(limited to Radio bermuda.funk - Freies Radio Rhein-Neckar)
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Bermuda Triangle.
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Just a podcast with three guys talking about random and weird topics.
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Mystery’s of the Bermuda Triangle Cover art photo provided by Daniel Hjalmarsson on Unsplash:
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Trying to make this first Episode of Nerd Talk, its harder then you think.. Enjoy the bloopers
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The first and only current affairs podcast reporting on the comings and extremely rare goings of people stuck in the Bermuda Triangle. A comedy podcast by Cody Dahler.
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"Teaching Leaders to Empower Leadership in Others by working exclusively with individuals and corporations that focus on Leadership, Skills and Goals, helping them unleash their "Inner Eagles", soaring to previously unreachable heights of performance."
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O Podcast de torcedor para torcedor do Esporte Clube Bahia, o maior clube de futebol do Nordeste. Apresentado por Cazuza Souza, Riane Bernardes, Breno Albuquerque, Bruno Reis e PV Machado
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dirtyBEATS Reloaded!! After a year hiatus with a newborn baby boy, Supa J is back with the original all EDM mix show on VIBE103, bumpin' straight out of the Bermuda Triangle!
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The Bermuda Lawn Dominators Podcast is your go-to resource for DIY lawn care enthusiasts looking to transform their lawns. Join hosts Skip Wheeler and Jason Crain as they provide practical tips, personal insights, and engaging discussions to help you dominate your lawn game. With a supportive community and a touch of fun with the "Lawn Beer of the Week" segment, this podcast is your ticket to achieving the lawn of your dreams and have fun on the journey. Let's get greener together!
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If you want to transform your swimming pool into a personal resort with the most luxurious looking finish then you'll want to get in touch with us at Pool Resurfacing Plus of Bermuda Dunes . In all our years of being in the swimming pool industry we've learned a lot & now we do a lot. The Plus means that we handle everything swimming pool related from cleaning & care, to resurfacing, remodeling & even new pool construction.
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At Bermuda Unicorn, we invite you to dive into the exciting world of NFTs. Our dedicated NFT marketplace is designed to connect creators and collectors, offering a secure and user-friendly platform for buying and selling unique digital assets. We believe that NFTs have the power to revolutionize the way art, gaming, and collectibles are experienced, and we’re here to support you every step of the way. Visit for more: Our mission is to empower both established and ...
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1-Freispruch Eric Clifford O.2--Luigi Toscano, Salome Saremi-Strogusch und Albrecht Weinberg geben Bundesverdienstkreuze zurück 3-Fritz Merz kommt nach MA4-Friedensbotschaften von der HD Alten Brücke und dem Schloss nach Nord-und Ostsyrien5-Forum Deutsche Sprache Baubeginn Ende 20256-Rhein-Neckar-Kreis führt beim Ausbau von Dachsolaranlagen7-Mit 3j…
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Wir können alle Heldinnen und Heldinnen sein, für andere, für die Gesellschaft, aber ganz sicher auch im eigenen Leben. Frieder Ittner stellt uns in dem wunderbar gestalteten Playbook "Heldenreise" 70 Modelle zur Umsetzung vor. Es ist aber eine gute Idee bereits Kindern beizubringen, wie Denken geht, auch das Denken über sich selbst, deswegen die B…
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Vollständige und ungekürzter Mitschnitt der Kundgebung "Wir sind die Brandmauer! - Alle zusammen gegen den Faschismus! “ vom 1.Februar.Nach eineinhalb Tagen Mobilisierungs-Vorlauf 15.000 Menschen auf dem Alten Messplatz! Merz macht’s nötig. Zum Abschluss der Protestveranstaltung „Wir sind die Brandmauer!“ rufen sie: „Alle zusammen gegen den Faschis…
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Podcast – Die Golden Twenties – gar nicht so golden. Eine Ausstellung im Marchivum Mannheim (Serie 1312: fuzzy – Kultur im Delta)
Die Golden Twenties - gar nicht so golden.Eine Ausstellung im Marchivum Mannheim„Wie Tag und Nacht -Leben in den goldenen Zwanzigern“, so lautet der Titel einer Ausstellung. Sie beleuchtet Licht und Schatten, Glamour und Armut in jener Zeit in Mannheim. Vom 7. 2. Bis zum 11.5. im Marchivum, Mannheims Haus der Stadtgeschichte und Erinnerung. Ein Pod…
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Erste internationale Berufsschule in Heidelberg - Migrant*innen lernen Hotellerie und Gastronomie
Ausführliches InterviewIn Heidelberg an der F+U wurde die bundesweit erste internationale Berufsschule für Hotellerie und Gastronomie gestartet. Bereits 40 Teilnehmer'innen lernen hier seit September 2024. Sie kommen aus Pakistan, Vietnam, Senegal und noch 6 anderen Ländern. Heidelbergs Top-Gastro-Betriebe haben sie eingestellt. Die Berufsschule ge…
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Bislang nur in Heidelberg - Internationale Berufsschule für Migrant*innen - kurz (Serie 1312: fuzzy – Kultur im Delta)
In Heidelberg an der F+U wurde die bundesweit erste internationale Berufsschule für Hotellerie und Gastronomie gestartet. Bereits 40 Teilnehmer'innen lernen hier seit September 2024. Sie kommen aus Pakistan, Vietnam, Senegal und noch 6 anderen Ländern. Heidelbergs Top-Gastro-Betriebe haben sie eingestellt. Die Berufsschule geht auf die speziellen A…
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„Apropos Schmerz (Denken Sie an etwas Schönes)" am Nationaltheater Mannheim (Serie 1312: fuzzy – Kultur im Delta)
In der aktuellen Spielzeit ist Leo Lorena Wyss Hausautor*in am Nationaltheater Mannheim. Seit Januar ist them neustes Stück „Apropos Schmerz (Denken Sie an etwas Schönes) hier in der Uraufführung zu sehen. Darin hat Wyss sich mit Gendermedizin und Endometriose auseinandergesetzt. Wir haben uns das Stück angeschaut und mit Leo Lorena Wyss und Karen …
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Demokratiefeindlichkeit und Desinformation im Netz vor der Bundestagswahl 2025 (Serie 1161: Glottal Stop)
In ein paar Tagen wählen wir die Zusammensetzung des Bundestags neu. CeMAS, das Center für Monitoring, Analyse und Strategie, hat daher ein Projekt ins Leben gerufen. Die Expert*innen nehmen Desinformationen und demokratiefeindliche Kampagnen im Internet in den Blick. Wir haben über das Projekt mit Simone Rafael gesprochen. Sie erklärt uns welche D…
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1-Entsiegelungskonzept MA 2-Architektenkammer kritisiert Änderungspläne der Landesbauordnung3-Deutsche Konferenz für Mobilitätsmanagement in LU und MA4-Urteil gegen mutmaßliche antisemitische Attentäter 5-BGH bestätigt Urteil gegen Peter St. wegen Anschlag in SLS6-Breiter Protest gegen Neujahrsempfang der AfD7-Müllsammelaktion im DossenwaldSprecher…
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Fuzzy-Filmtipps: Cinema Quadrat in Mannheim, K1: HENRY FONDA FOR PRESIDENT (AUT/DEU 2024) 31.01./04.02.2025/05.02.2025 // SHAFT (USA 1971) 03.02.2025
HENRY FONDA FOR PRESIDENT (AUT/DEU 2024) Regie Alexander Horwath31.01.2025 19:30 Uhr / 04.02.2025 17:30 Uhr / 05.02.2025 17:30 Uhr Englisch-deutsches Original mit deutschen UntertitelnEin dokumentarischer Essay über die USA – betrachtet durch das Brennglas eines Filmschauspielers. Henry Fonda und seine Rollen verschmelzen zu einer schillernden und …
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Knallrosa wirbt die Tanzbiennale für ihr Programm. Alle 2 Jahre gibt es dieses Festival in Heidelberg. Es kommen Kompanien von Nah und Fern. United in Dance, so lautet der Titel 2025. Und united sind nicht nur regionale, nationale und internationale Kompanien sondern auch junge, sehr junge und ältere Tänzer. United wird auch das Festival organisier…
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Wir gehen an die Grenzen - Neuer Tanzabend zu Picasso und Strawinsky in Mannheim (Serie 1312: fuzzy – Kultur im Delta)
„Poem an Minotaurus“ und „Le Sacre du Printemps“ sind die beiden Tanzstücke, die ab Opal gezeigt werden, der neuen Ersatzspielstätte des Nationaltheaters Mannheim. Die Tanzsparte des Theaters tritt zum ersten Mal dort auf und gleich mit großem Orchester, mit 72 Musiker*innen. “Poem an Minotaurus“ ist ein Stück über Picasso. Das zweite Stück…
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1.Gerichtlicher Erfolg für die Initiative 2.Mai2."Perspektive Rojava" Konferenz in HD3.Klimastreik vor der BTW 4.Wahlkampf der Rechten 5.NGG fordert „Rententopf für alle“6.Stellenabbau bei Bopp & Reuther Valve in MA7.und bei Eberspächer, Herxheim 8.KZ Osthofen: Comic-Ausstellung gegen Antisemitismus, Hass und Rassismus9.Gedenkfahrt für Fahrradaktiv…
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"theater+"ist ein neues Angebot des Stadttheaters Heidelberg, das Menschen mit unterschiedlichen Zugangsvoraussetzungen einen Theaterbesuch ermöglichen soll. Dabei wird jeden Monat mindestens einer regulären Veranstaltung aus dem Spielplan ein Angebot hinzugefügt, das die Zugänglichkeit vereinfacht. Z.B. das Tanzstück „Pollock“ von Ivan Perez. Blin…
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1-Kein Lärmschutz Aktionsplan DUH klagt gegen MA und LU2-Koch und das Teppichmesser3-Neujahrsempfang der AfD 4-Kölner Anti-AfD-Wagen bei Mannheimer Fastnachtsumzug 5-“Einfach wählen gehen!“6-Registrierung für Frauennachttaxi 20257-Radbrücke an der A 58-Mehr Geld für GebäudereinigungskräfteSprecher:Trattaktara…
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Keith talks to AJ Rinkle, founder and organiser of the Bermuda Triangle's very first music festival. With Rajiv Karia, Dom McGovern and Dan Wye.Production, music and sound design by Becky Carewe-Jeffries.Written and created by Cody Dahler.Cody Dahler
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At Bermuda Unicorn, we invite you to dive into the exciting world of NFT. Our dedicated NFT marketplace is designed to connect creators and collectors, offering a secure and user-friendly platform for buying and selling unique digital assets. We believe that NFTs have the power to revolutionize the way art, gaming, and collectibles are experienced,…
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Keith talks to Clarissa Fobb to get to the bottom of why the children who enter her Kidz Club never come out. With Rosalie Minnitt.Produced by Becky Carewe-Jeffries.Theme tune by Becky CJ.Cody Dahler
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Keith discusses all things spherical with Pip Muir, manager and founder of the island's first premier league level football team - Bermuda FC.With Sean Burke.Produced by Becky Carewe-Jeffries.Theme tune by Becky CJ.Cody Dahler
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Episode 9 - Stag Mike
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Keith talks to island renowned party animal Stag Mike to learn more about his latest plans to get everyone rescued. With Mike Shepherd and Kate Denhert.Written and created by Cody Dahler.Produced by Becky Carewe-Jeffries.Theme tune by Becky CJ.Cody Dahler
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Remember the sense of accomplishment when you perfectly mowed your lawn for the first time? Well, join Jason Crain and Skip Wheeler, along with our wives Jennifer and Karla as we take you down memory lane of our childhood mowing experiences and beyond. Our lawns, Bermuda grasses to be precise, are more than just patches of green; they're a testamen…
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Are you ready to turn your Bermuda lawn into the envy of the neighborhood? As the summer heat starts to cool, we're here to reveal how to keep that green glory looking its best. We've got a frosty Brooklyn Lager in hand, so let's dive into the four pillars of post-summer lawn care: mowing, watering, fertilizing, and weeding. We have a lively chat a…
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Hey there green thumbs and craft beer lovers, ready to transform your yard into a lush paradise while sipping on the perfect brew? We promise that our garden talk is just as refreshing as our beer recommendations. This week, we're navigating the world of grass, from the heat-loving Bermuda to the cool-weather loving Fescue and Kentucky Bluegrass, a…
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Are you ready to transform your lawn, but constantly fall prey to common myths and misconceptions? We've got your back! This episode unravels the truth about lawn care, starting with the most common mistakes people make. Discover why mowing short isn't the shortcut to less frequent mowing you thought it was, and why Bermuda grass demands your atten…
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Are you tired of pesky pests ruining your beautiful lawn? Ever found yourself baffled by those perfect stripes on your neighbor's Bermuda grass? Well, we've got a treat for you. This episode of our Bermuda Lawn Dominators podcast promises to arm you with knowledge about lawn care that will make your yard the talk of the neighborhood. We kick things…
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Prepare to turn the ordinary into extraordinary as we delve into the world of advanced lawn care techniques. Ever wondered why your lawn doesn't look as crisp and even as a professional golf course? This week, we're exploring the secrets behind achieving that lush, perfectly manicured look, from the science of sand leveling and aeration to the art …
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Curious about the secrets to maintaining a pristine lawn? Buckle up as we guarantee you an insightful journey that will transform your approach to weed control. We'll reveal two key methods - pre-emergent and post-emergent strategies - and how to effectively apply them to keep weeds at bay. And as we crunch the turf under our boots, we'll indulge i…
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Strap in lawncare warriors, as we unlock the secrets of lawn fertilizers and dive into the great debate of granular versus liquid applications. We're thrilled to have Chris Spangler, a St Augustine and Bermuda grass enthusiast, share his personal battles in the turf wars, specifically his mission to boost St Augustine while keeping Bermuda Grass at…
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Ever wondered how much water your Bermuda lawn actually needs, or how your soil type impacts your watering habits? Join us, Jason and Skip, as we pop open a cool St Arnold's Summer Pills and dive into the art of watering your Bermuda lawn. We reveal how giving your lawn an inch and a half of water a week, broken down into three days, can create an …
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Welcome back to the Bermuda Lawn Dominators Podcast! In this second episode, we dive into the art of mowing and the importance of keeping a calendar of lawn care. Join us as we explore the best practices and techniques for mowing your Bermuda grass to perfection, ensuring a healthy and manicured lawn. Additionally, we'll delve into the significance…
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Welcome to the inaugural episode of the Bermuda Lawn Dominators Podcast! In this exciting kickoff, we tackle the common struggles of feeling intimidated by your lawn and unveil four simple steps to overcome that intimidation. Join us as we dive into the world of lawn care and discover how mowing, watering, fertilizing, and weeding can transform you…
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Welcome to the Bermuda Lawn Dominators Podcast, the ultimate destination for all things Bermuda grass and lawn care. Join us as we embark on a journey to unlock the secrets of achieving a lush and enviable lawn. In this podcast, we'll share expert tips, practical advice, and personal stories to empower you in becoming a true lawn care champion. Fro…
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Pool Resurfacing Plus of Bermuda Dunes is the best choice when it comes to resurfacing or remodeling your pool. We've been resurfacing and remodeling swimming pools in Bermuda Dunes since 2007. In all our years of being in the swimming pool industry we've learned a lot & now we do a lot. The Plus means that we handle everything swimming pool relate…
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Keith launches the Bermuda Triangle's first live on-air gameshow. With Joe Viner, Ed Fry, Cassie Smyth, Sarah Roberts and Sophie Dickson. Music by Craig Carrington-Porter.Cody Dahler
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After surviving two assassination attempts involving a very sharp twig and a cactus, Keith launches a school to improve the islanders' broadcasting techniques. However, Keith's protégé Gled Nini proves particularly troublesome...With Ed Fry and Joseph Viner Music by Craig Carrington-PorterCody Dahler
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Keith gets taken on a tour of Baltimore Clement's state of the art UFO centre. With Sophie Dickson and Eloise Lobenthal.Cody Dahler
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Keith attempts to get to the bottom of what attracts so many islanders to Mindy Sinclair's fitness classes. With Sophie Dickson and Victoria Bull. Music by Craig Carrington-Porter.Cody Dahler
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Keith talks to Anita and Richard Flesh to understand why they've decided to get married every single day, despite losing half their wedding party in an air traffic accident. With Sophie Dickson, Joe Viner and Tiffany Black.Cody Dahler
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Keith talks to professional survivalist Andrew Pigeon in an attempt to improve the chances of survival on the island, and the quality of survival too. With Sophie Dickson and Ed FryCody Dahler
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Following the appearance of crop circles in Tim Foster's plum field, we tackle the burning question: art or vandalism? With Max Davis and Sophie Dickson.Cody Dahler
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We talk to Captain Hercules Twitch, the first person ever stranded in the Bermuda Triangle. With Tom Neenan, Max Davis and Sophie DicksonOriginal music by Craig Carrington-PorterArtwork by @_jayaywhy_Cody Dahler
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So what have you been thinking about lately? Have you been confident or nervous? A bit apprehensive about change or the unknowns? How about that Covid Shot? Join me as we discuss how it is versus how it used to be.
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Merlin Wolf legt in "Irrwege der Kapitalismuskritik" strukturelle Ursachen gesellschaftlich beobachtbarer Phänomene offen, um sich nicht auf den Irrwegen einer Kapitalismuskritik zu verlieren, die bloße Symptome beklagt.Iltis in Bermudas (bermuda.funk - Freies Radio Rhein-Neckar)
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Veronika Kracher über ihr Buch "Incels - Geschichte, Sprache und Ideologie eines Online-Kults" (Serie 1020: ILTIS in Bermudas)
Veronika Kracher hat für ihr Buch "Incels" jahrelang zur „Incel“-Szene recherchiert, einem globalen Online-Kult aus selbsternannten „unfreiwillig Zölibatären“, die in ihrem Frauenhass und misogynen Weltbild vereint sind.Iltis in Bermudas (bermuda.funk - Freies Radio Rhein-Neckar)
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Interview mit Fabian Jellonek (achtsegel) über Coronaleugner*innen (Serie 1020: ILTIS in Bermudas)
Fabian Jellonnek vom Büro Achtsegel beobachtet seit Jahren rechte Auffälligkeiten im Rhein-Main-Gebiet und berichtet, wie organisierte Neonazis versuchen, die Corona-Pandemie für ihre Zwecke zu nutzen.Iltis in Bermudas (bermuda.funk - Freies Radio Rhein-Neckar)
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Está no ar o Bahêa Na Memória, a mais nova produção original De Bermuda e Camiseta!Nesta série vamos recontar jogos marcantes para a torcida tricolor de uma forma bem peculiar.Se você gosta de Futebol, principalmente torcedor do Bahia, está intimado a se emocionar com essa virada espetacular.Brasileirão de 2011, o Bahia comandado por "Papai Joel" s…
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Bom momento! Está estreando hoje o novo programa do De Bermuda e Camiseta. O Fora de Campo vem com a proposta de debater temas que vão além das arquibancadas. É óbvio que, torcendo para um time que se preocupa tanto com o social, não poderíamos ser diferentes. Vamos falar da importância de vários temas para a sociedade usando o futebol como pretext…
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Após um mês de Mano Menezes a frente do Bahia, Cazuza Souza, Breno Albuquerque e Bruno Reis analisam as nuances do trabalho do novo técnico do Esquadrão.Apoie comprando em: acompanhe no Twitter:Twitter oficial: @camisetabermudaCazuza Souza: @CazuzaSouza1Breno Albuquerque: @BrenoAlbuqBruno Reis:…
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E aí, Mano? #31
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Mano Menezes é o novo comandante do tricolor! Fizemos uma análise aprofundada sobre o que esperar do trabalho do nosso novo "Cero" (Piada interna de Baiano). Esquemas táticos? Retranca? Reativo? transição? Com casa cheia, Breno Albuquerque, Bruno Reis, Cazuza Souza e PV Machado debatem as perspectivas do novo comando técnico do Esporte Clube Bahia!…
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Após saída de Roger Machado, Bahia faz jogo eficiente contra o líder do campeonato. Bruno Reis e Cazuza Souza analisam a visita do Bahia ao Sul e debatem um pouco do perfil do novo técnico para o Esporte clube Bahia. Apoio:
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