Reflexões sobre Astrologia, Tarot, Xamanismo, Tantra, Coaching e Espiritualidade Universal.
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Conheça as energias que estarão nos influenciando durante os ciclos mensais!
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Astrologiskolen Herkules
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Nora (astroloog en historica) neemt je mee in de wereld van astrologie, Westerse esoterie, bewustzijn en non-dualiteit.
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Reflexões, dicas e estudos sobre as Artes Divinatórias (Astrologia, Tarô, Oráculos), Mindfulness, autoconhecimento e muito mais... tudo que auxilie na integração mente-Espírito-corpo-emoção-alma 🙏🏽 Para patrocinar este Podcast faça Pix de valor livre para Assim eu posso investir e produzir conteúdo com mais qualidade.
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A weekly podcast on the current astrological weather and how it can be utilized in your every day life, hosted by professional astrologer Matthew Lauten.
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Aprendemos astrología, nos divertimos, entrevistamos gente y analizamos el contexto social y político en base a los planetas.
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Sandy Rueve, an alchemist of astrology and clay, helps her clients align with their life path, current intentions, and purpose with handmade, astrologically timed talismans. Joined by her daughter Alexandra Rueve, together they help you harness the positive energy of the heavens to become one with your path.
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Cosmic Mirror ist ein Podcast über Astrologie, Persönlichkeitsentwicklung und gelebte Spiritualität. Lebensnah und persönlich lädt Jennifer dich jede Woche zu einer neuen Folge über die Astrologie und das Leben ein. Erfahre mehr über die aktuelle Zeitqualität, die Zyklen der Planeten, wie alles miteinander verwoben ist und wie sich das in deinem Leben zeigen könnte.
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Antonia Langsdorfs Podcast für Astrologie, Horoskope und Zeitgeschehen. Hier bekommst du alle Infos über aktuelle Tendenzen und persönliche Horoskope. Antonia erklärt wichtige kosmische Entwicklungen und gibt Prognosen, wie sich die Planetenbewegungen für die Gesellschaft und in deinem persönlichen Horoskop auswirken.
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Interested in astrology and how it really works? Want to know the truth about astrology & your soul’s karmic evolution? Karmic Evolution seeks to inform us all—through astrological insight—how we may better our relationships, ascertain our true values, & find the courage to be who we truly came here to be...after all, isn’t that what life is really all about?
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The wholistic weekly astrological podcast will focus on the aspects (of Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus and Pluto). Luminaries (the Sun, the Moon) and asteroids are making to each other each week. This podcast aims to provide a definitive astrological forecast/ horoscope, of your week ahead and also for Content Creators to get ideas. Plus Factual information about the zodiac signs, houses, and natal aspects, taking a logical and subconscious approach. Calculate your bi ...
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Der ASTROPOD mit Alexander von Schlieffen begeistert seit Anfang 2020 seine Zuhörer mit astrologischen Erklärungen und Einsichten. Im Gespräch mit der Astrologin Ricarda Berlage geht er auf aktuelle Phänomene der Astrologie und deren Bezug zu realen Ereignissen ein. Immer wieder bereichern ausgewählte Gäste den Podcast. Der Podcast richtet sich sowohl an regelmäßige Horoskopleser als auch an astrologische Laien. Habt ihr Fragen oder Anregungen? Schreibt uns gerne an: Der ...
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Internetradio rund um die Archetypische Kosmologie / Astrologie
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Actuele astrologie als beeldentaal voor je ervaringen. Kom tot inzichten en bewustwording over wie je bent en kunt worden.
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Podcast by Cristiane Guerra
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Astrologische Tagesprognose mit Tipps für den Tageslauf. Numerologie und Tarot.
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Enterder un poco mas nuestra vida en base a la Astrologia
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Este podcast fala sobre astrologia tradicional, sem new age e sem McAstrologia. Para quem acha que astrologia é coisa séria.
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Welcome to the Astrological Commission podcast, where we delve into the transformative power of astrology and spirituality. As an Astro Alchemist, I am dedicated to helping the everyday person harness the celestial wisdom and mystical practices to master their lives. Join me as we explore the intricate connections between the cosmos and our inner selves, uncovering the secrets of personal growth, self-realization, and spiritual evolution. Tune in to the Astrological Commission podcast and un ...
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In diesem Podcast geht es rund um die Themen Astrologie, Persönlichkeitsentfaltung und traumasensibles Coaching. Dabei teile ich mit dir persönliche Erfahrungen, Inhalte aus meiner Coachingarbeit sowie immer wieder auch Infos zur Zeitqualität.
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Podcast sobre astrología, con Nadia Cervantes. Twitter e Instagram: @elmitodelondon
continue reading Podcast über Astrologie und den Menschen. Astrologie zeigt uns den Weg, Kreativität lässt uns lebendig sein und das alles führt zu einem Wachstum. Der Mensch ist hier um zur besten Version seiner selbst zu werden. In seinem Tempo und in seiner Zeit.
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Your source for weekly Astrological Influences On Sky Aspects I talk about what you can expect for the week when it comes to Astrology. On this show, you can expect a Weekly Horoscope, New and Full Moon episodes, plus other Astrological topics. So who am I? My Name is Cleopatra Jade; I'm an Astrologer, Relationship Coach, and Writer who happens to be Intuitive. I want to show you how to get results so you can be successful in your personal life, learn to heal yourself so you can tap into you ...
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Programa de radio Guia Astrologica Caracas Venezuela
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Education About Astrology
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An inconstant yet oddly informative podcast on astrology, run by a Gemini.
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¿En qué anda Mercurio?
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Podcast da Gaia Escola de Astrologia comando: Robson Papaleo
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Compartilhando sempre conhecimentos sobre a astrologia, as diversidades e personalidades do ser humano, o Astrologia Descomplicada desmistifica tudo o que habita nos Astros - e como eles te afetam na prática, sempre do ponto de vista da Astrologia Cármica, e de modo coloquial. Oráculos, astros, números, universo quântico, evolução e autoconhecimento são alguns dos assuntos abordados aqui no Podcast. Participe dos episódios, envie mensagens, apoie o canal e saiba mais em ...
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Neste canal poderemos trocar e divulgar muitas informações de Astrologia. Falar de previsões, mapa astrológico, atendimentos, contar causos, responder dúvidas. Ufa é tanta coisa possível!
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Una serie de recomendaciones para aprovechar y comprender al máximo el tránsito de los planetas.
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Welcome to Astrological Metaphysical Radio (AMR), the phenomenon of the 80's and 90's. Replay of topics broadcast on LA radio 93.5 FM, KFOX. Please make a donation at our website www RadioAstrology Com.
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Es mucho mas que un signo solar, te lo cuento.
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Programa de radio Guia Astrologica
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O podcast do Ricardo Hida é um espaço de conversa sobre astrologia, autoconhecimento e espiritualidade. Com programas semanais os ouvintes vão conhecer mais sobre astrologia e previsões astrológicas, sobre espiritualidade e se autoconhecer. Programa apresentado pelo astrólogo Ricardo Hida
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Aprende Astrología es el podcast en el que aprenderás todo lo que querías saber sobre la Astrología y cómo utilizarla en tu vida cotidiana. Si alguna vez has querido aprender Astrología pero te ha parecido demasiado difícil, este es tu podcast. Soy astrólogo profesional y psicólogo clínico y mi propósito es hacer accesible la Astrología a cualquiera que esté interesado en ella y que quiera aplicarla a su vida diaria. En cada episodio hablaré de forma clara y sencilla de un tema relacionado c ...
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Meteor, le podcast astrologique qui part à la découverte d'une personnalité à travers son signe du zodiaque. On parle astro, mais pas trop.
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Sejam bem-vindos ao podcast do Movimento Astrologia Luz e Sombra! Nosso intuito é trazer a Astrologia de verdade para você ser a sua melhor versão. Esse é um canal para quem quer aprender conteúdos astrológicos gratuitos comigo, Cláudia Lisboa, mas também teremos a colaboração de astrólogas que foram (e são) minhas alunas. Tudo isso a partir do método de Luz e Sombra para que você desenvolva o seu autoconhecimento e descubra que nada pode ser determinante na sua vida. É tempo de aproveitar a ...
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Du möchtest wissen, wie dein Partner oder dein Kind wirklich tickt oder wer die nächsten Wahlen gewinnt? Das und viel mehr verrät dir Hauptstadt-Astrologe Alexander Horas in seinem neuen Podcast aus Berlin.
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Not All Who Wander Are Lost - Astrological Insight With Professional Astrologer Jay Cook
Not All Who Wander Are Lost - Astrological Insight With Professional Astrologer Jay Cook
Astrological Wanderings! What’s on the mind of professional astrologer (psychic and medium) Jay Cook along with what all the astrological connections to those thoughts are elucidating! Free flowing insight into the mind of a unique astrologer! Wanderings and Ponderings worth listening to!
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This is astrology as self-care, providing you with different perspectives to help you make connections between the stars and your own patterns, behaviors, and cycles. We’re opening the door to self-care through self-acceptance and understanding...without judgment. Let’s help you find your own divine timing and flow so you know that your higher self and the cosmos are always supporting you.
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"Astriepsiche: l'astrologia psicologica per capire te stesso e gli altri"- blog seguito da 13.000 lettori - il punto di riferimento per l'astrologia psicologica. Un percorso di conoscenza, evoluzione personale, crescita e - perché no- una guida a godersi la vita...
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A podcast for listeners drawn to topics that fall under the umbrella of astrology, and other metaphysical subjects. Essentially, the Astrologic podcast serves as a virtual community space for those who feel called to honor and further explore the earth-sky connection. In addition to discussions about astrology, some episodes will be dedicated to delineating other earthly ancient traditions such as: acupuncture, Cha Dao (the way of Tea), and meditation. While the show definitely has a niche, ...
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Millie Lay - Astrología y Consciencia
La existencia juega a Favor.
El cielo y sus respuestas
Millie Lay
Trabajo como coach, astróloga, periodista e investigadora. Cambio a cada instante. Hago preguntas y encuentro el camino para abrir esa Magia, ese poder infinito que todos tenemos y somos. Vos también! Te acompaño en tu encuentro expansivo! ¿Quién soy? ¿Qué hacemos acá? ¿Hay un propósito? Vos tenés todas las respuestas para llegar a ser lo mejor que podés ser. ¿Quién pone los límites? ¿Qué es el miedo? Y ¿el Amor? Tener una vida feliz es tu decisión y empieza por conocerte Todos los grandes m ...
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Wholistic Daily Astrology- Spiritual-Psychological Forecast Horoscopes, by Imani 2nd of February to 8th of February Time Stamps 00:10 to 04:08 Intro/Moon Void of Course 04:08 to 07:06 Parallels and Contra-Parallels 07:06 to 17:57 Aspects influencing this week 17:57 to 18:00 2nd of January 18:00 to 20:47 3rd of Ja…
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Instagram - de Cristais - de Astrologia - -
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Para atendimentos, cursos e outros canais acesse - de Cristais - de Astrologia - -…
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Moon Void of Course
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✨ Bist du bereit, deiner inneren Bestimmung zu folgen? 🌟Das Wochenhoroskop vom 3. bis 9. Februar
👉 10% Rabatt auf das Saturn-Horoskop (Aktion gültig bis 22. Februar 2025 24 Uhr) Gutscheincode: Saturn10 Bitte auf der Bezahlseite bei Digistore24 unter "Gutscheincode" Saturn10 eingeben, damit der Rabatt abgezogen wird. 👉 Antonias Instagram 🌟 Werde Teil der Antonias Sterne Community…
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Join Sheri for this week’s podcast with important Astro News You Can Use, including the deeper meanings of the recent Aquarius New Moon—accompanied by a Mercury/Pluto conjunction in Aquarius & both luminaries’ trines to Jupiter Rx--& Uranus’s (the modern ruler of Aquarius) station direct in Taurus! Since Uranus is, at heart, about progressive chang…
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'Ach, wat een lastige horoscoop!'. In deze aflevering vertel ik je meer over hoe onzinnig negatieve astrologische duidingen eigenlijk zijn. Ik hoor als astroloog regelmatig dat het fijn is dat ik zo positief ben ingesteld. Dat heeft niet te maken met dat ik zo'n rasoptimist ben. Er schuilt een logische redenering achter. Lees hier alles over Align.…
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Wholistic Daily Astrology- Spiritual-Psychological Forecast Horoscopes, by Imani 1 February 2025 Moon Void of Course Starts at 09:02 Moon enters Pisces at 15:29 Crescent Moon at 22:21 THIS WEEKS MOON PHASES 26 January 2025 Moon enters Sagittarius at 02:56 27 January 2025 28 January 2025 Moon Void of Course Starts…
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Wholistic Daily Astrology- Spiritual-Psychological Forecast Horoscopes, by Imani 1 February 2025 Moon Void of Course Starts at 09:02 Moon enters Pisces at 15:29 Crescent Moon at 22:21 THIS WEEKS MOON PHASES 26 January 2025 Moon enters Sagittarius at 02:56 27 January 2025 28 January 2025 Moon Void of Course Starts…
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Instagram - de Cristais - de Astrologia - -
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Venus zieht sich zurück, und mit ihr schwindet das Korrektiv für Mars. Aphrodite weint, denn sie findet keinen Wiederhall in der Gegenwart und tritt ihr Exil im Zeichen Widder an. Was bedeutet das für uns und die Welt? In dieser Folge spricht Alexander über: 🔹 Venus in den Fischen – die höchste Form der Hingabe und Liebe, frei von Bedingungen. 🔹 Ve…
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Wholistic Daily Astrology- Spiritual-Psychological Forecast Horoscopes, by Imani 30 January 2025 Uranus Stationary Direct at 16:23 Sun Trine transit Jupiter at 22:59 Time Stamps for Uranus Direct in Aries Holistic Astrological and other meanings 05:21 to 18:26 Aspects 18:26 to 27:24 Karmic meanings and lessons 27…
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Instagram - de Cristais - de Astrologia - -
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Feliz Ano Novo chinês com esta lua nova poderosa o signo de Aquário. Nesse episódio eu dou dicas para todos os signos. Quando você quiser agendar o seu mapa astral me chame no WhatsApp 11 9 66906 6266 ou acesse www.Saimagos. Com
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Wholistic Daily Astrology- Spiritual-Psychological Forecast Horoscopes, by Imani 30 January 2025 Moon enters Aquarius at 13:05 THIS WEEKS MOON PHASES 26 January 2025 Moon enters Sagittarius at 02:56 27 January 2025 28 January 2025 Moon Void of Course Starts at 04:53 Moon enters Capricorn at 09:22 29 January 2025 …
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Instagram - de Cristais - de Astrologia - -
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Instagram - de Cristais - de Astrologia - -
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En este episodio volvemos a Aprende Astrología - El Podcast para contarte todo lo que tenes que saber sobre el mediocielo. Que significa en la carta natal. Que cualidades tiene para cada uno de los elementos, cual es su relación con la vocación y mucho mucho más. Queres sumarte a nuestro desafío de 10 días Descubre tu Vocación y aprender más sobre …
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Wholistic Daily Astrology- Spiritual-Psychological Forecast Horoscopes, by Imani 29 January 2025 New Moon at 12:36 Moon Void of Course Starts at 15:09 THIS WEEKS MOON PHASES 26 January 2025 Moon enters Sagittarius at 02:56 27 January 2025 28 January 2025 Moon Void of Course Starts at 04:53 Moon enters Capricorn a…
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Instagram - de Cristais - de Astrologia - -
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29 de janeiro de 2025 às 9h36 Sol e Lua juntos a 9 graus e 51 minutos de Aquário. A casa onde você tem este grau de Aquário será o cenário para novos começos. Trabalhar com a energia de Aquário é lidar com tudo o que tem relação com tecnologia, novas ideias, comunidades, grupos e colaboração. Mercúrio e Plutão, ambos em conjunção em Aquário, revela…
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Astrologische Vorschau für die Woche vom 27.01. bis 02.02.25 In dieser Folge erzähle ich dir: ✨ wie du gut in diese Woche startest ✨Merkur trifft Pluto, was an diesem Treffen besonders ist und ✨Stichworte zu Merkur Pluto ✨ Venus kommt in die Rückläufigkeitszone/Schattenbereich ✨ was das für dich bedeutet und warum du Venus am Himmel sehen solltest …
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— IN THE TRANSITS: — January 27 (Mon) Mercury ingress Aquarius (8:53 pm): Higher Octave *Sandy’s Astro-Interesting Day*January 29 (Wed) Mercury conjunct Pluto: Research It January 29 (Wed) New Moon at 9° Aquarius: Wood Snake Moon January 30 (Thu) Uranus stations Direct: What’s New Pussy Cat January 30 (Thu) Sun trine Jupiter: Signal (Central Time f…
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Wholistic Daily Astrology- Spiritual-Psychological Forecast Horoscopes, by Imani 28 January 2025 Venus enters Pisces at 01:33 Venus Parallel transit Moon's North Node at 22:53 THIS WEEKS MOON PHASES 26 January 2025 Moon enters Sagittarius at 02:56 27 January 2025 28 January 2025 Moon Void of Course Starts at 04:5…
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Instagram - de Cristais - de Astrologia - -
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Wholistic Daily Astrology- Spiritual-Psychological Forecast Horoscopes, by Imani 28 January 2025 Moon Void of Course Starts at 04:53 Moon enters Capricorn at 09:22 THIS WEEKS MOON PHASES 26 January 2025 Moon enters Sagittarius at 02:56 27 January 2025 28 January 2025 Moon Void of Course Starts at 04:53 Moon enter…
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Instagram - de Cristais - de Astrologia - -
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Mercury into Aquarius; new moon in AquariusMatthew Lauten
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Horóscopo da Semana: 26/01/2025 a 01/02/2025 Esta semana será marcada por grandes movimentações astrais, trazendo novidades, insights e mudanças importantes para todos os signos. A Lua Nova em Aquário no grau 9 no dia 29/01 ilumina um novo ciclo de progresso coletivo, inovação e originalidade. O ingresso de Mercúrio em Aquário no dia 27/01 potencia…
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Instagram - de Cristais - de Astrologia - -
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Instagram - de Cristais - de Astrologia - -
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Weekly Astro Forecast 26th of January to 1st of February 2025 : Vedic Astrology Horoscope Reading
Wholistic Daily Astrology- Spiritual-Psychological Forecast Horoscopes, by Imani 26th of January to 2nd of February Time Stamps 00:12 to 04:10 Intro/Moon Void of Course 04:10 to 07:09 Parallels and Contra-Parallels 07:09 to 22:08 Aspects influencing this week 22:08 to 24:07.5 26th of January 24:07.5 to 25:41 27th…
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Wholistic Daily Astrology- Spiritual-Psychological Forecast Horoscopes, by Imani 26 January 2025 Moon enters Sagittarius at 02:56 THIS WEEKS MOON PHASES 26 January 2025 Moon enters Sagittarius at 02:56 27 January 2025 28 January 2025 Moon Void of Course Starts at 04:53 Moon enters Capricorn at 09:22 29 January 20…
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Liebe, Erfolg, Seelenverwandtschaft: Dein Monatshoroskop Februar 2025 verrät alles!
Відтворити пізніше
Відтворити пізніше
👉 10% Rabatt auf das Saturn-Horoskop (Aktion gültig bis 22. Februar 2025 24 Uhr) Gutscheincode: Saturn10 🌟 TIMECODES 00:35 Einleitung 04:17 Widder 09:17 Stier 14:22 Zwillinge 19:38 Krebs 24:42 Löwe 29:51 Jungfrau 35:02 Waage 40:10 Skorpion 45:22 Schütze 50:36 Steinbock 56:04 Wasserma…
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Wholistic Daily Astrology- Spiritual-Psychological Forecast Horoscopes, by Imani 25 January 2025 Balsamic Moon at 21:13 Moon Void of Course Starts at 23:34 THIS WEEKS MOON PHASES 19 January 2025 20 January 2025 Moon Void of Course Starts at 16:23 21 January 2025 Moon enters Libra at 04:34 Last Quarter Moon at 20:…
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Instagram - de Cristais - de Astrologia - -
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👉 10% Rabatt auf das Saturn-Horoskop (Aktion gültig bis 22. Februar 2025 24 Uhr) Gutscheincode: Saturn10 Bitte auf der Bezahlseite bei Digistore24 unter "Gutscheincode" Saturn10 eingeben, damit der Rabatt abgezogen wird. 👉 Antonias Instagram 🌟 Werde Teil der Antonias Sterne Community…
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Wholistic Daily Astrology- Spiritual-Psychological Forecast Horoscopes, by Imani 24 January 2025 Moon leaves the Via Combusta at 22:25 THIS WEEKS MOON PHASES 19 January 2025 20 January 2025 Moon Void of Course Starts at 16:23 21 January 2025 Moon enters Libra at 04:34 Last Quarter Moon at 20:31 22 January 2025 Mo…
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Wholistic Daily Astrology- Spiritual-Psychological Forecast Horoscopes, by Imani 29 January 2025 New Moon at 12:36 Moon Void of Course Starts at 15:09 Time Stamps for New Moon in Capricorn Holistic Astrological and other meanings 01:04 to 16:55 Aspects 16:55 to 25:18 Karmic meanings and lessons 25:18 to 31:21 Sab…
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Quando a Lua está circulando entre o grau 15 de Libra e o 15° de Escorpião tudo fica mais tenso, intenso ou misterioso. Para fazer o seu Mapa Astral acesse ou através do WhatsApp 11 9 6690-6266
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Wholistic Daily Astrology- Spiritual-Psychological Forecast Horoscopes, by Imani 23 January 2025 Moon Void of Course Starts at 15:13 Moon enters Scorpio at 17:03 THIS WEEKS MOON PHASES 19 January 2025 20 January 2025 Moon Void of Course Starts at 16:23 21 January 2025 Moon enters Libra at 04:34 Last Quarter Moon …
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Instagram - de Cristais - de Astrologia - -
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— IN THE TRANSITS: — January 21 (Tue) Sun conjunct Pluto: The Meet Up January 23 (Thu) Mars Rx sextile Uranus Rx: What Do You Think You Could Do? January 23 (Thu) Mercury opposes Mars Rx: Mars Getting the Message? January 23 (Thu) Mercury trine Uranus Rx: Helps to Soothe January 25 (Sat) Venus trine Mars Rx: She’s Now Helping Again January 26 (Sun)…
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Mercury transiting in Capricorn 24th of January to 11th February 2025 Vedic Astrology
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Відтворити пізніше
Wholistic Daily Astrology- Spiritual-Psychological Forecast Horoscopes, by Imani 24 January 2025 Mercury enters Capricorn at 12:11 Time Stamps for Mercury in Capricorn Holistic Astrological and other meanings 06:45 to 24:31 Aspects 24:31 to 35:23 Karmic meanings and lessons 35:23 to 44:41 Effects on Relationships…
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Wholistic Daily Astrology- Spiritual-Psychological Forecast Horoscopes, by Imani 22 January 2025 Moon enters the Via Combusta at 11:00 THIS WEEKS MOON PHASES 19 January 2025 20 January 2025 Moon Void of Course Starts at 16:23 21 January 2025 Moon enters Libra at 04:34 Last Quarter Moon at 20:31 22 January 2025 Mo…
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Instagram - de Cristais - de Astrologia - -
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Estamos com a lua na via combusta, Vazia no curso, Marte retrógrado em oposição a Mercúrio que fica quadrado a Kiron, o sol em conjunção a Plutão… Enfim, o céu está completamente quadrado e aqui embaixo na terra muito mais. Se precisar de ajuda me chama no WhatsApp 011 96690 6266 ou acesse…
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Astrologische Vorschau für die Woche vom 20.01. bis 26.01.25 In dieser Folge erzähle ich dir: ✨ wie meine letzte Woche war uns was ich durch mein Mondtagebuch wahrgenommen habe ✨du möchtest auch den Mondkalender? Hier gehts zum Newsletter ✨Nochmal mehr zu Mars in Krebs dann höre gern diese Folge ✨ Das Treffen von Sonne und Pluto in Wassermann warum…
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Podcast - do YouTube - - de Cristais - de Astrologia - -…
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