Bisexual відкриті
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Bisexual Killjoy


It’s not a phase; it’s a phenomenon. Bisexual Killjoy is an informative, hilarious, and occasionally spite-fueled podcast dedicated to everything bisexual+ (which means welcome to our pansexual and non-monosexual friends). Fronted by two bi+ folks willing to talk about anything and everything bi+, you can expect to hear good stories, meet bi+ scholars and advocates from around the world, and learn how to be a better Bisexual Killjoy. Find us @bisexualkilljoy on Instagram.
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Bisexual Brunch


Bisexual Brunch is a unique podcast for people who identify as bi to come together and celebrate their sexuality. Presented by Ashley Byrne, Lewis Oakley and Samantha Baines. Produced by @mimproductions
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Bisexual Baby👏🏽

It’s your girl Bisexual baby

My podcast is pretty much about life and tips as a African American bisexual 18year old teen heading into adulthood and chasing your dreams.🌈 Cover art photo provided by Honey Yanibel Minaya Cruz on Unsplash:
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The Bisexual Agenda

The Bisexual Agenda

A podcast from your local bisexual who literally can’t stop talking 🌈 Bisexuals to the front - everyone is welcome 🌈🥰 Queer-themed nonsense, tarot readings & a different guest every episode!
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On a un peu tout entendu sur la bisexualité. Elle a été souvent simplifiée, fantasmée, caricaturée, considérée comme un entre-deux, comme une sorte de sas de réflexion en attendant de " faire un choix ". Ce podcast ne va pas tenter de la définir, au contraire, il va plutôt donner un aperçu de ce qu’elle peut être. Tout en nuances et loin des clichés qui accompagnent généralement cette orientation sexuelle, il laisse la parole à cinq personnes qui ont aimé, désiré des hommes et des femmes. Da ...
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Wie Frau Liebt - ein Podcast zu Bisexualität und weiblicher Sexualität, also zwei der schönsten Sachen der Welt! Alle 2 Wochen werde ich euch mitnehmen auf eine Reise, um herauszufinden was Liebe und Sexualität alles bedeuten kann, warum ein bisschen bi nie schadet (jedenfalls für mich), wie das Leben und Lieben von bisexuellen Menschen aussieht und was uns Frauen helfen kann unsere Sexualität zu finden und aktiv mitzugestalten. Taucht also ein in die kunterbunte Welt unter dem Regenbogen! F ...
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Bisexual Diaries

Brooke Finegold, Cameron Escalante

A comedy and culture podcast about demystifying bisexuality. Hosted by comedians Brooke Finegold and Cameron Escalante featuring sexy and hilar guests. Rot your brain every Wednesday with Bisexual Diaries. Time to find a new religion, bitch. Edited by JT Tomlinson Produced by Brooke Finegold and Cameron Escalante
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The Bisexual Talk

Alloriginalleo Germain Ricci

The Bisexual Talk. Is A Podcast About Myself As I Like to Call it My Bisexual Life I've created this podcast in the Hopes to help other ppl out there that might some how relate . Join Me As I Open A Window Into my everyday life ,my Journey ,my experience , Join Me On My Quest For Success , Happiness & Acceptance Support this podcast:
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LGBTQ+ Stories: The Creative Process: Gender, Equality, Gay, Lesbian, Queer, Bisexual, Homosexual, Trans Creatives Talk LGBTQ Rights

Gender, Equality, Gay, Lesbian, Queer, Bisexual, Trans Creatives: Creative Process Original Series

LGBTQ+ episodes of the popular The Creative Process podcast. Listen to Gay, Lesbian, Queer, Bisexual, Trans creatives tell their stories, discuss their lives, work & creative process. To listen to ALL arts & creativity episodes of “The Creative Process · Arts, Culture & Society”, you’ll find our main podcast on Apple:, Spotify:, or wherever you get your podcasts! Exploring the fascinating minds of creative people. Conversations with w ...
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show series
Welcome back to Bisexual Killjoy! We’re kicking off Season 3 with a deep dive into intersectionality—what it actually means, how it’s been co-opted, and why it’s essential for bi+ folks navigating multiple forms of marginalization. Originally coined by legal scholar Kimberlé Crenshaw, intersectionality is not just about personal identity—it’s a fra…
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Send us a text Alberto and Domenica Castro once again see the ghost, Frederick Hay, who returns to their modern-day farm from 1851 on his way to Canada to escape the Fugitive Slave Act. Nobody is sure they believe in ghosts, especially not Frederick. B is for Bisexual - short stories by Laura P. Valtorta…
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Let us know your views now - text us here Named the world's best bisexual podcast after research by Feedspot put Bisexual Brunch 6th in the globe's top 100 LGBT podcasts. A few days later the show was named number One LGBT podcast in the UK. The research criteria is based on relevance, authority, social media followers & freshness. This is the UK's…
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Send us a text Overwhelmed by the New State and its anti-conservation efforts, Giovanna and her friend Todd start a new church - St. Turtle. Giovanna's mother, Carmen, returns to Alabama from exile in New Mexico to tell them how to do it. B is for Bisexual - short stories by Laura P. ValtortaLaura P. Valtorta/ Dante Valtorta/ Marco Valtorta
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“This book has a lot of the wisdom of things that feminists and queers have learned in the community about sexuality, but the book is really for anybody who is political, even those just starting out and beginning to realize that there is something wrong with the systems they live under. I want to be in movements. Our movements are made of relation…
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Why is it that we find the courage to boldly confront mainstream societal norms and structures, yet are so often unable to treat romantic partners with care and generosity? Why do we lose our principles when we become insecure, disappointed, or jealous? Why do we act our worst in sexual and romantic relationships? And why do we prioritize romantic …
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That’s a wrap on Season 2! In our season finale, Bailey and Jace reflect on their journey through a season packed with bi+ insights, activism, and community building. From personal growth to political resistance, this episode dives deep into what it means to center bi+ness in your life, research, politics, and activism. Join us as we discuss the po…
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Send us a text Laura, Marco, and Dante talk about First Amendment rights and their hopes about saving and protecting these rights in the future. They read two blogs from March 2020 - A Journal of the Coronavirus Year - that discuss Italian names and a trip to Cuba. B is for Bisexual - short stories by Laura P. Valtorta…
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Bisexual Killjoy is back with a much-needed dose of bi-positivity! This week, Bailey and Lynn dive into the concept of bipositivity—what it means, why it matters, and how it can profoundly impact the well-being of bi+ individuals. Joining us is Dr. Allison Cipriano, a newly minted PhD, assistant professor of social psychology at Ball State Universi…
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Let us know your views now - text us here History in the making! This is the UK's first regular mainstream show for bisexuals. Hosted by bi activist and writer Lewis Oakley and bisexual journalist Ashley Byrne with comedian and actor Samantha Baines, Bisexual Brunch is a unique podcast for people from all over the world who identify as bi to come t…
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Send us a text When Carmen's friend, Suresh, a computer scientist, asks her to marry him for citizenship reasons, Carmen agrees. Although Carmen is gay, their marriage flourishes, due to distance, humor, and the help of robot companions. B is for Bisexual - short stories by Laura P. ValtortaLaura P. Valtorta/ Dante Valtorta/ Marco Valtorta
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Bisexual Killjoy returns with a deep dive into the world of comics as a transformative medium for storytelling, particularly for bi+ narratives. This week, we’re joined by Kat Calamia, co-writer and co-creator of The Witches of Oz, The Beast & Snow, Nightmare in Wonderland, and Bi Visibility: A Bisexual Comic Book Anthology. Together, we explore ho…
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In this episode of Bisexual Killjoy, we sit down for our first-ever in-person interview with Alicia Ortiz. Alicia shares insights on using songwriting to inspire social action, drawing from her extensive experience in organizing campaigns for LGBTQ+ equality, workers' rights, immigration reform, reproductive justice, and racial equity. Her work emp…
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If there's one thing bi+ folks struggle with, it's not seeing themselves in media. Why is that a big deal? Because our identities are informed by the world around us; and when we do not find ourselves in that world, we can view that as a lack in ourselves. To help us explore the role of bi+ representation, we talk to the talented Patricia Silva. Pa…
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Send us a text Tabitha, whose father is an obscenely famous British actor, reflects on her crazy childhood and her eccentric family. At university, she meets Amadou, who is a student from Mali. B is for Bisexual - short stories by Laura P. ValtortaLaura P. Valtorta/ Dante Valtorta/ Marco Valtorta
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Bisexual Killjoy is back to sit down with Poly Philia founder Leanne Yau to explore the intersections of polyamory and plurisexuality, diving into the challenges and stigmas that come with embracing these identities in a monogamous society. Leanne shares insights on how to practice polyamory in a healthy way, red flags to look out for, and whether …
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Bisexual Killjoy is back to talk about our least favorite and most persistent myth: Bi+ men don’t exist! To help us navigate the double erasure of bi+ men, relationship navigation, monogamy, polyamory, and the radical act of being out, Rob Brooks Cohen joins us for a funny but informative episode. Robert Brooks Cohen is a writer, creator, and life …
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Send us a text Laura, Dante, and Marco read a short Halloween screenplay about cats who may be magic and who definitely ruin the house of Alice the Italian Witch. B is for Bisexual - short stories by Laura P. ValtortaLaura P. Valtorta/ Dante Valtorta/ Marco Valtorta
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Let us know your views now - text us here History in the making! This is the UK's first regular mainstream show for bisexuals. Hosted by bi activist and writer Lewis Oakley and bisexual journalist Ashley Byrne with comedian and actor Samantha Baines, Bisexual Brunch is a unique podcast for people from all over the world who identify as bi to come t…
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Bisexual Killjoy is back to talk about the intersection of gender and sexuality, this time with an expert opinion. This week we welcome the iconic Dr. Rosie Nelson into the fray to help us wrestle with what gender means for bi+ people, what it means to be Sexual Renegades and Sexual Outsiders, and the bi+ worldview. Dr. Rosie Nelson is a Senior Lec…
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Welcome back, Bisexual Killjoys. Did you miss us? We missed you! In this episode, we’re getting on the same page, sweeping out the cobwebs, spilling the tea, and pumping ourselves up for our best season yet. So, if you don’t remember what a Bisexual Killjoy is, don’t worry; Bailey makes Lynn take us all back to school. Hosted by bi+ academics, writ…
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Let us know your views now - text us here History in the making! This is the UK's first regular mainstream show for bisexuals. Hosted by bi activist and writer Lewis Oakley and bisexual journalist Ashley Byrne with comedian and actor Samantha Baines, Bisexual Brunch is a unique podcast for people from all over the world who identify as bi to come t…
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Send us a text Attorney Carmen decides to teach her lunch group a lesson. Harry, Cecil, and Alberto must understand that women are people, too, and that everyone needs to work together to fight climate change and inequality. Carmen gives them Dream Juice -- a mixture of honey and wasp juice. The men have hallucinations that make their worst dreams …
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Let us know your views now - text us here History in the making! This is the UK's first regular mainstream show for bisexuals. Hosted by bi activist and writer Lewis Oakley and bisexual journalist Ashley Byrne with comedian and actor Samantha Baines, Bisexual Brunch is a unique podcast for people from all over the world who identify as bi to come t…
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Send us a text As Arturo prepares Robotica to become a home health aide, he enlists his wife, Lidia, to train the robot while she prepares Thanksgiving dinner. Robotica, who understands humans by reading their cell phones, makes mistakes that could jeopardize Arturo's research and his marriage. Maybe he needs his family more than he thinks. B is fo…
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“As a filmmaker, I've always made films about extraordinary women whose lives are faced with extenuating circumstances who've had adversity thrown at them and who've risen to the occasion. And when I began to look at Diane's story, for me, Diane is a fashion designer, but she's so much more. Her central ethos is woman before fashion, and we felt it…
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How can we free ourselves from fear and social barriers to live more fulfilling and meaningful lives? What does it take to overcome trauma and turn it into triumph, and failure into reinvention? How can we shine a light on the marginalized and misunderstood to create social change that transforms the lives of women? Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy is an Osca…
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Let us know your views now - text us here The fifth in our series of Bisexual Brunch conversations with the political parties sees Ashley Byrne chat to Sean Anstee of the Conservative Party. We’re been attempting to speak to all the main parties ahead of the General Election in our fight to end bi-erasure and get the parties taking the B in LGBT se…
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That’s a wrap on Season 1! We’ve talked about so much in the last few months: gender, invisibility, relationships, health, and what it means to be a Bisexual Killjoy. Join us one last time before the summer really heats up to reflect on where we’ve been and where we’re going next. Hosted by bi+ academics, writers, and advocates Bailey Merlin and Ly…
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Let us know your views now - text us here The fourth in our series of Bisexual Brunch conversations with the political parties sees Ashley Byrne chat to Sioned Williams of Plaid Cymru. We’re attempting to speak to all the main parties ahead of the General Election in our fight to end bi-erasure and get the parties taking the B in LGBT seriously. (U…
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Let us know your views now - text us here The third in our series of Bisexual Brunch conversations with the political parties sees Ashley Byrne chat to Ria Patel of the Green Party. We’re attempting to speak to all the main parties ahead of the General Election in our fight to end bi-erasure and get the parties taking the B in LGBT seriously. (Upda…
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Let us know your views now - text us here The second in our series of Bisexual Brunch conversations with the political parties sees Ashley Byrne and Lewis Oakley chat to Charley Hasted of the Liberal Democrats We’re attempting to speak to all the main parties ahead of the General Election in our fight to end bi-erasure and get the parties taking th…
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Let us know your views now - text us here The first in our series of Bisexual Brunch conversations with the political parties sees Ashley Byrne chat to Ross Clark of the SNP. We’re attempting to speak to all the main parties ahead of the General Election in our fight to end bi-erasure and get the parties taking the B in LGBT seriously. The full lis…
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Send us a text It's time to film Roller Derby Fiends. With director Grandma being obnoxious on the set, she needs a production assistant by her side to keep her from alienating everyone, including granddaughter, Beatrice. The answer is Robotica, until the cellphone-reading robot gets in the way of an important new friendship. B is for Bisexual - sh…
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We’re winding down Pride and Season 1! Bisexual Killjoy cordially invites you to discuss intimacy, sex, and relationship dynamics for all of us bi+ folks. We’re talking monogamy, polyamory, and how biphobic stereotypes hurt us all. Let’s get serious and laugh the whole time. Hosted by bi+ academics, writers, and advocates Bailey Merlin and Lynn Rio…
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Let us know your views now - text us here Ashley and Sam guide us through nearly 3 hours of bi chat including the rather bizarre and worrying debate over whether straight male partners of bi women should be allowed to attend LGBT Pride events. A straight woman from London tells us how she felt when her long term partner revealed he was bisexual. We…
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Happy Pride! Join Bisexual Killjoy as we explore the fluidity of sexuality and gender. Dive into discussions on liminal spaces, gender fluidity, and the misconceptions about bisexuality. We’re challenging the myth of bisexuals and trans-exclusion, looking at the unique intersection of bisexuality and gender fluidity, and unpacking the limited resea…
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“So for me, it just kind of removing a lot of the shame and then a lot of the energy that I was wasting trying to fit myself into a neurotypical process or framework or way of thinking or being. So, you know, some people call that unmasking, just kind of removing. I was wasting a lot of energy, basically trying to be someone else and function in a …
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How can we learn to flourish because of who we are, not in spite of it? What is the sensory experience of the world for people with autism and ADHD? How can music help heal trauma and foster identity? Mattia Maurée is an interdisciplinary composer whose work centers around themes of perception, body, sensation, trauma, and resilience. Their scores …
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Join Bisexual Killjoy as we delve into the complexities of signaling bisexuality within the queer community and society at large. Today, we’re discussing the challenges bisexuals face in being recognized and accepted due to the pervasive binary correlation between gender and sexuality. From TikTok suppression to a need for validation in queer space…
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Join Bisexual Killjoy as we dissect the myth of "passing privilege” and challenge the notion that bi+ folks do not face discrimination or oppression. Learn how passing privilege ignores the complexities of bi+ identity and erases the unique challenges bi+ people encounter, and listen to how heated our BKJ hosts get as they critique the heteronormat…
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Let us know your views now - text us here History in the making! This is the UK's first regular mainstream show for bisexuals. Hosted by bi activist and writer Lewis Oakley and bisexual journalists Nichi Hodgson and Ashley Byrne, Bisexual Brunch is a unique podcast for people from all over the world who identify as bi to come together and celebrate…
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