Studies through the book of 1 Samuel
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The latest podcast feed searching 'A Study of 1 Samuel' on SermonAudio.
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Continuing through the Old Testament, we now turn to the book of 1 Samuel with a look at the beginnings of the Kingdom of Israel and the rise of David.
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1 Samuel ushers in the monarchy as Samuel appoints Israel’s first king. Samuel was a prophet and judge over Israel. This book vividly brings forth the Sovereignty of Yahweh over all nations. This book focuses on the Davidic Covenant which points to Christ the true King of Israel.
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Life-Study of the Bible with Witness Lee is a 30-minute radio broadcast composed of excerpts from Witness Lee's spoken ministry that focuses on the enjoyment of the divine life as revealed in the Scriptures. The ministry portions are followed by a discussion of the portion presented, including questions and answers.
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This is program 26 of the Life-Study of 2 Samuel with Witness Lee.Living Stream Ministry
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God's Building Himself in Christ into Our Being through the Metabolic Process of Transformation
This is program 25 of the Life-Study of 2 Samuel with Witness Lee.Living Stream Ministry
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This is program 24 of the Life-Study of 2 Samuel with Witness Lee.Living Stream Ministry
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This is program 23 of the Life-Study of 2 Samuel with Witness Lee.Living Stream Ministry
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This is program 22 of the Life-Study of 2 Samuel with Witness Lee.Living Stream Ministry
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This is program 21 of the Life-Study of 2 Samuel with Witness Lee.Living Stream Ministry
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This is program 20 of the Life-Study of 1 Samuel with Witness Lee.Living Stream Ministry
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This is program 19 of the Life-Study of 1 Samuel with Witness Lee.Living Stream Ministry
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This is program 18 of the Life-Study of 1 Samuel with Witness Lee.Living Stream Ministry
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This is program 17 of the Life-Study of 1 Samuel with Witness Lee.Living Stream Ministry
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This is program 16 of the Life-Study of 1 Samuel with Witness Lee.Living Stream Ministry
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This is program 15 of the Life-Study of 1 Samuel with Witness Lee.Living Stream Ministry
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This is program 14 of the Life-Study of 1 Samuel with Witness Lee.Living Stream Ministry
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This is program 13 of the Life-Study of 1 Samuel with Witness Lee.Living Stream Ministry
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This is program 12 of the Life-Study of 1 Samuel with Witness Lee.Living Stream Ministry
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This is program 11 of the Life-Study of 1 Samuel with Witness Lee.Living Stream Ministry
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This is program 10 of the Life-Study of 1 Samuel with Witness Lee.Living Stream Ministry
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This is program 9 of the Life-Study of 1 Samuel with Witness Lee.Living Stream Ministry
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This is program 8 of the Life-Study of 1 Samuel with Witness Lee.Living Stream Ministry
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This is program 7 of the Life-Study of 1 Samuel with Witness Lee.Living Stream Ministry
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This is program 6 of the Life-Study of 1 Samuel with Witness Lee.Living Stream Ministry
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This is program 5 of the Life-Study of 1 Samuel with Witness Lee.Living Stream Ministry
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This is program 4 of the Life-Study of 1 Samuel with Witness Lee.Living Stream Ministry
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This is program 2 of the Life-Study of 1 Samuel with Witness Lee.Living Stream Ministry
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Hannah gives Yahweh praise and adoration for His glorious answer to her petition for a son. An overview of 1 Samuel 2. ★ Support this podcast ★Jess Whetsel
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Hannah's barrenness and answered prayer from Yahweh to have a son. An overview of 1 Samuel 1. ★ Support this podcast ★Jess Whetsel
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An overview of Saul’s continuous failures to obey God. Jonathan and his armor-bearer carry out an attack on the Philistine Garrison in Michmash. An exposition of 1 Samuel 14:1-15. ★ Support this podcast ★Jess Whetsel
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As we fight in the spiritual realm on a daily basis, we often times have difficulty seeing through the "fog of war," and we make bad decisions in everyday life. When we walk righteously with God, doing the right thing may be hard, but it ALWAYS pays great dividends.Pastor Dale Quimby
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The Philistines positioned themselves for battle against Israel. Many of Saul's soldiers have deserted, leaving him with minimal force. An exposition of 1 Samuel 13:13-23. ★ Support this podcast ★Jess Whetsel
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Johnathan conquers the Philistine garrison in Geba. The Israelites are outnumbered and Saul violates God’s Law by offering a burnt offering in Samuel’s absence. An exposition of 1 Samuel 13:1-12. ★ Support this podcast ★Jess Whetsel
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Samuel gives the Israelites encouragement not to fear following their repentance. He then exhorts the people to continue to serve God in obedience and concludes his exhortation with a clear admonition of the consequences of disobedience. An exposition of 1 Samuel 12:19-25. ★ Support this podcast ★Jess Whetsel
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Samuel admonished the Israelites for their turning away from their true King and demanding a human king to lead and protect them. An exposition of 1 Samuel 12:12-18. ★ Support this podcast ★Jess Whetsel
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Samuel defends his role as Judge and Prophet over Israel and rebukes the Israelites. An exposition of 1 Samuel 12: 1-11. ★ Support this podcast ★Jess Whetsel
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The Ammonites led by King Nahash besieged Jabesh-gilead & sought to threaten the people and demanded that they mutilate themselves to bring shame upon Israel. The Spirit of God came upon King Saul to bring all of Israel together to defeat their enemies. An exposition of 1 Samuel 11:1-15. ★ Support this podcast ★…
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Pastor James talks about a special mother and her son.Pastor James Kaddis
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Israel had rejected their true “King” and demanded an earthly king to rule over them. An exposition of 1 Samuel 10:17-27. ★ Support this podcast ★Jess Whetsel
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During a public ceremony at Mizpah, Samuel anoints a reluctant Saul as Israel’s first king. An exposition of 1 Samuel 10:1-16. ★ Support this podcast ★Jess Whetsel
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Samuel received a special Revelation from God to anoint a king over Israel. God in His providence, reveals to Samuel that Saul is His chosen the person to become the first King of Israel. An exposition of 1 Samuel 9:1-27. ★ Support this podcast ★Jess Whetsel
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Samuel responds to the elders and gives the warnings that God had instructed Samuel to give the people of Israel regarding the "procedure of the king who will reign over them. An exposition of 1 Samuel 8:10-22. ★ Support this podcast ★Jess Whetsel
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The sons of Samuel have become corrupt and the Israelites demand a king like all other nations. An exposition of 1 Samuel 8:1-9. ★ Support this podcast ★Jess Whetsel
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The text covers Samuel's leadership as Judge over Israel, begins with God's answer to the Sacrificial Offering and prayer for victory over the Philistines and the reestablishing of Israel's borders and Samuel's leadership role as Judge over Israel. An exposition of 1 Samuel 7:8-17. ★ Support this podcast ★…
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The text brings Samuel back on the scene, he brings the Israelites together and calls upon them to repent and turn to back to Jehovah their God and He will deliver them. An exposition of 1 Samuel 7:3-10. ★ Support this podcast ★Jess Whetsel
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The men of Beth-shemis had violated The Ceremonial Laws regarding the oversight and protection of the Ark of the Covenant and God struck the people a great slaughter. An exposition of 1 Samuel 6:15-7:2. ★ Support this podcast ★Jess Whetsel
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The Philistines captured the Ark, and because they had taken the ark of the covenant, God had punished them with disease and affliction, each of the 5 cities that had the Ark. They return the ark to Israel out of fear of further consequences because of their sin. An exposition of 1 Samuel 6:1-14. ★ Support this podcast ★…
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The text shows the consequences of the Philistines' capture of the Ark of the Covenant. and the destroying of their Idol. They were all stuck with tumors and they decided to move the Ark from Ashdod to Gath. An exposition of 1 Samuel 5:1-12. ★ Support this podcast ★Jess Whetsel
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Israel has been defeated in battle against the Philistines and the Ark of the Covenant has been taken. Eli dies and his daughter-in-law has a son who is named Ichabod. An exposition of 1 Samuel 4:12-22. ★ Support this podcast ★Jess Whetsel
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Israel was in a sinful state and didn't repent and seek Jehovah's guidance before going into battle against the Philistines and suffered a great loss.? ★ Support this podcast ★Jess Whetsel
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This text brings the transition from the end of the ministry of the High Priest Eli, to the Lord's calling of Samuel as the Prophet and Judge over Israel. ★ Support this podcast ★Jess Whetsel
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