每一集都會請到不同專長的嘉賓,分享他們的心路歷程。人生都會因為一些小事而影響成長的軌跡,而他們都是因為接觸到自己的興趣而改變了他們的人生。 IG: Instagram.com/vm.podcast
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A podcast brought to you by VaynerMedia from the Chattanooga Public Library, Made in Chattanooga tells stories around business, marketing, creativity and innovation occurring in the Southeast. Episodes will explore business and marketing trends, current events and developments in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
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Sharing business knowledge to the audience who wish to learn more and to apply in their businesses.
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業餘保齡球選手Henry,擁有不少本地聯賽的經驗。曾經在比賽裡最高紀錄打出299分(滿分為300分)。亦曾經在落後29分的情況下,連續打出3個全中,最終反敗為勝。稱不上專業選手的他,究竟是什麼動力令他使不可能成為可能?保齡球裡還有什麼迷思?如果喜歡今集的內容,不妨評分及留言。分享到你的朋友圈,讓更多的人受惠。了解更多:IG: instagram.com/vm.podcastEmail: henrylks@live.hkVincent M
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來自台灣,熱愛手足球的Jack,曾到訪不少地方參賽。對他來說,最難忘的是2016年代表亞洲隊到美國比賽。現在的他,已經從選手的角色退下來,全身投入推廣手足球運動,到訪不少校園及舉辦多次國際比賽。除了在台灣推廣之外,身為亞洲區的理事長,對於亞洲手足球未來的發展方向有什麼看法?如果喜歡今集的內容,不妨評分及留言。分享到你的朋友圈,讓更多的人受惠。了解更多:IG: instagram.com/vm.podcast中華民國手足球協會: www.facebook.com/taiwanfoosball/高樂集運動: www.facebook.com/hightimefoosball/Vincent M
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來自台灣,熱愛手足球的Jack,曾到訪不少地方參賽。對他來說,最難忘的是2016年代表亞洲隊到美國比賽。現在的他,已經從選手的角色退下來,全身投入推廣手足球運動,到訪不少校園及舉辦多次國際比賽。除了在台灣推廣之外,身為亞洲區的理事長,對於亞洲手足球未來的發展方向有什麼看法?如果喜歡今集的內容,不妨評分及留言。分享到你的朋友圈,讓更多的人受惠。了解更多:IG: instagram.com/vm.podcast中華民國手足球協會: www.facebook.com/taiwanfoosball/高樂集運動: www.facebook.com/hightimefoosball/Vincent M
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魔術、足球機;兩個天差地別的活動。Vinci能夠在兩個活動上各有不錯的表現。魔術方面,精於Close-Up Magic。雖然只有短短一兩年的經驗,但有幸到香港各院校表演交流,讓台下觀眾目不轉睛。而足球機方面,曾到訪亞洲歐洲等地方參賽,並代表香港隊在2019年台灣國際公開賽取得冠軍。究竟魔術及足球機的旅途上有什麼難忘的經歷?如何將不同的技巧融匯貫通?如果喜歡今集的內容,不妨評分及留言。分享到你的朋友圈,讓更多的人受惠。了解更多:IG: instagram.com/vm.podcastVinci IG: instagram.com/vincixddVincent M
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魔術、足球機;兩個天差地別的活動。Vinci能夠在兩個活動上各有不錯的表現。魔術方面,精於Close-Up Magic。雖然只有短短一兩年的經驗,但有幸到香港各院校表演交流,讓台下觀眾目不轉睛。而足球機方面,曾到訪亞洲歐洲等地方參賽,並代表香港隊在2019年台灣國際公開賽取得冠軍。究竟魔術及足球機的旅途上有什麼難忘的經歷?如何將不同的技巧融匯貫通?如果喜歡今集的內容,不妨評分及留言。分享到你的朋友圈,讓更多的人受惠。了解更多:IG: instagram.com/vm.podcastVinci IG: instagram.com/vincixddVincent M
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在眾多運動都有不錯成績的Giovanni, 最能吸引他的還是足球機。由於對不同運動有一定程度的理解,能夠融匯各方面的知識,將自己的技術迅速地提升。除此之外,在2019年台灣國際公開賽的National Team Event,入選香港隊成員,並取得冠軍。究竟足球機與其他運動有什麼相同及不相同之處?如何更有效率學習新的技能?如果喜歡今集的內容,不妨評分及留言。分享到你的朋友圈,讓更多的人受惠。了解更多:IG: instagram.com/vm.podcastGiovanni IG: instagram.com/gio_9312Vincent M
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在眾多運動都有不錯成績的Giovanni, 最能吸引他的還是足球機。由於對不同運動有一定程度的理解,能夠融匯各方面的知識,將自己的技術迅速地提升。除此之外,在2019年台灣國際公開賽的National Team Event,入選香港隊成員,並取得冠軍。究竟足球機與其他運動有什麼相同及不相同之處?如何更有效率學習新的技能?如果喜歡今集的內容,不妨評分及留言。分享到你的朋友圈,讓更多的人受惠。了解更多:IG: instagram.com/vm.podcastGiovanni IG: instagram.com/gio_9312Vincent M
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Short explanation about B2B marketing
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21 episodes! It's been a wild ride and to close out the year and our first season of Made in Chattanooga, Mickey chats with Charlie Brock, the outgoing CEO of Launch Tennessee, a resource for entrepreneurs to gain traction as they launch their business. And a blast from the past, Nick Lutsko returns to talk with Jesse about his upcoming album, Swor…
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Calling all creators! We're on the road again! This time we're live at TopCon, an annual design conference in Chattanooga. Join Chris and Jess as we talk with Kelli Anderson, Scott Fuller, Orlando Arocena, and Bethany Mollenkof about their creative process and how they overcome creative blocks.
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Join Mo as we talk about how to be more mindful with your finances with Peak Financial and the release of their new app, Peak. Next, we sit down with Carlos and Lauren and Floami Fly, a local hip-hop/rap artist, to discuss the growing music scene and increasing the level of respect for hip-hop in Chattanooga.…
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As part of Startup Week Chattanooga, we took the podcast on the road to the Tomorrow Building for our live panel with Tiffanie Robinson, Adam Kinsey, Jared Nixon, and Kerry Hayes. In this episode, you can hear more about the big changes we've made in the past couple of years and what you can expect for the Scenic City's future.…
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Food, music and Made in Chattanooga? Sign us up! On this episode, we chat with our friends at Flying Squirrel, local neighborhood bar & restaurant, on how they've created your new 'third place'. Next, we catch up with local musician, Danimal, on how he's grown his music career in Chattanooga.
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In this episode, we're coming at you live from the first Rail & Hops Brewers Festival from the Choo Choo Gardens in Chattanooga. Henley and guest host Scott Bruce sit down with 3 local up-and-coming artists: Ashley and the X's, Okinawa, and Johnny Balik to talk about their music and the budding music scene in Chattanooga.…
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Join Carlos as we talk to Stephanie Hays from Lamp Post Properties and manager of the Tomorrow Building to chat about Chattanooga Startup Week, an annual celebration of entrepreneurship and innovation.
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On this episode of the podcast, listen to Mickey's conversation with Clark Campbell, Co-Founder and CEO of Social Lion, as they discuss the Real Time Summit, a summit for social media leaders to share the power of real-time social media content. Then hear from Henley and Landon as they catch up with Ben Strawn, local singer/songwriter, to talk abou…
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In this episode, we sit down with Seth Hill, founder and CEO of Swayy Hammocks, to learn about how their hammocks are changing the camping game. Next we hear from local R&B artist Phil McClain as he shares his journey with music and talks about some of his new projects.
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This week, we’re in the studio with Marco and Ramona Biscarini, owners of Vibrant Meals, a meal-prep delivery service in Chattanooga; and pop-folk singer Courtney Holder, whose band Hive Theory just headlined the Nightfall summer concert series and played at Riverbend Music Festival.
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In episode 11, Kate and Landon are joined by Shawanda and Jennifer, co-founders of The Chattery, a non-profit organization dedicated to making adult education fun and accessible; and Jack, Keith and Jeremy of the Native American ensemble Crazy Flute, aiming to share their heritage and culture with others through music.…
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In this episode, we’re sitting down with Cameron Doody, president and co-founder of Bellhops Moving, to learn more about how they’re helping fix the moving industry. Next, listen to local jazz musician Tryezz talk about his new (vinyl!) record and how SoundCorps’ Sidewalk Stages program helped spark his career.…
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Local politics and jazz-hip-hop music: two things you’ll get in episode 09! Listen to Mickey’s conversation with Chattanooga Mayor Andy Berke about how innovation has played a role in the city’s evolution. Then hear from Jesse and local musician Swayyvo about how his style and approach to music sets him apart.…
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Join Maurice and Jess as they talk to Mary Stargel, director of Innovation District Programs, and local musician Eric Lisica, a.k.a., SoCro, about civic entrepreneurship, building collaboration and musical creativity in the Scenic City.
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On this episode of the podcast, sit down with account executive Maurice and copywriter Kate as they hear from Chris Cummings, founder and CEO of Pass It Down, and local bluegrass musician Lon Eldridge. Chris shares how this digital storytelling platform can help make sure no story goes untold; later, Lon shares his passion for early 20th century mu…
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Join senior art director Jess and senior copywriter Brian as they chat with Chef Nathan Flynt of 2 Sons Kitchen and Market, and chess enthusiast Thomas Lane. Chef Nate regales us with his journey to Chattanooga and what he’s learned as a professional chef and restaurateur, and Thomas shares how chess can play a role in kids’ learning and developmen…
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It’s a creative takeover for episode 5! Senior art director Jess and account executive Maurice chat with creative director Chris Logsdon and copywriter Desirae Smith about their creative side hustles and staying inspired. Chris tells the story of how The Godspeed Co. and The Shop Rag shirt came to be, and Desirae regales our audience about her Inst…
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Copywriter Kate and account executive Maurice speak with Corinne Hill from the Chattanooga Public Library, and Sarah Obenauer from Make a Mark, a design and development marathon for nonprofits. Corinne talks about her background in libraries and how the Chattanooga Public Library is making a difference in the city and community. Sarah shares how Ma…
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This is our third episode, so now you know it’s real (0:00 - 1:22)! Jesse and VaynerMedia creative director Chris Logsdon chat with Dakin Cranwell, owner/operator of American Draft, the country’s first pour-your-own-beer bar at the Chattanooga Choo Choo (1:23 - 22:12); and local community leader, festival creator and hip-hop artist Cameron Williams…
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Jesse gives listeners an inside look at the Chattanooga music scene with Stratton Tingle, Executive Director of Chattanooga’s SoundCorps (i:16 - 25:55); and Chattanooga’s own podcast maven Heather Leigh Holt (25:56 - 51:11), better known by some as acoustic artist Heatherly (Music performance 51:12 - 57:40).…
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Starting the podcast with a bang—Jesse and Mickey open the show (Intro 0:00 - 0:35) with Marcus Shaw, executive director of The Company Lab (0:36 - 21:32), and local music sensation Nick Lutsko (21:33 - 41:03), to discuss educating small startups, creating unique art in the Southeast, and Nick Lutsko’s band of puppets (Music Performance 41:04 - 45:…
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Meet Made in Chattanooga: a podcast from VaynerMedia’s Chattanooga team, live from the Chattanooga Public Library. We cover business, innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship in the Scenic City. Let SVP Mickey Cloud and VP Jesse Hutchison tell you why Made in Chattanooga exists and what to expect!…
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