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Ammattina rikos


Ammattina rikos -podcast vie kuulijat syvälle rikosten maailmaan ja paljastaa sellaisia kulissien takaisia yksityiskohtia, joita ei ole ennen kerrottu. Iltalehden rikostoimituksen ohjelman ensimmäisellä kaudella äänessä ovat yli 30 vuotta Helsingin rikos- ja huumepoliisissa työskennellyt Kale Puonti sekä yhtä pitkän uran rikostoimittajana tehnyt Risto Kunnas. Työryhmä: Toimitustyö: Kale Puonti ja Risto Kunnas Tuotanto ja editointi: Riikka Nyman (kausi 3) ja Jenni Kivessilta (kaudet 1 ja 2) J ...
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Namaskaram, nenu mee RagaLeena. Telugu Ammai Podcast solely dedicated to audio-stories on issues that matters. Produced by RagaPod, Telugu's Largest Podcasting Network. New Episode on every Sunday, stay tune and its worth listening.
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Health Insights by Ammaya Vox

Simi Prakash Anand

Welcome to the first season of “Health Insights” by Ammaya Vox. As they say “Your Body is your most prized Possession”. We will have interactive sessions with Wellness and Fitness experts who will guide us to achieve our goals to live Healthy life.
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Amma Human

Amma Human

Hey there! Welcome to the Amma Human Podcast. The podcast focuses on human potential, disintegrating the ego, and awakening fully in this lifetime! If you enjoy and learn something please share. And most importantly ENJOY!
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Un te ad Amman

Radio Sant'AngeLo

Podcast condotto da Massimo Ramaioli con protagonista la storia del medio oriente. Sarà un viaggio in 8 puntate, tutte incredibili, volte a scoprire le vicissitudini del mondo arabo musulmano durante gli ultimi 150 anni!
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Tutte le settimane, Giulia e Giorgia si raccontano a vicenda i loro casi preferiti di cronaca nera. In ogni episodio a una storia diversa vengono abbinati temi di attualità come victim blaming, xenofobia, revenge porn e tanto altro. Non vi resta che premere play per scoprirlo.
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I am here to help you live with clarity, happiness, confidence and helping you move forward in your life in your life. My name is Ammar Assad, a father, Husband, Entrepreneur and Head Coach/Mentor for Rob Dial’s (The Mindset Mentor who has the top 100 podcast in the world) Elite Coaching Programs where I have mentored hundreds and hundreds of amazing coaches; I am excited to share the mindset behind being an impactful leader. The goal is to help you live with more passion, confidence, focus ...
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Making It Happen with Henry Ammar is a podcast that will provide real-world insights and evidence-based principles to create an empowered life that you can wake up excited for. The podcast is a mix of the best speeches, interviews, and any important empowering thoughts I will record intentionally to help you create a life you wake up excited for. It's time to fully live life making it happen the way YOU want it to! Henry Ammar is a human behavior specialist, impact entrepreneur, award-winnin ...
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show series
As we draw near the conclusion of the book of Kings, Pastor Sammy takes us on a quick tour of Josiah, the child King who oversaw a great renewal in the people. The question for us is, do we want it? Do we want God's Kingdom come? What might that look like amongst us?Sammy Davies
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In this incredible classic episode of Making It Happen with Henry Ammar, Henry revisits one of the most eye-opening conversations he has had with trauma expert, Dr. Frank Anderson. If you are someone who is still carrying the weight of past wounds, trapped in cycles of self-criticism, never feeling heard, seen or understand by the people closest to…
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We are back in the book of Kings, stopping at some of the 'highlights.' This week, Sammy takes us to chapter 17 of the second book and the sad story of Israel's exile from the land. What hope can we draw from such a sad story of continued rebellion?Sammy Davies
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What if your biggest struggles were actually your greatest gifts? Are you ready to stop playing small and step into the life-changing impact you were born to create? In this episode of Making It Happen with Henry Ammar, I sit down with the truly inspirational Lloyd Roberts who has not only risen from terminal illness, but also risen as a leading bi…
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The more we 'live for Christ' the more we can expect opposition for His sake. But how do we respond? How do we endure? Guest Preacher Clive Bowsher joins us to help share the good news that God still dwells with His people and strengthens us in our sufferings.Ammanford Evangelical Church
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Surely knowing about, or better still knowing personally, Jesus is all that really matters. And once you know him ... there's nothing more? Today Pastor John Perry helps us to consider why we want to know Jesus more and more all our lives.John Perry
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Are you tired of anxiety controlling your life? In this episode of Making It Happen with Henry Ammar, we’re revisiting one of the most powerful, life-changing conversations I’ve ever had – with none other than Dr. Russell Kennedy, aka AnxietyMD. His new book, Anxiety Rx, has just been released, and it’s already a #1 best seller in Anxiety Disorders…
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It's almost an assumed that believers and churches will spend time, energy, and effort in order to make Jesus more known - why tho? We walk. through a number of scriptures to help unpack both the duty and the delight of sharing Jesus with the world.Sammy Davies
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In this special episode of Making It Happen With Henry Ammar, I will be sharing the full, exclusive speech I gave at the Unstoppable Success Summit in Dallas this year. “It’s time.” Those were the first words that hit me as I took the stage, and that’s exactly what this episode is about: it’s time to break free. It’s time to stop letting fear run y…
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In this special, one-of-a-kind solo episode, I’m sharing an exclusive, one-hour segment from my two-hour Fearless Formula Masterclass replay. This is your chance to experience the most powerful parts of my evidence-based blueprint designed to take you from fear to absolute freedom. For years, I’ve studied human behavior and the subconscious mind to…
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As we continue to explore the sort of church we are, we look to 'leadership' and why our leaders *shouldn't* be revered, exalted, or put on a pedestal. Simply, it's because Jesus tells us that the world we're used to has gotten leadership very, very, wrong.John Perry
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In this episode of Making It Happen with Henry Ammar, I sit down with expert Dr. Thomas Hubl, a renowned expert and author on collective trauma healing, to discuss how the unresolved pain passed down through generations impacts every aspect of our lives. From personal relationships to global conflict, the legacy we inherit shapes our world in ways …
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In this powerful episode of the Making It Happen with Henry Ammar podcast, we sit down with the inspiring Anna Akana—actress, comedian, and filmmaker—who shares her journey from tragedy to triumph. Anna opens up about how the loss of her sister became the catalyst for her creative explosion and self-discovery. Not only is this a truly raw, vulnerab…
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What if you get everything you’ve ever wanted, but lose everything you have in front of the whole world? In this classic episode of Making it Happen, Henry interviews Trent Shelton, a former aspiring NFL player who shares his incredible story of failure, faith, and rebuilding your identity after losing it all. Trust me, Trent’s story is a wild ride…
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In this powerful discussion on intimacy, relationships, and how to heal sexual disconnect, Henry Ammar interviews the incredible relationship expert, Dr. Jennifer Finlayson-Fife. Dr. Finlayson-Fife doesn't shy away from the tough truths: many of us are terrified of being truly known, holding back out of shame, fear, and past wounds. But what if you…
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In this episode, Henry Ammar shares a story that flipped his world upside down—featuring none other than from the Black Eyed Peas. This isn’t just about a chance meeting; it’s about a breakthrough so massive it redefined Henry’s entire approach to life and leadership. You’ll hear how he transformed self-doubt into unshakeable confidence a…
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In this episode of Making it Happen with Henry Ammar, my good friend Justin Prince invites me to his home for a super deep conversation. This time … I get a little personal. My conversation with Justin started to open up really pivotal and transformative moments in my life that I don’t usually share. But this time I think it’s important. In this ep…
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Welcome to another powerful episode of "Making It Happen with Henry Amar"! Today, we have the legendary Flavor Flav, a man known worldwide as the hype man for Public Enemy, a Grammy Award winner, and a reality TV star. But beyond his public persona, Flav reveals his profound insights on love, faith, authenticity, and resilience. We discussed: Diffe…
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In this raw, emotionally powerful episode, Henry Ammar interviews millionaire Emily Ford. Raised by a single mom in a small Minnesota town and overcoming deep traumas of domestic abuse, molestation, and rejection, Emily defied every obstacle to become a millionaire by 26. This is her story of rising not just in wealth but in faith, strength, love, …
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In this info-packed solo episode, Henry Ammar dives deep into the invisible fears and inner limits that dictate our lives—sometimes without us knowing. But what if you could actually know what your subconscious fears and identify them? What if you became conscious of them and learned how to transcend them? Everything I’m about to share with you her…
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In this inspiring episode Henry delves deep into the essence of living a full life filled with love, passion, and power. He challenges listeners to reflect on their true desires, confront past limitations, and step into their authentic selves. Through personal anecdotes and motivational insights, Henry emphasizes the importance of dreaming big, mas…
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Join Henry Ammar as he welcomes the legendary Jon Gordon, a 17-time bestselling author, to the "Making It Happen with Henry Ammar" podcast. This powerful episode reveals the transformative truths that will help you overcome fear, anxiety, and disconnection, and guide you towards a life of deep peace, love, and authentic connection. If you're tired …
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Se oli aivan tavallinen tiistaiaamu 16.7.2002, kun Helsingin ydinkeskustaa vavisutti voimakas räjähdys. Räjähdys rikkoi viereisen hotellin ikkunoita aina kolmanteen kerrokseen saakka ja vaati yhden ihmisen hengen. Kuolleen lisäksi räjähdyksessä loukkaantui mies, joka kuljetettiin sairaalaan. Poliisitutkinnan edetessä syntyy epäilys, että silminnäki…
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Taideväärennökset ovat miljardibisnes maailmalla, eivätkä suomalaistaiteilijatkaan ole välttyneet väärentäjiltä. Suomessa taideväärennösten rikoshyöty liikkuu kymmenissä miljoonissa euroissa, eikä kukaan tiedä, minkä verran väärennöksiä roikkuu suomalaisten seinillä. Toisin kuin väärennettyä rahaa, ei väärennettyä taulua oteta omistajaltaan pois ed…
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TV-sarjoissa ja elokuvissa poliisin profiloijat selvittävät uskomattoman tarkasti rikoksen tekijän vain katsomalla rikospaikkaa. Pienten vihjeiden avulla he voivat kertoa, minkälainen ihminen on rikoksen takana ja mistä syyllisen voi löytää. Oli kyseessä sitten Criminal Minds -tv-sarja tai Uhrilampaat-elokuva, ei tarina ole pelkkää hölynpölyä. Mist…
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Suomen Rahapaja painaa kolikoita Vantaalla paitsi Suomeen myös muualle Eurooppaan. Rahapajan maine saa kuitenkin kolauksen, kun suuria määriä vielä julkaisemattomia kolikoita alkaa löytyä rikollisten hallusta. Samaan aikaan Rahapajan tuotantopäällikkönä toimiva perheenisä viettää railakasta elämää: Työpäivän ja lapsen kanssa vietetyn ajan jälkeen a…
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Pirkanmaalaisnainen katoaa mystisesti jäljettömiin ja hänen aikuiset lapsensa huolestuvat, kun äitiin ei saa yhteyttä. Poliisi alkaa tutkia tapausta, mutta tutkinta ei edisty: Raija Juutila on kuin maan nielemä ja hänen kumppaninsa vakuuttaa syyttömyyttään. Kun poliisi toistakymmentä vuotta myöhemmin käynnistää aktiivisen tutkinnan uudelleen, alkav…
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Yksi suomalaisen oikeusjärjestelmän erikoisemmalta tuntuva piirre on tuomioiden kohtuullistaminen. Se tarkoittaa, että useammasta rikoksesta tuomittaessa, voi saada niin sanotusti paljousalennusta: Kaksi murhaa tehnyt ei istu kahta elinkautista, vaan vähemmän. Miksi ihmeessä rikoksia voi tehtailla "Tee kaksi, maksa yhdestä"-periaatteella? Kuka tämä…
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Poliisipartio oli rikollisjengin kerhotilojen ulkopuolella tutkimassa autoa, jossa epäiltiin olevan huumausainetta. Oli myöhäinen ilta ja kerhotilan etsintä suuremman huumelastin löytämiseksi päätettiin jättää aamuun riskien minimoimiseksi. Vasta aamulla poliisille selvisi, että sisällä kerhotiloissa mies oli samaan aikaan murhattu ja brutaalisti p…
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Kun kolmekymppinen nainen saapui Albertinkadun ampumaradalle Helsingissä, hänen nimensä kirjattiin vihkoon muiden kävijöiden tavoin: Sillanpää. Kun hieman myöhemmin samaiselle ampumaradalle lähetettiin poliisipartioita ja ambulansseja hälytyksen vuoksi, ei naisesta ollut enää jälkeäkään. Nyt poliisi etsi kuumeisesti henkilöä, joka oli surmannut kyl…
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If you don’t know the real mental barriers that hold you back from living your best life, how can you overcome them? In this incredible, info-packed solo episode of “Making it Happen with Henry Ammar,” Henry shares a simple 3-step guide to breaking free from the chains of limiting beliefs and stepping into a life filled with confidence, connection,…
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What if your subconscious mind does 95% of the work for you to move forward? 🔥 In this powerful episode of “Making it Happen with Henry Ammar,” the visionary Reese Evans shares her transformative journey from a challenging childhood to becoming a trailblazer in subconscious programming, guiding countless people on their journey to maximize their pu…
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Are you ready to shatter every barrier holding you back and step into a life of limitless potential? In this groundbreaking episode of “Making It Happen with Henry Ammar,” Henry dives deep into the secret that can transform every aspect of your life. Drawing from over 27 years of experience, Henry reveals the root cause of your struggles and the po…
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In this incredibly important episode, Henry Ammar shares insights based on 26+ years of experience into how shame affects us on a nervous system level; and what we are truly capable of when we resolve that shame. From shifting guilt to forgiveness and shame to confident self-acceptance, this will significantly speed up your progress in life, relati…
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