannot see how God works, but the righteous know that all things come from God's gracious hand. The righteous know how to sing for joy.…
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Caleb Drahosh \\ Moses composed Psalm 90 to teach Israel how to pray while they wandered in the wilderness and it's so good, it gets a retelling in Psalm 91. That which threatens God's people will not touch them when they make the Lord their dwelling place. All of God's resources are deployed for the protection of His people.…
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Caleb Drahosh \\ When God speaks, things happen. Back at the beginning of this section in Isaiah God spoke comfort to His people. Now He reminds them of the effectiveness of His Word; they will be comforted. God's Word does not return empty; it brings about a perfect yield of joy and peace.Buffalo City Church
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Caleb Drahosh \\ God's people have looked for satisfaction in all the wrong places. And now God calls them to take action. The satisfaction He provides isn't theoretical. It's as practical as eating and drinking, listening and looking, seeking and finding. The food is free and the finding is easy to all who come to Christ by faith.…
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John Baumgartner \\ Following the last servant song in Isaiah, the Lord reveals just what His servant has accomplished for His people by His suffering. The Lord proclaims that it is now time for His people to rejoice because He will give them increase and security. They will fill the whole earth with the worship of their God, and He will build them…
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Caleb Drahosh \\ The wisdom of God is wiser than men and in God's wisdom He chose to send a substitute, despised by men, to bear the grief, sorrow, transgressions, iniquities, chastisement, wounds, oppression, affliction, judgment, and anguish of His people in order to make many to be accounted righteous. Kings promote the good and punish the evil,…
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Caleb Drahosh \\ God's strength does not fail, it does not run out. Will His strength fail when He sets out to deliver, redeem, and comfort His people? God commands His people to put on His strength and to rejoice because their deliverance is near. God is preparing to bring them out of their captivity back to their home.…
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Caleb Drahosh \\ Israel abandoned their God in their sin and their sin became the reason they were carried off into exile; they preferred their sin over God. But God did not put them away. God comes for His people by sending His servant who would deliver Israel through His suffering. Jesus Christ is the suffering servant sent by God to deliver God’…
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Blaze Culliton \\ In the second servant song of Isaiah, the Lord reveals attributes of His Chosen Servant Jesus Christ. The Chosen Servant will be made as a light for the nations that His salvation may reach to the end of the earth and comfort & compassion for His people. While the response of God’s people is unbelief and questioning, His response …
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Caleb Drahosh \\ God's unwavering commitment to His people, despite their waywardness, serves as proof that He is the true God. God is gracious and patient toward His children for the sake of His name. He is the true God because His actions aren't contingent on human action, they are aimed at His glory and that always results in the good of His peo…
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Caleb Drahosh \\ As the gospel made its way to the ends of the earth, Paul writes to Timothy, who is pastoring in Ephesus, about the correct approach to implementing a deacon ministry. He tells him to look for individuals who are exemplary servants, but even more than that, who model godly character and doctrinal fidelity.…
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Caleb Drahosh \\ As the gospel took hold and the church in Jerusalem continued to grow, a challenge presented itself. The newly-converted Gentiles made it known that the widows weren't being properly taken care of. The Apostles knew that the charge given to them was to focus on the word and prayer. And so they had the Gentiles choose seven qualifie…
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Philip Reeves \\ The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ are not reactionary events to the deceitful plots of men. Matthew’s Gospel demonstrates that God is in perfect control over everything that leads to Jesus’ crucifixion. Those who have placed their faith in Christ can trust that God’s redemptive purposes cannot and will not fail.…
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