Podcast da página Biologismo, onde os administradores e convidados conversam sobre Biologia, Meio Ambiente e Ciência. Novos episódios a cada duas quartas-feiras às 10 da manhã. Ajude a Biologismo a produzir conteúdos com cada vez mais qualidade através do https://apoia.se/biologismo e ganhe recompensas.
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Las biografías sobre los personajes más destacados de la Historia las encontrarás aquí en el podcast "Biografías" en formato documental.
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Série Biografias Biografias e Banditismo Social Biografias e Mais Sabotagens Biografias e Outras Viagens
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Each week, we aim to bring you interesting information about interesting people in about five minutes in the form of short biographies which can also be read on our website.
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Biologia em Meia Hora é um podcast apresentado por Mila Massuda que fala de temas curiosos e relevantes sobre tudo que envolve Biologia!
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Of Some Very Famous People You've Never Really Heard Of...In Less Than An Hour.
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Un análisis independiente y sin censura de los temas más importantes de la jornada, con Néstor Aburto y Nibaldo Mosciatti en Radio Bío Bío.
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Interviews with Biographers about their New Books Support our show by becoming a premium member! https://newbooksnetwork.supportingcast.fm/biography
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O Biologia In Situ é um podcast de Divulgação Científica em Biologia que traz o conhecimento científico a partir de assuntos cotidianos. Assim, facilitando a aproximação do público ao processo científico e à Biologia.
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We scrutinise the lives of legends that we find on the shelves of thrift shops.
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Bio 360 - Zurück ins Leben | Energie und Gesundheit
Unkas Gemmeker | Gesundheitsbotschafter, Autor und Coach
Bio 360 ist einer der erfolgreichsten, deutschsprachigen Podcasts zu den Themen Gesundheit, Ernährung, Fitness, Motivation, Paleo, Fokus, HIIT, intermittierendes Fasten, Stress, Schlaf, Low Carb, ketogene Ernährung, EMF, Atemtechniken, Superfoods, Nootropika, sowie alles rund um Biohacking und alternative Medizin. Du bekommst die besten Tipps von führenden Experten wie Rüdiger Dahlke, Joachim Mutter, Maximilian Gotzler, Jens Freese, Paul Seelhorst, Kyra Kauffmann, Akuma Saningong, Poli Moute ...
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Podcast über Menschen, die Biologie studiert haben und ihren beruflichen Werdegang
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Powerful stories of biotechnology breakthroughs, the people they help, and the global problems they solve.
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Este é um podcast onde partilho alguns dos meus devaneios, converso com amigos ou com pessoas que poderiam sê-lo. Um podcast tão acessível como um link numa bio.
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dynamic group reviewing movies and shows while engaging in lively discussions about the latest happenings in media news
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Bio-Hack Your Best Life podcast is a captivating podcast co-hosted by the knowledgeable duo, Billy and Elisabeth Carson, whose combined expertise spans a range of intriguing topics from ancient wisdom to modern science. This podcast stands out as a unique union of their diverse knowledge bases, offering listeners a comprehensive guide to optimizing life through bio-hacking. Each episode delves into different aspects of bio-hacking, such as improving mental clarity, boosting physical health, ...
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The Biographers is a deep-dive biography podcast that aims to tell the full and complete stories of history’s most fascinating and influential characters. Join hosts Daniel Newman and Akiva Meola as they take you through the expansive and entertaining stories of various historic figures. In a time where short-form, hardly-researched videos flood TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram, we are doing the exact opposite. The Biographers gives you the chance to learn the full life stories of historic fig ...
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Dans ce podcast, nous explorons comment la biologie influence notre santé et nos choix nutritionnels. Rejoignez-nous pour des discussions enrichissantes avec des experts, visant à comprendre et soulager vos inconforts chroniques grâce à une nutrition personnalisée.
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The Bio Report podcast, hosted by award-winning journalist Daniel Levine, focuses on the intersection of biotechnology with business, science, and policy.
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The biggest biology podcast for the biggest science and biology fans. Featuring in-depth discussions with scientists tackling the biggest questions in evolution, genetics, ecology, climate, neuroscience, diseases, the origins of life, psychology and more. If it's biological, groundbreaking, philosophical or mysterious you'll find it here.
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Herzlich Willkommen beim BiOfunk Podcast! Hier dreht sich alles um die spannende Welt der Biologie. Wir behandeln grundlegende Fragen: Wie machen Viren und Bakterien krank? Was sind Proteine und welche Aufgaben haben sie? Und warum gibt es überhaupt Sexualität? Auch die Wissenschaftsgeschichte kommt nicht zu kurz. Wir möchten zeigen, dass Wissenschaft Spaß machen kann. Also, hört rein!
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On sème FORT ! Le podcast du jardinage bio et de la permaculture
On sème FORT ! Le podcast du jardinage bio et de la permaculture
On sème fort ! LE podcast pour tout savoir sur ce qu'il faut faire au jardin et au potager. Retrouvez toutes les semaines, une nouvelle émission pour apprendre à jardiner avec la permaculture. Proposé par MonJardinBio.com, la boutique de votre jardin au naturel. Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.
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Olá! Meu nome é Tânia Barros! Sou a criadora e produtora de conteúdo do Canal “LOUCOS POR BIOGRAFIAS”. A proposta do canal é conhecermos vida das pessoas mais interessantes, inteligentes e importantes da história que muitas vezes dedicaram a sua vida para que a nossa vida fosse melhor hoje. Vamos conhecer os malfeitores também, porque é do contraste que nasce a nossa consciência. Convido você a seguir conosco nesta jornada, vai ser interessante! Até Mais! Apoie este podcast no: catarse.me/lo ...
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Keith Bevans, partner and global head of consultant recruiting at Bain & Company, dives deeper into the stories of some extraordinary Bain people, from their perspectives. You can read their business bios online, but those barely scratch the surface of who they are and the important work they are doing. If you would like to comment or give feedback on this series, please email our inbox at BeyondTheBio@Bain.com.
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Speaking of Mol Bio, a podcast series from Thermo Fisher Scientific, discusses trending applications in science and the molecular biology aspects of those applications. Our hosts delves in to deep discussion with CEOs, R&D scientists, researchers, and key opinion leaders across the globe. Speaking of Mol Bio helps scientific curious people - from all scientific and non-scientific backgrounds - understand how modern molecular biology applications can help push the boundaries in medicine, scie ...
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A podcast about the people behind the professions. Brought to you by Supercurious.
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Interviews with biologists and evolutionary scientists about their new books
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Non Human Biologics is a creepy but necessary podcast about The X-Files. Each week Chris and Jeremy bring you goofs and chuckles and tears as they wonder if life really is out there. Join us as we go episode by episode, week by week, wondering just where the heck Scully keeps that katana. Art by Rideth_Mochi, music from bansheebeat, Jake Lionheart, and Heather Milette.
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Ask A Biologist Podcast
Charles Kazilek (a.k.a. Dr. Biology) - School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University
You have been reading about the biologists behind the Ask A Biologist website. Now you can listen to them on our popular biology podcast show. Dr. Biology has been speaking with many biologists who are discovering new worlds and exploring new frontiers in biology. There are over 100 episodes and we continue to add more interviews. Each show includes a full written transcript and content log. But wait, there's more. Many episodes also have companion content including stories, games, and activ ...
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The Listen In podcast from Bitesize Bio is a compilation of our best webinars to enjoy at your leisure, wherever and whenever. Each episode is an opportunity to gain the valuable insights you need to advance your research. From a crash course in developing fool-proof ELISAs to the latest applications and innovations in CRISPR/Cas9 and microscopy techniques, and much more—you'll hear about challenges encountered and discover practical solutions to achieve the best possible results. Tap into t ...
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Ramas de la biología
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York University Lecture Podcast
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Avid anglers Corey Oakley and Ben Ricks are North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission biologists. Listen in as they help anglers understand more about the fish and fisheries in North Carolina while promoting conservation of valuable natural resources. These monthly podcasts will link the research and surveys conducted by the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission to fishing in North Carolina. Our hope is to help anglers learn more about fish, so they can catch more fish. Our expert ...
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Our goal is to encourage all people to take responsibility for their own healthcare, empower them to assist others and create a community of people worldwide dedicated to service, self awareness, and recognizing the equality of all humanity—thus forming a chain which shall go on indefinitely. Research shows that Bio-Touch is simple to learn with quick results to reduce pain and stress and to build immune system responses. It is time to reclaim your birthright to be healthy, happy and loved.
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Podcast by Gaurav Dubey
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Bíó Tvíó er vikulegt hlaðvarp um íslenskar kvikmyndir. Andrea Björk og Steindór Grétar hafa lagt upp með að horfa á hverja einustu íslensku kvikmynd og ræða um þær af takmarkaðri þekkingu en töluverði ástríðu. Hlaðvarpið var síðast á dagskrá RÚV núll og þar áður á Alvarpinu.
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People are done dancing around the topic of trauma. They're ready to face this square-on. None of the current systems are getting to the root of the issue in the current model. Their biology has been affected on a cellular level, and that is now what's preventing the important work that they're trying to do. The Biology of Trauma® podcast is the missing piece to that puzzle. It's a practical living manual for the human body in a modern, traumatizing world. Join your host medical physician an ...
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Boost Your Biology is presented by Lucas Aoun, founder of Ergogenic Health. Join him as he goes underground to bring you cutting edge health and human performance hacks that you'll struggle to find on Google. Lucas explores the unexplored to bring you useful health and performance information to upgrade your existence. A range of topics will be discussed on this podcast, including Nootropics, Nutrition, Biohacking, Supplements, Herbal Research, Microbiome, Brain Health, Hormonal Health & Spo ...
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Medical Innovation & Research
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At Platinum Biologics, we are dedicated to providing regenerative products of exceptional quality while ensuring affordability. Our goal is to deliver the most effective solutions possible without compromising on quality. This unwavering commitment to excellence means you can offer the best possible care to your patients with confidence. By choosing Platinum Biologics, you benefit from superior products and comprehensive support, allowing you to focus on what truly matters—your patients’ hea ...
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The DDR pathway plays a critical role in repairing DNA damage in healthy cells that would otherwise cause mutations or cell death. When this pathway is altered and becomes unable to repair this damage, mutated cells can grow out of control and become cancerous. They can also be more resistant to standard chemotherapies and radiation. Aprea Therapeu…
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En la tarde de este lunes, la ministra de la Corte Suprema, Gloria Ana Chevesich, dio a conocer nuevos cargos en el cuaderno de remoción en contra su colega, Ángela Vivanco. Los redactores de la Tercera Sala rompieron el silencio y contaron cosas. De ahí nace la decisión de ampliar el tiempo de investigación y la incorporación de nuevos elementos a…
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Ashley Feraude in conversation with Mariana, who is all about inspiring and helping leaders and organisations to unlock their full potential and achieve greater fulfilment and productivity in the workplace. She is a certified organisational coach by the Institute of Executive Coaching and Leadership, a life coach by Robbins Madanes Life Coaching Tr…
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8 years Bev & Paul have been sharing their life and their excitement for Bio-Touch with you every Monday. Come celebrate with them!
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Olá amigos, falei sobre estar feliz, sobre estar nu, cantar na rua, gritar em manifs, e brancos ricos desocupados, e mais coisas porque eu viajo muito. Já sabem que gosto muito de vocês. Beijos. Dia 24/10 - stand up comedy - Uma Cena Nossa Brooklyn Bar (praça da Alegria) reserva: umacenanossa@gmail.com…
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Dive into the innovative world of STED microscopy and explore how researchers are pushing the boundaries of super-resolution imaging in this episode of Listen In. Traditional STED microscopy achieves high resolution by using a doughnut-shaped depletion laser to selectively suppress fluorescence, but multicolor experiments often face challenges such…
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In diesem Interview enthüllt Dr. Simon Feldhaus die oft übersehene Wahrheit über Omega 3. Er erklärt, warum viele Studien mit unzureichenden Dosierungen durchgeführt werden und so irreführende Ergebnisse liefern. Mit einem klaren Fokus auf die notwendige Menge von 2 Gramm pro Tag beleuchtet er die potenziellen gesundheitlichen Vorteile und die Ausw…
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While some of us knew a good bit about mRNA prior to 2020, we all got a crash course on mRNA technology and its prophylactic and therapeutic potential as a result of the COVID pandemic and subsequent SARS CoV-2 vaccine development. In fact, most of us have now received at least one mRNA vaccine at this point. Our guest for this episode, Dr. Christi…
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Guest Host Daniel Yellin speaks with John Dryden, a lead data scientist based in our Los Angeles office. John spent a decade working in industry data science roles before joining Bain in 2022. He recently won Bain’s Global Hackathon by creating CreationSpace (formerly known as Seer), an AI-driven consumer insights platform, which is now part of our…
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Au programme de cette émission : Ces prochains jours, le calendrier lunaire nous invite à semer : épinards, mâches, radis d'hiver... mais aussi les oignons ou la roquette ! Puis nous répondrons à vos nombreuses questions envoyées par mail sur onsemefort@monjardinbio.com 📔 Retrouvez notre livre « On sème FORT ! ». 📔 Disponible dans toutes les librai…
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David Fajgenbaum was in his third year of medical school when he was diagnosed with a rare and life-threatening disease that began shutting down his organs, bringing him perilously close to death. Although he survived the initial episode, he faced four additional relapses, each pushing him to the brink of death. In this episode, we speak with David…
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Send us a textthe bio box
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Longetivity, Everything - Peptides, Rapamyacin, Metformin. #JayCampbell #4Biddenknowledge
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4BK AFFILIATE LINK FOR PEPTIDE PRODUCTS https://www.limitlesslifenootropics.com/4BK OFFICIALY RECOMMENDED BY JAY CAMPBELL. WARNING - SEEK PROFESSIONAL ADVICE & DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH. THIS VIDEO IS FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jay Campbell https://jaycampbell.com/ IG …
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Olá, bio-ouvintes! Neste episódio falamos sobre a terceira edição da nossa Revista Bio In Situ, onde tratamos sobre como as mudanças climáticas afetam o nosso presente e os efeitos colaterais da atualidade, como por exemplo na área da saúde, agricultura, poluição e desastres ambientais. Além de trazer fofocas dos bastidores da produção da revista c…
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In this episode, Corey and Ben chat with Doug Besler, Mountain Region Supervisor, about trout fishing in North Carolina. Discover expert insights on trout management and the best fishing spots across the state.Corey Oakley and Ben Ricks
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Olá, bio-ouvintes! Neste episódio falamos sobre o processo de desenvolvimento e organização do uso do solo e da infraestrutura em áreas urbanas, de modo a melhorar a qualidade de vida dos cidadãos ao criar cidades funcionais, sustentáveis e esteticamente agradáveis! Diversas cidades pelo mundo têm se destacado por suas abordagens inovadoras em sust…
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Trials and Tribs
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X-Files returns to its primary storyline and what happens? We lose our minds. Join us as we follow the adventures of Darnold and the Greygors. Or not, really. Maybe no one should listen?Jeremy Greer, Chris Mosher
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The Wagner Group: Inside Russia’s Mercenary Army (Reaktion, 2024) exposes the history and the future of the Wagner Group, Russia’s notorious and secretive mercenary army, revealing details of their operations never documented before. Using extensive leaks, first-hand accounts, and the byzantine paper trail left in its wake, Jack Margolin traces the…
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We remember Audre Lorde as an iconic writer, a quotable teacher whose words and face grace T-shirts, nonprofit annual reports, and campus diversity-center walls. But even those who are inspired by Lorde's teachings on "the creative power of difference" may be missing something fundamental about her life and work, and what they can mean for us today…
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William H. F. Altman, "The German Stranger: Leo Strauss and National Socialism" (Lexington Books, 2010)
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Leo Strauss was a German-Jewish emigrant to the United States, an author, professor and political philosopher. Born in 1899 in Kirchhain in the Kingdom of Prussia to an observant Jewish family, Strauss received his doctorate from the University of Hamburg in 1921, and began his scholarly work in the 1920s, as well as participating in the German Zio…
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Welcome to the YJBM Science News! Join us as we discuss the recent news in healthcare and science across the Yale community. Today, our hosts Mara and Samantha will share some of the most intriguing topics of the past two weeks. Papers featured in the episode: https://alz-journals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/alz.14126 https://onlinelibrary.…
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Will Grant, "Populista: The Rise of Latin America's 21st Century Strongman" (Bloomsbury, 2021)
Today I talked to Will Grant about his book Populista: The Rise of Latin America's 21st Century Strongman (Bloomsbury, 2021). or more than six decades, Fidel Castro's words have echoed through the politics of Latin America. His towering political influence still looms over the region today. The swing to the Left in Latin America, known as the 'Pink…
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Welcome to our podcast where we discuss and deliberate over memoirs and biographies found in thrift shops. This is a great way to do things as we are not choosing who to read about. We may not be fans of the person, we may never have heard of the person and we never know who we are going to find next... There are only 2 rules to this podcast. The b…
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In this solocast Lucas outlines the different forms of vitamin B12 and which ones are useful in different contexts. Relevant links: Check Out My Website For Coaching, Recommended Products and Much More: https://www.boostyourbiology.com/ The information provided in this podcast episode is for entertainment purposes and is NOT MEDICAL ADVICE. The pro…
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#103 - O Que São Galhas? (Rosy Isaias)
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Aron e Flávio recebem para o 103º episódio do Podcast Biologismo, a bióloga, botânica, professora, e primeira mulher negra a atingir o nível mais alto do CNPQ, Rosy Isaias, para um papo incrível sobre galhas, plantas, seus parasitas e as estratégias usadas por plantas e galhadores. Se você não sabe o que são galhas, senta o dedo no play, que eu gar…
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Today I talked to Philip Freeman about his new book Julian: Rome’s Last Pagan Emperor (Yale UP, 2023). Flavius Claudius Julianus, or Julian the Apostate, ruled Rome as sole emperor for just a year and a half, from 361 to 363, but during that time he turned the world upside down. Although a nephew of Constantine the Great, the first Christian empero…
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In Episode 7 of Season 17 of the 5 Minute Biographies podcast, we explore the life and legacy of Hypatia of Alexandria, a pioneering mathematician, philosopher, and astronomer whose intellect and teachings made her one of the most remarkable figures of the ancient world. Living during a time of great political and religious turmoil, Hypatia's dedic…
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Vida y muertes de Christopher Lee.
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Christopher Frank Carandini Lee (Londres, 27 de mayo de 1922-Londres 7 de junio de 2015) fue un actor y cantante inglés. Con una carrera de más de sesenta años, fue conocido como un actor con una voz profunda e imponente, y a menudo interpretaba a villanos en películas de terror y franquicias cinematográficas. La vida y muertes de Christopher Lee p…
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Franz Liszt Part 5: The Pope's Composer.
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In part five of our series on classical composer, Franz Liszt, we learn about the most tragic part of Franz's life, which in turn compels him to become a clergyman of the Catholic Church. That's right: the infamous ladies-man has decided to become abbé! But does that mean the notorious lothario has to give up his promiscuous lifestyle to appease hi…
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Este jueves, la exalcaldesa de Maipú, Cathy Barriga, fue reformalizada en el marco de la investigación por delitos de corrupción que habrían ocurrido durante su gestión. En esta nueva audiencia, la Fiscalía Oriente presentó nuevos antecedentes asociados a una presunta falsificación de los estados financieros presentados ante Contraloría. Esto aumen…
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In this episode, Professor Sergej Ostojic discusses the research and benefits of creatine supplementation. Sergej highlights that creatine is not only beneficial for exercise performance but also for brain health, liver health, and other conditions. He mentions that creatine deficiency can be a biomarker for certain health conditions. The discussio…
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Comprendre et soigner sont dos avec l'ostéopathie - Avec Taylan Yilmaz Ostéopathe D.0.
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Aujourd'hui, on accueille Taylan Yilmaz, ostéopathe D.O., au Centre Medical Hautbiermont. Dans cet épisode, il nous parle de l'ostéopathie et de son rôle dans la gestion des douleurs musculaires, digestives, et du stress. Découvrez pourquoi consulter un ostéopathe, même sans douleur, peut faire une réelle différence. ✨ Au programme : - Comment l'os…
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Dive into the world of animals with Whitney Barlow Robles in her captivating new book, Curious Species: How Animals Made Natural History (Yale UP, 2023). Can corals truly build worlds? Do rattlesnakes possess a mystical charm? What secrets do raccoons hold? These questions reflect how animals have historically challenged human attempts to control n…
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Grant Olwage, "Paul Robeson's Voices" (Oxford UP, 2023)
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Paul Robeson's Voices (Oxford UP, 2023) is a meditation on Robeson's singing, a study of the artist's life in song. Music historian Grant Olwage examines Robeson's voice as it exists in two broad and intersecting domains: as sound object and sounding gesture, specifically how it was fashioned in the contexts of singing practices, in recital, concer…
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Um tipo de divisão celular que ocorre em todas as células eucarióticas. Separe trinta minutinhos do seu dia e descubra, com a Mila Massuda, sobre o processo onde uma célula dá origem a duas outras células idênticas. Apresentação: Mila Massuda (@milamassuda) Roteiro: Mila Massuda (@milamassuda) e Emilio Garcia (@emilioblablalogia) Revisão de Roteiro…
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Tapping, EFT and Energetic Boundaries For Inner Child and Trauma Recovery with Jennifer Partridge
How can tapping on specific points on the body help regulate the autonomic nervous system and promote holistic wellness? I'm really excited for this episode because we're talking about acupuncture and meridian points on our body as a tool to work with our trauma. We're going to hear the powerful story of Jennifer Partridge, a friend of mine, who fo…
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Este jueves, la PDI llevó a cabo un riesgoso operativo policial en Tirúa, en que se buscaba capturar a personas asociadas a la organización radical Weichán Auka Mapu (WAM). Este procedimiento, en que también se realizaron allanamientos de propiedades, terminó con un muerto, un funcionario policial baleado y ocho detenidos. Expertos y autoridades as…
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Ahead of the (thermal) curve (Ep 122)
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How do biologists study the influence of heat on organisms and how can this be applied to the study of climate change? What impacts mountaineer survival at high altitudes? On this episode of Big Biology, we talk with Professor Emeritus at University of Washington and recently elected member of the National Academy of Sciences, Ray Huey. Ray is well…
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Olá, bio-ouvintes! Neste episódio falamos sobre como o sistema capitalista impacta a Ciência e a vida e trabalho dos cientistas brasileiros. Sobre como há uma tentativa de transformar a produção científica em mera mercadoria. E esse cenário fica mais embolado ainda à medida que as condições de trabalho e o bem-estar de pesquisadores vêm sendo rebai…
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This week X-Files takes a trip to North Carolina to investigate...voodoo? WTF are we doing, Mulder? Support the show by subscribing to us on Patreon. Patrons get exclusive podcasts, an early release feed, and access to our community Discord server. Our theme "File After File" was produced by bansheebeat, and sung by Heather Milette. Lyrics by Chris…
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In this episode Lucas uncovers an extremely novel metabolite of caffeine that is set to rock the supplement world. Relevant links: Check Out My Website For Coaching, Recommended Products and Much More: https://www.boostyourbiology.com/ The information provided in this podcast episode is for entertainment purposes and is NOT MEDICAL ADVICE. The prod…
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Macau was supposed to be a sleepy post for John Reeves, the British consul for the Portuguese colony on China’s southern coast. He arrived, alone, in June 1941, his wife and daughter left behind in China. Seven months later, Japan had bombed Pearl Harbor, invaded Hong Kong, and made Reeves the last remaining British diplomat for hundreds of miles, …
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O predador que finge ser presa para emboscar o caçador
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Algunos dicen bendito WhatsApp. Los peritajes en torno a los registros del teléfono del influyente abogado Luis Hermosilla podrían ir generando nuevas aristas o tentáculos en el Caso Audio. Estas ramificaciones que surgen a partir de la causa principal, podrían afectar a muchísimas personas, tales como ministros de Corte, políticos, empresarios, en…
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Matthew C. Ehrlich, "The Krebiozen Hoax: How a Mysterious Cancer Drug Shook Organized Medicine" (U Illinois Press, 2024)
The brainchild of an obscure Yugoslav physician, Krebiozen emerged in 1951 as an alleged cancer treatment. Andrew Ivy, a University of Illinois vice president and a famed physiologist dubbed “the conscience of U.S. science,” wholeheartedly embraced Krebiozen. Ivy’s impeccable credentials and reputation made the treatment seem like another midcentur…
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