Hey, we’re a church in Hillsboro, Oregon. No matter where you’re at in life, you’re welcome here. Please visit us online to learn more: 26westchurch.org.
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As Paul winds down his letter and wraps up some loose ends, a brief comment about a collection on the first day of every week alludes to three significant elements of the Christian Faith: unity, gathering, and giving. Taught by Ryan Doucet26 West Church
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Scripture teaches us what awaits: heaven (for those who die before Jesus returns), followed by resurrected bodies, new heavens, and new earth for all who follow Jesus. Taught by Jose Zayas26 West Church
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Jesus died and rose again. This is the heart of the Good News. But how does the resurrection impact life today as we follow Jesus? Taught by Jose Zayas26 West Church
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In an effort to correct the false thinking of the Corinthians, Paul reminds them of the Gospel by which they were saved. What is the Gospel and how does it have an ongoing effect in our lives? Taught by Ryan Doucet26 West Church
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Men and women are equally given the Holy Spirit and can be used by God to build people up. But what about teaching in the church? What can we learn from the instructions given in 1 Timothy 2-3?26 West Church
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Men and women are equally empowered by the Holy Spirit to encourage and build up the church. So, what does Paul mean by “women should be silent?” And how do we understand and apply challenging passages of Scripture today? Taught by Jose Zayas26 West Church
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Tongues and prophecy can seem so confusing. What is prophecy? And why does it matter? Taught by Jose Zayas26 West Church
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Prayer is our invitation to relationship. The Bible guides us into how we ought to pray in private and when we are together. Taught by Jose Zayas26 West Church
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How do we receive from God? Words. Words shape our world. Look at seven things we know about God and words. Taught by Jose Zayas26 West Church
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1 Thessalonians 5v16-24 There are five practical things we can do to foster growth in following Jesus. Taught by Jose Zayas26 West Church
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Christmas Eve 2024 John 3v16 Taught by Jose Zayas26 West Church
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Matt 2: 13-23 Jesus is the light of the world. While He doesn’t always take us out of the situation, Jesus can bring light…real love, joy, peace and more into our experience that gives hope that we are not alone. Taught by Jose Zayas26 West Church
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Matthew 2v1-12 The Magi recognize God lighting up the sky and put forth great effort to come and worship the newborn King, trusting God’s direction throughout their experience. Taught By Ryan Doucet26 West Church
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Matthew 1v17-25 The Advent of Jesus means that God still speaks to His people. Taught By Jose Zayas26 West Church
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Matthew 1v1-17 Why does Matthew begin the birth of Jesus with a genealogy? Taught by Jose Zayas26 West Church
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Faith, hope, and love. Why is love the greatest? Taught by Jose Zayas26 West Church
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More than a feeling, love is an active commitment to the good of others. Taught by Jose Zayas26 West Church
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The Holy Spirit manifests His presence in a variety of ways. Which means we need to honor and appreciate the many ways God builds us up through others. The many gifts are all part of One body. We all belong to Jesus together. Taught by Jose Zayas26 West Church
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As Paul turns his attention toward Spiritual Gifts, a key focus for the next few chapters, he guides the Corinthians (and us) to examine our hearts. What will be the motivation of seeing the Holy Spirit work in and through us? How will that shape our understanding of the Gifts of the Spirit? Taught by Ryan Doucet…
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Communion is one of the most ancient and central symbols of the church. But what does it really mean? The Corinthians were getting drunk off the communion wine and turning the Lord’s Supper into a party. Are we making the opposite mistake today? Taught by Jose Zayas26 West Church
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Paul gets into the relationship between men and women in the church and the home. It was an edgy, divisive issue in Paul’s day, and it still is today. What does the Bible teach about gender roles? How does that shape life in the church today? Taught by Jose Zayas26 West Church
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Paul returns to the idea of meat sacrificed to idols in the temples and clarifies the idols represent real “gods” or demons. He warns the Corinthians not to get involved in the dark parts of Corinth’s culture. And where they are unsure, they are to always live for the good of others and the glory of God. That is a great rule to live by today in the…
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Paul unpacks the purpose of the Old Testament stories in the life of followers of Jesus. The stories serve as examples to help us avoid sin. But when sin comes after us, God is faithful, and always shows us the way out of temptation. Taught by Jose Zayas26 West Church
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Matthew 14v22-34 Guest teacher: Pastor Peter Kasirivu26 West Church
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Acts 15v36-16v15 God often brings new people into our lives for the new thing He wants to do. Taught by Jose Zayas26 West Church
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Mark 6v30-44 How did Jesus prepare His disciples to take new ground after his death and resurrection? Taught by Jose Zayas26 West Church
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John 21v1-17 Jesus invites Peter to serve in greater ways after His resurrection. But it doesn’t start with more activity. It begins with a rekindled love. Taught by Jose Zayas26 West Church
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Luke 19v11-27 This final parable of Jesus is meant to prepare us, challenge us, and reorient us to the truth that we often overlook—the King is coming, will we be found faithful? Taught by Stephen Collins26 West Church
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Luke 18v9-14 What is the primary prerequisite for admission to the kingdom of God? Is it being smart enough, moral enough, religious enough—or is it something else? Taught by Stephen Collins26 West Church
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Luke 18v1-8 God longs to lovingly lead and guide our lives. Prayer is one of the ways we stay close to God and resist the temptation to give up. Taught by Jose Zayas26 West Church
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Luke 16v19-31 What are we doing with God’s time and money? While we can’t do everything for everyone, we must do something for someone. Taught by Jose Zayas26 West Church
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Luke 16v1-13 You cannot serve both God and Money. But you can serve God and learn to use money well. Taught by Jose Zayas26 West Church
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Luke 15v1-10 Jesus shows us the heart of the pursuing God—the question is do we want to be found, do we realize how valuable we are to our God, and will we join His celebration and mission? Taught by Stephen Collins26 West Church
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Luke 14v1-24 Jesus uses a dinner invitation as an opportunity to teach about humility and the way we view others. The Kingdom of God is like a great banquet that all are invited to. Will we be there? And who are we bringing with us? Taught by Ryan Doucet26 West Church
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Luke 13v1-9 The parable of the Barren Fig Tree evokes a sense of urgency and presses the listener to repent, but what does true repentance look like? And how exactly does repentance lead to “bearing fruit?" Taught by Ryan Doucet26 West Church
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Luke 12v13-21 Greed is fueled by a small view of God. Greed is fought by generosity towards others. Taught by Jose Zayas26 West Church
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Luke 11v1-13 The disciples ask Jesus for a lesson on prayer, but what they really need is a deeper understanding of Who they’re praying to. Our image of God will radically shape how we pray to God, so the question is, do you know who you're talking to? Taught by Stephen Collins26 West Church
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Luke 10v25-37 There is a world of difference between knowing the "right answers" about what the Bible says vs. doing what the Bible says. This most famous parable calls us to move beyond theoretical knowledge of Scripture to active, sacrificial love, exemplified by the Good Samaritan--the question is will we answer the call? Taught by Stephen Colli…
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On this Father's Day we kick off a new summer series looking at a story about two lost brothers, a gracious father, and a simple question--will you come home? Luke 15v11-32 Taught by Stephen Collins26 West Church
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Paul describes the life of a missionary as a race. We are all missionaries. We are all called to run with passion and purpose. What does it look like to live on mission today? Taught by Jose Zayas26 West Church
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Just because you have the right to something doesn’t mean you should exercise it. The way of Jesus includes choosing love over rights. Taught By Jose Zayas26 West Church
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When we say the word “God” what do we mean? In this teaching we explore a biblical theology of “God” and what that means as we share the Good News in our diverse and eclectic city. Taught by Jose Zayas26 West Church
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Pastor Jacob Bloemberg leads Hanoi International Fellowship in Vietnam.26 West Church
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We live in a world filled with endless distractions. What does it look like to live with an undivided devotion to the Lord? Taught by Jose Zayas26 West Church
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Paul answers life questions and concludes that Jesus is more important that any life status or circumstance. Taught by Steve Marshman26 West Church
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Starting in chapter 7, Paul turns to answering honest questions the church had about following Jesus in their different stages of life. We find practical wisdom for the married, single, divorced, and widowed. We can live faithful to Jesus where we are. Taught By Jose Zayas26 West Church
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In 1 Cor. 6v12-20, Paul talks about the importance of our physical body. We are the embodiment of Jesus to the world and what we do with our bodies affects this. Ultimately, our bodies are part of the Gospel, bought with a price and promised to be raised again. Taught by Ryan Doucet26 West Church
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Paul gives both a strong warning and a beautiful promise. Entering into the kingdom of God isn’t automatic. But all who repent and believe are “washed, sanctified, and justified.” Taught by Jose Zayas26 West Church
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We’re looking at another area where the church has lost its way and forgotten who it is—in this lawsuit between believers. Identity leads to activity, behavior follows belief. In today’s text we find 3 areas where Paul reminds the church of our identity, so we can live in alignment with it today. Taught by Stephen Collins…
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John 20v24-31 Jesus still bears the scars of His suffering, even after His resurrection. What does that tell us about God? Taught by Jose Zayas26 West Church
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