This podcast is a raw, straight-forward look at Christianity today. Discover the ”keys” to kingdom living and how to obtain the most powerful key available...the Key of David.
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Each week on the Key of David Gerald Flurry discusses world news in the clear light of Bible prophecy.
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Each week on the Key of David Gerald Flurry discusses world news in the clear light of Bible prophecy.
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Presenter Gerald Flurry discusses world events in the light of end-time Bible prophecy. This is the audio format for his Key of David television program. The Key of David emulates the tradition and format, as well as the depth, of the late Herbert W. Armstrong’s telecast, The World Tomorrow, one of the most popular religious programs of its time. You can watch videos of all The Key of David programs on its website or at The Key of David’s YouTube channel.
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Key of David-Episode 13-Your Storehouse of Faith-The Impartation of Power
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In this episode, we continue the series regarding Your Storehouse of Faith with another deep teaching. In order to obtain the storable faith; there must be an ear to hear His voice. Both the "Logos" and the "Rhema" word of God are needed for the impartation of God's power in our lives. (There was some technical issues and a long pause in this recor…
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The chaotic, violent world around you can be explained by two special symbolic trees. Understand the two trees, and you will understand everything about your purpose, mind, and life. Learn how to make the right choice between these two trees—how to choose the tree of life.Gerald Flurry
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The Key of David vision unlocks the entire Bible for those who really want to understand. Discover the inspiring truth about the Key of David vision.
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The chaotic, violent world around you can be explained by two special symbolic trees. Understand the two trees, and you will understand everything about your purpose, mind, and life. Learn how to make the right choice between these two trees—how to choose the tree of life.Gerald Flurry
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Key of David-Episode 12-Your Storehouse of Faith-The Tangible Proof of Faith
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In this episode, we continue the series regarding the Storehouse of Faith. This one packs a lot of teaching...What is faith? "Now" Faith vs. "Then" Faith. The Impartation of the Breath of God. The tangible proof of faith. Get your notebook out and get ready to learn! Please Follow Key of David/WOTW Ministries and all of our resources provided by th…
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On the same day Donald Trump was re-elected president of the United States the German coalition government collapsed. America has gained a strong leader while the German Government grows weaker; but not for long. Learn how a German strongman will soon dramatically reverse his nations decline and bring darkness upon the entire world.…
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On the same day Donald Trump was re-elected president of the United States the German coalition government collapsed. America has gained a strong leader while the German Government grows weaker; but not for long. Learn how a German strongman will soon dramatically reverse his nations decline and bring darkness upon the entire world.…
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Key of David-Episode 11-Your Storehouse of Faith-Journey of Intimacy
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In this episode, we continue the series regarding your Storehouse of Faith. In order to build a storehouse, we must understand what the storehouse is...a relationship. We must develop an intimate relationship with God thru the Holy Ghost. It will be vital to our survival in the end. Do you know God intimately? More of Him means more of us. Please F…
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In the midst of the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a national day of Thanksgiving. President Lincoln understood that blessings come only from the great God. Are we being blessed today?Gerald Flurry
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In the midst of the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a national day of Thanksgiving. President Lincoln understood that blessings come only from the great God. Are we being blessed today?Gerald Flurry
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Key of David-Episode 10-Your Storehouse of Faith-The Gift of Urgency
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In this episode, we begin a new series regarding building your storehouse of faith. God has granted us a grace period and time of spiritual abundance to prepare ourselves for the famine and darkness that will prophetically come. Please receive this word and the urgency you need to build your storehouse...time is running out! Please Follow Key of Da…
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The Key of David vision unlocks the entire Bible for those who really want to understand. Discover the inspiring truth about the Key of David vision.Gerald Flurry
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The Key of David vision unlocks the entire Bible for those who really want to understand. Discover the inspiring truth about the Key of David vision.Gerald Flurry
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Key of David-Episode 9-State of the Heart Address-Remember Lot's Wife
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In this episode, we conclude the series regarding the State of the Heart Address. Jesus gave a stern warning to the believer..."Remember Lot's Wife". She looked back while being rescued from judgment and lost out on her salvation. We must ensure that Jesus resides on the throne of our hearts, or we risk losing out on our own salvation. Do you have …
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Jesus Christ taught the gospel message, which is the good news of the soon-coming Kingdom and Family of God. Mankind is invited to become part of God’s family. But Christ said that we must first become as little children. Learn more deeply about Christ’s instruction to become as little children.Gerald Flurry
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Jesus Christ taught the gospel message, which is the good news of the soon-coming Kingdom and Family of God. Mankind is invited to become part of God’s family. But Christ said that we must first become as little children. Learn more deeply about Christ’s instruction to become as little children.Gerald Flurry
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Key of David-Episode 8-State of the Heart Address-Is Trump America's Last Chance?
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In this episode, we continue the series regarding the State of the Heart Address discussing the presidential election and what it means for America. Was there a prophetic significance to this election? What does the re-election of Donald Trump mean to the future of America? Many have put their hope in Donald Trump. We here in this ministry say, "Pu…
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Chaotic world events in this end time were foretold thousands of years ago by the Prophet Daniel. Get God’s perspective on this and discover what else will happen before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.Gerald Flurry
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Chaotic world events in this end time were foretold thousands of years ago by the Prophet Daniel. Get God’s perspective on this and discover what else will happen before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.Gerald Flurry
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An evil spirit force on Earth today is crushing the nations. Find out how to protect yourself from this wicked being—and how to overcome him.Gerald Flurry
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An evil spirit force on Earth today is crushing the nations. Find out how to protect yourself from this wicked being—and how to overcome him.Gerald Flurry
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Key of David-Episode 7-State of the Heart Address-Unequally Yoked and Dangerously Entangled
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In this episode, we continue the series regarding the State of the Heart Adress with part five. As in the days of Lot, so is the condition of the church. Lot lived under the blessing of God while he dwelt with Abraham. Beware who you join yourself with as whatever anointing is on their life will govern yours. Beware of being so entangled in this wo…
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Thousands of years ago, the Prophet Daniel foretold the violent times of the Gentiles that we are entering into today. The minds of human leaders are becoming like wild beasts—and the whole world will suffer horribly as a result. Discover the inspiring reason why God allows such a terrible tragedy.Gerald Flurry
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Thousands of years ago, the Prophet Daniel foretold the violent times of the Gentiles that we are entering into today. The minds of human leaders are becoming like wild beasts—and the whole world will suffer horribly as a result. Discover the inspiring reason why God allows such a terrible tragedy.Gerald Flurry
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Iran is fast becoming a formidable superpower. It is the biblically prophesied king of the south. Understand what God expects His loyal people to do with this information.Gerald Flurry
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Iran is fast becoming a formidable superpower. It is the biblically prophesied king of the south. Understand what God expects His loyal people to do with this information.Gerald Flurry
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Key of David-Episode 6-State of the Heart Address-Beware of Spiritual Paralysis
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In this episode, we continue the series regarding the State of the Heart Address discussing the Days of Lot. Lot is a representation of the Church and its state right before the return of our Lord Jesus. Lot was "vexed" in his heart because of the evil of the world. This caused Lot to be powerless and ineffective in his days. As the believers livin…
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Today’s universe is breathtakingly awesome. Discover how God plans to make tomorrow’s universe infinity times better.Gerald Flurry
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Today’s universe is breathtakingly awesome. Discover how God plans to make tomorrow’s universe infinity times better.Gerald Flurry
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In this episode, we continue the series of the State of the Heart Address with part three. The heart of humanity has reached its shelf-life once again and God must intervene as in the days of Noah...what will he do this time? Please Follow Key of David/WOTW Ministries and all of our resources provided by the links below: https://youtube/user/Watchm…
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Key of David-Episode 4-State of the Heart Address-The Days of Distraction
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In this episode, we continue the series regarding the State of the Heart Address. The days of destruction are always preceded by the days of distraction. Have you been lulled to sleep by the "Brave New World" that Satan has created? Please Follow Key of David/WOTW Ministries and all of our resources provided by the links below: https://youtube/user…
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Your Bible describes an unnamed prophet who will prepare the way for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. This man is on the scene today! Learn how to prove the identity of ‘that prophet’.
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Key of David-Episode 3-State of the Heart Address-As In the Days of Noah
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As promised, we begin the series regarding the condition of the hearts of men...we are fast approaching the same state that caused God to flood the world! Please Follow Key of David/WOTW Ministries and all of our resources provided by the links below: https://youtube/user/WatchmenoftheWall https://p…
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The Apostle John was the only New Testament writer to call God by the name “I AM.” The great “I AM” is a fiery warning to you. Learn about this powerful God of real authority—and how He experienced true freedom and joy.
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Der Apostel Johannes war der einzige Schriftsteller des Neuen Testaments, der Gott mit dem Namen „Ich Bin“ bezeichnete. Der große Ich Bin ist eine feurige Warnung an Sie. Erfahren Sie mehr über diesen mächtigen Gott mit echter Autorität und wie Er wahre Freiheit und Freude erlebte.
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This episode introduces the new series regarding the spiritual status of the heart of the world as well as the church. Get ready for a reality check. Please Follow Key of David/WOTW Ministries and all of our resources provided by the links below: https://youtube/user/WatchmenoftheWall https://psalm2…
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America is under attack from within. Anyone paying attention can see this. But only one man, one book, and one work of God warned over a decade ago about the dark spiritual dimension of this attack. Prove that the vicious attack on America’s founding principles was prophesied in your Bible.
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This is our first installment of the podcast on the new platform. We hope you are blessed by our reintroduction. Please excuse the 38 second delay at the beginning of the podcast. We were trying to insert music at the beginning. Please Follow Key of David/WOTW Ministries and all of our resources provided by the links below: https://youtube/user/Wat…
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God commands His people to prophesy—or die! Yet, the vast majority of God’s own people today have chosen to ignore this life-saving warning. Understand why you must support God’s prophetic message to avoid becoming His enemy.
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What is wrong with America? Our nation is under attack from within! Expose the spiritual darkness behind the assault on America.
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Your Bible foretells the imminent breakaway of Syria from Iran and Russia. Prove where and when Syria will seek a new alliance—and how the whole world will be rocked by this dramatic shift in geopolitics.
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Though most of the world is unaware, two world powers are fighting for the Mediterranean Sea. Understand what your Bible says about this strategic struggle between mighty kings.
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What is truth? This should not be a controversial question, yet today it is. Jesus Christ clearly defined truth. Discover the real definition of truth and the only way to find truth in any aspect of life.
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The ancient Israelite kingdom of David and Solomon was monumental and majestic. Archaeology says so! Learn about the world premiere of an unprecedented exhibit at Armstrong Auditorium in Edmond, Oklahoma, that puts together all the pieces of this lost kingdom.
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Why does France hate America and Britain? Discover the biblical and historical proof that France will soon betray its World War allies.
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One thousand years before the scourging and crucifixion of Jesus Christ, God gave King David a vivid vision of that remarkable sacrifice. David recorded this powerful depiction of our Savior in Psalm 22. Understand the big lesson of Psalm 22.
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The universe declares a marvelous message of hope for all mankind. Are you listening? Discover how the creation all around you is proof of a powerful, loving Creator—and your mind-staggering eternal future.
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Trouble is brewing in Europe. A multinational beast power is rising, led by Germany. And Germany has a secret plan to win the next world war.
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The Middle East today is a chaotic mess of hatred and violence. But the way of peace was briefly restored to the region back in 1981—until terrorists assassinated the Egyptian president because he pursued peace. Understand how his courageous attempt to achieve peace teaches vital lessons about your life and future.…
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Three millenniums ago, the mighty Israelite King David conquered Jerusalem. He soon established a magnificent musical culture for praising God. Explore the depth of Psalm 76, recorded for your benefit by David’s chief musician.
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