Join the AgileData Podcast where we discuss how data and analytics teams can apply agile, product and patterns to change the way they work.
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Stay curious. Stay agile. Marketing technology, AI, and CX insights from top brands and martech platforms fill every episode, focusing on what leaders need to know to build customer lifetime value and long-term business value. The Agile Brand with Greg Kihlström® features executives and thought leaders from top brands and platforms discussing the trends driving the industry forward, like first-party data strategies, artificial intelligence, consumer data privacy, omnichannel customer experie ...
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Literatura, cine, música, teatro, arquitectura, danza... todas las artes, todos los festivales de la región y todas las noticias culturales. Con Olga Ayuso.
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Unlocking Agile Wisdom: Insights from Decades of Experience. Scott Bain is a 44+ year veteran of systems development.
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Jak pracować zwinnie i jak robić to porządnie
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Meditações diárias sobre fé, esperança, amor e prosperidade para sua vida!
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The North West's number one Agile podcast
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Podcast da Comunidade Ágil
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Deliberate Aging is all about healthy aging and the things that we can do to remain vibrant & active through mid-life and beyond
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Podcast dedykowany tematyce związanej ze zwinnym podejściem do zarządzania i pracy na codzień. Poruszane tematy dotyczą najpopularniejszych metod pracy w Agile, takich jak Scrum czy Kanban, a także szerokopojętemu zarządzaniu, przywództwu i efektywności. Głosy które usłyszysz to Patrycja i Basia z Agile Hunters.
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W "Pogadajmy o Agile" chcemy zadawać pytania na które odpowiedź nie jest prosta ani jednoznaczna, poruszać tematy ważne, drażliwe i zmuszające osoby praktykujące Agile do przemyśleń. Zapraszamy do słuchania. Chcesz się z nami skontaktować? * * Email: * LinkedIn: * Facebook:
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Welcome to the AgilEmpath Podcast, where we explore empathetic, agile methodologies to enhance team building in creative ways. With a foundation in mental health counseling, we bring a deep understanding of human behavior to help you lead more effectively. Are you coaching a team and need support in teaching soft skills? We provide tools to manage conflict and stress, boost productivity, and improve engagement—both at work and home—through emotional intelligence.
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The Music of
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Convertimos proyectos en resultados concretos. Haz clic en el enlace abajo para más info. 👇 Website:
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In the time it takes to receive a Starbucks coffee, Lancer Kind covers how to use Agile software development techniques to consistently release software with zero defects, and how to guide teams and organizations through changes necessary to do Continuous Delivery. 康美国帮助您将软件开发技能或开发人员的管理技巧提升到新的高度,并提供一些有见地见解的建议。
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Aging In Full Bloom with Lisa Stockdale is dedicated exclusively to all forms of wellness as they relate to aging. This podcast will provide helpful insights that empower you, and maybe even entertain you from time to time. Email us anytime at
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Troubleshooting Agile is a problem-solving session for agile teams. Jeffrey Fredrick and Douglas Squirrel look at common problems agile teams face and provide practical, immediately useful advice for getting back on track.
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The Agile Mentors podcast is for agilists of all levels. Whether you’re new to agile and Scrum or have years of experience, listen in to find answers to your questions and new ways to succeed with agile.
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Providing agile insights into human values and behaviors through genuine connections.
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"Aging Forward" brings you expert conversations on healthy aging and geriatric medicine, so you can embrace older age with vitality and joy. Learn about the science of aging and discover strategies for healthy habits, preventive care, caregiving, and living your best life.
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Agitator began as the real-time documentation of street-bred novelists fighting to get it out the mud while cutting up about anime and developing a craft manifesto along the way. Having established an independent multimedia company that is taking off, the show is now where these two mystic juggalo weebs freestyle stories live each episode and bring behind-the-scenes perks to their paid subscribers. Jump in.
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Weekly discussion podcast with surprise topics chosen by our guest, with host Raymond Strife and producer Eric Backlund.
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O primeiro HUB de AGILIDADE aberta no mundo! Agilidade como habilidade pessoal, profissional, empresarial e empreendedora para você resultar melhor e prosperar mais! Seja #ProtagonistaÁgil e tenha o sucesso que merece! Um HUB de conexões poderosas, compartilhamento de conhecimento e negócios! Site YouTube Instagram LinkedIn Twitter https:/ ...
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"Treffen sich ein systemischer Organisationsentwickler und ein SCRUM-Master..." Kein Witz, sondern das Konzept dieses Podcasts. Denn Martin und Florian sind überzeugt, dass die Kombination systemischer und agiler Ansätze die Antwort auf viele Herausforderungen unserer (Arbeits-)Welt sein können. Sie sprechen über systemische Organisationsentwicklung, agile Arbeit und Führung, Change Management und viele andere Themen, die damit zusammenhängen. Immer Blick: Die Anwendung in der Praxis. Die Ga ...
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A podcast on aging, dementia, Alzheimer's and the blessing of caregiving, brought to you by The Veranda Ministries and Mary Anne Oglesby-Sutherly in Gallatin, TN
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Learn how to get your embedded device to market faster AND with higher quality. Join Luca Ingianni and Jeff Gable as they discuss how agile methodologies apply to embedded systems development, with a particular focus on safety-critical industries such as medical devices.
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Dan Vacanti and Prateek Singh drink whisk(e)y and discuss various facets of agile software development. From scotch to bourbon and from metrics to human behaviour, we cover it all.
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We are the Business Agility Podcast Broadcasting from Montreal where we talk all things Agile you won’t hear elsewhere! Join your host, Coach AF last Friday each Month, with or without guests and Dare real agile with Next Level Agility, Above and Beyond. On Air Since 2020. We Dare Because We Care! Agile Lounge® AF J Solutions Inc ©2023
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Welcome to the Agile Matrix Podcast! Explore Agile methodologies, frameworks, and strategies driving innovation in today's business landscape. Join discussions, interviews, and insights from seasoned Agile practitioners. From Scrum to Kanban, Lean, and more, optimize team collaboration and project delivery. Subscribe now for Agile excellence!
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Agile Ideas. Agility in thought. Agility in action. Where amazing things happen. Helping you think outside the box.
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The Women in Agile podcast is a platform to champion new voices in the business world, because we believe everyone is better off when more, diverse ideas are shared.
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The Successful Aging Podcast, hosted by Dr. Bahareh Kardeh, breaks down the science of aging into clear and actionable insights to help you thrive after 60.
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A Podcast where together we discuss proactive aging in the right place, with a choice, connecting to the professional advice of our special guests, while creating better days throughout the aging process. Sponsored by ComForCare In Home Case of West Linn & Portland-South.
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The Agile Wire with Jeff Bubolz and Chad Beier is focused on long-form conversations about the struggles associated with increasing agility of teams, products, and organizations around the world. As change agents, advisors, coaches, and trainers the hosts are focused on helping listeners get agile and stay agile.
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University of California researchers and clinicians keep you in the know about the latest in aging and senior health research.
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Agile and Project Management - DrunkenPM Radio
Dave Prior, Agile Trainer, Consultant and Project Manager
A podcast about Agile and Project Management
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Do you need help with your Agile adoption? Or would you like to share what worked or didn’t as you were doing an adoption in your own company? If so, we invite you to participate in the Agile Coaching Network. The ACN is recorded monthly at our live event. If you want to join that event, please visit Help support the show by becoming an ACN member today!
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In depth conversations on aging issues across the spectrum. Hear about new innovations and approaches and even hear more on topics yet to be uncovered. Aging with Altitude is recorded in the Pikes Peak region with a focus on topics of aging interest across the country. We talk about both the everyday and novel needs and approaches to age with altitude whether you’re in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida or Leadville, Colorado. The Pikes Peak Area Agency on Aging is the producer. Learn more at Pikes Pea ...
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Gain practical knowledge to help you create your own "aging in place" road map plus answers and strategies for care partners trying to navigate a health crisis.
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Podcast by AgileNEXT
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The is the Agile Uprising Podcast. Agile Uprising is a purpose-built network that focuses on the advancement of the agile mindset and global professional networking between leading agilists. We will remain agnostic of certifying bodies and focus purely on the advancement of the agile craft. Our network will evolve over time, and at the core our online community will remain free to join - forever. We will leverage both traditional and emerging communication and collaboration channels to explo ...
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The Gerontological Society of America (GSA) brings together educators, clinicians, administrators, researchers, and students who share their experiences, expertise, and innovations in aging. The GSA On Aging Podcast series covers a wide range of topics related to aging and gerontology. It features interviews with experts and discussions on research papers published in various GSA journals. The series explores various aspects of aging, including dementia, technology, ageism, age-friendly comm ...
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Du möchtest agile Transformationen erfolgreich gestalten und nachhaltig im Unternehmen verankern? Dann bist du hier genau richtig! In der Agile Transformation Toolbox gibt Marc Löffler, erfahrener Agile Coach, Keynote-Speaker und Autor, praktische Tipps, um die Herausforderungen agiler Transformationen zu meistern. Der Podcast beleuchtet die wichtigsten Erfolgsfaktoren: von der richtigen Auftragsklärung über psychologische Sicherheit bis hin zu maßgeschneiderten Ansätzen für Teams und Organi ...
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Dan Suciu și Bogdan Mureșan, practicanți Agile de mai bine de 15 ani și cu o experiență variată în training, consultanță și coaching Agile, dezbat diverse teme legate de agilitate într-o manieră relaxată și informală. Vor avea alături de ei persoane cu experiență în instruire, consultanță, coaching sau transformări Agile. Dan Suciu este lector la Facultatea de Matematică și Informatică a Universității Babeș-Bolyai din Cluj-Napoca și partener la Colors in Projects, companie de training și con ...
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Podcast by AgileThought Marketing
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We're arguing about agile so that you don't have to! We seek to better prepare you to deal with real-life challenges by presenting both sides of the real arguments you will encounter in your professional career. On this podcast, working professionals explore topics and learnings from their experiences and share the stories of Agilists at all stages of their careers. We seek to do so while maintaining an unbiased position from any financial interest.
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Z okazji Dnia Kobiet nie tylko składamy najlepsze życzenia wszystkim Paniom, ale także chcemy włączyć się w dyskusję o równości w świecie Agile i ogólniej IT. Na wstępie odpowiadamy na tytułowe pytanie: Nie, płeć w Agile nie powinna mieć znaczenia. Jednak rzeczywistość pokazuje, że istnieją wyraźne różnice w liczbie osób różnych płci w zespołach or…
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#JornadaÁgil EP1490 Autonomia ou Autossabotagem: Onde Fica a Confiança? DOM 09.03.25 07h31
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1:03:11📢✨ Confiança, Autonomia e o Impacto da Autosabotagem! 🚀💡🌍 🚀 Domingo, 09.03.25, às 07h31 (horário de Brasília), o #EvoluçãoÁgil traz um debate essencial sobre como a confiança e a autonomia impactam a evolução pessoal e profissional e como identificar e superar a autosabotagem! 🎙 Convidados Especiais: 🏆 Andre ÁGIL Sanches 👉 Instagram | LinkedIn 🏆 Le…
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1:09:49Wu Hao's FURY 12 HOURS (2024) + Nikhil Nagesh Bhat's KILL (2023) + character complexity on the bell curve of waterhead to sage + the Bruce Willis School for Forgetting How to Read + two Furbies going back and forth + zoomer cashiers. Check out the cover (by Kurt Huggins) and ad copy for JDO's u…
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1:34:54Joshua 1-24 The land promised to the Israelites in the Bible, specifically in the Book of Joshua, roughly corresponds to a region that spans several modern-day countries in the Middle East. In the Book of Joshua, this "Promised Land" includes the area from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea and extends from Lebanon in the north to the Sinai …
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In this episode, I had the pleasure of being joined by Cathy Drazek. She is a 51 year old busy mother of two who changed her eating habits because she saw how it was effecting her son. Cathy was overweight for most of her life. During covid, she noticed that her 14 year old son was also gaining weight because he was mimicking her eating habits. Thi…
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#JornadaÁgil EP1489 Fale Menos, Venda Mais - Foco, Relevância, Empatia em Vendas SAB 08.03.25 07h31
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1:00:55📢✨ Comunicação e Empatia em Vendas! 🚀🗣️🤝 🚀 Sábado, 08.03.25, às 07h31 (horário de Brasília), o #VendasÁgeis traz um bate-papo fundamental sobre como a comunicação eficaz e a empatia podem transformar a experiência do cliente e potencializar resultados em vendas! 🎙 Convidados Especiais: 🏆 Pedro Cardoso 👉 Instagram | LinkedIn 🏆 Liana Lopes 👉 Instagra…
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📢✨ IKIGAI e Carreira com Propósito! 🚀💡🌍 🚀 Sexta-feira, 07.03.25, às 18h01 (horário de Brasília), o #AgileWomen traz um bate-papo poderoso sobre como encontrar seu propósito e alinhar sua carreira ao IKIGAI! 🎙 Convidadas Especiais: 🏆 Liana Lopes 👉 Instagram | LinkedIn 🏆 Gisele Batista 👉 Instagram | LinkedIn 🔗 Não perca! 🎟 Inscrições, Certificado de …
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Michael J. Corley, Ph.D., explores groundbreaking research on aging, the role of ancient viruses in our DNA, and the impact of the gut microbiome on longevity. Corley discusses how stress, diet, and exercise influence our genetic health, highlighting the complex interplay between environmental factors and our biological systems. The conversation al…
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Ouça e seja abençoado! Nos envie sua mensagem fazendo seu pedido de oração (41) 99615-5162 Siga nossas redes sociais!
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Mary Anne Oglesby-Sutherly's guest, Anna Marie Adams, is an exceptional digital creator and Founder/CEO of the International Doula Life Movement. This episode is an honest conversation between both of these qualified and expert spokespersons for the need for doulas at every stage of seasoned life. This amazing partnership between the Veranda Minist…
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📢✨ Engajamento de Stakeholders em Projetos Ágeis 🚀👥 🚀 Sexta-feira, 07.03.25, às 07h31 (horário de Brasília), o #JornalÁgil traz um bate-papo essencial sobre como envolver e alinhar stakeholders em projetos ágeis, garantindo colaboração e sucesso nas entregas! 🎙 Convidados Especiais: 🏆 Liana Lopes 👉 Especialista em Agilidade Organizacional | Instagr…
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We are here at eTail Palm Springs and seeing and hearing the latest and greatest in e-commerce and retail. Retail media plays a critical role, but are advertisers wasting money without realizing it? Many brands are spending big on retail media ads—but how many of those customers would have bought the product anyway? Today, I’m joined by Ben Dutter,…
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O que esperar da agenda de diversidade e inclusão?Conversa com a Vetusa Pereira que é Gerente de diversidade, equidade e inclusão na The HEINEKEN Company 👉 Para mais conteúdos como este me siga no Instagram: @portomario 🆓 Outros vídeos sobre conhecimento do agora e as habilidades do futuro: 🎧 Acesse o podcast aqui: https://sp…
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📢✨ Advocacia sob Pressão: Sobreviver ou Vencer? ⚖️🚀 🚀 Quinta-feira, 06.03.25, às 19h31 (horário de Brasília), o #AgilidadeJurídica traz uma conversa transformadora sobre como advogados podem prosperar no mercado competitivo e dinâmico do Direito! 🎙 Convidados Especiais: 🏆 José Alves 👉 Advogado e especialista em inovação jurídica | Instagram | Linke…
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80 percent of our health is actually determined by social factors -- including access to healthy food, our lived environment, financial security and social networks. On this episode of Aging Forward, Dr. Amit Shah breaks down how community ties are crucial to our wellbeing, and shares many of the lesser known benefits - from legal resources to tran…
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📢✨ Gestão de Projetos de Inteligência Artificial: Como Alinhar Estratégias e Execução? 🤖🚀 🚀 Quinta-feira, 06.03.25, às 07h31 (horário de Brasília), o #OrganizaçõesÁgeis traz uma discussão imperdível sobre como gerenciar projetos de IA, equilibrando inovação, estratégia e execução! 🎙 Convidados Especiais: 🏆 Nathalia Tatagiba 👉 Líder em Tecnologia e …
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Episódio #147 - Pablo Tavares em Migração de Carreira para Agilidade e Aplicações de Management 3.0
Conversamos com o Pablo Tavares, que migrou da Palhaçaria numa ONG, para o Marketing e depois para a Agile Master. Ele nos contou como foi a transição de carreira dele para a Agilidade e também citou vários exemplos de como está aplicando as técnicas de Management 3.0 que aprendeu no curso de certificação. - Linkedin do Pablo Tavares: https://www.l…
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Give Us Feedback In episode 98 of the ACN podcast, we delve into the broken culture within our team and company and explore ways to address it. We also discuss how to safeguard ourselves while coaching teams that are experiencing this dysfunction. Join Shawna Cullinan, Jörg Pietruszka, Diana Larsen, Sheila Eckert, Sheila McGrath, April Mills, Hendr…
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In dieser Episode werden die fünf häufigsten Irrtümer bei agilen Transformationen diskutiert. Ich erkläre, dass Agilität nicht nur durch die Einführung von Frameworks wie Scrum erreicht wird, sondern dass Planung, die Rolle von Führungskräften, ein agiles Mindset und die kontinuierliche Verbesserung ebenfalls entscheidend sind. Die Episode bietet w…
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Thomas Perry’s THE LITTLE BOOK OF IMPEDIMENTS: Tom’s bio: Tom on LinkedIn: Mentioned in this episode: David Marquet: Books by David Marquet: https:/…
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#AgilidadeSaúde EP38 Ambiente de Trabalho Seguro e Saúde Mental NR1 QUA 05.03.25 20h41
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1:00:41📢✨ Saúde Mental no Trabalho: NR1, Riscos Ocupacionais e o Impacto na Produtividade! 🏥⚡ 🚀 Quarta-feira, 05.03.25, às 20h41 (horário de Brasília), o #AgilidadeSaúde traz um bate-papo essencial sobre normas regulamentadoras, saúde mental no ambiente de trabalho e estratégias para minimizar riscos ocupacionais! 🎙 Convidados Especiais: 🏆 Anderson Rauber…
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Franquicias Inteligentes – ¿Quieres invertir en una franquicia y no sabes por dónde empezar? Aquí encontrarás estrategias prácticas, historias reales y consejos clave para tomar decisiones informadas. Exploramos qué hace que una franquicia tenga éxito o falle, cómo elegir la ubicación ideal, manejar costos y maximizar ganancias. Ya sea que estés ev…
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We're exploring the growing anti-Agile sentiment among developers as the agile-industrial complex has stitched together a grotesque imitation of what was once a vibrant movement. Like Frankenstein's creation, what began with noble intentions has transformed into something both villagers and developers flee from in horror! Before lighting our torche…
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Ouça e seja abençoado! Nos envie sua mensagem fazendo seu pedido de oração (41) 99615-5162 Siga nossas redes sociais!
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I am joined by Amanda Barusch, a retired professor of social work and gerontology, who brings a wealth of personal and professional experience to our discussion. Amanda recently authored the compelling book, "Aging Angry, Making Peace with Rage." Fear of anger can ultimately be as destructive as expressed rage, fomenting social isolation, injustice…
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#JornadaÁgil EP1486 Respeito à Individualidade e Prosperidade QUA 05.03.25 07h31
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1:01:09📢✨ Respeito à Individualidade e Prosperidade Profissional: Como a Infância Impacta o Sucesso? 🌱🚀 🤔 Será que o respeito à individualidade na infância e na juventude molda profissionais mais felizes e bem-sucedidos? 📅 Quarta-feira, 05.03.25, às 07h31 (horário de Brasília), o #RHÁgil traz um bate-papo inspirador sobre como educação, respeito à diversi…
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John Taylor returns to the podcast to discuss his new book "The Embedded Project Cookbook", co-authored with Wayne Taylor. The book serves as a practical guide for embedded systems development, providing recipes and techniques that John has refined over his 30+ year career. Unlike his previous book "Patterns in the Machine" which focused on softwar…
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What’s next for Agile coaching? Brian Milner and Andreas Schliep dive into the shifting landscape of Agile coaching, the differences between Scrum Masters and Agile Coaches, and how to carve out a sustainable career in a changing industry. Overview In this episode of the Agile Mentors Podcast, Brian Milner and Andreas Schliep explore the evolving r…
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Welcome to the Everyday Agile Podcast.Harry Bailey is this week's guest. With over two decades of experience as a strategist, agency owner, Agile coach, and software developer, Harry has worked at the intersection of technology, business, and creative problem-solving, from building solutions in the trenches of software development to scaling digita…
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W kolejnym odcinku ABS gościmy Marcina Grochowinę, szerzej znanego w środowisku zwinnym jako Aks. Nasz gość to doświadczony konsultant Agile, praktyk, jak sam o sobie mówi, pomaga zespołom znajdować sens w ich działaniach. Patrycja postanowiła zapytać Aksa o jego zdanie o tym, czy Agile faktycznie umiera. 0:00 Intro 1:40 Śmierć Agile 8:30 Nadmierne…
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We are here at eTail Palm Springs and seeing and hearing the latest and greatest in e-commerce and retail. Starting an online store is easier than it used to be, but aren’t there still a ton of things you need to know, plus all the coding and API integrations you need to do? Today we’re going to talk about AI in e-commerce and how low-code and no-c…
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Written and Performed by Michael Ketchum.Michael Ketchum
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Written and Performed by Michael Ketchum.Michael Ketchum
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Written and Performed by Michael Ketchum.Michael Ketchum
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Written and performed by Michael Ketchum.Michael Ketchum
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What does it mean to be a co-conspirator? On the run up to CitCon Auckland 2025, join Squirrel and Jeffrey as they reflect on the event they first met, its history and how ‘co-conspirators’ have been pivotal in their careers and client work.Links:- CITCON ANZ 2025: Chris Matts Communities of Practise: https://thei…
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Never Say Never, written by Michael Ketchum. All instruments and vocals by Michael Ketchum.Michael Ketchum
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165 "2025 Oscars Live Watchalong”
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4:25:27Start the Oscars when this episode gets to 46:34 to watch with us. Well, this is a weird one. The punks decided to have a little Oscars party and invited to folks at home to watch a long on the Sketchisms YouTube. How much did we drink? How wrong were our predictions? How high did Eric get? If you missed the Oscars and are the type to go stream ‘em…
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#JornadaÁgil EP1485 Agilidade dá Samba no Pé? TER 04.03.25 07h31
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1:08:02📢🔥 Carnaval Ágil: Como o Go Horse se encontra com o Samba? 🎭🐎🎶 🤔 Agilidade e improviso combinam? Como o #GoHorse se conecta com a criatividade do Carnaval? 📅 Terça-feira, 04.03.25, às 07h31 (horário de Brasília), o #PráticasÁgeis traz um papo leve, descontraído e cheio de insights sobre adaptação, ritmo, agilidade e folia: 🎙️ Julio Bachion 👉 Agilis…
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A Julio Cortázar le gustaba el jazz. Cortázar en juego es un espectáculo creado a partir de los textos del autor argentino, un viaje teatral a través de sus mundos con la fuerza expresiva de sus palabras, el atractivo de las historias, el enigma de sus personajes. Eso nos cuentan de este Cortázar en juego dirigido por Natalia Menéndez que recala …
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Ignacio Prego viene a la Semana del Clave de Badajoz. A las ocho de la tarde este miércoles 5 de marzo ofrecerá un concierto con las suites francesas de Johann Sebastian Bach, en el Salón Noble de la Diputación pacense y luego, a las doce del día siguiente, hablará sobre ellas en el salón de actos del Conservatorio Superior de Badajoz. Charlamos co…
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Join Shane Gibson as he chats with Remco Broekmans about the pattern templates that are part of the Ensemble Logical Modeling (ELM) patterns. You can find more about ELM and its templates over at: You can get in touch with Remco via LinkedIn or get in touch via If you want to read the tr…
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Episode Summary: Some of you listening to this episode will save a life. And it might be yours. Heart attacks are a leading cause of death worldwide, but understanding the signs and taking quick action can save lives—including your own. In this episode, we explore what happens during a heart attack, the warning signs that are often overlooked (espe…
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This week I will cover part three of four in the Agile Manifesto, as preparation for my final entry in this series that will suggest how to address these implications in your organization.Scott L. Bain
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Soliloquio de grillos vuelve a la escena con una lectura teatralizada el 6 de marzo en el Centro Cultural La Antigua. Charlamos con Ana Trinidad.
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