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Aimil Ltd Podcast

Aimil ltd

Aimil has been at the forefront of the Instrumentation industry in India, providing state-of-the-art instruments and services in the fields of Civil Engineering, Electronics, Analytical & Industrial applications and healthcare.
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Τα του EURO! | Aimilios

DIgital Minds

Τα του EURO! με τον Αιμίλιο! Αν είσαι ποδοσφαιρόφιλος και θα περάσεις τον επόμενο μήνα σ' ένα καναπέ, τότε αυτό το Podcast είναι για σένα. Είμαι ο Αιμίλιος και θα λέμε "Τα του EURO" κάθε Τετάρτη και Κυριακή, για όλα όσα συμβαίνουν στη μεγάλη ποδοσφαιρική διοργάνωση του φετινού καλοκαιριού. Μην ξεχάσεις να ακολουθήσεις το podcast, καθώς κάποια στιγμή μπορεί να χρειαστεί να παρέμβεις σε αυτό! #Aimilios #TaTouEURO
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In the world of construction, cement serves as the fundamental binder that holds structures together. Ensuring the quality and performance of cement is crucial for the durability and safety of buildings and infrastructure projects. Laboratory tests play a critical role in this process, providing precise insights into various characteristics and pro…
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This podcast is all about - Understanding the California Bearing Ratio (CBR) Test for Soil Testing The California Bearing Ratio (CBR) test is a crucial method used in civil engineering to evaluate the mechanical strength of soil for various construction projects, particularly for road and bridge construction. It provides valuable insights into the …
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Laboratory Rock Tests: Essential Techniques and Instruments Laboratory rock tests provide detailed insights into these properties, ensuring the safety and effectiveness of construction, mining, and other geotechnical projects. In this podcast, we will explore some of the most common laboratory rock tests and the instruments used to conduct them. 1.…
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Monitoring the stability and health of dams is essential for preventing catastrophic failures. Earthen dams, primarily constructed from compacted soil, require meticulous monitoring due to their susceptibility to erosion, seepage, and internal movement. Key parameters monitored in earthen dams include pore water pressure, seepage rates, and movemen…
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In this episode, we delve into the world of static load testing, focusing on the indispensable tool known as the Static Load Tester (SLT). We uncover the significance of static load testing in assessing the load resistance behavior of deep foundations before construction commences. The Static Load Tester (SLT) emerges as the hero of the story, offe…
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Pavement strain transducers (PAST) are devices embedded in roads to measure strain on the pavement layers. This data helps engineers understand how well the road is performing and predict its lifespan. PAST validate theoretical calculations of stress and strain on pavements, and the data is used to optimize pavement design, evaluate maintenance eff…
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What is GPR? Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) is a geophysical method that uses high-frequency electromagnetic pulses to image the subsurface of the Earth or other solid materials. It's a non-destructive and non-invasive technique used to investigate and visualize the structures and features hidden beneath the ground or within various materials. Read…
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In the rapidly changing field of sample analysis, where efficiency and precision are combined, sieve shakers have become essential instruments. Today, we explore the cutting-edge advancements driving the Sieve Shaker industry into the future as we delve into the core of this technological marvel. Read more:…
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The Rapid Chloride Permeability Test (RCPT) is a crucial assessment method in civil engineering, specifically employed to determine the permeability of concrete and other construction materials. This test provides valuable insights into the durability and quality of concrete structures. Below, the procedure, equipment, results, and applications of …
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Turbomachinery / Rotordynamics: For turbomachinery and rotor dynamics analysis, there are several software solutions available that aid in studying the dynamic behavior of rotating systems such as turbines, compressors, pumps, and motors. These software packages typically incorporate features to analyze the vibration and stability of the rotating c…
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What is an Abrasive Blast Machine?, Working, Techniques, Applications & more An abrasive blast machine, also known as a sandblasting machine, is a specialized piece of equipment used for surface cleaning and preparation tasks. It propels abrasive materials at high velocity to remove rust, paint, scale, or corrosion from surfaces. The machine consis…
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What Is a Data Acquisition System and How Does It Work for Environment & Climate Monitoring? A data acquisition system (DAS) is a device or system that collects data from various sensors, instruments, and other sources, and then stores and analyzes the data for further use. In the context of the environment and climate monitoring, a DAS can collect…
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The present Scenario The Indian auto industry has the potential to emerge as one of the largest in the world. Presently, India is : The largest two-wheeler manufacturer in the world. The largest three-wheeler market in the world. The second-largest two-wheeler market in the world. The fourth-largest commercial vehicle market in the world. The Impac…
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UTM machine is also known as UTM tester, materials testing machine or material testing frame and that’s why manufacturers gave a common name `Universal testing machine’ and this machine used to test the tensile strength and compressive strength of materials. And other mechanical properties like tension, exerting tensile, and compression or transver…
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What is a Thermogravimetric analyzer? Thermogravimetric analysis or TGA is a technique where the mass (or weight) of a material is measured as a function of temperature or time while the sample is subjected to a controlled temperature program in a controlled atmosphere. [Earnest, ASTM STP 997 (1988)]. Thermogravimetric Analysis(TGA) is conducted on…
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What is concrete? Concrete is a versatile composite man-made material, widely used as building /construction material in the world. We can’t imagine any structure without the use of concrete whether it is any kind of building, high-rise structures, dams, bridges, or roads. The use of concrete started way back in the ancient time when people used cl…
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UTM machine is also known as UTM tester, materials testing machine or material testing frame and that’s why manufactures gave a common name `Universal testing machine’ and this machine used to test the tensile strength and compressive strength of materials. And other mechanical properties like tension, exerting tensile, and compression or transvers…
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We will release this campaign on 26th January 2022 (73rd Republic Day) Campaign Name: The Aimilians Storytelling Podcast As you all know, this year we are celebrating the 90th Anniversary of Aimil. We are happy to hear from you. Just Share your Aimil's journey, Share Your Audio Story (Your favourite moments) with us we will podcast your story on ou…
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Η Ιταλία του Mancini και τα βραβεία του φετινού EURO | Τα του EURO #9 Ο χαρακτήρας των Ιταλών που τους οδήγησε στην κορυφή της Ευρώπης, οι επιλογές του Southgate, τα βραβεία στους καλύτερους και το round-up του EURO 2020! #TaTouEURO #Aimilios
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Ένας "δίκαιος" τελικός | Τα του EURO #8 Η Ιταλία που ξεπερνάει όλα τα εμπόδια που βρίσκει μπροστά της, ο τελικός των Άγγλων μετά από 55 χρόνια και το πέναλτι-φάντασμα! #TaTouEURO #Aimilios
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It 's coming home, isn't it? | Τα του EURO #7 Στο σημερινό επεισόδιο σχολιάζουμε τις ομάδες των ημιτελικών που δίκαια έφτασαν ως εδώ, τον τελικό που πρέπει να δούμε και τους Άγλλους που φέρνουν (?) το τρόπαιο σπίτι! #TaTouEURO #Aimilios
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Το τουρνουά που καταρρίπτει κάθε λογική! | Τα του EURO #6 Σε αυτό το επεισόδιο "Τα του EURO" ρίχνουμε μια ματιά στην πιο παράλογη ημέρα EURO που έχει γίνει ποτέ, στα προπονητικά αίσχη του Ντεσάμπ, αλλά και στην τεράστια ευκαιρία της Αγγλίας να φτάσει ως το τέλος #TaTouEURO #Aimilios
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Τα νοκ άουτ είναι μια άλλη ιστορία! | Τα του EURO #5 Σε αυτό το επεισόδιο ρίχνουμε μια ματιά στα 4 πρώτα ματς της φάσης των 16, στην παρολίγο έκπληξη της Αυστρίας και στον αποκλεισμό της Ολλανδίας, αλλά και στους Δανούς οι οποίοι έχουν την ευκαιρία για ένα παραμυθένιο τουρνουά #TaTouEURO #Aimilios
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Οι διασταυρώσεις που διαμορφώνουν την "ιστορία" της διοργάνωσης! | Τα του EURO #4 Στο σημερινό επεισόδιο "Τα του EURO" ρίχνουμε μια ματιά στο τι συνέβη στους 4 πρώτους ομίλους της διοργάνωσης, στη γεύση που μας άφησαν οι ομάδες και στις διασταυρώσεις που προκύπτουν, οι οποίες θα φέρουν μεγάλες προκρίσεις αλλά και μεγάλους αποκλεισμούς. #TaTouEURO #…
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Η τελευταία αγωνιστική-φωτιά και οι διασταυρώσεις που κρίνουν πολλά! | Τα του EURO #3 Σε αυτό το 3ο επεισόδιο στα "Του EURO", σχολιάζουμε το τι συνέβη στη 2η αγωνιστική της φάσης των ομίλων, αλλά και στη φοβερή τελευταία αγωνιστική που αποτελείται από ματς-φωτιά. #TaTouEURO #Aimilios
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Μία πολλά υποσχόμενη αρχή και μία φάση που θα τα άλλαζε όλα! | Τα του EURO #2 Στο 2ο επεισόδιο στα "Του EURO" συζητάμε για την ελπιδοφόρα αρχή της φάσης των ομίλων, αλλά και για τη φάση του Έρικσεν που παραλίγο να αλλάξει το μέλλον του τουρνουά. #TaTouEURO #Aimilios
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Γιατί δεν έχουμε απαιτήσεις από το φετινό EURO? | Τα του EURO #1 Στο 1ο επεισόδιο του EURO Podcast κάνουμε μια μικρή εισαγωγή στο τι να (μην) περιμένουμε από τη φετινή διοργάνωση και σχολιάζουμε τη θριαμβευτική νίκη της Ιταλίας κόντρα στην Τουρκία. #TaTouEURO #Aimilios
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Τα του EURO! με τον Αιμίλιο! Το "Τα του EURO" είναι το κατάλληλο μέρος για όσους αγαπάνε το ποδόσφαιρο και θα περάσουν τον επόμενο μήνα παρακολουθώντας το EURO 2020. Κάθε Τετάρτη και Κυριακή πρωΐ, από 11 Ιουνίου μέχρι 11 Ιουλίου, θα τα λέμε παρέα, με κουβέντα για την επικαιρότητα, τους πρωταγωνιστές, τους νικητές και τους χαμένους του EURO 2020. Έν…
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We will tell you why Instruments is necessary for Infrastructure and Constructions. At Aimil, we have full control over the quality testing of all types of instruments. We have more than 150 overseas partners who also contributing a major role in instrumentation under the infrastructure & construction category. Following are the major sub-industry …
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Episode 2: Role of Instrumentation in the Automobile Industry The Indian Auto Industry today is going from strength to strength. In terms of statistics, it is the: Largest three-wheeler market in the world Second largest two-wheeler market in the world Fourth largest passenger vehicle market in Asia The fourth-largest tractor market in the world, a…
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What is Compression Testing Machine? · One of the most fundamental types of machine for material testing with their properties like tensile strength, elastic limits, and more. · Compression Tests are used to determine material behaviours under compressive pressure loads. · During the test, we measure different properties of materials such as elasti…
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Aimil Introduction Podcast - Listen About Us & Read Below Text. Aimil has been at the forefront of the instrumentation industry in India, providing state-of-the-art Instruments & related services, since 1932, In the fields of Civil Engineering, Electronics, Analytical & Industrial applications and healthcare. Our Mission: To provide optimal Quality…
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